Warring States Call

Chapter 1875 1876: Fan Zengyang's conspiracy

Chapter 1875 One Thousand 870 Six Fan Zengyang Conspiracy
The battlefield is close to intense heat. The sound of weapons being delivered and the screams of soldiers can be heard everywhere. Blood seems to be the indispensable color of this land. This battle lasted from morning to noon, and no one dared to back down easily, because the two sides The Shuai flag has not changed in the slightest.

"Come on, brothers!" Wu Qi's subordinate general, Xing Fa, held a spear and swung his silver gun in all directions, leading a hundred people behind him, and rushed straight into the hinterland of the coalition army.

"How courageous!" Pan Dang narrowed his eyes, took off the long arrow behind his back with one hand, his eyes became colder, and he drew the bow to the full moon, and shot straight at the criminal law.

"Ding, when Pan Dang's shooting attribute is activated, the personal force value is increased by 5, the basic force value is 98, the Pegasus bow force value is increased by 1, and the current force value is 104!"

"Yeah!" Xing Fa frowned, seeing the cold arrow being shot, and hurriedly fell to block, only to hear: "Woo... Kacha!"

The cold arrow deviated slightly, and the criminal law couldn't react in time. He was shot off the horse, and the soldiers on both sides urged the horses to come to the rescue.

"Scumbag! Come out!" Xu Yi, who was in her early twenties, yelled angrily. With a simple knife in her hand, she looked around for the direction of the cold arrow. After searching for a long time, she finally saw Pan Dang holding a bow. , Turned over and rode on the horse, looking at the posture, it was bound to kill Pan Dang with a single blow.

"Looking for death!" Pan Dang seemed too lazy to entangle with Xu Yi, tightened his horse, turned around and ran away, Xu Yi saw that Pan Dang was about to leave, and whipped three times in a row, urging the horse to chase after Pan Dang.

"Hmph! Reckless man!" Pan Dang glanced back at Xu Yi who was chasing him, his eyes were full of mockery, he picked up the arrow with one hand, turned around and drew his bow, and said with a sneer, "Hit!"

"Ding, Pan Dang's return arrow attribute is activated, reducing Xu Yi's force value by 3 points, and Xu Yi's force value is currently 90!"

"Ah!" The cold arrow pierced through the throat and hit Xu Yi's throat. He died on the spot. He went to see his father, Xu Chu. Xu Yi still had a son, so that Xu Chu would not end up with no descendants. It was just the glory of the Xu family. No, it's been going downhill.

The smoke and dust billowed, and people turned their backs. It was noon, and the soldiers were already hungry. Difficult to display real combat power.

For example, on the current battlefield of the trapped camp and the crane-controlling soldiers, there are many dead bodies of the two armies on the ground, and the flags of the trapped camp and the crane-controlling soldiers are still fluttering in the wind. It's like crawling out of a pile of dead people.

The ground is full of corpses from the two armies, most of them are ordinary soldiers who got involved in this war and were rubbed mercilessly by the two armies. Jing Si's silver-white battle armor was covered with blood, and he was able to get blood on his body from time to time. Looking for the traces of the knife and counting them carefully, there are more than 30 traces. A crane guard in front of him is holding a crane feather shield, carefully protecting in front of Jing Si, and vigilantly looking at the trapped soldiers in front of him.

In the trapped camp, Generals Gao Shun and Fu Kuan came to the front of the formation, and the soldiers behind them were equipped with Zhuge Liannu. After all, almost every military camp was equipped with hundreds of high-end weapons like the Han Army, and the trapped camp was also equipped with such Almost everyone has one weapon, but Gao Shun felt that relying too much on the Zhuge Liannu would reduce the combat effectiveness of the soldiers. However, in this kind of physical exhaustion, Gao Shun also had to feel that the lethality of the Zhuge Liannu was extraordinary. It is large and can save the soldiers' physical strength.

"Gao Shun! I remember your name!" Jing Si suddenly pulled out the crossbow arrow on his shoulder, the sweat on his forehead cut through the blood on his cheek, and dripped on the ground, the blood overflowed from Jing Si's wound, Jing Si didn't pay too much attention, his black eyes fixed on Gao Shun who was trapped in the camp, this guy with a Chinese face.

Gao Shun stared at Jing Si, and listened to the sound of the horn to withdraw the army. A pair of tiger eyes fixedly stared at Jing Si, with a hint of killing intent in his eyes, but both armies knew that they could not do anything at this time, even arrows. They cannot be released, because once they are released, it is like a fuse. The long-standing anger of the two armies and their reluctance for the dead will instantly trigger an explosion, resulting in the next round of large-scale war. It will continue until dusk, and the number of deaths will more than double.

"Fu Kuan! You lead a thousand brothers to break the rear and prevent the crane-controlling soldiers from rushing in. The rest of the brothers! Stay vigilant and enter the city slowly!" Gao Shun issued the last general order of this battle.

The crane-controlling soldiers were not impulsive, everyone was waiting for an order from one person, whether to attack or retreat, but what was waiting for them was Jing Si's legs and feet went limp, and he sat down on the ground. Only then did he realize that Jing Si's face was still a little pale, but the blood covered his face. Jing Si resisted the feeling of weakness all over his body, and cursed: "Son of a bitch! Don't bark! Back away slowly!"

"No!" Only then did the soldiers on both sides keep quiet, and only then did they realize that once the trapped camp heard that they would be counterattacked if they failed to complete the guarantee, their numbers for controlling the crane soldiers might be wiped out.

After walking fifty steps, Gao Shun glanced back at the retreating crane-controllers, immediately relieved, and greeted Fu Kuan who had already rushed back. His arms drooped on Fu Kuan's shoulders, and his legs softened. Kuan knew in advance that he helped Gao Shun up. At this moment, Gao Shun had a sword mark on his lower abdomen. Although it was not serious, he lost a lot of blood.

A general soldier, dragging his tired body, marched into the city. The guard at the gate was the general Pang Wanchun. Looking at the wounded soldiers one after another, Pang Wanchun frowned, but he had no choice but to pat his body directly. The side soldier said: "Hurry up! Bring up the stretchers you have prepared! Brothers who have finished eating, go to the battlefield and collect the bodies of your brothers!"

"Obey!" The deputy general received the general's order and went down to prepare. It took half an hour just for the hundreds of thousands of troops to enter the city. The wounded soldiers were wailing everywhere, and the medical craftsmen in the city staggered the meal time with the wounded soldiers. , often have to eat an hour in advance, and then wait for rescue, carry the wounded soldiers to the wounded barracks, and start a tug-of-war with death.

Pang Wanchun's general, Lan Xi, wore heavy armor and a long sword at his waist, led 300 militiamen out of the city, loaded the dead soldiers into the carts, and transported them to the pit in the west. Those who suffered from the plague, whether they were alive or not, were transported directly to the tents of 80.00 people set up outside the city. [-]% of the soldiers died before being transported to the tents, and the remaining [-]% were transported to the tents. It may not be able to be cured, half of the remaining [-]% are physically disabled and unable to continue the war, and the other half need to be raised for one to half a year before they can continue to participate in the war.

His blue and black eyes saw the battlefield in front of him. There were corpses all over the place, broken limbs and arms, missing swords and guns, and trampled and dilapidated military flags. The air was filled with the smell of blood, and flies kept flying around. People take pains.

But Xiang Ying, who was in Xiang's army, was ordered to come to collect the corpse. Looking at the enemy in front of him, Xiang Ying maintained due vigilance. Victory, the corpses on the battlefield, and the people he killed must be cleaned up by him, so in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, no one will fight at this time.

Lan Xi and Xiang Ying glanced at each other, both of them knew it well, and each packed up the corpses. Once this time was delayed, it would not be over until dusk. Exhausted, Lan Xi watched the last batch of corpses being transported into the pit , returned to the city, sat down on the ground, looked at Pang Wanchun beside him, feeling a lot of emotion: "When will this world be peaceful...!"

"Hurry up!" Pang Wanchun took off the water bottle at his waist and handed it to Lan Xi, and sat on the ground with him, leaning against the wall, staring blankly at the full moon in the sky, and said with a slight smile, "As long as this one The war is over! After ten years of fighting, there will be no more fighting in the next hundred years!"

"Hahahaha! I don't know if I can live to that time!" Lan Xi was full of emotion, stroked her beard, took the water bottle handed by Pang Wanchun, and looked at the buried corpses in the west. Lan Xi took a sip of herself, seeming to mutter and sigh: "I don't know if I can live until then!"

In this battle, the two armies were evenly divided, and no one took advantage of the other, and at this moment the Southern Allied Forces were in the big tent.

Xiang Yu was sitting on the throne, his face was gloomy, and Yang Guang and Liu Bang were the elders with stern faces. Yang Jian lost two generals, Xiao Moke and Hei Manlong, in this battle. Yang Guang's whole heart is bleeding. , this does not count the two brothers Su Cheng and Su Feng, but the loss of 8000 soldiers of the Cheng Feng Army is not a small amount.

Liu Bang looked better than Yang Guang. After all, Li Mu was not his direct general. His death in battle could also weaken Chong Er's power, allowing Liu Bang to further control the soldiers and horses Chong Er brought, but when the news of Yu Hualong's death spread Come on, Liu Bang's embarrassing boss seems to explode at any time. After all, Yu Hualong is a veteran general in the army, so Liu Bang really can't accept it.

Among the four countries, if there is nothing to lose, Sun Ce is probably the only one. At this time, Sun Ce also knew that it was not easy for him to talk too much, so he just shut his mouth.

"Although Han Yi is blocked in Zhongwu right now, it is difficult for him to go south, but if we continue to consume like this, we will inevitably lose both sides!" Yang Guang spoke first, with a serious expression on his face, as if he was questioning Xiang Yu and Liu Bang, you guys should think of a way, if you keep fighting like this, you won't be able to hold on.

Xiang Yu's brows were also tightly furrowed, and Liu Bang didn't speak. He was groping for the meaning of Yang Guang's words, and Fan Zeng, who had been standing behind Xiang Yu, covered his mouth, coughed violently, leaned on his crutches, and limped. Walking out with a slouch, he said, "Ahem...to fight like this! It's really not the way!"

"Mr. Fan, what strategies do you have? Why don't you tell me!" Liu Bang propped his chin with his hands, staring at Fan Zeng indifferently, as if to say that you have some good strategies.

"Mountain king, don't be in a hurry...!" Fan Zeng said haha ​​at Liu Bang, drove slowly to the map, pointed to Zhong Wu's battlefield and said, "There is only one way to defeat Han Yi right now, and that is to open up a battlefield! Zhong Wu A battlefield has gathered too many capable generals under Han Yi's command, and it is necessary to disperse these people and defeat them one by one!"

"Oh!" Liu Bang squinted his eyes, looked around the battlefield, scratched his head, but didn't say anything, as if he was saying to Fan Zeng, you continue to show off, and the old man just listened.

"Jizhang! Shangyong! These three cities are all big cities under Han Yi's command. As long as one of them is taken down, troops can be sent to harass Han Yi's hinterland. When the time comes, Han Yi will definitely stop his troops.

"Insufficient troops!" Liu Xiu folded his hands in front of his chest with a dignified expression. He looked at the map and said for a while, "Zhongwu's current battlefield has already covered millions of troops. Once our army mobilizes troops and horses to go three The ground will inevitably arouse Han Yi's vigilance. If Han Yi is more ruthless and takes the lead in unplugging Zhongwu City, it will be too bad for us.

"Indeed! But our army still has foreign aid! Qin and South Korea are feuds! They have fought each other for more than 30 years, and the two sides lost countless generals. They led Qin into this situation and formed a situation where five countries resisted South Korea. !" Fan Zeng picked up the wooden block and set it on Qin's position.

"Forget it! I'm going to trouble General Ban Chao this time!" Xiang Yu looked at Liu Bang. For this Ban Chao, Xiang Yu admired him a lot. In the [-]s, Ban Chao could be regarded as the No. [-] person, lobbyist among countries, Mao Sui and Zhang Yi said they were number two at the same time, and whoever dared to be number one, I am afraid that only Ban Chao could open his mouth.

"No need!" Liu Bang was about to agree, but Fan Zeng waved his hand to signal that Ban Chao would not be on the horse. Xiang Yu looked puzzled and said, "Yafu! You are...!"

"Even if you are lobbying the Qin State, it is difficult to guarantee that Ying Zheng will not have the intention of sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight. It is better to send an army, disguised as a Han army, and enter Xunyang. No matter the old or weak, women or children will be spared. If you do anything, Yingzheng will definitely send troops." Fan Zengchang stroked his beard with a smile on his face.

"Yingzheng won't be able to see this kind of trivial calculation!" Liu Bang sneered at Fan Zeng's strategy, as if he thought he was joking.

"Indeed! Yingzheng will definitely see the flaws! But the real power of this strategy is that he is a conspiracy!" Liu Xiu came to the map, stared at Fan Zeng with a smile on his face, and continued: "People's anger will make Yingzheng more powerful." Troops must be sent! Otherwise, the people of Shu who were originally disobedient would not submit to Yingzheng, and for the sake of the overall situation, Yingzheng will send troops!"

After Liu Xiuyan said that, he stared at Fan Zeng with a smile on his face. Fan Zeng also looked at the handsome young man in front of him. Fan Zeng looked at people not his appearance, but only at his aura. Oh, Liu Xiu is walking like a tiger, just because of his aura, Fan Zeng secretly said : This son is extraordinary, if there is no Han Yi, the Liu family and his son will be Yu'er's old enemies.

"Since the matter has been decided! Who will be in charge?" Yang Guang said with a serious face.

"Sun Yue is so handsome! Sun Ce! Don't you have anything to say?" Xiang Yu stared at Sun Ce with a provocative look.

"Leave it to Fu Youde? He will do it well." Sun Ce had no choice but to push out the most suitable candidate in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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