Chapter 1730

Li Mu looked dignified, but he still calmed down, looking at Li Zuoxiang behind him: "Where's Ma Chao?"

Li Zuoche urged his horse to come to Li Mu's side, and let out a foul breath: "General Ma Chao is entangled by the enemy general Zhao Yun! He can't get away for a while!"

"Zhao Yun!" Li Mu frowned, and said half aloud: "Call the archers! Mix Ma Suo! This general will take care of this Xue Rengui himself!"

"Good!" Lian Po shouted, patted Li Mu on the shoulder and said, "Leave the army to me!"

Li Mu didn't see eye to eye, immediately picked up his bronze sword, mounted his horse, and shouted angrily: "Drive!"

"Go away!" Xue Rengui yelled angrily, the halberd in his hand swung around, Zhao Liangdong's spear slashed across Xue Rengui's cheek, Xue Rengui's legs tightened suddenly, and the corner of his eyes just looked at Fu Liangxing's lower abdomen, Xue Rengui immediately stabbed Fu Liangxing's lower abdomen with a cold halberd, and then Xue Rengui turned around suddenly and passed by with a halberd.

"Puff!" Xue Rengui just took a deep breath, but was stabbed in the arm. Seeing that the sneak attack succeeded, Gao Yingxiang was afraid that Xue Rengui would look for him like crazy, so he immediately took several steps back.

Blood flowed down Xue Rengui's arm, staining his armor, but Xue Rengui did not lose his mind. He looked at Long Jingzhao's stabbing spear and took it with his bare hands. After grabbing Long Jingzhao's weapon, Xue Rengui stabbed Long Jingzhao belly.

In just three moments, three people in a row died here. Zhao Liangdong saw that he was invincible, and immediately yelled: "Get out!"

Gao Yingxiang also lost his will to fight, so he immediately pulled up his horse and left, but Xue Rengui threw his halberd to kill him. Gao Yingxiang screamed and died under the halberd.

"Drive!" Xue Rengui ran out of weapons and urged his horse to take the halberd, but there was a buzzing in his ears.

"Swoosh...swoosh! Ah..." The soldiers around Xue Rengui were shot dead one after another. Before Xue Rengui had time to think about it, he dismounted immediately, grabbed a shield, held the shield on his head, and only heard: "Woo Woooo... kudang... kudang...!"

The white war horse under Xue Rengui's crotch was suddenly shot into a hedgehog. It was difficult to not die. Xue Rengui's face was pale. The range of the arrow was too large.The Korean and Korean armies are as high as hundreds, and they want to charge!It's a bit difficult.

Li Mujian didn't shoot Xue Rengui to death!But he lost so much patience, and immediately shouted angrily: "Strong crossbow!"

"Let's go!" Seeing Li Mu's attack, Xue Rengui paled a lot. With one move, he rolled over and turned over. There was no horse in his body at the moment. Xue Rengui was thinking about how to grab the horse and retreat.

"General Xue! Let's go!" Wei Wentong was dripping with blood in his battle armor. Looking at Xue Rengui who had lost all his weapons and horses, he rode his horse to his side and shouted loudly.

"Crack!" Xue Rengui also knew that he couldn't fight anymore, the horses were gone, even the heavy weapons like the crossbow had been brought out, and it was useless, so he immediately got on Wei Wentong's horse and galloped forward.

"Stop them!" Seeing that Xue Rengui wanted to leave, Li Mu was furious, and was about to organize his troops to chase them down, but he saw that the soldiers around him lost their courage, and most of the generals were killed by Xue Rengui, leaving only the corpses of these few generals!The angry Li Mu had no choice but to look up to the sky and sigh loudly, "I'm so mad!"

"Whoosh!" Li Mu sighed just now, but an arrow hit Li Mu's left eye, and blood flowed from Li Mu's eye socket, covering most of Li Mu's face. The painful Li Mu screamed: "Ah!"

Xue Rengui put away his bow and put down his arrows, and snorted coldly: "General Li! Let me spare your life today! Remember my name! This general! Xue Rengui!"

"Ah! Xue Rengui...I'm going to kill you!" Li Mu yelled sadly, covering his eyes with his hands, the pain had already made him lose his mind, and Zhao Liangdong, who was urging his horse to come, immediately came to Li Mu's side and said : "General! Don't be impulsive! General!"

"Go away! Go away!" Li Mu looked like a crazy lunatic, without any previous rationality. Li Zuoche, who was chasing after him, came to Li Mu's side and immediately shouted: "Father! Anyone can mess around here. !Only you can't mess up! Father!"

Li Zuoche's sound seemed to bring Li Mu back to normal!Seeing Xue Rengui rushing into the siege with only two thousand Qingqi remaining, Li Mu gasped, stood up with the support of Li Zuoche, and suddenly pulled out the arrows from his eye sockets, and immediately blood rained down. Li Mu even cried out sadly: "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Li Zuoche looked at Li Mu's fierceness, and his heart skipped a beat!Fearing that Li Mu would go crazy again, he immediately pressed Li Mu's arms, fearing that he would give orders indiscriminately. Looking at the bloody eyes, Li Zuoche immediately said, "Hurry up! Tell the doctor! Hurry up!"

Li Mu stood up, exhaled heavily, took out the medicine powder from his pocket, sprinkled it on his eye sockets indiscriminately, then tore off the cloak behind his back, bandaged his eyes, and shouted suddenly: "Return to the army formation!"

"Yes...!" Li Zuoche immediately wiped the sweat off his face, for fear that something might happen to Li Mu.

Xue Rengui rushed out of the siege, looked at Zhao Jun who was not chasing him, and couldn't help admiring: "This Li Mu is worthy of being a famous general in the world! The pain is so deep that he can endure it! He is a character!"

"Brother Xue!" Jiang Wei urged his horse to come to Xue Rengui's side at this moment, holding a spear in his hand, and said solemnly.

Xue Rengui looked back at Jiang Wei and said, "How is it? Are you okay!"

"It's okay! I also killed a general! It's not as good as Brother Xue's record!" Jiang Wei congratulated with a smile.

"This is not a place to talk! Where is Ziyi?" Xue Rengui looked back. Although Zhao Jun didn't come after him, this place is also a place of right and wrong, and it's not easy to stay here for a long time.

"According to the scout battle report! It's still half a mile away from the original location!" Yun Tianbiao said loudly, leading the horse.

"Very good! Arrange according to the original plan! We can't lose face for the prince!" Xue Rengui changed a batch of horses, pulled out the cold arrows on his shoulders, and his aura was natural, like a tiger out of the cage.

Just when Xue Rengui was about to go on his way, Han Jian rode a horse and led many soldiers under his command, shouting, "Who is coming! Tell me your name!"

"I'm under the command of Prince Han Chen! Xue Rengui is too! Come and pay for your life!" Xue Rengui glanced away, because of the dust everywhere, and Han Jian's battle flag was blown together, Xue Rengui immediately commanded the soldiers under his command, Get ready for battle.

"A man of the crown prince?" Han Jian immediately rode his horse and shouted, "I am General Han Jian Xiaozhan! I am here to support you under the order of the king!"

"My own...!" Xue Rengui immediately relaxed his vigilance when he heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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