Chapter 1737
"Ding, the No. 14 person on the current list is Liu Shilong of the Tang Dynasty: force 77, commander 91, intelligence 95, politics 87, and is currently implanted as a child of Liu Bang's clan! Both civil and military! He was recruited by Liu Bang!"

"This old man has something to criticize, I don't know if I should say it or not!" The veins on Han Yi's forehead bulged, and his whole body began to tremble. Pang Wanchun thought that Han Yi was cold, so he put a sable coat on Han Yi.

"Ding, the current No. 15 person on the list is Tang Dynasty Ma Sui: force 96, commander 90, intelligence 68, politics 57. The current implantation identity is Ma Yuan's son, and escaped to Pingqiu with Ma Yuan's defeat!"

"Ding, the No. 16 person on the list is Zhao Wenyi from the Song Dynasty: force 86, commander 81, intelligence 59, and politics 59. The current implantation identity is Zhao Kuangyin's younger brother! Follow Zhao Kuangyin to put down the Anlushan rebellion together!"

"I'm afraid An Lushan can't last long like this!" Han Yi stroked his beard with a worried look on his face. Zhao Kuangyin had too many elite soldiers and generals, and with An Lushan's two rotten sweet potatoes and rotten bird eggs, I'm afraid it won't be a climate.

"Ding! Jin Zhun, the No. 17 person on the top list: force 86, commander 72, intelligence 53, politics 49. The current implantation status is a general under An Lushan's command!"

"Ding, the current No. 18 person on the list is Shi Wengong in Water Margin: Force 97, Commander 87, Intelligence 67, Politics 54. The current implantation status is a military general recruited by Yang Jian! Prepare to mobilize the army and fight against Xiang Yu!"

"It's interesting!" Han Yi closed his eyes and rested his mind. Hearing the shouts of killing gradually fading away in his ears, Han Yi's expression became a lot more indifferent. Yang Jian was beaten so hard by Xiang Yu that he was out of breath. At that time, Han Yi will leave the teacher Famous, but also saved a lot of trouble, once the matter of Zhao Guo was over, Han Yi just found a reason to let Yan Guo annex Zhao Guo, and then Han Yi merged Yan Guo, when the time came, he would go south to the first nail household that needed to be pulled out , is this guy Xiang Yu.

"Ding, the current No. 19 person on the list is Lv Siniang of the Qing Dynasty: Force 98 Commander 64 Intelligence 76 Politics 77 The current implantation identity is Lu Bu's daughter, proficient in assassination, and is favored by Zhu Yuanzhang, ready to entrust him with a big job!"

"Ding, the No. 20 person currently on the list is Fan Tianshun of the Southern Song Dynasty: force value 94, commander 82, intelligence 78, politics 80. The current implantation identity is Fan Zeng's son, and he will fight with Xiang Yu!"

"Ding, currently No. 20 on the top list is Tang Dynasty Li Sheng: strength 97, commander 90, intelligence 87, politics 61. The current implantation status is a general promoted by Xiang Yu!"

"Ding, the current top list No. 20 Two people and Three Kingdoms Cai Yang: Force 74 Commander 81 Intelligence 71 Politics 61 The current implantation status is the lieutenant promoted by the ancestor!"

"There is no one in the Zhao country! Take chicken feathers as arrows, and a rookie as a general!" Hearing the news, Han Yi slowly opened his black eyes. The position of lieutenant general is not given casually. If something goes wrong, the lieutenant will be in charge of everything!look!Zhao Guo is already at the end of the road.

"Ding, the No. 20 three on the list at the end of the Yuan Dynasty are Chen Youliang: force 87, commander 95, intelligence 90, politics 89, and the current implantation status is a rogue who has defected to Zhang Jiao!"

"Ding, the current No. 20 four-person Hulu Qiang Ju: Force 97 Commander 90 Intelligence 81 Politics 72 The current implantation status is a general promoted by Yang Jian!"

"Ding, the next three! To reward the host!"

"Ding, the current No. 20 five-person Outlaws of the Marsh Han Cunbao: force 97, commander 85, intelligence 75, politics 61. Currently implanted as the third son of Han Qinhu, he will fight with the army!"

"Ding, No. 20 currently on the list, six Ming Dynasty Tan Lun: force 85 commander 95 intelligence 87 politics 85 is currently implanted as a rebel army in the south who defected to Qi Jiguang because he was dissatisfied with Goujian's rule! Lead five thousand Tan's troops to defect to Han Shizhong!"

"Ding, the last person on the list is Feng Sheng of the Ming Dynasty: Force 97 Commander 95 Intelligence 85 Politics 65 The current implantation identity is Feng Yi's son, because he joined the army as a young man, he was promoted by Han Ming! He and Yue Sheng are also known as Shuangsheng General !"

"Shout! It's cheap for this little bastard!" Han Yi smiled and stroked his beard, his face indifferent.

Han Yi slowly opened his eyes and looked at the desolate battlefield, filled with the smell of blood everywhere. War is cruel to both the loser and the winner.

The sky gradually dimmed, and Han Yi also returned to the city, waiting for the final announcement.

"Report! Qin Jun Wang Jian broke the formation! Bai Qi took advantage of the gap to break out! The young general Chen Tai pursued closely! He was ambushed by Zhang Han! He was shot to death!"

"Report! Our army wiped out the elite Xiliu battalion of the Zhao army! General Yuwen Chengdu beheaded the enemy general Zhou Yafu!"

"Report! Ma Yuan led Hu Fu to ride and shoot to break Xu Ning's long spear array! General Xu Ning was killed by Ma Chao! Zhao Jun successfully broke through! Retreat into Pingqiu!"

"Report! In this battle, 17 soldiers and horses of the Qin army were killed, and [-] Qin soldiers escaped! Beheaded Qin generals Su Jiao, She Jian, Wang Junke, and Fan Quan! Ren Bi! Meng Ben! Wu Huo and other dozens of people Admiral!"

"Report! In this battle, our army beheaded 15 Zhao troops! The [-] Zhao troops who fled! They were all trapped in Pingqiu! Kill Zhao Jiang, Yan Zhou, Hu Zhe, Jia Yan, Yu Qing, Ma Lin, Ma Long, and Fu Liangxing , Ma Kuo, Long Jingzhao, Gao Yingxiang! Zhou Yafu and others..."

"Understood!" Han Yi looked at Pang Wanchun and said, "What about the casualties of our army.

"Our army killed 36 people! Cao Ren! Xue Andu! Xia Houxuan...etc. [-] generals! They all died in this battle!" As a character, his record is comparable to that of Sun Wu, but his achievements can only be defined here, and Sun Wu still has a lot of opportunities.

"Hey...!" Han Yi sighed, and then said: "Cao Ren is made loyal and righteous! Hundreds of households in the city! Hereditary replacement! The statue of Yanyuan Pavilion! The same position as Du Yu!" Han Yi said with a serious face, a little sighed.

"Minister! Thank you King for mentioning uncle!" Xia Houshang strode out immediately, kneeling on the ground with a moved expression.

"Get up!" After Han Yi greeted Cao Ren, he looked at the two brothers Xue Wanjun and thought of Xue Andu's death again!Now is a good opportunity to subdue the two of them, Han Yi immediately said: "This battle! The three brothers of the Xue family have contributed a lot! I just want to be rewarded with merit! Xue An can be buried in Zhongshan! Conferred as the same uncle! Hereditary for three generations!"

"I have thanked the king! From now on, my two brothers will be the king's saddle! Let's do our best!" The two Xue Wanjun brothers immediately kowtowed.

Although only three generations of hereditary!But for surrendered generals like them, there is a place here, and Han Yi is to let them have a sense of belonging, so as to work hard for him.

"The rest of the soldiers! Reward for meritorious service! Kill pigs and sheep! Reward the three armies!"

(End of this chapter)

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