Warring States Call

Chapter 1741 Map

Chapter 1741 Map
The news that Zhao Sheng returned to Handan with [-] defeated soldiers spread like wildfire, and the whole country of Zhao was in turmoil. The family redeemed them so they would not suffer from bullying.

Lian Po!After Li Mu came back, he stayed behind closed doors all day long. From time to time, someone spit in their hallway, people made noise outside day and night, and some people threw stones at the door outside!Some complained outside, causing Li Mu and Lian Po to become emaciated day by day. Lian Dan and Li Zuoche tried to stop them, but what greeted them was a tsunami of cursing and beating.

Everyone in Handan is in danger, and the fighting outside Jinyang City is even more intense. Anlu Mountain has strong soldiers and horses, and sufficient food and grass. Zhao Kuangyin relied on the defense of Jinyang City to resist the attack of Anlu Mountain.

Under Jinyang City
Inside the mansion, a man with a big arm and a round waist was sitting. He had sword eyebrows and starry eyes, and his face was reddish. It seemed that he was eight feet long. He was Zhao Kuangyin.

Zhao Kuangyin was sitting on a chair, showing his strong arm with a cold arrow stuck in it, the blood was flowing along the wound, as long as Zhao Kuangyin gritted his teeth in pain, his brows were furrowed tightly, and the cold sweat on his forehead was as big as soybeans Dropped and wet the table case.

The medical craftsman on the side, holding a bright knife, bowed to Zhao Kuangyin and said, "General! I'm going to get the arrow! Be patient!"

Zhao Kuangyin picked up the dishcloth on the table, bit it into his mouth, and nodded heavily.

The doctor looked at Zhao Kuangyin, and then moved the knife. A few seconds later, there was a sound of flesh and blood, and the doctor threw the bloody broken arrow into the copper basin, and quickly treated Zhao Kuangyin's wound. Don't get wet, just retreat.

"Brother! The situation in Handan is in turmoil!" A young man trotted over all the way. He was wearing a black armor, a face like white jade, a helmet, and a bamboo slip in his hand. He hurried to Zhao Kuangyin with a dignified expression.

"How many times have I told you! There is no title of big brother in the army! Only general!" Zhao Kuangyin looked at Zhao Guangyi lovingly, but his mouth was full of blame.

Zhao Guangyi didn't care, and put the bamboo slips in front of Zhao Guangyi: "Brother, look! The news from Handan! Pingyang was defeated! 12 troops were captured by Han Yi! More than 36 soldiers and horses were lost! Li Mu! Lian Po two An old general was dismissed, and the king fell ill! Zhao Sheng has been ill for half a month in order to seek peace, and the country of Yan invaded! Xian Zhen led the army to fight, and our country ceded [-] cities in this battle!"

When Zhao Kuangyin heard the news, he fell into deep thought. Looking at his younger brother, Zhao Kuangyin took the bamboo slip with one hand, walked into the campfire, and threw it inside. Zhao Guangyi didn't stop Zhao Kuangyin's movements, and was worried He looked at Zhao Kuangyin.

"Right now! Our army's general order is to stick to Jinyang! No general order can't come out!" Zhao Kuangyin watched the bonfire getting more and more prosperous, sighed and said helplessly.

"The situation in Handan is unstable! Why don't you and my brother learn from An Lushan and his son! Achieve the career of king and overlord!" Zhao Guangyi showed wolfish eyes at this moment, and subconsciously licked his lips.

Zhao Kuangyin glanced back at Zhao Guangyi, then looked at the guards guarding the door, and immediately said: "Everyone back down! Don't let anyone in!"


These guards are all Zhao Kuangyin's dead men, loyal to him, Zhao Kuangyin looked at Zhao Guangyi and said: "What qualifications do we have to rebel!"

"Do you have as many soldiers and horses as Anlu Mountain? Do you have food and grass? Do you have territory?" Zhao Kuangyin approached Zhao Guangyi step by step.

Zhao Kuangyin pressed Zhao Guangyi's shoulder, and said in a deep voice: "You can't do things with wishful thinking! You must also consider the reality! Otherwise, you will only be counterproductive! This Zhao country belongs to our Zhao family! It is better to strengthen your own than to be king and take boundless risks! Strength! Only when the strength is strong! Everything will come naturally!"

"Brother! I have a way! It can expand our troops!" Zhao Guangyi said solemnly.


"There are many young men in Jinyang City! Our army has few soldiers! But food and grass are plentiful. If you recruit soldiers, you can get [-] soldiers. At that time, you will have soldiers and horses! As long as we pretend to prepare for war! Jinyang will not be broken! Anlu Mountain will not be destroyed Zhao Zhang still needs us! We don't have to worry about the rabbits dying!" Zhao Guangyi said indifferently.

Zhao Kuangyin looked at his younger brother, and said half aloud: "You have indeed grown a lot! Will I leave this matter to you? Remember what I just said! Do you understand!"

"I see!" Zhao Guangyi nodded heavily, and then went out.

Zhao Kuangyin looked at the back of Zhao Guangyi who was going away, shook his head slightly, glanced at the map casually, and said indifferently: "With Han Yi's ambition! Will this opportunity be let go so easily? I hope it doesn't fall to Han Yi Tell the truth! Otherwise, Zhao Guo will not escape the disaster of thunder!"

Envoy of Zhao State
Because of Zhao Sheng's illness, the person leading the mission fell to Gong Zhonglian. The purpose of this mission was to cede the number of cities, divide the regions, and compensate for the defeat. The problem, of course, is that there is still a part that Gong Zhonglian doesn't know about, because of this secret, Gong Zhonglian's head is not guaranteed.

Now Han Yi is still in Pingyang and has not left. Han Yi is waiting for Zhao Guo's reply!Once Zhao's city defense army withdraws, Han Yi can take over these 36 cities. For this reason, Han Yi specially asked for Baqiu. With this city, he can pinch Zhao's throat and make it difficult for Zhao. There is half resistance.

"Your Majesty! The envoy of Zhao Kingdom has arrived!" Pang Wanchun said indifferently while holding the bronze sword in his arms.

"Oh! Are you here already?" Han Yi was taken aback for a moment, then waved his hand and said, "Since they are here! Then let them in!"


"Broadcast! Zhao Guo's envoys have an audience!"


Afterwards, three people left outside the main gate, the leader was holding a letter of credence in his hand, his face was sallow, and he was wearing Zhao Guo court uniform!He came with a dignified and solemn expression, and the two behind him held a map in one hand, and a talisman in the other, and walked in under the attention of both civil and military.

"Gong Zhonglian, Zhao Guo's envoy! Bring Gai Nie! Xun Xin! Come to pay homage to the King of Han!" Gong Zhonglian was sweating all over his face at the moment, and he didn't even look at Han Yi, and he just bowed his head and bowed.

Han Yi glanced at Gong Zhonglian, and didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, so he said directly: "Bring me the map! Don't talk too much.

(End of this chapter)

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