Warring States Call

Chapter 1743 Guo Kai Takes Power

Chapter 1743 Guo Kai Takes Power
Handan City

Zhao Zhang was leaning on the bed, his face was pale, if you look carefully, you will find that Zhao Zhang is inhaling more and exhaling less!His face was as dry as bones, and his whole body seemed to be heaving a sigh of relief. His expression looked extremely haggard, and he shouted from time to time: "Guo Kai! Guo Kai!"

However, the only response to Zhao Zhang was an old eunuch's dry voice, and the old eunuch came to Zhao Zhang respectfully, and said in a deep voice, "Your Majesty!"

"There's one from Pingyang!" Zhao Zhang clutched his chest, looking at the old eunuch with a dignified look, but couldn't speak the rest of the sentence.

The old eunuch has been in the palace for many years, and he has long developed the ability to hear half a sentence and know the second half. He said hoarsely: "Master Guo Kai has not returned, and the news of Pingyang has not come back!"

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" Guo Kai's face was panicked, and he looked depressed, even a little scared. Looking at Zhao Zhang who was on the bed, Guo Kai's eyes were more dignified and determined.

When Zhao Zhang saw Guo Kai coming back, he immediately got out of bed excitedly and crawled in front of Guo Kai, Guo Kai stepped forward quickly, kowtowed to Zhao Zhang like pounding garlic, his voice was crying, and he said in panic: "My lord! Gai Nie's assassination failed! Dongchuang incident! Gong Zhonglian! Xun Xin and Xun Xin were detained by Han Yi. After half a month of preparation, they will be beheaded and sacrifice the flag! Send troops to attack our country!"

"What are you talking about!" Zhao Zhang's face was pale, his tiger eyes stared at Guo Kai, his face turned red immediately, a mouthful of black blood gushed out from Zhao Zhang's mouth, Zhao Zhang's body was limp on the ground, his eyes were empty and silent, The old eunuch looked shocked, and immediately stepped forward to help Zhao Zhang, and shouted: "Doctor! Send it quickly! Quick!"

Zhao Zhang stared at the jade jade above him, and the illusion in front of him became more and more obvious. He saw the figure of his father, and Zhao Zhang muttered to himself: "Father! I have let you down!"

"You've done a good job! Let's go!" Zhao Yong looked at his son, and didn't blame him. As a king, his efforts are obvious to all, but even if he is working hard, he is powerless when the building is about to collapse. This proves that A law, in the face of absolute talent, hard work is nothing but the masturbation of the ridiculous.

When the doctor arrived, Zhao Zhang had already passed away. It took only three years for Zhao Zhang to ascend the throne. It can be said that he has experienced the great ups and downs of Zhao Guo. Stronger, but once the peak is over, it will be downhill. With Zhao Zhang's death, the position is vacant. Although Zhao Sheng has the reality of being in power, but at this moment, Zhao Sheng's body is cold, coupled with the successive bad news, Zhao Sheng is also sick. , Even if he can survive half his life, he will not be able to govern.Li Mu!The second general Lian Po also had to have an edict because of Zhao Zhang's Wang Ling. The high-level officials of Zhao State were completely in a state of emptiness, which also gave Guo Kai an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Inside the white mourning hall
Guo Kai was wearing a court uniform, and in front of all civil and military officials, he said: "Your Majesty has passed away, and in accordance with your last wish, Zhao Xi was appointed as your Majesty, Guo Kai as the Prime Minister of the Left, and Zhao Sheng as the Prime Minister of the Right! Overview of the government affairs, waiting for the year of the King and the crown Repay the administration again!"

As soon as this statement came out, many generals and civil servants were a little bit more dissatisfied, and some generals were even about to stand up and refute it. Guo Kai clearly wants to monopolize the power, and let Guo Kai control the government, that's okay.

Guo Kai seemed to know that there would be objections, and the best way to appease them was to give them the benefits they wanted. Guo Kai immediately continued: "Now is the time to employ people! And pardon Li Mu! , Return to the court!"

As soon as this remark came out, the generals who were going to speak had lost their temper at the moment. They all looked left and right, and they all lost their temper. Guo Kai also achieved the effect he expected, and he couldn't help feeling deeply in his heart. This pinnacle of power is about to start his "great ambitions"

And the so-called grand plan is just Guo Kai's plan to make money wantonly. After all, for a villain like Guo Guokai, the great righteousness of the country has long been forgotten by him.

"Excuse me, Prime Minister! Han Yi's troops are divided into three groups, Han Xin! Sun Wu! Three generals Han Qinhu, with a total force of 30, came straight to Handan. There are also 20 troops from Yan State, a total of 50 troops, Xian Zhen There are only 15 soldiers and horses in hand, and 23 soldiers and horses in Zhao Kuangyin's hands. In addition to the [-] soldiers and horses that were just released, and the [-] guards and horses in Handan, there are only [-] soldiers and horses. "A middle-aged man came to Guo Kai wearing a court dress, his expression was gloomy and cold. Judging by his expression, he was trying to set Guo Kai off.

This person has a bright red face, hair like filaments, a pair of black pupils like a soaring falcon, and a pair of eyes that seem to see through Guo Kai, this person is named Tian Buli, he is a doctor of Zhao Guo, and the surrounding people Some people held the attitude of watching the show, and obviously wanted to lose face to Guo Kai, while some were worried and wanted to see if Guo Kai had a solution.

Guo Kai seemed to have a plan in mind, looked at Tian Buli and said: "Now that the three kingdoms are fighting, we should distinguish between the main and the secondary. The war between Han and Zhao is inevitable, but the country of Yan is different. In this battle, we must first seek peace from the country of Yan. , ceded fifteen cities in Zhongshan to fill the stomach of Yan, and then our army guarded two key points to prevent the Han army from going north, what do you think!"

"How can I hand over the land that my soldiers of Zhao State have won by throwing their heads and spilling their blood?" Zhao She, who hadn't opened his mouth to speak, finally couldn't help it, and looked at Guo Kai with a solemn expression.

"Yes!" Zhao Tian also echoed from behind.

"Since you don't agree with the old man's solution, there must be a better solution. If you have a good solution, you can tell it. Now it is a national crisis. If you have good words, the more the better!" Guo Kai smiled happily and looked around. , said indifferently.

As soon as this remark came out, the civil servants and military generals around lost their minds for a while. After all, Guo Kai's method was the only way out, and they had no choice.

"Since you have no objections, then do as I say, the situation is urgent! Let Li Mu, Lian Po and others lead the army!"

(End of this chapter)

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