Warring States Call

Chapter 1854 Chapter 1855: Han Yi deploys troops

Chapter 1854 Chapter one thousand 850 five: Han Yi deploys troops
"A group of native chickens and tile dogs, the people who put in the bid to buy their heads dare to bark in front of the orphan." Xiang Yu watched the Han Jun who came to kill him, raised the halberd in his hand, his eyes were like dragons, and was about to urge the horse to kill him. Ma Shanwei immediately stopped Xiang Yu with a solemn expression: "My lord, the current situation is unfavorable. My lord, hurry up and return to the big tent."

"Your Majesty, don't be impulsive. Liu Bang's army has not arrived yet. Now is not the time for a decisive battle. Withdraw first, and plan a big plan." Xue Ju pressed Xiang Yu, and Ma Shanwei pressed Xiang Yu's other Arms, two tiger generals came forward to stop him, Xiang Yu watched the battle around him, the veins on his forehead popped up, he turned his horse's head and shouted angrily: "Go!"


"My lord, let's go quickly! The last general will die!" Hu Yanqing held two ancestral double whips in his hands, and rode a handsome horse, staring at the thousands of swordsmen behind him, and picked up the double whips: "Array"

"Good dogs don't block the way, get out of the way." Meng Zhan held the jade tripod double guns and slapped the horse's buttocks, with a dark face, looking at Xiang Yu behind Hu Yanqing, his eyes were full of anger.

"Where did the little baby come from! You want to die" Hu Yanqing picked up the double whips in his hand and hit Meng Zhan's head head-on.

"Waiting for death" Meng Zhan looked at the double spears that were being swung, and greeted them with a move of double dragons going out to sea. As the saying goes, one inch is long and one inch is strong. Meng Zhan uses the length of the spear to attack the enemy's weaknesses with his own strength. .

"Ding, Meng Zhan Lucun's attributes are activated, what is owed must be repaid, and what is killed must be tasted. The attribute force value will be increased by 3, and it can be activated twice. Faced with a force value above 2, the attribute force value will be increased by 100, and the force value will be 1. Add 110 to the force value of your own, add 2 to the attribute force value with a force value of 120, and add an additional 3 to the attribute force value with a force value of 130"

"Ding, Meng Zhan is activated by the Lucun attribute, the personal force value is increased by 3, the basic force value is 104, the force value of the Jade Cauldron Double Spears is increased by 1, and the current force value is 108"

"Ding, Meng Zhan's Lucun attribute is activated for the second time, and the force value is increased by 5, and the current value is 113!"

Hu Yanqing's force value was not enough to reach Meng Zhan's side at all. The silver spear in Meng Zhan's hand moved up and down to fend off Hu Yanqing's two soldiers. Picking up the gun, he directly threw Hu Yanqing's body out. When he looked at it, there was smoke everywhere, wreckage and blood everywhere.

Xiang Yu's tens of thousands of troops called for gold to retreat, and Han Yi could only put down his drums and inspect the flag. It was a difficult night for both sides. Han Yi held his job bowl and looked at the civil servants and generals standing in the first group: "Don't be dumbfounded. Let's eat, it's been a long day"

"Thank you, my lord." Everyone sat down. After a day of fighting, their stomachs were already rumbling. Han Guo, who was serving at the side, was holding strong wine and was about to pour it for Han Yi. Han Yi stretched out his chopsticks to cover the wine bottle: "During the march, you must Drinking alcohol, this is a military order! Take it down"

"No..." Han Guo resentfully withdrew the spirits in his hand, and stood beside Han Yi to serve him. Han Yi took off a few mouthfuls of rice, his mouth was full of white rice, and he chewed up and down without making a sound. Knowing that Han Yi was holding a breath in his heart.

The "big king" Pang Wanchun came rushing over, his face was covered with sweat. In this cold October, Pang Wanchun was sweating tiredly. One can imagine how tragic the battle is today.

Han Yi squinted his eyes, swallowed the rice in his mouth, picked up the millet in the bowl, swallowed it in one gulp, put the bowl on the table, wiped the grease from his mouth, rubbed it up and down in his hands, Tiger eyes stared at Pang Wanchun: "Read it."

The generals around watched Han Yi put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, and they all put down the bowls and chopsticks in their hands. They were exhausted after eating this meal. Only Guo Jia, who was at the front on the left, had nothing to eat and drink. Influenced by the surrounding atmosphere.

"Hurry up and eat!" Han Yi stared at these people with some annoyance. These are the generals who are astonished on the battlefield, all of them are as timid as a mouse.

Everyone secretly complained in their hearts, and we also want to eat well, but your lord

Pang Wanchun glanced at the generals around him, stared at the bamboo slips in his hand, and muttered: "Five generals died in this battle, 32 generals lost in the army, 8000 soldiers died in the battle, and the wounded are still counting."

"Has Xiang Guo's loss been counted?" Han Yi looked at Pang Wanchun and stroked the jade pendant in his hand, his face a little dignified.

"Xiang's army lost about 5000 troops, of which [-] soldiers died in an ambush set up by the king." Pang Wanchun slapped a flattery a little carelessly, as if praising Han Yi's brilliance and martial arts.

Han Yi tapped the table with his fingers bit by bit, stroking his breath, looking at the map on the table, and staring at Pang Wanchun with a frown: "Have you got the news about Liu Bang's soldiers?"

"Liu Bang launched 30 troops this time, from the Wucheng cavalry to the Shangyong city, and it will be there in half a month." Pang Wanchun looked a little dignified.

"Who is the enemy general?"

"Liu Bang personally led the army, and it seems that he intends to decide to fight to the death with our army. Moreover, Shan Guo and Sun Yue have been in close contact these past few days, and it seems that he intends to persuade Sun Yue to tear up the alliance with our country." Pang Wanchun swallowed.

Han Yi raised his brows lightly and let out a long breath: "What's going on with Qin?"

"Qin is indecisive right now, but Yingzheng will definitely not let go of this opportunity."

"Since Liu Bang is dishonest! Then you don't have to be polite." Han Yi rubbed his neck, then waved his hand and said: "The order, Wei Qing dispatched 50 troops from Yan State to help out, Han Qinhu, Cao Cao, Wu Han, Deng The four men of Yu, each with [-] soldiers, totaling [-], went south to help Gu Gu."

"Your Majesty, don't do it." Guo Jia, who was drinking at this time, stopped drinking and wiped the drink from the corner of his mouth: "Our army has already raised 40 troops, and these five soldiers are equivalent to a million troops. Most of the troops and horses of the family and the country are mobilized, let alone the food and logistics, the country is bound to be uncertain, the king thinks twice."

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty Guo Jia is right. Moreover, the country of Yan is too far away from the battle line here. At the same time, it is necessary to take care of the country of Zhao and Li Shimin. I have no choice but to move." Liu Ji strode out with a stern expression on his face.

Han Yi stroked his beard, seemed to be pondering the current situation, and glanced at Guo Jia around him: "Guo Jia, what do you think?"

"Your Majesty! My minister thinks that it is enough to dispatch the soldiers of Han Qinhu and General Cao Cao. The soldiers under the command of Wu Han and Deng Yu will guard the country. In addition, the king can send someone to tell Sun Liang to send troops to attack Liu Bang's abdomen. , so that we can share the pressure of our army, of course, if Sun Liang is ignorant of current affairs, let Han Qi take the lead in cutting off this disobedient dog, lest he bite back," Guo Jia said seriously.

"It makes sense." Han Yi stroked his beard and said for a while, "Where is Du He?"

(End of this chapter)

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