Warring States Call

Chapter 1746 Chapter 1750: Su Dingfang

Chapter 1746 one thousand 750: Su Dingfang
Nancheng Shang

The Zhao army in the city has a total of about 8000 people, and the main general is named Lou Huan. At the moment when the beacon tower burned.Lou Huan noticed it. A pair of black pupils stared at the turmoil below the city. He saw that Su Dingfang led tens of thousands of cavalry to attack and kill. Because the soldiers and horses in the wind camp are mainly based on speed, there are many horses.

Lou Huan looked at the dark cavalry, Lou Huan looked at the enemy below, couldn't help being overjoyed, pointed at the enemy and said: "Hahahahahahaha! This Sun Wu is also known as a famous general in the world, and he plans to use cavalry to attack the city. Today is destined to be a battle where my Lou Xu will become famous all over the world! Hahahahaha!"

"General! Let's be careful! After all, Sun Wu.!" A lieutenant behind Lou Huan looked at the ecstatic Lou Huan with a worried expression on his face. Carelessness on the battlefield is not a good thing.

"You're asking me to do something!" Lou Huan glanced back at the lieutenant general, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes, and immediately shouted angrily, "Don't think that Zhao She is standing behind you, so I dare not touch you!"

"The subordinates dare not!" The deputy general was obviously moved, and immediately stepped back a few steps, and slowly bowed to the building.

"Hmph! Hurry up and organize your defense and prepare for battle! I'll leave this kind of petty trouble to you!" The lieutenant stepped back quickly, looked at the soldiers behind him, and immediately shouted: "Quick! Get ready to fight!"

Under the city wall, Su Dingfang looked up, and immediately shouted: "Hey! The guards on the city wall listen up! My name is Su Dingfang, and I'm here to attack the city! If you surrender, we don't have to fight. What do you think! Fight!" How bad it is to call back and forth! Isn’t it! :”

"I'll go!" Yang Kan now has ten thousand grass mud horses flying around his head, and now Yang Kan wants to cover his forehead and pretend he doesn't know this guy.

"Where did the ginseng come from! Someone shoots them with random arrows!" Lou Huan immediately shouted angrily.

"Here, General.!" The lieutenant behind Lou Huan was about to tell him that the shooting range was not up to the mark, but Lou Huan's murderous eyes forced him to shut up.

"Whoosh, whoosh!" Hundreds of cold arrows shot towards Su Dingfang, but stopped three meters away from Su Dingfang, only the horses were moving in panic.

"Enough! Don't waste time!" Yang Kan couldn't stand it anymore, and immediately waved Su Dingfang to interrupt him, signaling him not to commit another crime.

"Oh! Don't surrender! After the city is broken, let's not leave one behind!" Su Dingfang's coldness erupted at this moment, making Yang Kan on the side unanimously think that this guy is the madman just now?The murderous aura emanating from his whole body made him look like two different people.

Su Dingfang rubbed his wrist, and immediately ordered: "Listen, everyone, dismount and fight!"

"No!" When tens of thousands of people heard this, they immediately got off their horses, took off the tools on the horse, and stared at the front with stern faces.

"Old Su! Don't be impulsive! They occupy the high ground. If they attack rashly, we will suffer heavy losses!" Yang Kan was afraid that Su Dingfang would be impulsive and cost tens of thousands of lives.

Su Dingfang did not lose his mind, or he is not a person who gets angry easily, life and war are often two levels.

"Old goat! I have something for you! It must be done, it may be related to the lives of tens of thousands of people!" Su Dingfang swept the city wall up and down with his tiger eyes, his face a little dignified.

Originally, there was a task, and Yang Kan would gladly accept it, but when he heard the name "Old Goat", his brows still couldn't help being touched, and he was about to get angry at Su Dingfang, but Su Dingfang didn't quarrel with Yang Kan, and his tiger eyes stared at the city wall A corner of the city said: "You can see clearly that this city wall was built at the foot of the mountain, while the city wall of the North City was built directly at the corner. If the corner of the city is hollowed out, the entire city will collapse. When the time comes, our chance will come." I'm going to attack the city head-on, you have to hurry up!"

"Understood!" Yang Kan immediately got on his horse, looked at the soldiers behind him and said, "Take the business, follow me!"


Yang Kan led thousands of people to rush towards the city, but Su Dingfang smiled at the moment, looked at the defenders on the city wall, and said indifferently: "Cheer up for me, and I don't usually let you practice hard! Dead Don't blame me!"

"Aw!" Tens of thousands of people began to show their horns like roaring tigers.

"Attack!" Su Dingfang suddenly swung his knife forward, and the soldiers under his command charged forward one after another.

"Hmph! Get up your spirits, shoot arrows, and get ready for Rolling Stones and Thunder Woods!" Lou Huan chuckled, God really wanted him to be successful, and from now on Zhao Guo would have one more famous general,
Su Dingfang didn't say much, and immediately shouted: "The shield man is in front, resist the rolling stones and thunder wood above, and move forward a hundred steps! After the archer reaches the range, he will shoot and kill the enemy for me. ! Soldiers! Go!"

"Kill! Charge!"

I saw the black shield phalanx constantly approaching the city wall, even Lei Mu and Rolling Stone were blocked by the shield, even if there were cold arrows shooting down from the sky, some soldiers fell to the ground with arrows!But it didn't cause a large number of casualties!

"Damn it! What the hell is going on! Is the Han army just advancing like this? It won't be able to fight for three days! What is this Sun Wu thinking about!" Lou Huan looked a little gloomy, watching the siege like a turtle crawling The enemy army is a little anxious.

three hours later

Yang Kan was ashamed, wiped the dust off his face, threw the iron pick in his hand, looked at the loose city wall, and immediately shouted angrily: "Pry open the stake! Withdraw!"

"Cut apart!"

"Crack. Boom!" Several wooden stakes were chopped off one by one, and the originally impenetrable city wall collapsed everywhere at this moment.

The entire wall collapsed at this moment, debris and bricks flew around, Yang Kan was ashamed, and immediately broke his mouth and said: "Su Dingfang, you are cheating on me, and I am going back to settle accounts with you!"

"Brothers! Kill me!" Yang Kan held a spear in his hand and rushed into the city wall first. The spear in his hand swung up and down, killing dozens of people in a row. At this moment, Su Dingfang had already got the news, and immediately shouted angrily: "Brothers! Charge me, victory is in sight! Kill!"

General The wall of the North City has collapsed, us! "Before the lieutenant general finished speaking, an arrow shot him in the throat, and he died on the spot.

"Ah! Help! Help!" Lou Huan's complexion was a little pale, and he sat down on the ground, completely losing his former air.

(End of this chapter)

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