Chapter 1739
Inside the thatched hut, flames were rising in the room, and the poor Zhao Sheng held a bowl of mutton soup in both hands and drank it sighingly!There was also a black sable coat on the back.

Guo Jia held a gourd of wine in his hand, and sat on the ground freely, looking up and down Zhao Sheng, because the warm air flowed into the dry intestines, Zhao Sheng's face looked better, and he was wrapped in a towel from time to time, obviously he was frozen.

"Boom!" Guo Jia opened the wine gourd, took a sip, and then said with emotion: "Mr. Pingyuan! What do you think of the conditions that the king said!"

Zhao Sheng was blowing the hot air in the bowl and wanted to take a sip. Hearing Guo Jia's words, his fingers trembled slightly. Looking at the mutton soup in front of him, he couldn't eat and lost his appetite. He put down the mutton soup with both hands. Lu dejectedly said: "King Han's proposal! Forgive Zhao Guo for not agreeing! At present, the Anlu Mountain is rebelling in China! Yan Guo is invading! Zhao Guo is at the time when he is using his troops! I also ask Mr. Guo to say a few words so that Han Wang can let Han go. My country of Zhao has a way to live, and my country of Zhao is willing to treat your country as the suzerain! Pay tribute every year! The original condition is to cede ten cities! In addition, your country’s military expenses this time! My country of Zhao will also contract it!”

Zhao Sheng looked embarrassed, and looked at Guo Jia with a pair of tiger eyes, as if asking Guo Jia if he could do it.

"Lord Zhao! That's the end of the conversation! I don't think there's anything else to talk about!" Guo Jia covered his wine gourd, got up and walked out the door!As he walked, he said: "I can let the king send 12 Zhao soldiers back to support! The other 36 soldiers and horses will stay here! The original treaty, except for the release of [-] soldiers and horses! The first floor remains unchanged! [-] There must be no less than one city! Otherwise, send troops to destroy the country!"

At the end of Guo Jia's speech, his voice turned cold. Zhao Sheng's face turned pale. Hearing Guo Jia's last words, Zhao Sheng immediately got up and said, "Aren't there 28 cities? How did they become 36 cities?" Already!"

"Mr. Pingyuan thinks that the [-] Zhao elites are not enough for the eight cities! If that's the case, how about discussing according to the plan drawn up by the king!" Guo Jia listened to the pace, tied the wine gourd around his waist, and looked at With Zhao Sheng's unresolved expression, Guo Jia sighed: "Everything is fate! You can't help it at all! All of this is the choice of your Zhao country! This injustice in your Zhao country! Unjust! Unjust war! Time! You, Zhao Guo, have no choice! Zhao Sheng! You, Zhao Guo, are to blame for all this! War is cruel! The reality is even worse! You! You have to be responsible for your actions!"

Guo Jia left the thatched cottage by leaving these words, leaving only Zhao Sheng here to make the slightest choice, maybe he can't get the result, maybe he can.

At this moment, Han Yi was sitting on the carpet, looking at the sizzling mutton in front of him, mobilizing Han Yi's taste buds, almost drooling.

And now!There were only Han Feng and Han Yi father and son in the room. Han Yi took a small knife, cut a piece of mutton, put it in his mouth to chew, picked up the wine bottle beside him, and drank it in a big gulp, feeling extremely comfortable immediately.

Han Feng was also unafraid. He picked up a knife and cut and ate the mutton, but he didn't say a word and looked indifferent.

"Feng'er!" Han Yi ate the mutton in his mouth, looked up at Han Feng, and shouted, his face indifferent.

"Father!" Han Feng glanced at Han Yi, and suddenly felt that these eyes made him a little afraid.

"What do you think of my attitude towards Zhao Guo!" Han Yi looked at his son with a worried expression on his face.

"The country is the country! The family is the family! Zhao Guo's unrighteousness comes first! Father doesn't have to care about my attitude! As for mother, I will come forward to calm her emotions!" Han Feng knew Han Yi's intention to find him, and it was nothing more than to make himself Come forward to dissuade Zhao Feiyan. After all, the unification of the world is the general trend. If Zhao Feiyan takes care of the clan and the country, it will be tantamount to adding chaos to Han Yi. Han Yi does not want to see such a situation, and Han Feng does not want to see it. The position will be very embarrassing.

"Among Gu's many sons! You are the most caring! Wentao Wulue! You are not inferior to your elder brother in terms of courage! Even better than Han Ning! Han Ming is calm and capable! The prince is trapped in Luoyang! Gu once considered you! "Han Yi put down the knife in his hand and looked at Han Feng. The father and son looked at each other. This topic was tantamount to making the surrounding atmosphere extremely tense. The nervous Han Feng choked up.

Holding a knife in his hand, Han Feng seemed to be thinking carefully, and said after a while: "Father is because of Huang'er!"

"That's right!" Han Yi sighed, looked at Han Feng and said, "Those who have double pupils must be saints. In the future, they will be handy in governing their home and country, recreating the achievements of Yao and Shun. More importantly, Han Yi believes that his Move the nine cauldrons! Han Huang's luck phenomenon must have attributes! And the power of this attribute must not be small, even crushing a generation of people.

In Han Yi's life, he doesn't want his children and grandchildren to expand their territory, but to guard their home country. After all, it is easy to conquer the world, but it is difficult to rule the world.

"Jie Shengfeng! He Shengchen!" Han Feng was not reconciled!He was really not reconciled, the resentment he was full of had nowhere to vent at this moment.

Han Yi looked at his son, and he didn't want them to repeat the tragic situation of Kowloon seizing the throne. Han Yi sighed and said: "Although our country is unified now! But there are dissatisfied nobles in all countries! If there is a chance of seizing the throne, Bureau! The world is bound to be turbulent! I know that you care about the overall situation! I want you to teach Huang'er! After all, your talents are not low! I want you to get in touch with Huang'er more! Help him well in the future! Of course you can refuse! It's not bad to be an idle prince in the future! What do you think!"

"My son is willing to obey the emperor's arrangement!" Han Feng bowed to Han Yi.

Han Yi looked at Han Feng, and immediately helped him up and said, "You have to work harder! Gu also wants to see your child!"

After some reservations, Han Yi let out a heavy breath. He may feel a little guilty towards Han Feng, but this is the general trend. If Han Huang has the means to conquer him, the uncle!This throne is naturally secure, but if he can't conquer Han Feng, this throne will naturally be given to Xian.

Han Yi is betting!Gambling on whether Han Huang can stop him, Han Yi now has a little understanding of Cao Cao's plight. His sons are better, so he can only use the method of fighting. Only the king can secure the world.

"Your Majesty! The matter is settled!" Guo Jia said quickly to Han Yishen, with a stern expression on his face.

"Speak!" Han Yi waved.

"Zhao Sheng adopted my suggestion! Release [-] Zhao's elite! Ceded eight cities!" Guo Jia said flatly.

"Don't you want to let go?" Han Feng asked doubtfully.

"The purpose of releasing these 3 people is to make the remaining 12 people feel resentful towards Zhao Guo. Our country can take this opportunity to settle these 12 people, so how can we subdue them!"

(End of this chapter)

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