Warring States Call

Chapter 1747 Benevolence and Righteousness

Chapter 1747 Benevolence and Righteousness
"Come here for me!" Su Dingfang stretched out his broad palm, the long knife in his hand was dripping with blood, and looked at Lou Huan beside him!His whole body was terrified, and he begged for mercy: "Please forgive me! Please forgive me!"

Su Dingfang looked at Lou Huan, who was as timid as a mouse, and felt disgusted in his heart, and immediately killed Lou Huan with a knife, his head rolled down, and blood flowed horizontally.

With the death of the main general and the cutting of the flags of the generals in the army, the southern city changed hands, and the defender of the northern city was Zhao Kuo who personally participated in the battle!However, due to the lack of troops and the small city walls, the buildings in the southern city died slowly in battle!Zhao Kuo had no choice but to make a prompt decision and lead his army to retreat to Tunliu City behind him!
Tunliu City
Zhao Shezheng clasped his hands in front of his chest, looked at the defeated soldiers who were constantly retreating into the city, frowned and sighed secretly: "As expected! This Sun Wu does have some tricks!"

"Father!" Zhao Kuo had no rest as soon as he returned to Tunliu, so he quickly came to Zhao She's side, and the doctor behind hurriedly greeted him: "General Zhao Kuo! The arrow has not been drawn yet! Stay! Stay!"

"Father! Both the north and south cities are ruined!" Zhao Kuo looked embarrassed. He looked at the north and south cities that were constantly emitting smoke. Zhao Kuo frowned involuntarily as he experienced the battle just now. The enemy army was too strong.

"This is all within my expectations! The old man's goal has been achieved!" Zhao She said indifferently.

"Father! What purpose!" Zhao Kuo asked suspiciously.

"First! I'm here to test the strength of the Han army! The second floor slows down this thorn. It's a disaster to stay in the army. It's still Guo Kai's eyeliner! I killed him and offended Guo Kai, not to mention, the food and grass supply in the back , there will definitely be some problems! This third! If there are enough troops, these two cities can play a great role, but now the troops are not enough, we can only hide in the city!" Zhao She looked a little helpless, The situation is really grim, and there is no way for anyone to help it.

Zhao Kuo looked at Zhao She's helpless appearance, looked out of the city helplessly, and continued: "What should we do next!"

"Wait! Let's see what Sun Wu is going to do!" Zhao She showed embarrassment, a pair of rough hands stroked the corner of the city, his face was quite helpless, and he seemed a little at a loss.

"Report! General Su Dingfang took down Nancheng, beheaded the enemy general Lou Suan! Beicheng was also defeated, and Zhao Kuo retreated!" Nangongshi took the general's order and came to the big tent, bowing his hands with a respectful expression.

"Okay!" Sun Wu spread out the bamboo slips on the table, looked up and down with the map, and said half aloud: "I will pass on the order to tell Su Dingfang to bypass the hills and go straight to Handan, and create chaos. Tell the truth, and spread the news to Tunliu City! I want to see if this Zhao She will come back to help!"

"General! What to do with the food and grass along the way!" Nangong said suspiciously, and put the battle report in his hand on the table.

Just as Sun Wu spread out the bamboo slips in his palm, he paused again, and then said: "You don't have to worry about this, Su Dingfang has his own method!"

If Su Dingfang at this moment heard Sun Wu's words, he would definitely say hello!I don't know when to speak or not! "

And Sun Wu was blocked by Zhao She in Tunliu, and Han Xin and Han Qinhu also encountered obstacles. The 30 army was blocked by Li Mu!Lian Po! The three 10,000+ troops of Zhao She, who were ordered to stand in danger, obstructed the outside of the city. It was not because they were weak, but because the mourning army would win, adding geography, and Li Mu!It is normal for Lian Po and others to block the situation for a month or two.

Han Yi, who was on his way back, was sitting in a dark place to rest. A strong man was lying on the bed, wrapped all over his body. The doctor beside him was changing his wound medicine, while Han Yi was checking the bamboo slips in his hand. The next military expenditure, but the voice of the system sounded in his mind.

"Ding, now Gong Zhonglian! Xun Xin! Three people died in Lou Huan. Congratulations to the host for obtaining 26 summoning points. Among them, Gong Zhonglian's personal ability has reached the qualification of breaking the list. The system will break the list of two people, because there is only one person, There is no way to reward the three hosts, so this explosion will be included in the next explosion.

"En!" Han Yi nodded, and then threw the bamboo slips aside, while the doctor who was treating the wound finished his work.He bowed to Han Yi and said, "My lord! It's been dealt with, and I'm leaving now!"

"Yeah!" Han Yi nodded, his tiger eyes swept over the wounded on the bed, and immediately dropped the bamboo slips in his hand, and said indifferently: "I don't know if I admire your courage, or you are stupid! You want to assassinate me?" Gu Wang! Gu admires Li Ru and Xin Qiji, what kind of ecstasy soup did they instill in you, making you so lifeless!"

"The world has been fighting for a long time, and the feudal lords have been fighting for a hundred years, and they can unify the world! There is only one king!" The person lying on the bed is not Gai Nie who failed in the assassination.

Han Yi put away the bamboo slips in his hand, and said with a calm expression: "Gu will not let you suffer these swords in vain, Gu will let you see the moment when the world is unified, take good care of your body, the ten divisions of Tianji have your place, In addition, your name will be immortalized forever! You will be included in the legend of the warrior, and there is only so much that Gu can do for you!"

"It's just a false name!" Nie Zheng's complexion was a little pale, and his speech was a little weak, but his sharp eyes were still as sharp as ever.

"My lord! The latest battle report has been sent back!" Xin Qiji came to Han Yi, and then handed over the bamboo slips to Han Yi.

Han Yi then opened the bamboo slips and looked them up and down. Finally, he could only silently put away the bamboo slips, and said half aloud: "Gu just underestimated the background of Zhao Guo. Since they plan to play defense, they should delay slowly." Now, Zhao Guo may not be able to afford it, and tell Wei Qing to lead his troops to besiege Handan and fight all the way there, Gu will not believe it! What else can Zhao Guo do!"

"Observe the decree!" Xin Qiji received the general order, glanced at Gai Nie on the bed, and finally left the room. Han Yi stood with his hands behind his back, staring at the north, and said helplessly, "Zhao Yong! Don't blame the lonely king, don't worry." ! Gu will keep your ancestral temple! I will not cut off your blood!"

(End of this chapter)

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