Warring States Call

Chapter 1734 Dongyue

Chapter 1734 Dongyue
"You're looking for death!" Wang Yantong's face was frosty, holding his iron long spear in both hands, and swept away thousands of troops with one move, just hitting Xia Houxuan's shoulder, the sound of fracture resounded all around, Xia Houxuan even screamed , But what came oncoming was Wang Yantong's iron fist, which directly hit Xia Houxuan's temple.

"Bastard!" Cao Ren looked at the dead Xia Houxuan!The whole person was trembling with anger, raised his knife and walked away, shouting angrily: "Pay for my nephew's life! Shoot the arrow!"

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" The cold arrows all over the sky greeted Wang Yantong, and the blackness was like locusts crossing the border.

Wang Yantong's expression was slightly cold, and he immediately grabbed a pawn with his arms and stood in front of him, dodging several vital parts in a row. Cao Ren suddenly became angry, and immediately shouted angrily: "Kill this thief! Reward ten thousand dollars! "

"Go to hell!" There was only a yell, and a strong man with a thick back and waist rushed out from behind Wang Yantong, dragging a medium-sized carriage behind him. Surging around like a little snake, the man suddenly shouted: "Go!"

"Boom!" The car drew a magnificent arc in the air. The soldiers on both sides saw it and stepped back to avoid hurting themselves. But at this moment, Cao Ren was hit by the car, and immediately turned his back on his back. The horse neighed, and the barbs on the wheel pierced Cao Ren's heart and lungs. Cao Ren's mouth was bleeding, and he finally left this world with regrets all over his body.

Throughout Cao Ren's half of his life, he also made great achievements in battle, participating in the battle of the Three Jins!After Meng Yuan's death in battle, he was ordered to fight the Qin army for a month, waiting for Han Yi's rescue, and then showed his defensive talent in the Battle of the Seven Kingdoms!With very few troops!Blocking Pang Juan's 20 troops for three months, it can be said to be a battle of Gods!Great achievements!Although this battle also showed good combat power!But after all, it is also going to perish here.

Wang Yantong dodged the stray arrows around him, turned his head to look at the panting strong man, admired him, and exclaimed: "The general is so skillful! Dare to ask his name!"

"I am the centurion Xia Yu! I have met General Wang!" Xia Yu cupped his hands at Wang Yantong, and then said: "This is not a place for chatting! The leader of this formation is dead! Let me break the formation and retreat!"

"Good!" Wang Yanzhang praised, and followed Xia Yu to fight left and right, disrupting Cao Ren's original deployment. Xia Yu became famous in this battle, and his contribution was so great that Wang Jian was promoted and promoted to a noble position.

"Ding! Cao Ren died in battle..."

Han Yi, who was waiting for the battle report, suddenly raised his head and looked at the battlefield where the sky was shaking!Han Yi frowned, Cao Ren died in battle!Isn't the eight-door golden lock formation just useless? Cold sweat on Han Yi's forehead ran across his cheeks, and Han Yi frowned, calling something bad.

Eight Gates of Golden Locks
"Report! General! General Wang Yantong broke through the eight-door golden lock formation! Centurion Xia Yu beheaded Cao Ren, the leader of the formation! The formation has been broken!" the scout said excitedly.

"Okay! Very good! Send troops quickly! Break through the formation! Tell Meng Ben and others to retreat!" Wang Jian galloped on his horse, but there was no time to delay here. After all, time is money to the Qin army.

"Our army has won a big victory! Eight golden locks have been broken! The three generals, Meng Ben, quickly retreated!"At the side of the three of Meng Ben, when Meng Ben heard this, he immediately shouted, "Hurry up!"

"I want to go! It's too late!" Huang Feihu held his Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, urged his horse to intercept, and led the tens of thousands of tigers behind him to copy the three people's back road. Once the back road was cut off, the three people wanted to go It's difficult, Huang Feihu suddenly shouted angrily: "Meng Ben! We should settle the account of the three of you!"

"Bah! Huang Feihu is worthy of you! The two brothers come forward with me! Drive!" Meng Ben was furious, and took the double tripod hammer in his hand to kill him.
"Don't bully the few with more! I'll meet you later!" Li Cunxiao yelled angrily, the soldiers in his hands seemed to be in an uninhabited land, and the surrounding soldiers were not Li Cunxiao's single enemy.

"General Huang! Don't panic! I'm here to suppress the formation!" Xing Tian yelled suddenly, holding a shield in his hand, and charged forward. The three or four Qin soldiers who had been defending with shields were directly knocked out by Xing Tian, ​​lying on the ground in pain.

"Looking for death!" Meng Ben's heart sank, but in the current situation, the three of them can only deal with one of them. These three have been famous for a long time, so they have to be more cautious.

"Ding, Meng Ben's warrior attribute is activated. When the weapon you use is heavier than the enemy, for every ten catties it weighs, the force value will increase by 1. The weapon weighs ten catties, and Meng Ben's force value will increase by 1. The current force value is 104. The force value of the tripod hammer is increased by 1, and the current force value is 105"

Meng Ben hit Huang Feihu with a hammer, Huang Feihu was not afraid, he hit the pestle head-on, powerful and powerful, like thunder shaking the sky.


Huang Feihu's face turned red, staring at the angry Meng Ben, picked up his Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, and calmly said, "Leave the head!"

An aura gradually emanated from Huang Feihu's back!Huang Feihu stared fiercely at Meng Ben and said, "Death!"

"Ding, Huang Feihu's Dongyue attribute is activated. During the battle, the enemy's force value will be reduced by 3 points, and the personal force value will be increased by 3 points. It will suppress half of the attributes of the enemy's skills. At the same time, there is a 30.00% chance that the enemy's attributes will not be activated. "

"Ding, Meng Ben is affected by Huang Feihu's Dongyue attribute, and his force value has been reduced by three points. The current force value is 102"

"Ding, add 3 to Huang Feihu's force value, the current force value is 108, add 1 to the weapon's force value, and the current force value is 109!"

"Die!" Huang Feihu smashed the golden clenched and lifted pestle at Meng Ben's head, which shocked Meng Ben and quickly parried.


With one blow, Meng Ben's tiger's mouth became numb, his hands lost strength, and the horse retreated a few steps, and his whole body was immediately shaken, and his tiger's mouth was bleeding.

"Today! I will drag you to death!" Meng Ben was angry, and suddenly raised his head, with blood in his eyes, he swung his hammer and yelled angrily: "Kill!"

"Ding, the activation of the Three Warriors attribute is the unique skill of Meng Ben, Wu Huo, and Ren Bi. When the three are present, one person's strength value will be increased by 9. When all three are present, the strength value will be increased by 111 each. Now Meng Ben The force value is 113, Wu Huo's force value is 112! Ren Bi's force value is [-]!"

"It's up to you! It's not enough!" Huang Feihu yelled angrily, and Li Cunxiao and Xing Tian who came from behind each entangled Ren Bi and Wu Huo.

"Ding, Huang Feihu seizes the formation attribute and activates it. When leading troops into the formation, the force value will be increased by 3. In single-handed battles, the force value will be increased by 5. The current force value is 114!"

(End of this chapter)

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