Warring States Call

Chapter 1738 Conditions

Chapter 1738 Conditions
At night, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses reveled, but there were also ferocious hungry wolves licking their wounds alone.

Lian Po hurried into the city mansion, where [-] elite soldiers guarded the city mansion!Lian Po, who had just entered the main hall, saw Li Mu changing his dressing. Li Mu took off the reddish white cloth, and his flesh was bloody. A mosaic flooded Li Mu's eyes. He took out a blindfold that he had just sewn, and a small pottery red medicine bottle!Handed it over to Li Zuoche, who was at the side, and instructed one or two: "The general's eyes are useless! Don't touch the water these few days! Just wipe one or two with this medicine powder every day!"

"Understood!" Li Zuoche Ying shouted, then looked at Lian Po beside him, and retreated as soon as he greeted him.

Li Mu picked up the jug on the side, took a sip of the spirits, stared at Lian Po with one eye and said, "How are you doing!"

"Small injury! It's okay! How's the situation outside the city!" Li Mu picked up the blindfold on the table, put it on his cheek, and suddenly became a one-eyed General Li!And thus was born.

"Han Xin! Wu Qi! Gongsun Yan! Sun Wu's 30 elite besieged Pingqiu! It is difficult for our army to break through! The food and grass in the city can last for half a month!" Lian Po let out a foul breath, his face looked serious, and his voice trembled when he said it.

Li Mu sighed heavily, and said half aloud, "I'm afraid the breakout won't work! We can only wait for the king to negotiate! Our army has been completely defeated this time!"

"Alas!" Lian Po sat down on the steps, his beard fluttering from side to side in the cold wind!The armor on Zhou's body creaked, and Lian Po said solemnly: "I have fought for half my life! The first time I lost so badly!"

"Ah! If Lin Xiang is here now! The court may still be able to preside over the overall situation, but the king alone may not be able to support it alone!" Li Mu looked at the moon in the sky with his eyes, and the depression in his heart can be imagined.

Hearing the news of the defeat, Zhao Zhang spat out a mouthful of old blood, and fell into a coma. The government and the public were in chaos for a while, and Zhao Sheng was ordered to walk towards Pingyang with a talisman in his hand.

Obviously!Zhao Guo has been unable to return to heaven, so he can only make peace, and Zhao Sheng also plans to talk about some emotional cards this time.

And Yan Guo is not idle at the moment!Xu Shu prepares troops, with Yang Yanzhao as the main general, marches into Zhao State, conquers several cities in Zhongshan, the government and the public are in an uproar for a while, the helpless Xian Zhen can only divide his troops into two groups, and go to resist the invasion of Yan State. Now Zhao State is really Torn apart!Internal and external troubles are all showing their heads.

Binh Duong
"Pingyuan Jun Zhao Sheng! Greetings to the king!" Zhao Sheng was wearing thin white clothes, holding a talisman, standing outside Pingyang City, completely looking like a criminal.

"Report! Please see Mr. Zhao Guopingyuan!" Han Yi, who was eating in the city, heard what the scouts said, and immediately threw the knife and ax in his hand, looked at Han Qinhu and Guo Jia who had just rushed back and said, "Both of you How do you see it!"

"The State of Zhao must be seeking peace this time! Ceding the city is a small matter! But letting go of Zhao's 15 soldiers is a big deal!" Han Qinhu put down his knife, picked up a white cloth beside him, and wiped his hands. Oil and water.

"Indeed! This time we can besiege Zhao Guo's elite, and it will be difficult for Zhao Guo to recover its vitality within decades! It will be of great benefit to the great king's unification! But if these 15 soldiers and horses are released, Zhao Guo's vital force will still be there." The next time our army goes north, it may be difficult to swallow Zhao Guo!" Guo Jia also pointed out the current predicament at this moment.

Han Yi rubbed his temples, looked at Pang Wanchun who delivered the order, and said, "Call him in! Besides! You can't neglect the etiquette. This Zhao Sheng is good to say that he has some friendship with Gu! Don't neglect!"

"The last general takes orders!" Pang Wanchun responded immediately, and retreated.

"Broadcast! Zhao Guo's envoys have an audience!"

"Broadcast! Zhao Guo's envoys have an audience!"

"Broadcast! Zhao Guo's envoys have an audience!"

At this moment, Zhao Sheng walked into the big tent tremblingly, it was already October, Zhao Sheng was only wearing a thin white coat, he would not freeze anyone.

Seeing this, Han Yi frowned, looked at Pang Wanchun and said, "Light up some bonfires! I'm bringing him a bowl of mutton soup!"


"Thank you King Han!" Zhao Sheng exhaled heavily, and then his lips and teeth were cold, and he opened his mouth: "Zhao Guo begs the king to release my 15 soldiers and horses of Zhao Guo! I, Zhao Guo, are willing to cede Pucheng! Huocheng! Baqiu governs 28 cities!"

"Hey!" Han Yi looked at Zhao Sheng's appearance, sighed and said, "Feigu will not give you Zhao Sheng's face! It is public and private! This battle is all your fault! When the elder brother was alive! You There has never been such a big trouble between our two countries! Zhao Zhang succeeded! Gu even sent all the fifteen cities of Zhongshan that he took down to Zhao Zhang! It is a gift of congratulations to this nephew! But you are looking at you, Zhao Guoqian Is it a personnel matter?"

When Han Yi said this, he rushed away suddenly, picked up the bamboo slips in his hand and smashed the country to Zhao Sheng, and said angrily: "Look for yourself! The lonely king lost 50 elites in this battle! 36 households in the country are wailing." General Cao Ren died in battle! Xue Andu! Xia Houxuan and so on... 28 generals died in battle, how do these people count! You Zhao Guo holds only [-] cities! Can you make up for the loss of Gu! Zhao Sheng You tell Gu! Are there any of you who are so ungrateful? Are there? You tell Gu!"

As soon as Han Yi said that, he jumped up and pointed at Zhao Sheng's nose and cursed loudly. His eyes were bloodshot all over his eyes. He looked at Zhao Sheng and gritted his teeth.

"King Han! This battle is not good for my country of Zhao! Eighty thousand soldiers and horses have been lost! General Li Mu is also blind in one eye...!" Zhao Sheng was speechless and could only bite the bullet back.

"Hmph! Don't say you blinded Li Mu in one eye! Even if you kill him, Gu can justify it! Zhao Sheng used to have friendship with you and me! I ask you! When Zhao Zhang sent troops, did you ever stop him?" Did you stop it?" Han Yi looked at Zhao Sheng and scolded directly.

"Old man, I...!" Zhao Sheng wanted to stop it, but he couldn't get it out of his mouth. He did not stop it, because Han Yi's rise was too fast, and Zhao Zhang was afraid of Han Yi's threat, so he cooperated with Qin to launch this attack war.

"Gu will give you two choices now! Listen to Gu!" Han Yi restrained himself, stared at Zhao Sheng, and said with a cold face: "One! Let Li Mu! Lian Po wait for General Zhao to put him down. The weapons in your hands, accept the captives, and build a graveyard for my [-] elites! Return your country of Zhao within ten years! And add the conditions you just asked! Two! If you don’t agree! Send troops to destroy Zhao! Bingfeng Point directly at Handan! Zhao Sheng, you can figure it out! Guo Jia! The rest is up to you! I’m lonely!”

After Han Yi finished speaking, he waved his hand suddenly. Guo Jia immediately understood, looked at Zhao Sheng who was kneeling on the ground, and said, "Mr. Pingyuan! Please!"

(End of this chapter)

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