Chapter 1724
Binh Duong
Today's Pingyang City has gained a short period of peace. The offensive and defensive battle of Pingyang City had lasted for three or four months before Han Yi came, because Han Yi's arrival started the first battle and hurt Zhao Jun's vitality!Everyone took advantage of this opportunity to recover their strength.

After all, the last war was too tragic, and the casualties in all armies were very serious, but all in all, it was more beneficial to Han Yi. One day is one day less, which is tantamount to making things worse for Zhao Guo.

Qin!Zhao Lianying

Wang Jian!Li Mu!In vain!The four of Lian Po each brought their generals to the big tent in front of them. Everyone's expressions became more serious. Li Mu took the lead and said, "Generals! I'm running out of food and grass in Zhao! I can still hold on until the end. Ten days! During these ten days! There must be another fight! Otherwise, we have no chance!"

"The morale is low right now! I even lost two generals in the Qin army, Wang Yanzhang and Ruan Wengzhong! It is no longer possible to fight Han Yi head-on, and Han Yi may not send troops to fight! If I were him, I would drag the enemy to death!" When Bai Qi said this, the expression in his eyes dimmed a lot. After all, Wang Yanzhang was also his son-in-law, half son-in-law and half son-in-law, but Wang Yanzhang died in battle...

Wang Jian also seemed unmotivated because of Wang Yanzhang's death. If you look closely, you can see bloodshot eyes on Wang Jian's pupils!

Lian Po couldn't sit still at this moment and said: "I have visited Jiangcheng! It has been occupied by the Yan army! It must be taken by an army of 20! And Han Yi will not just watch us attack Jiangcheng! Our army is dangerous up!"

"Let's issue the battle order first! Let's see if Han Yi dares to accept it!" Wang Jian clenched his left hand, obviously he wanted to take revenge again, just like Qin!The two armies of Zhao reached an agreement and are ready for the next battle.

And in Pingyang city

Handan is far from Pingyang City!Guo Jia will not be able to catch up for a while, but Guo Jia has already sent someone to report to Han Yi!Chaos in Zhao!An Lushan rebelled.

When Han Yi heard this, he burst out laughing, laughing at him presumptuously, Zhao Jun has no food!An Lushan rebelled again!Now Zhao's national strength is in a straight line!On the other hand, Liu Ji and Jia Xu didn't know what Han Yi was laughing at, their eyes were spinning like wheels!
Han Yi laughed and echoed, looked at the two, and handed over the paper in his hand. Liu Ji and Jia Xu were shocked when they saw it. The situation is very good now.

Han Yi muttered, pinching his beard with his hand, and took out the jade cicada he liked to play with with his right hand, and said indifferently: "You guys! Destroy Zhao Guo! How about it!"

"Your Majesty! I have something to say! I don't know if I should say it or not!" Liu Ji handed the paper to Jia Xu who was at the side, with a worried expression on his face, as if his brain had imagined countless accidents that had happened.

Han Yi rubbed his wrist!He stared at Liu Ji indifferently, crossed his hands under his nose, his black pupils were like black hungry wolves, and said, "Speak!"

Liu Ji seemed to be stared at by a fierce tiger ready to go, swallowed his saliva and warned earnestly: "If we push Zhao Jun too hard! Li Mu! Lian Po and the two of them will take refuge in Qin without doing anything! Qin's strength will increase dramatically! At that time, the world will be divided equally!"

"Tear...!" Han Yi gasped, Li Mu!It's nothing for Lian Po and the others to take refuge in Qin!But it is a big deal for 20 Zhao Jun to take refuge in Qin State, and Zhao State is at the peak of its national strength at this moment!At least 20 can be provided in China!After all, the Battle of Changping!Bai Qi slaughtered 40 Zhao troops!Right now Zhao Jun is only 20!

If it is true as Liu Ji said, the pressure on South Korea will involuntarily increase. What's more, the strengthening of Qin's national power is not a good thing for Han Yi. Zhao is already an empty shell. Qin has gained so much in this battle. Han Yi's gains outweigh the losses.

Han Yi stretched out his fingers and rubbed his temples, looked at Liu Ji indifferently and said, "Sir! What's the best way!"

"The state of Zhao is troubled by internal and external troubles now! Zhao Zhang has no great talent and general strategy! He will definitely not dare to fight with his back! He will definitely seek peace with the king, and the king can take this opportunity to end! The state of Zhao will definitely destroy Anlu Mountain with all its strength! At this moment, the king ordered the state of Yan to attack Zhao! After Qin retreats! Our army will press on! Destroy Zhao in one fell swoop! Otherwise, Qin! The two armies of Zhao and our country will be defeated! Even if we win! Our army will suffer heavy losses!" Liu Ji said solemnly, stroking his beard.

Han Yi considered Liu Ji's strategy!He said for a while: "In short! Li Mu still needs to be wiped out! Lian Po and his 20 army! Although Zhao Guo can be dragged to death right now! But what you said is not unreasonable! The dog jumped the wall in a hurry! You still need to take precautions! You still have to think about it! You step back!"

"No!" When the two heard this, they didn't talk too much. They bowed to Han Yi and then retreated. They didn't know what Han Yi was thinking.

"Come out!" Han Yi said indifferently as he watched the movement coming from behind.

"I have seen the king from far away!" You Ziyuan looked at Han Yi and knelt down three times and kowtowed nine times.

"Have the soldiers arrived?" What Han Yi is most worried about now is this, the last battle!Han Yi rebelled against the Qin and Zhao coalition forces, and Han Yi had to continue to mobilize troops. If he wanted to crush the two armies, Han Yi had to mobilize troops.

You must know that Han Yi has indeed occupied the Central Plains!The original Wei!Han!List!guard!Song!Lu!How strong is Qi and other places!After more than ten years of recuperation, the new generation of soldiers has grown up long ago.

"A total of 20 troops will be deployed this time! The main general will!" You Ziyuan hesitated to speak.

"Who is in command!" Han Yi frowned at the hesitant You Ziyuan, what was the situation.

"Xue Rengui will be the chief general! Guo Ziyi will be the deputy general!" You Ziyuan had no choice but to speak honestly.

After hearing this, Han Yi suddenly reacted, Xue Rengui and Guo Ziyi are veteran generals under Han Chen's command!Because Han Chen was imprisoned in Luoyang!Unblock now!These people are also gaining power!In addition, all the veteran generals in the court were dispatched by Han Yi!Only these two can be used!

Han Yi glanced at You Ziyuan, and then said, "It's all right! How's the situation on Anlu Mountain?"

"Anlu Mountain only has 15 soldiers! Zhao Kuangyin has led [-] soldiers to guard Jinyang! Xian Zhen raised [-] troops! Ready to retake Jiangcheng!" You Ziyuan said with a serious expression.

"Shout! Gu has underestimated Zhao Zhang!" Han Yi stroked his beard, looked at You Ziyuan, and said, "We must support Anlu Mountain! Give us what we lack! He is our greatest weapon against Zhao Guo! "

(End of this chapter)

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