Warring States Call

Chapter 1740 Fish intestine sword

Chapter 1740 Fish intestine sword

three days later

Zhao Sheng returned to Handan with a whole body of humiliation, and looked at Zhao Zhang on the bed!Zhao Sheng knelt down immediately, presented the letter of peace with both hands, covered his lips and coughed, "Your Majesty! Han Yi promised to release Li Mu! Lian Po waited for 36 soldiers to return to the country! Return them within ten years, and our country will cede the city this time[-] seat!"

"What!" Zhao Zhang's already pale face turned three points pale in an instant. What Zhao Zhang didn't expect was that Zhao Sheng had already brought Li Mu and others back, and the remaining 12 soldiers and horses in Pingqiu were all Xiuling was reorganized by Han Yi.

"Pfft!" Zhao Zhang spit out a mouthful of old blood, Zhao Sheng and Guo Kai saw each other, their faces showed horror, Guo Kai hurriedly shouted: "Hurry up! Call the doctors! Hurry up!"

Looking at Zhao Zhang's pale face, Zhao Sheng only felt restless, clutching his chest, and fainted before taking a breath.

The giant pillars of the two countries fell down, and Guo Kai was stunned for a moment, and then he yelled loudly. After all, when these two guys came together, they were really scary.

After the doctor's preliminary diagnosis, Zhao Sheng was caught in a cold because of the rush!He fell ill after traveling day and night, and it’s not a serious problem. He only needs to rest for three months, but Zhao Zhang is not so good. He still had two or three months to live, but he vomited out the blood from his heart. It cost him half his life.

Zhao Zhang was lying on the bed, looking at the carved railings and jade walls on his forehead, and the plain scarf on the jade wall. There was a trace of tears in the corner of Zhao Zhang's eyes, and he said angrily: "It's not a holiday! I'm not reconciled! Mr. Han Yi Pifu... ah ah ah!"

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty must not be angry anymore!" Guo Kai quickly came to Zhao Zhang with a complexion, holding a soup in his hand and a spoon to feed him, but Zhao Zhang knocked it over with one hand and grabbed Guo Zhang with both hands. He opened his clothes, and said with blood on his face: "Think for me! Think for me! How can I defeat Han Yi! How can... I can't think of it! I will kill you alone! Kill you!"

"My lord! My lord, please spare me!" Guo Kai's face was embarrassed, and his face turned pale and blue in an instant, and Zhao Zhanghu's might was still present at this moment.

"Come on!" Zhao Zhang shouted angrily as he pushed the cowardly Guo Kai away.

"Here!" The two golden armored warriors who opened the door pushed the door in, looking at the disheveled Zhao Zhang and the flustered Guo Kai, who was lying on the ground, waiting for Zhao Zhang's order.

Zhao Zhang pointed at Guo Kai and shouted angrily, "Drag him out! Kill him!"

"My lord, spare my life! My lord, spare my life...!" Guo Kai was so frightened that he pissed, Zhao Zhang was really motivated to kill.

I have thought about it for a long time in the past few days. If Guo Kai, a mediocre person, asked him to take back the military power of Anlushan, Anlushan would not have rebelled so quickly, and now Zhao Zhang is just looking for a vent, and Guo Kai is naturally This outlet, and this guy is so flattering, keeping him is a disaster, Zhao Zhang can't live anymore, he has to pave the way for his children.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Your Majesty! My Majesty, I have thought of it! I have thought of it! You can break through Han Yi's plan quickly!" Seeing that there was no hope of survival, Guo Kai was quick to use his wits, as if he had grasped a life-saving straw, and yelled frantically.

Guo Kai, who had already been dragged to the door, yelled a few times, and Zhao Zhang pointed with a harmless attitude: "Wait a minute! Let him come back! If it is some kind of fooling strategy! I will take your head!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty! Thank you, Your Majesty!" Guo Kai bowed down, his head was covered with blood.

"Say!" Zhao Zhang lay down on his bed, and asked in a cold voice.

"Han Yi is the foundation of a country, as the saying goes! Hit a snake and hit seven inches! If the king sends someone to assassinate Han Yi! South Korea will inevitably have civil strife! Prince Han Chen! Second son Han Feng! And Han Ning! Han Ming is the most competitive in the country Prince! When the time comes, Your Majesty will ask the 12 Zhao troops who stayed in Korea to help Han Feng seize the throne! This will not only resolve the crisis in our country of Zhao! It will also restore the relationship between Zhao and Han!" Guo Kai knelt down on the ground , with a crying tone in his voice, he kept talking, and even said all the power here.

Zhao Zhang pressed the palm in his arms and stroked it left and right, as if he was considering this strategy. At the moment when Zhao Guo was most helpless, this might become the last strategy.

"How can I be an assassin from Zhao Guo!" Zhao Zhang exhaled heavily, his face was quite troubled, his original violent temper was suppressed by Zhao Zhang, and he seemed to be thinking about how to solve the current problem.

"Yes! Yes!" Guo Kai kowtowed like garlic!Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he looked terrified: "This man's name is Gai Nie! He is also an old Korean nobleman! Because his family participated in the rebellion! He was killed by Han Yi indiscriminately! There is no chance of revenge! As long as you do it right! Kill Han! Yi old dog!"

"Okay! Very good!" Zhao Zhang looked at Guo Kai, and immediately said: "Bring me!"

"Follow...follow orders!" Guo Kai hurriedly trotted all the way.

Zhao Zhang looked at the guards on both sides, and immediately said: "Take out ten murderers from the cell!"


In less than half a moment, Guo Kai came over with a middle-aged man. This man had a big arm, a thick back, a long beard, many calluses on his hands, and a sharp complexion. Most importantly, there was a long mark on his nose. , as if wounded by a sharp knife.

Zhao Zhang looked Gai Nie up and down, and then said: "Ten of you killed him, and let you go alone! You killed them! Your wealth is coming!"

Zhao Zhang pointed at the ten prisoners, and saw that they were holding long knives, and each of them showed fierce and ferocious faces, looking at Gai Nie as if they were going to tear him alive.

"Here!" The guard on the side threw the long sword in his hand to Gai Nie, but Gai Nie caught it with one hand. The ten murderers around him immediately attacked first. !Sword energy dances wildly!The shadow of the sword was wobbly, and when the sword was put back into its sheath, the murderers around were bleeding profusely. Gai Nie returned the bronze sword to the guard beside him, and said casually, "Thank you!"

Zhao Zhang looked at Gai Nie, then laughed loudly, and said three good words: "Good! Good! Good! Do you know what Gu wants to do with your sword?"

"I know!" Ge Nie's eyes didn't blink from the beginning to the end, and his face was even expressionless.

"You are not afraid of death!" Zhao Zhang asked questioningly.

"Don't be afraid!" Ge Nie didn't say much, but replied very plainly.

"Very good! How sure are you!" Zhao Zhang looked at Gai Nie and asked.

"Give me a good sword! I'm [-]% sure! If not! [-]%" Gai Nie clasped his hands in front of his chest and said calmly.

"Very good! Come and bring the Yuchang sword!" Zhao Zhang looked at Gai Nie, and said indifferently: "This fish intestine was bought from a swordsman with a lot of money, and it can break gold and jade! Can you! "

The eunuch took the wooden box and opened it. Gai Nie looked at the Yuchang Sword in the wooden box. The sword was less than half a foot long, and cold light surged on the sword!The tail is the mouth of the fish, Ge Nie gently caressed the fish intestines, but there was a cut, blood flowed out, Ge Nie exclaimed: "Good sword!"

(End of this chapter)

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