Warring States Call

Chapter 1853 Chapter 1854: Xia Houyuan died

Chapter 1853 One thousand 850 Chapter Four: Xia Houyuan died
"Who is making a fuss outside the big tent?" Han Yi was looking at the map carefully, holding a pastry in his left hand, and was about to take a bite, when he heard the noise outside the tent, he immediately asked.

"Your Majesty, the last general Xia Houshang, my uncle is seriously injured, and I just want to see your Majesty." Xia Houshang looked anxious, obviously his life was at stake.

"Xiahoushang" Han Yi heard Xiahoushang's name, threw the pastry in his hand, stood up, and said excitedly, "Your uncle is Xiahouyuan"

"Exactly! Your Majesty! My uncle is going to die soon, please show me your Majesty." Xia Houshang knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly, crying pear blossoms with rain.

"Quick, lead the way." Han Yi pushed Dianwei and Elai away, and followed Xia Houshang, walking hurriedly.

In the wounded barracks, there were mourning soldiers everywhere. Two cold arrows were pulled out from Xia Houyuan's body, and the other one was not pulled out. The blood on his body was stained red, and the blood could not be stopped no matter what.

Xia Houyuan kept hitting the chilling cicada. The doctor beside him looked at the cold arrow in Xia Houyuan's chest, but he couldn't let go. After all, Xia Houyuan's arrow pierced the center, and if he pulled it out, he might lose blood directly. Many died, and now the doctor can only hang Xia Houyuan's life.

"My lord! My lord." Xia Houyuan's mouth was vague, and he kept talking about Han Yi.

"Uncle! Uncle! The king is here! Uncle" Xia Houshang came to Xia Houyuan's side, Han Yi came to Xia Houyuan's side, his black eyes stared at the injured Xia Houyuan, looking at the cold arrow in his chest, Han Yi said solemnly: "What? Situation! What's going on?"

"Our army rushed left and right in the Xiang army, but the enemy general Yang Youji'an shot cold arrows, my uncle..." Xia Houshang was a little choked up in his words, and he sat on the ground with a gloomy expression, not at all the heroic appearance of the past.

"Treat him quickly." Han Yi looked at the medical general beside him, pointed at the cold arrow in Xia Houyuan's chest, and said solemnly.

"Your Majesty! The arrow in General Xiahou's chest is right in the heart and lungs. It is already difficult to heal, and there is no way to recover." The doctor held the file in his hand, his face looked serious, and he looked at Han Yi, at a loss.

"Where's Bian Que? Where's Hua Tuo?" Han Yi glanced around, but didn't see the two of them, and his brows were furrowed.

"Your Majesty! The two gentlemen are not here. General Xia Houyuan's injury, even if the two gentlemen come, it is just delaying time."

"Your Majesty." Xia Houyuan's voice was hoarse, his face was pale and weak, his black eyes were no longer as clear as they used to be, and cold sweat fell down his body like rain.

"Miaocai" Han Yi grabbed Xia Houyuan's hand, his eyes were full of unbearable color, looking at Xia Houyuan who was covered with wounds all over his body, Han Yi felt grief and indignation in his heart. Returning home, now there is one less.

"Your Majesty, my humble minister, no, it's too late." Xia Houyuan panted heavily, his gray beard was stained with scarlet blood, he stared at Han Yi with tiger eyes and said, "I'm afraid, I can't see it. The king has ruled the world."

"No! It's ok! Hold on, Miao Cai." Han Yi grabbed Xia Houyuan's hand, looked at Han Ning behind him, and immediately reprimanded: "What are you still doing in a daze, go and call Bian Que!"

"Minister, let's take a step first." Xia Houyuan looked up at the eaves, and he seemed to see the figures of Xiahou Dun and Cao Ren. These two former brothers came to pick him up and left in person.

"Miaocai" Xia Houyuan's hands fell limply, swallowed his breath, and there was no more life. In the words that are easy to understand in ancient and modern times, it is death.

"Uncle" Xia Houshang stared at the dead Xia Houyuan with grief and indignation in his chest. He was speechless for a long time, with tears in his eyes, sitting on the ground, recalling all the past. just this.

Han Yi stared at Xiahouyuan's body, speechless for a long time. Xiahouyuan may not have done much meritorious service, but from the battle of destroying Zheng to the current Zhongwu War, he has been involved in every battle. Although it is not appropriate to describe it as hard work, it is still Also worthy of it.

Han Yi looked at Xiahouyuan's body and was speechless for a long time. People like Xiahouyuan have no credit, but they must have worked hard. Such a person is not qualified to enter Yanyuan Pavilion. If Xiahouyuan is put in Yanyuan Pavilion, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction. Yi stared at Xia Houyuan, and said half aloud: "The decree of Gu, Xia Houyuan was buried in Zhongshan, and Zhongyi Bo was awarded, hereditary Gong Dai, and the iron statue of Zhongshun Pagoda."

"Thank you, my lord." Xia Houshang bowed his head to Han Yi. For Xia Houyuan, this was considered a high honor.

Han Yi stumbled away from this place that made him lose his mind, with his back to Xia Houyuan's body, looking at the sun above, Han Yi pressed the sword in his arms, his expression gradually turned cold.

On the battlefield of the former army, Xiang Yu led the battalion of Baqiu to drive rapidly. The pursuers behind him were hindered by Xiang Yu's majesty, and did not dare to chase after him. "Kaijingshe, Jingyang, Shen Yinxu, and Qu Xia greet the king quickly"

In front of the formation of the two armies, Pang Wanchun, who had been ready for a long time, stared at Xiang Yu's battalion, and immediately shouted angrily: "Shoot the arrow!"

"Swish, swish, swish, swish, bang, bang, buzzing" Zhuge Liannu mixed with strong crossbows, heavy crossbows, and archers, and there were tens of thousands of arrows scattered here and there. Shoot and kill Xiang Junzhong.

"My lord, be careful!" Ma Shanwei came to Xiang Yu with a shield.

"Ahhhhh. Help!" Han Yi's ambush move can be said to have killed Xiang Yu by surprise. He was shot by a mass of arrows, and the four generals Jing She, Jing Jing, Shen Yinxu, and Qu Xia who came to support died one after another. Under this rain of arrows.

Zhang Yongde looked at the cold arrows all over the sky, swung his knife to block the flying arrows in the air, and spit out a mouthful of old blood for a while, he was completely unable to block the wave of arrows, and they all died under the rain of arrows.

After a wave of arrows rained, corpses and blood were everywhere, Xue Rengui pressed the bronze sword in his arms: "The Zhuge Liannu army is attacking"

"Ambition to fall into battle, there is death but not life"

"Where Xuanwu is located, not a single blade of grass grows"

"The tiger is unparalleled, and the battle will never retreat"

"It is easy to destroy a tiger, but difficult to destroy an army"

Falling into the camp, Xuanwu's soldiers, Hu Ben's army, and Hu Zhe's army, the four king bombs that Han Yi had raised for 20 years all got the cards on the board. Coupled with the oppression of Zhuge Liannu, Xiang Yu is now the turtle in the urn.

Zhong Limo stared at Xiang Yu solemnly, seeing that Xiang Yu was in an ambush, he waved his hands and shouted angrily: "Quick! Go save the king! Hurry up!"

"Di Qing is here, the enemy general is going crazy." Di Qing urged the horse under his crotch to charge forward, and the tens of thousands of soldiers under his command rushed out like a pack of wolves.

"Xiang Yu! Today you will definitely die! Leave your head behind." Several generals rushed out, as well as Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, and Huang Feihu who joined the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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