Warring States Call

Chapter 187 1 Stone 2 Birds

Chapter 187 Two birds with one stone

Han Yi came slowly!Although I was prepared in my heart, I still couldn't believe that this guy who used to laugh and laugh in front of me was lying in front of me now.

Jia Fu, Dian Wei, Li Cunxiao, and Yang Zaixing were all scarred all around!Especially Jia Fu with disheveled hair, a few feathered arrows sticking out of his back, and dull eyes!Pang Tong next to him wanted to remind Han Yi of mourning, but Guo Jia behind him stopped him and shook his head!

Pang Tong put down his hand weakly, not knowing what to say!Han Yi said with a cold face: "You generals have worked hard! Go down and rest!"


"Remember! Block this news for me, and don't let Pang Wanchun know!" Han Yi had a cold face!Caressing Meng Yuan's hair, he said seriously.


Everyone dare not touch the mold!Everyone knows that Pang Wanchun and Meng Yuan are Han Yi's favorite generals!The two are brothers and sisters again!If Pang Wanchun found out, he might lead a team!Killed Wang Ye.

In the big tent, Han Yi's tiger eyes were in tears!Starting from scratch, I never cried when I was injured in battle, and I never cried when I killed my brother to seize the throne!I have never cried before falling into a glacier, but looking at Meng Yuan's body, I couldn't help it!

"Brother! You're back!" Han Yi smiled bleakly, and helped Meng Yuan up with both hands, as if the blood in his body had been drained!His face was bloodless, and he could touch his scars from time to time.

Han Yi's eyes were blank, he just watched quietly like this, and said: "Brother, don't worry! I will take good care of your younger brother! I will put the heads of Bai Qi and Meng Tian Meng Yi in front of your grave."


Thinking back to the previous scene, "Meng Yuan, the last general, is willing to go through fire and water for his lord...Leave it to me...My lord...!" All the thoughts are like a kaleidoscope, constantly popping up in Han Yi's mind!

"Come on!" Han Yi's tears gradually faded away, and his former calm returned.

"My lord!" Guo Jia was not laughing and said respectfully.

"Bury Meng Yuan generously! Make a bronze statue and place it in the Yan Yuan Pavilion!" Han Yi said silently.

"No!" Guo Jia said
Dugu Xin asked curiously: "Mr. Pang Tong, what is this Yanyuan Pavilion doing?"

"General Dugu didn't know it when he first arrived. This Yanyuan was set up by the lord to commemorate the meritorious officials! It is divided into four! The Hall of Heroic Souls is for ordinary generals. Draw portraits and record them in the history! There are Wu Song, Ji Feng, Lei Heng and Zhu Dian are all meritorious ministers who died in battle!"

"What about the other ones?"

"The other is divided into three levels, wooden statues! Iron statues, and bronze statues!" Pang Tong smiled.

In ancient times, copper was very difficult to practice!Mainly used to make weapons!Moreover, it can also protect it from being embroidered, and it will remain unchanged for a hundred years. Compared with him, the others are far behind!

"How can this Meng Yuan be able to be so valued by the king and enjoy the bronze statue!" Dugu Xin was puzzled.

"General, this Meng Yuan is the king's servant of the dragon. He participated in the trip to Anyi, the battle to destroy Zheng, and the battle of border towns. After that, he replaced Shen Buhui to guard the Shangdang for many years...!" Pang Tongjie said, regarding Meng Yuan himself still admires it very much.

"These two battles are the battles of our country's destiny! If it weren't for General Meng Yuan's hard work, then our country would be where it is today! General Dugu please be careful!" Jia Fu said dissatisfied.

I feel Jia Fu's displeasure!Dugu Xin didn't dare to say too much, he laughed and murmured in his heart: Han Yi is so popular!The generals are harmonious!I'm afraid the outcome of this battle is unpredictable! "

Inside the big tent, Han Yi had a gloomy face, clasped his hands together, and said nothing!The mood is extremely bad.

Seeing this, Pang Tong had no choice but to say: "Your Majesty! Wei Guo has been reluctant to send troops now! Are we...!"

"What does Wei Huiwang mean!" Han Yi said coldly.

"King Wei Hui said that he has no generals under his command! Pang Juan is sick in bed! The other generals dare not fight easily! Anyway, they will delay as long as they can!" Pang Tong was obviously upset.

"What did Zhao Guo say!"

"Zhao Guo and the others have already dispatched troops! But they keep urging food!" Xi Zhicai respectfully stepped forward
"The two countries, Zhao and Wei, are really thugs! They can't see the situation clearly at all! Or do they want to bite back!" Dugu Xin said from time to time, showing his sense of existence.

Han Yi's eyes stayed on the map, and his mood was extremely gloomy. Isn't this adding fuel to the fire!The two countries Zhao and Wei obviously see that both themselves and Qin will suffer losses, so that they can reap the benefits of the fisherman!
"Your Majesty! My lord, Xun You has a plan, so that the King will not lose food and grass, and at the same time, Zhao and Wei will send troops!" Xun You, who had been taciturn until now, finally spoke.

Han Yi looked at Xun You curiously. He really wanted to know what kind of medicine Xun You bought in the gourd, but he was also curious about his data, and he hadn't seen him last time!It's time to check it out.


"Ding, got it!"

"Is it so powerful...!"

"Ding, those few words every day, how can I not know?"

"Ding, Xun You: Force 74, commander 78, intelligence 98, politics 97!"

"Ding! Xun You's strategy attribute activates, every time it is activated, intelligence increases by 5, and it can be used twelve times in a lifetime...!"

"I'll go! Doesn't that mean that Xun You's intelligence can reach 103? In history, Xun You contributed twelve tricks to Cao Cao, and each time it was undoubtedly a mistake. It's no wonder that Xun You has disappeared afterwards!"

"Please tell Xun Aiqing if you have any plans!" Han Yi lost his temper. 103's intelligence is not a cover.

"The State of Wei collected grain and grass from merchants on the border between Qin and Wei! They did not hesitate to buy it at a high price! Obviously, they came prepared. The king had to send a group of fierce soldiers to grab the grain and send it to King Zhao on the way. Such a king It doesn't cost a single soldier..." Xun You said half of what he said, which is self-evident.

Everyone was overjoyed, such a plan to kill two birds with one stone, Wei Wang is a cheapskate, he will not give up if he suffers a disadvantage!It is certain to send troops to attack Qin, and Zhao Guo has benefited, so naturally he can't fight anymore.

Han Yi was also shocked, this move was really ruthless!It seems that not only can I save a lot of food and grass, but also the pressure on Qin will not be small!

Everyone started to look at this humble Xun You, this guy is not simple!It's so venomous...

Han Yi was overjoyed, he got the treasure this time!But it's a pity that there are only twelve chances, and now I use up one, which can be regarded as my urgent need.

"Who would like to lie down here!" Han Yi said with a smile.

"The last general, Jia Fu...

"The last general Li Cunxiao...

"The last general Huang Feihu...

"The fierce general Yang Zaixing...

Han Yi said solemnly: "You generals have all gone through the war, and it's not easy to go! Besides, you are all my Korean generals! There must be many people who know you!"

"My lord, let me go!" Xin Qiji said hastily.


"Yes! Firstly, it can be a crime! Secondly, no one knows me!" Xin Qiji smiled,
(End of this chapter)

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