Warring States Call

Chapter 1731 8 Arrays

Chapter 1731 Eight Arrays
Three armies at war!The sound of shouting and killing was like thunder, Han Qinhu looked at the changing directions around him, and immediately came to Han Yi's side and said: "My lord! The army and horses have all arrived at the designated place!"

Han Yi rubbed his eyes, and said indifferently: "Let's fight!"

"Obey!" Han Qinhu received the general order, and immediately turned his head. The messenger in the center got the general order, and immediately shot a beacon arrow into the sky, and a few fireworks filled the sky.

The generals who had already prepared all around immediately ordered: "Let's fight!"

Xue Rengui just rushed back to Guo Ziyi's barracks, looked back at the sky filled with wolf smoke, and immediately waved and shouted: "Dragon Gate Formation! Open!"

"Long snake array! Get ready!" Double Whip Hu Yanzhuo held a steel whip in each hand, and the three thousand cavalry under his command showed up. Iron chains were tied to the horses, and there were many barbs on the chains. They are all wearing shining battle armor, and they hold different weapons in their hands.

"Eight-door Golden Lock Formation!" Cao Ren, who hadn't made his mark for a long time, urged the horse under his crotch, and the soldiers under his command got the general order and set off one after another!Cao Ren has eight generals under his command!Command the eight sects respectively!These eight gates refer to Shuu Gate, Life Gate, Hurt Gate, Du Gate, Jing Gate, Death Gate, Shock Gate, and Open Gate!
Each gate is guarded separately!And these eight people are: Yuexi, Xiahoushang, Xiahouxuan, Xiahoudan, Baoxian, Pang Huang, Changmao, Liao Yongzhong, and Jumeng. They all set up military flags behind them and want to break the formation. As far as they are concerned, it depends on luck! "

"Yuntai is in great formation!" Among the 28 generals in Yuntai, Wu Han is the only one!Deng Yu!Feng Yi!Cen Peng is the leader of the four!Under it are all the generals of Yuntai, distributed in two squads.

"Pike array! Go out!" The golden gunner Xu Ning held his hook and sickle gun, his face became colder, and he led his own military infantry out. With deliberate training, the spear formation is the nemesis of ordinary cavalry.

"Liangyi Bagua Formation!" Pang Tong hurried back from Jiangcheng with a bronze sword in his hand, and two warriors stood under his command!Qin Qiong respectively!Yu Chigong is the eye of the formation, followed by Li You, Yang Xuangan, Jia Mu, and Gongsun He as the auxiliary generals!A total of seven people!Arranged according to the innate little gossip universe, facing the Qin army, the power is extraordinary.

"Big Dipper Array!" Wen Tianxiang waved his hand suddenly like a great mage, and then Luo Cheng!Meng Zhan!Cheng Yaojin!Di Qing!Yang Zaixing!Zhaohu and the other six followed closely behind!Soldiers under your command form an army of their own!Contact each other again!Like a long dragon!Look after each other!One but one army is hit!The other six armies will never let it go.

"Swing!" Guan Yu stroked his long beard!The Qinglong Yanyue Knife in his hand slashed down, knocking Ma Yuan back!Then Guan Yu gave a long drink and said: "Good skill! Let's try the old man's Yanyue Formation!"

After Guan Yu finished speaking, he suddenly shouted: "Ping'er! Ling'er set up an array!"

The thousands of elite troops under Guan Yu's command are arc-shaped, shaped like a crescent moon, just like Guan Yu's Qinglongyanyue knife. Guan Yu sits in the center of the formation, Guan Ping!Guan Ling and the two are holding a corner!Let's fight!It's like holding a bag in your hand.

There was continuous shouting in the army, and Han Yi stroked his beard and said, "It's a pity that Qi Jiguang is not here! Otherwise, we can enjoy the fish scale array!"

Li Mu!Wang Jian!In vain!The four are gathered together at this moment!Looking at Li Mu's blood-stained face, Wang Jian was stunned involuntarily, and then said: "The enemy has set up eight large formations! They are in eight directions! All our escape routes have been blocked! What do you two think!"

"Concentrate your forces! Mainly attack Han Yi's big tent!" Li Mu gritted his teeth and shouted suddenly. He, who had only one eye left, glared angrily, so majestic.

"No way!" Bai Qi wiped the sweat off his face and said, "Han Yi suddenly has 30 more troops! In addition to the Yan Army's 40 soldiers! It's almost a million! Our [-] soldiers and horses Press them all! These eight formations are like a fishing net getting smaller and smaller! Let’s not talk about breaking through at that time! We may be the fish in this fishing net!”

"Then there is only one way left!" Lian Po looked at the maps around him with a dignified expression.

"What way!" Wang Jian raised his forehead and said solemnly.

"Give me [-] soldiers and horses and fight and retreat! The three of you each choose a team! Break through the formation and fight! This is the safest way!" Lian Po wiped the sweat from his face, to be honest, Lian Po I don't know how long the [-] soldiers and horses in his hands can last!Get rid of the soldiers and horses of the eight major armies, Han Xin!Wu Qi!Gongsun Yan!Sun Tzu!Han captures the tiger!The headquarters under Yue Fei's command!ready to move.

For example!These eight formations!It's the studs!And the Han army around is the wall!This wall is indestructible!They can't kill them!
"No! If that's the case! I'm afraid you won't be able to kill them all! You and your two armies each choose four formations to break through! First pull out these nails and talk! Besides, the number of the Han army is too much! It is already several times that of our army! This battle can no longer be fought! This battle is over! Our army is going to retreat to Hangu Pass!" Wang Jian let out a heavy breath with an expression of unwillingness.

This time Han Yi was too ruthless!Hit Zhao Jun!Qin Jun took a blow to the head!Qin Guo can't stand it anymore!There were still 20 troops on the way to support!But it will take three days to arrive!Who would have thought!Han Jun's mobilization turned out to be so fast!They were caught off guard.

Li Mu!When Lian Po and the others heard this, they were astonished!This battle is only half fought!Qin Guo ran away!Without the support of Qin's grain and grass!What a fart they are!Lian Po was furious at this moment, and looked at Wang Jian!Bai Qi and the two scolded angrily: "You two treacherous people! Thanks to you, you are still a famous general in the world! It is because of this battle! Are you losing all your fighting spirit?"

"General Lian Po, pay attention to your words! The battle of great powers! Where can we talk about faith! The national theory is all for profit! There is no need to continue this war!" Bai Qi's voice was getting colder at this moment!The spirit of killing the gods is fully displayed!
"You!" This momentum is so strong!Even Lian Po couldn't help being stunned!Looking at Bai Qi, pointing his index finger at him!But he couldn't utter a word of no again.

"Let's go!" Bai Qi didn't have that much thought to delay here!The army formation in the Qin army is the Yuntai formation!Eight Gates Golden Lock Formation!Long snake array!And Liangyi Bagua Formation!And Zhao Jun's direction is Longmen Formation!Long spear array!Yanyue Formation and Big Dipper Formation!

At this moment, a pressure appeared on Li Mu!Wang Jian got up on the four of them in vain!They feel that they have fallen into Han Yi's request to invite you into the urn!Perhaps from the beginning!Han Yi planned to kill 40 of them. At this moment, a chill came over their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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