Warring States Call

Chapter 1723 Zhao Zhang is critically ill

Chapter 1723 Zhao Zhang is critically ill
Zhao Zhang was looking at the bamboo slips in his hand on the table, with a solemn expression on his face. Zhao Zhang has maintained this state for three or four months. During this period, Guo Kai had repeatedly asked Zhao Zhang to listen to the song!Eat some wine and meat, relax, but Zhao Zhang is not a god, he knows how poor his self-control is, once he is addicted to wine and sex, he cannot extricate himself from it.

to this end!Zhao Zhang directly put an end to the banquet that Guo Kai had prepared for himself, spent the whole day eating and drinking, and looked around the bamboo slips. It can be said that although Zhao Zhang was not a talented king, he was a conscientious emperor, and Zhongshan was handed over by him. The first answer sheet, which also made the Zhao clan think!Zhao Zhang is a wise emperor with the ability to open up territories.

"Cough cough...cough cough!" At this moment, Zhao Zhang was wearing a sable coat and holding a pen in his left hand!Holding the unrolled bamboo slips in his right hand, he coughed violently, making the bamboo slips swing up and down, making a creaking sound.

Guo Kai, who was on the side, looked at Zhao Zhang's haggard state, and immediately greeted the eunuchs on both sides: "Close the gate quickly! Let's add some charcoal fire! Let the king be warm!"

"No!" The eunuchs on both sides did not dare to disobey Guo Kai's order and immediately went to prepare.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty...!"

The door that had just been closed was pushed open by a rough shout, and the cold wind hit Zhao Zhang directly. The minister was dressed in a brown bear suit, and his hands were shaking countless times. This man was seven feet long!Wear Zhao Guan on your head!Eyes flustered!He came running in Zhao Guocheng's uniform.

This person's name is Gong Zhonglian!It is because after Lin Xiangru, the minister who temporarily took the position of prime minister, can make the prime minister of a country so flustered, it must be a major event.

As soon as Zhao Zhang saw that it was his prime minister, he immediately put down the brush in his hand, and looked at Gong Zhonglian with a panicked expression on his face. Zhao Zhang said with displeasure: "Important minister of the dynasty! Panicked! How decent!"

"Your Majesty! Something is wrong! Jiangcheng has fallen! The 20 army's food and grass expenses in March have been reduced to ashes!" Gong Zhonglian came here non-stop when he heard the news, which shows how serious this matter is. .

"What?" Zhao Zhang stood up suddenly with an unbelievable expression on his face, and the brown mink fur on his body fell off his shoulders naturally.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Be safe and don't be impatient! Be safe and don't be impatient!" Guo Kai wiped the sweat from his face, and quickly gave Gong Zhonglian a word, Gong Zhonglian looked at Guo Kai, but the words were over. Export, how to collect back.

"Your Majesty!" Before Zhao Zhang could ask, there was another urgent call. As Zhao Zhang's uncle, Zhao Sheng strode over with an eager look, and two eunuchs shouted behind him: "Ping Yuan hasn't reported yet! Can't Break in! Don't break in!"

Zhao Zhang looked at Zhao Sheng who was running in a hurry, and said indifferently, "Uncle, why are you here?"

"Now the whole Handan is spreading the news! Anlu Mountain! Shi Siming's rebellion! Why didn't I come to inform the king!" Zhao Sheng was out of breath, and now he just got the news, so he ran quickly and came Notified.

"What did you say... say it again... say it again!" Zhao Zhang pointed at Zhao Sheng, his index finger was shaking up and down, and before Zhao Sheng could speak, Zhao Zhang spit out a mouthful of old blood!The whole coma.

"Oh! Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" Guo Kai!Zhao Sheng and others were shocked, but Gong Zhonglian was the first to react, and shouted: "Healer! Healer!"

dark palace
After the doctor had diagnosed Zhao Zhang, he sighed heavily. Zhao Sheng, who was beside him, saw him, and immediately grabbed the doctor's arm and said, "What's wrong with the king's body!"

"Your Majesty is sick from overwork! In addition to the bad news, he was caught off guard! This led to the vomiting of blood in the hall today!" The doctor wiped the sweat from his face and said solemnly.

"There is a serious problem!" Zhao Sheng said solemnly.

"Ruo Ruo calms down for half a year! It's fine! But Ru Ruo continues like this! It won't last for three months!" The doctor got rid of Zhao Sheng's palm, and then said: "My lords discuss it! The old man will dispense the medicine for the king first." !"

After finishing speaking, the minister bowed his body and then retreated. Zhao Sheng's brain was running fast, and now the foreign troubles have begun!The South has to confront Han Yi!During this period, Zhao Zhang must have difficulty recuperating from his illness for half a year!I'm afraid it won't be long!Add the traitor An Lushan!Zhao Guo, who seemed mighty and extraordinary at first!At this moment, it is already riddled with holes!
"Uncle... Uncle...!" Zhao Zhang's withered wood-like hands were groping around quickly, as if he wanted to find the arm he was looking forward to.

"I'm here! Your Majesty! My minister is here!" Zhao Sheng heard Zhao Zhang calling him, and immediately grabbed Zhao Zhang's hand, and suddenly it was cold, Zhao Sheng was shocked, and hurriedly said: "Hurry up! Put on the stove! Put on the stove! !"

Zhao Zhang grabbed Zhao Sheng's hand, then looked at Guo Kai and Gongsun Lian and said, "Both of you stand down!"

Gong Zhonglian is nothing!But Guo Kai turned his eyes, and there was a hint of coldness and cunning in his eyes.

"Your Majesty!" Zhao Sheng looked stern, holding Zhao Zhang's cold hand, looking a little worried.

"Now the family has domestic and foreign troubles! But there must be no conflicts! What the doctor said just now! I have heard it, but my son is young, it is difficult to inherit the big position! I still need a lot of support from my uncle! During the month! Stabilize the country of Zhao! And divide the power more to uncle! If there is a crisis! Uncle can stand on his own as king!" Zhao Zhang looked at Zhao Sheng with hazy eyes, and a touch of wisdom flashed in his eyes.

When Zhao Sheng heard this, he immediately knelt down and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty! The old minister will definitely assist the new King! You must do your best! You will die! And Your Majesty is in good health! As long as you rest..."

"I can't keep it anymore!" Zhao Zhang knew it!These complicated things have exhausted his efforts, and there is no other way.

Zhao Zhang looked at Zhao Sheng and said, "Constrain the treasury! Raise money to collect food! Be sure to prepare food and grass for the army! In addition! Appoint Zhao Kuangyin as the general of the gangsters! Zhao Guangyi as the deputy general! Transfer to Jinyang! The two county soldiers in the criminal city! You can recruit soldiers along the way! A total of [-] soldiers and horses! Send troops to surrender! Jinyang must not be lost!"

"Minister! Follow orders!" Zhao Sheng said with an embarrassed expression.

"As for the war against Korea! Our country needs to prepare with both hands! Civil strife has started now! We can't do another large-scale conquest! Tell Han Yi! Our country is willing to cede the land! Seek peace! Pay tribute every year!" Zhao Zhang looked helpless, at this moment Zhao Zhang suddenly Enlightened!He can no longer contain Han Yi's development, and he can only do this!Leave the rest to God!

(End of this chapter)

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