Warring States Call

Chapter 1744 Fenglin Volcano

Chapter 1744 Fenglin Volcano
It is now October, and the weather is getting colder. It is often the best time to launch a war at this time, and it is also the most dangerous time. It is no longer possible to cultivate during this time period, and the role of soldiers is only to fight, but often because the cold is People who are most likely to freeze to death are soldiers who often participate in combat in winter, and a large number of soldiers die from freezing to death, and the further north, the colder it is.

This is also one of the reasons why the Southern Dynasty can never beat the Northern Dynasty, Han Qinhu and Sun Wu!The three of Han Xin were ready to go. After beheading the heads of Gong Zhonglian and Xun Xin, the 30 troops went straight north.

The cold wind was bleak, and Han Qinhu rode a war horse to a hillside. Looking at the slow-moving army around, Han Qinhu immediately shouted angrily: "Run, hurry up! It won't be cold after running, hurry up!" !start running!"

Han Qinhu issued a military order, and hundreds of thousands of troops had to run. This not only increased the marching speed, but also relieved the cold for the soldiers. Han Qinhu exhaled hot air, which directly turned into water vapor. Rubbing his hands, he said to the young general behind him, "Tell the cook! Cook more food today to fill the stomachs of the soldiers!"

"Obey!" The young general immediately got on his horse and began to convey the order.

"General Han! General Han Xin invites you to discuss military affairs!" Meng Mao came to the bottom of the rock with a brown-red horse, and cupped his hands at Han Qinhu.

Han Qinhu put away the map in his hand, stood up, patted the dust on his buttocks, and immediately said seriously: "Got it, let's go!"

"That's fine! I'll go back and report to you first!" Seeing that the news had arrived, Meng Yan didn't procrastinate. He urged his horse and walked towards the military tent. Before leaving, Meng Yan rubbed his hands together and said, "It's really cold!"

In the military tent

Han Xin was sitting on the seat, beside Sun Wu who had just arrived, Han Qinhu came late and said haha: "I'm sorry! It's too cold!"

"No problem!" Han Xin waved the bamboo pole in his hand, glanced at Sun Wu beside him, and said solemnly: "The weather is getting colder now, and it will get colder as you go north. We are better off, and most of the Zhao army are from the north, and they are more resistant to cold than our soldiers, so what do you guys think of this battle!"

"As the saying goes, speed is the key to fighting, and the weather has not completely cooled down. It is best to fight quickly and end the battle within two months!" Sun Wu put his hands into his sleeves, looked at Han Xin, and expressed his opinion.

"General Sun Wu is right, but we also need to be fully prepared. The battlefield is changing rapidly, and the first thing to solve is the problem of heating the soldiers!" Han Xin stroked his beard and looked at the two with a dignified expression.

"Don't worry about this matter!" Han Qinhu looked at Han Xin, and then said: "The king has already thought about this problem, and he has sent over 30 cotton-padded clothes for the army. Now the king has prepared them for us. If we If we can't take Zhao Guo down, I'm afraid we will shame the king!" Han Qinhu sat down on the ground, took out a wine gourd, and took a sip of the fine wine.

"In this way, our army will have no worries, but this battle is a long journey, and Zhao Jun is good at running. I guess this guy Li Mu will definitely keep an eye on our food and grass supply lines, so our army is a little passive!" Han Xin looked at the drag The long supply line pointed to the common supply line that stretched for hundreds of miles on the map, with a solemn expression on his face.

"First of all, Tunliu! Changping! The eldest son and three cities are also needed. Only when these three cities are defeated can we attack Handan!" Han Xin pointed to the three cities, and then took out three more flags and planted them on these three cities. : "The strength of these three cities is not clear yet, but the generals have been identified. The guard in Tunliu is Zhao She, the one in Changping is Lian Po, and the eldest son is Li Mu. These three are all famous generals of the Zhao Kingdom!"

"If I knew this earlier, I should have solved these troubles when I was in Pingqiu!" Han Qinhu complained, pulled out the sword in his arms, and made a wiping motion.

"It's useless to say so much!" Sun Wu patted the dust on his buttocks, glanced at the three flags on the map, and said, "Old man, I'm going to meet that Zhao She! What kind of abilities do you have!"

After Sun Wu finished speaking, he got up and cupped his hands at Han Xin and Han Qinhu; "As the saying goes, soldiers are precious and fast, I will meet them earlier, old man!"

"General Sun, be careful all the way!"



After the three of them exchanged pleasantries, Sun Wu had already left the big tent and rushed to kill in the direction of Tunliu.Han Qinhu didn't delay, and rushed towards the eldest son.

In Sun Wu's army, there are four-character military flags. Sun Tzu's Art of War has a saying: "It is as fast as the wind! It is as slow as the forest! It invades like fire! It doesn't move like a mountain! It's difficult to know like a cloud! It moves like a thunder formation!"

Therefore, there are only four battalions under Sun Wu's command, which are called the fourth battalion of Fenglin and Huoshan!Don't rely on Shi Jiantang in the four camps!Tai Shici!Su Dingfang! Nangongshi is in charge of four people, and there are also many generals under Sun Wu's command!After Sun Wu's reorganization, the soldiers of the fourth Fenglinhuo Battalion were only strong but not weak.

After returning to the barracks, Sun Wu turned over and mounted his horse, and immediately shouted: "Where is the Lin Zi barracks!"

"Here!" Nangong Shi held his long knife in his hand, urged the horse under his crotch to kill him, and the soldiers under his command were also ready to fight.

"Nangong Shi! You take the lead in leading the Linzi military camp to scout along the way, and if you encounter tongues, grab them immediately!" Sun Wu said with a stern expression.

"Obey!" Nangong Shi received the general's order, and immediately set off as a whole team. The tens of thousands of Linzi military camps, with ten people as a group, dispersed separately and headed towards the mountains and forests. However, they scanned all the places where the human body was covered. Once again, this is also the reason why Lin Ying has the fewest soldiers, but each of them is a very clever person, and each of them is a marksman.

"Fengying!" Sun Wu continued to issue general orders.

"Here!" Su Dingfang, in his thirties, was wearing black armor, holding a black gun, riding a curly-haired black hoof, and the black cloak on his back was automatic without wind. , and Su Dingfang's Fengying marching speed is very fast.

"Su Dingfang! You lead the soldiers of Fengying to be the first to feel trapped, and to test Zhao She's movements first. If he goes out to fight in the field, you don't need to confront him head-on, as long as you stay where you are!" Sun Wu said and handed over the military flag in his hand. , Su Dingfang got the general order, but he didn't neglect, and immediately marched quickly and rushed away.

"The rest of the people will follow the general to fight!" Sun Wu didn't hesitate after giving the general order, and immediately got on his horse and marched first, but the speed of marching was much slower than that of Feng Ying.

"I will obey!"

(End of this chapter)

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