Warring States Call

Chapter 1732 8 Doors Golden Lock Array

Chapter 1732 Eight-door Golden Lock Formation

Bai Qi frowned secretly!A pair of tiger eyes surged back and forth in these four large formations, and said solemnly: "Wang Jian! See what to do!"

Wang Jian wiped the sweat off his face, held the horse's rope with both hands, and said indifferently, "Old man, I'm here to meet the eight-door golden lock array!"

Bai Qi listened, and then let out a mouthful of foul breath: "In that case! Old man, I will know the word long snake array!"

"Soldiers! Follow me to break the formation!" Wang Jian roared, pulled out the bronze sword in his left chest, and shouted angrily, "Kill!"

"Report! General! Wang Jian led an army of [-] to break the formation!" Xia Houshang said solemnly, riding a handsome horse.

Cao Ren pressed the bronze sword in his arms, looked at the Qin army less than 500 meters away from the formation, and fought with the flag!The noise of people and horses!The sound of the hooves of the war horses shook the whole earth!The sound of shouting and killing came like an overwhelming mountain.

After Cao Ren looked at it, he shouted at the Wang Zijun flag: "The one who comes is the old general Wang Jian!"

"And wait for Xiaoxiao! You are worthy of calling me by my name! Tell me your name! I see that the old man has broken your bird formation!" Wang Jian shouted angrily.

After Cao Ren heard this, anger also rose in his heart, and he respected him as his hero!Since he gave face, he doesn't want it!There was no need for him to laugh, and immediately said coldly: "Wang Jian! This formation is the eight-door golden lock formation! If you have the guts, come and break the formation!"

"Hmph! Wash your neck clean! Look at the old man breaking your bird formation!" Wang Jian took a breath, pulled out the bronze long sword in his arms, and said coldly: "All generals obey orders! Break the formation with me!"

Cao Ren, let's see!He laughed and said, "Forget it! Let Wang Jian see this general's eight-door golden lock formation! Listen to me! Keep your own formation door! Don't lose it!"


Holding the Tai'a sword in Wang Ben's hand, he stared at the entrance of the formation with a solemn expression, only to see wounded characters written on it, Wang Ben stared at the battle formation with disdain, and snorted coldly: "Pretending to be a ghost! Su Jiao! She Jian's army Press on! Watch me break his formation!"

"Decree!" The two generals received the general order and urged their horses out, Su Jiao with Qin Guan on his head!Wearing a set of bronze armor!Holding a halberd!Step on the Flying Cloud Boots!Wrapped in a black robe!Riding a yellow puma!With the three thousand knives and axes under his command, he hit the wounded door head-on.

And the guard of the wounded gate is Ju Meng, who is wearing black armor!Holding a mountain axe!Hu Rugang got the needle stuck on his chin!Eyes like shooting stars!Yanhuan Leopard Head!Wrapped in a red robe!Riding a black horse, he watched the Qin army rushing towards him with tiger eyes!Immediately waved his hands and said coldly: "Open!"

"Boom boom boom... boom boom boom...!" The sound of the war drum kept beating, and the captain who won the general order!They took the soldiers under their command to separate left and right!Make way.

Wang Ben snorted coldly, and was about to urge his horse to charge, when Wang Jian who was beside him immediately said, "Ben'er! Be careful!"

"Understood!" Wang Ben shouted loudly, as a response to Wang Jian, then pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, raised it above his head, and said to the Qin soldiers who used to depend on life and death: "Soldiers! On the battlefield! Our Qin army has not yet Who have you been afraid of! This time the formation is broken for greater victories in the future! Don't be afraid of death! Kill me!"

"Kill!" Tens of thousands of Qin soldiers burst into shouts of killing. Bai Qi looked at the back of his son leaving, but his heart skipped a beat. He looked at the soldiers on the left and right, and immediately shouted: "Wang Qing, Generals Duan [-] and Duan [-]! Kill them from the military flag with the word Xiu!"

"Fan Quan, Wang Junke, two generals! Go to the military flag of death!" Wang Jian glanced left and right, and felt a little worried for a while, and said, "Ding Tianqing! Huang Tianhu go to Jingmen! Li Chenglong goes to Dumen! Wang Yantong goes to Shengmen! Wang Bu Chaojingmen and Luo Yanqing go to open the door! Break through the formation! This old man won’t believe it! No one can get through!”

"Kill!" Su Jiao held a long halberd and led three thousand soldiers into the battle. Surrounded by shields and spears, he looked eerie and scary.

Shejian is also in the battle!With a pale face, he said, "Su Jiao! Let's be careful!"

Su Jiao looked at the general flags in the formation waving in the wind, and immediately snorted coldly: "Welcome to the formation! Cut the flag!"

"Kill!" Thousands of soldiers burst out with today's killing intent, but Ju Meng was not afraid, and said coldly: "Shoot!"

"Swish! Swish!" The long spears on both sides shot out suddenly, Su Jiao was taken aback by the sudden change, and immediately shouted angrily: "Form the defensive formation! Quick!"

"Swoosh...!" But this blow went!But beheaded and killed hundreds of people!Fortunately, Su Jiao's reaction was fast enough!The formation was quickly gathered, and Shejian took a shot and hid in the formation with injuries.

Seeing this, Ju Meng immediately said in a deep voice, "Lock the door!"

"Huh!" The iron shield made of fine iron directly blocked the retreat of Su Jiao and Shejian!Wang Li just entered the formation gate!But he was caught off guard by a sudden blow. Seeing that his back was blocked by an iron shield, Wang Li kicked three times in a row and slashed several times, but he didn't move. Wang Li became anxious and shouted: "Hurry up!" ! Two corners kill open! Come break this door.

Wang Jian, who was watching from behind, darkened his face, and immediately shouted angrily: "Yang Ruihe quickly go to meet Wang Ben! Hurry up!"

"Promise!" General Yang Duanhe got the general order to kill the whole army at a very fast speed!Holding a meteor hammer in his hand, he said, "Break the door! Quick!"

The dark army of Qin attacked quickly!The Han troops on the periphery moved their guns one after another!The responsibility of the captains on the periphery is to not break the defense formation!Otherwise, this big formation is invalid.

If you look at it from a high altitude!It can be clearly seen that several times the Qin army surrounded the circle tightly.

"Old dog Wang Jian! You are going to die!" Han Xin suddenly stopped drinking, holding his own bronze sword, his face was frosty, and tens of thousands of tiger soldiers under his command roared. Han Xin swung his sword suddenly and shouted angrily: "Kill Wang Jian!" The leader! Seal ten thousand households! Reward one thousand gold!"

"Wang Jianxiu is leaving and Huang Feihu is here!" Huang Feihu is holding a Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle!Rush and kill from the host!The eyes are full of anger!The Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle in his hand was dripping with blood! "

"Li Cunxiao is here! Wang Jianxiu is leaving!" Li Cunxiao suddenly shouted angrily, and the murderous aura around him was like a colorful tiger.

"Xing Tian is here! The thief will leave! Xing Tian shouted loudly, and the relatives in his hands greeted the passing Qin army! All the way! Either death or injury.

Wang Jian frowned, looked at the two enemies, and said helplessly, "Where are Meng Ben, Ren Bi, and Wu Huo!"

"The last general is here! The three tiger generals urged their horses to fight out! They looked a little embarrassed.

"The three of you lead the troops of the headquarters! Become the rear army! Stand up for the army!" Wang Jian looked at the three of them and immediately gave an order.

"Design!" The three of them bit the bullet and accepted the general!A tough battle is inevitable.

Among the eight golden locks

Holding an ax in both hands, Ju Meng looked coldly at Su Jiao who was charging to the left and right, and immediately galloped on his horse and said, "Good skill!"

Holding a long halberd in his hand, Su Jiao could not help being overjoyed when he saw Ju Meng rushing out. Without the protection of the surrounding soldiers, Ju Meng was no longer a threat.

(End of this chapter)

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