Chapter 188

Han Yi looked at Xin Qiji and smiled with satisfaction. This guy is a suitable candidate. Xin Qiji is not well-known on the battlefield, and this guy has a public face, so it is not easy to be recognized.

"Since the general is like this, I will give you three hundred wolf shadows. If there are too many people, it will attract attention," Han Yi said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, let someone pretend to be a grain merchant! After the generals and the others take the grain and grass, a general will protect them and bring them to the State of Zhao and hand them over to the King of Zhao." Guo Jia directly made up for the shortcomings of the plan.

Han Yi also smiled with satisfaction. Beside Han Yi in the dark night stood a man in black, from head to toe.

"Tianji did a good job last time! Tell Li Ru to send Zheng Zukai to go to Wei, if there is any accident! Rescue Xin Qiji, if it is so successful, let those merchants fall into the river, so that the king of Wei can't check!" Han Yi Seriously.

"No!" The soldiers disappeared into the night after taking their orders.

Han Yi blew the hot wind. As the saying goes, the sky is the game, and the man is the chess piece. He can have feelings for the chess pieces, but he can't kill more chess pieces for the sake of one chess piece.

If Xin Qiji fails and dies, he can protect his family's prosperity and wealth, but if he does not die, Han Yi may have a falling out with King Wei.

This is not a joke, when the time comes, the whole game may be lost, and now I need the help of King Wei!
Qin camp.

Bai Qi looked at the battle report with an ugly face, 8000 people were killed and injured in this battle, two-ninth of the food was burned, and the generals were killed and injured. Wang Yanzhang and Hu Yang were all injured in different ways. His body just disappeared.

Not only did I lose my face, but the morale of the Qin army was greatly reduced. With 10 people and my careful arrangements, I couldn't stop thirteen people from coming and going freely.

"What are you eating..." Bai Qi said angrily.

"General, I could shoot them to death with random arrows, but...!" Hou Junji hesitated to speak.

"But what!" Bai Qi said angrily.

"But General Wang Yanzhang wants to fight against them, so..." Hou Junji was lucky, fortunately, Wang Yanzhang took the blame for him...

"Wang Yanzhang has something to do! What about people...!" Bai Qi said angrily.

"General! General Wang Yanzhang got a whip in the back and is resting in the tent now!" Hou Junji said.

"Bastard! Don't let him be a hero! Now it's fine! I was beaten into a bear, and what are you doing for food..." Bai Qi was powerless to vent. If King Qin knew about this, he might not have a good life.

"Hou Junji! Hu Yang! Wang Yanzhang and the others will be executed every day!" Bai Qi said angrily.

"No, general! General Wang is the number one general in our country. If there is anything wrong with him! We will have no way to stop South Korea! Besides, General Wang is desperately resisting." Sima Cuo hurriedly stopped him.

In fact, there is no need for Sima to say wrong!Wang Yanzhang can't die either, the strength behind him is strong, even if you tell King Qin about this matter, Wang Yanzhang can't die, Zuo Baiqi, right Wang Jian, Wang Yanzhang has to weigh Qin Wang's move.

Once Wang Yanzhang is killed, Bai Qi and Wang Jian quit, even if King Qin cries, he can't help it!
Hou Junji sneered from below, but Wang Yanzhang had nothing to do, and he should have nothing to do. At most, he would be punished, but Hu Yang couldn't say for sure. He was afraid of war and did not go forward. This crime was confirmed.

Bai Qi also felt that what Sima wrongly said was justified, nodded and said: "Wang Yanzhang and Hou Junji will make up for their mistakes, but Hu Yang is afraid of fighting and will not go forward, and he will not escape the death penalty. Someone will pull him out and behead him!"

"General, please spare me! I resisted! I really resisted! It's just that Jia Fu is really...!" Hu Yang cried with tears and snot mixed together.

Bai Qi said solemnly: "You bastard! You still have the face to say it! The soldiers rushed forward bravely, but you were frightened away! My state of Qin has always been famous for its bravery. Today I want to give the soldiers of the three armies a Say it, pull it down and cut it!"

"Bai Qi, you are a villain, pampering Wang Yanzhang, nepotism...!"


"Ah!" There was a scream, blood splashed all over the ground, Bai Qi said solemnly: "Those who are afraid of fighting and will not go before, die! Wang Yanzhang and Hou Junji can be spared the death penalty, but they cannot escape the crime of living! Beat thirty big boards!"

"Ding! Liang Xing died in battle, rewarding the lord with 7 summoning points, the current summoning point is 192, Hu Yang beheaded for public display, rewarding the lord with 9 summoning points, the current summoning point is 201"

"Ding, besides, Hu Yang's force value is over 95, the system is going to mess up!"

"No way! There is still a third-rate general..." Han Yi was obviously dissatisfied

"Ding, Murong Ke: Force 88, Commander 98, Intelligence 94, Politics 94, implanted in the land of Yan"

I'm going to be all-rounder!Just like that, Han Yi looked at Murong Ke regrettably, and even gave Prince Pill

"Ding, Yu Wenxian: Force 99 Commander 95 Intelligence 88 Politics 76 Implant identity Yuwen Chengdu brother"

"Oh my God! Finally give me a strong general!" Han Yi was excited, this guy looked pretty good, and he could compete with Yu Wenqing.

"Ding, Wei Xiaokuan: Force 88, Commander 94, Intelligence 95, Politics 96. The talent Sun Jian summoned."

"Ding, Yang Su: Force 100, Commander 96, Intelligence 90, Politics 89 Implanted Yang Yuhuan's elder brother

"Ding, Li Xiaogong: Force 98 Commander 96 Intelligence 84 Politics 87 The general recruited by Liu Bei."

"Ding, Wang Xiaojie: Force 97, Commander 94, Intelligence 89, Politics 87, implanted in Diwei, Wang Mang's younger brother"

"Ding, Wang Jun: Force 95, Commander 95, Intelligence 88, Politics 88 Implanted in Yan Kingdom"

"Ding, Li Guangbi: Armed Forces 99 Commander 97 Intelligence 85 Politics 54 Implanted Li Shimin's clan brother

"Ding and Westward: Armed Forces 104 Commander 88 Intellect 85 Politics 99, Implanted in Wei State!"

"Ding Luo Shixin, a fierce general of the Sui and Tang Dynasties: "Strength 107, commander 81, intelligence 61, politics 52, implanted in the land of Qin! "

Han Yi looked at Luo Shixin regretfully, he had come out four or five times, it seemed that he was destined to have no part.

But I can't say anything. I looked at it this time, and every country has talents to join, and I also get two, but compared with Qin, I am a little bit worse. Luo Shixin is a pity when he thinks about it. A general who competes with Li Cunxiao!Facing Li Yuanba is not afraid.

Han Yi was helpless, he suddenly discovered that the old Li's family was full of talents!Li Yuanba, Li Hongzhang, Li Shentong... There are a lot of them.

I'm afraid the only ones I can summon are Han Shizhong and Han Yu, and I don't know the others!It seems that I need to support a family force.

At present, apart from Han Qinhu, Han Xin, and Han Qian, I really don't have any generals that I can take out. On the other hand, there are a lot of talents surnamed Liu and Li.

Looking forward, Han Yi smiled. Hearing what happened just now, Bai Qi was so angry that even Hu Yang was beheaded. The next thing he wanted to do was to find a way to transfer Yu Wenxian and Yang Su.

(End of this chapter)

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