Warring States Call

Chapter 1735 Ambush

Chapter 1735 Ambush
"Ding, Huang Feihu's rematch attribute activates! The generals in the battle! If it is the second time to fight! Huang Feihu's force value will be increased by 10. If the battle is over and the enemy is not killed, Huang Feihu's basic force value will be reduced by 5, and the duration will be 1 year! Especially Reminder, this skill can only be used for the second battle with generals!"

"Ding, add 10 to Huang Feihu's force value, Huang Feihu's force value is 124!"

"Go to hell!" All the strength in Huang Feihu's body erupted, and the scarlet blood was condensed on the pestle. Meng Ben only felt his eyes turn red, and the double tripod hammer in his hand was tumbling up and down in the air, hitting the surrounding area. Enter the soldier.

Suddenly, Meng Ben felt that all the bones in his body were smashed to pieces, and if he didn't come up in one breath, he lost his breath.

Huang Feihu's blood was steaming all over his body, he retracted the pestle and returned to the horse, rubbed his wrist, and roared: "Kill Qin Dog! Capture Wang Jian alive! Kill!"

And when Huang Feihu was entangled with Meng Ben and others, Nangong Shi!The second general, Chen Tai, has already led his troops to hunt down and kill him.

Meng Ben is dead, only Ren Bi and Wu Huo are left standing on the court!Li Cunxiao looked at the bloody Wuhuo in front of him and said, "Wang Jian has already abandoned you! Put down your weapon quickly! My king is kind! Maybe I can spare your life!"

"Hmph! The Qin Kingdom only has generals who died in battle! There are no cowards who live on their knees!" Wu Huo gasped heavily, staring at Li Cunxiao resolutely.

According to the provisions of Qin law, once surrendered, the whole family will be executed!Dig out the ancestral grave and expose the dead body to the wilderness!If it harms the family, but dies instead, not only will they receive a pension, but the family members will also be reduced or exempted from taxes!The son can also inherit the title, whichever is more important!Wu Huo naturally understood.

Li Cunxiao looked at Wu Huo's determined face, and he didn't hold back his hands. He greeted Wuhuo with a move of "Shuanglong Going to Sea". The scarlet blood on his body burst out directly, like two long pythons, floating on Li Cunxiao's arms above.

"Ding, we are now facing the Qin army! Li Cunxiao's force value is increased by 8, weapons Yu Wang's and Bi Yanluo's force value are increased by 1, the base force is 107, and the current force value is 116!"

"Ding, Li Cunxiao added 5 to the force value of the dual attributes, and the current force value is 122!"

"Boom!" The two scarlet spears went straight to Wuhuo's two vital points. Wuhuo couldn't resist at this moment, so he could only let the two spears fall on him. In a moment, he was killed by Li Cunxiao's spear. Down.

Ren Bi saw Wu Huo and Meng Ben died in battle!There is no fighting intention in my heart!Immediately return to the horse and run.

Seeing this, Xing Tian threw away the shield in his hand, grabbed the horse's tail, and couldn't run while holding the horse. Xing Tianhu stared at Ren Bi, and immediately shouted angrily: "Coward!"

"Boom!" Xing Tian slammed the horse, and the horse immediately fell to the ground, and Ren Bi fell down. After eating the dust on his face, he turned over and looked at Xing Tianzheng approaching step by step. A pressure surged on Ren Bi's shoulders. Look at Xing Tian approaching step by step.

"Damn it! Let's die together!" Ren Bi suddenly turned over and picked up a big axe, suppressing the fear in his heart, and shouted angrily: "Fight!"

"He can still bear the name of a warrior! It deserves respect!" Xing Tian held the ax in both hands, and the blood in Zhou's body was steaming.

"Ding, Xing Tian, ​​the god of war attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 10, the basic force value is 108, the force value of the Pangu ax is increased by 1, and the current force value is 119!"

"Ding, Xingtian God of War's second attribute activates, repeats a skill attribute, and is immune to all negative attributes. The current Xingtian force value is increased by 10, and the current force value is 129!"

"Boom!" Ren Bi flew out, his left arm had disappeared out of thin air, and there was a deep ax mark on his chest, the scarlet blood on it had not yet dissipated, devouring all of Ren Bi's vitality.

Xing Tian shook his battle axe, but did not take off Ren Bi's head, and immediately called to the left and right: "Find a place! Bury it alone! Write a book and make a biography!"

"No!" The soldiers behind did not dare not listen, so they could only agree.

And Wang Jian broke through!Where did Bai Qi continue to break through the formation, and immediately followed Wang Jian's breakthrough and rushed out.

Wang Jian, who was retreating, was sweating profusely, and the scouts behind immediately came to report: "General! The three generals of Meng Ben! To stop the enemy from breaking the rear! They have already died in battle!"

"What!" Bai Qi, who had just arrived on horseback, frowned. Hearing the scout's words, he was slightly stunned, as if he couldn't believe it.

"Do you know who did it!" Wang Jian was also heartbroken. There are only a few generals in the Qin State, and one dies and the other is distressed. This battle directly lost Wang Yanzhang!Ruan Wengzhong!Meng Ben!Wuhuo!Ren Bi!How is this not heartbreaking.

"Huang Feihu! Li Cunxiao! Xing Tian!" the scout said truthfully.

"Within the universe! There is no room for three generals! That's all!" Wang Jian said lazily!Immediately galloped his horse and said, "Quickly withdraw to Hangu Pass! Let's recuperate!"

"That's right!" Bai Qi let out a long sigh, showing embarrassment.

"Two generals! The enemy is in hot pursuit! What shall we do!" Luo Shixin urged his horse to come to the side of the two, with a stern expression on his face.

"Too much deceit!" Bai Qi was furious, and then shouted: "Where are Zhou Dewei and Zhang Han!"

The two admirals received the general's order, and immediately rushed forward on horseback, and said respectfully, "What orders do you have, the general!"

"Ambush five thousand archers on the left and right sides of this hill! As soon as the enemy is killed! Shoot random arrows! Shoot him full of arms!" Bai Qi pointed at the two hills and said seriously.

There are many dense forests on the hills, and the terrain is relatively high!It is a good place to ambush!
"I'll obey!" Zhang Han received the general's order, and immediately urged his horses to set up a shooting formation. There was an endless stream of noises from all over the place, and it was faintly visible that the pursuers had arrived.

"Qin Army, don't leave!" Chen Tai rode a war horse, leading three thousand war horses under his command to charge forward.

Nangong Shi also came with Chen Tai. Nangong Shi, who has experienced many battles, looked at the terrain here, and immediately greeted Chen Tai in front of him: "Little General Chen! Don't be rash! There may be an ambush here!"

"Hahahaha! Qin's army is in a state of confusion! How could they even bother to set up an ambush! General Nangong is afraid that I will steal your credit!" Chen Tai's words were a little bitter.

Nangong Shi looked at the young and vigorous Chen Tai, and couldn't help but frown secretly. He didn't bother to argue with this yellow-haired kid. He looked at the lieutenant behind him, and immediately greeted him: "Find some clever ones! Go forward and check!"


"Kill!" Holding a long spear, Chen Tai dashed forward and killed him, with the spirit of a young man.

Zhang Han pressed the bronze sword in his arms, glanced at Chen Tai who had killed him, and immediately shouted angrily: "Shoot the arrow!"

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" The sky was full of cold arrows like rain, and all the soldiers under Chen Tai's command were scattered. At this moment, Chen Tai realized that he had been tricked, and regretted not listening to Nangong Shi's advice. Advice, immediately greeted: "Hurry up!"Defend quickly! "

But now that everything was over, Zhang Han held a heavy crossbow, looked at Chen Tai's position, and shot the crossbow, piercing through the heart and lungs.

(End of this chapter)

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