Warring States Call

Chapter 1876 Chapter 1877 : Army Ten Thousand Horses Avoiding White Robes

Chapter 1876 Chapter 870 Chapter [-] Thousands of troops avoid white robes ([-])

"Since the matter of Shangyong is settled, all that is left is Wancheng and Jizhang!" Xiang Yu glanced at the map, thoughtful, not knowing what he was thinking.

But Liu Bang said to Yang Guang with a smile at the moment: "Brother Yang! If you don't suggest it, I am willing to help you and send someone to attack Ji Zhang!"

When Yang Guang heard this, his brows were furrowed. He didn't know what Liu Bang was planning. He just wanted to gain some benefits from his own territory. Because of Ban Chao's last empty-handed trick, Yang Guang had no idea what Liu Bang was planning. Everyone in the mountain country maintained their due vigilance, and said solemnly: "Don't bother the king of the mountain! Jizhang only has a few thousand defenders. I will write a letter directly and ask Gao Ying to send troops to take down Jizhang first!"

"Hey." Liu Bang pinched his beard and laughed, not revealing Yang Guang's careful thoughts. He stared at the map and was about to continue speaking, but Yang Guang interrupted: "Although our army can send troops! But there are not enough weapons and armor. Can the three of you please help me a lot?"

The three of them frowned when they heard this. How could they not understand Yang Jian's meaning? It was nothing more than that he would not scatter the eagle if he didn't see the rabbit.

But in the era of the Warring States period, armaments were in short supply, and if one's own country was not enough, how could he give it to other countries? And Liu Bang also stared at Xiang Yu with a smile this time, as if to say: You are the country that launched this war, so you should not express it ?
Sun Ce is also unwilling to stand out. After all, he has some ideas about what kind of bird his country is, so it's better not to join forces.

Xiang Yu didn't want to get mixed up with the twists and turns in front of him, but Fan Zeng grinned, scratched his head with his index finger, and said for a long time: "This time the armaments are limited, and our army can only provide three thousand knives and axe equipment! Shanwang and General Sun, what do you think?"

Fan Zeng has already stated his position. He Xiang Guo is not a penny-pincher, but he wants Xiang Guo to be taken advantage of by himself, dreaming!
Liu Bang buckled his face, looked at Liu Xiu, and blinked at his son, which meant telling Liu Xiu to quickly refuse, your father and I are not suitable.

Liu Xiu stared at Fan Zeng with a smile, stretched out her palm, and said to Yang Guang, "Our country also produces armor and weapons for [-] pikemen!"

Then Liu Xiushun stared at Sun Ce, while Fan Zeng pursed his lips, secretly calling Liu Xiu a little fox, and then looked at Sun Ce, for a while!All eyes in the hall were on Sun Ce.

Sun Ce's scalp was numb just looking at it, and he couldn't dodge it this time. Sun Ce stretched out two fingers, gritted his teeth, and said, "Two thousand bows! Two thousand arrows!"

"Thank you all for your kindness!" Yang Guang bowed his hands to the three of them, and he almost said the words "you are too embarrassed", but now is not the time to tear your face, so you can only take it, at least you can directly arm it. An army of 1 people has been raised.

"Since the matter of Ji Zhang has been resolved, how do everyone in Wancheng think about it!" Liu Xiu narrowed her eyes and stared at Sun Ce, as if planning to squeeze more wool out of him.

Sun Ce frowned slightly, as if he was dissatisfied with Liu Xiu's words. He always felt that this guy was targeting him. Fan Zeng pinched his beard, and then smiled and said, "The four countries have each drawn 1 horses, so how about choosing a commander to attack Wancheng?" !"



Liu Bang and Xiang Yu immediately agreed, after all, they came up with this idea, and Yang Guang had no choice but to say a good word because of the previous extortion.

At this time, Sun Ce can only be described in two words, aggrieved, it is too aggrieved, Sun Ce rubbed his wrist, and let out a long breath: "Yes!"

"Okay!" Fan Zeng nodded, pinching his gray beard and said: "In this army tent, apart from the kings, the little general Liu Xiu, who can be regarded as a famous general in the world, is counted as one, and Sun Yue's two generals Zhou Yu and Lu Meng It can be counted, and the Zhaoyang general of our country is one, and overall, we can only do it on the two generals Zhou Yu and Lu Meng!"

Sun Ce frowned, but it was not easy to attack, so he could only push Zhou Yu out, and the [-] soldiers and horses who attacked Wancheng finally took shape. Zhou Yu was the leader, Liu Qi, Heng Chu, and Shi Wengong were the assistants. , Marching towards Wancheng.

Liu Bang stared at the military flag that Zhou Yu set off overnight, and stood with his hands behind his back, "Do you think he will win?"

"It's hard to say! After all, he surprised everyone in the battle where he won more with less, so it's hard to guarantee that he won't create a miracle this time!" Liu Xiu seemed to be a master of data analysis, and he could deduce Zhou Yu's creativity at a glance.

"He's a hero! Don't underestimate it." Liu Bang had a rare serious look, and then he seemed to think of something, turned his head and stared at Liu Xiu with distressed expression: "Three thousand sets of armor and weapons, you can give them away as you want, You prodigal son!"

After listening to Liu Bang's nagging, Liu Xiu couldn't help but roll his eyes a few times. After Liu Bang complained a few times, he patted Liu Xiu on the shoulder and said, "Well done! You have the style of Lao Tzu! A man wants to Be more generous, so that you can make a big deal!"

I am Nima!Just now who felt distressed like a tortoise, and now put gold on his face, it is true that the old Liu family's ancestral skills, talent and thick skin are still the kind that bullets can't pierce.


mountain country hinterland
In other words, in the Chu land, Chen Qingzhi ate the dry biscuits in his hand and drank a sip of rabbit soup, barely filling his stomach. Hua Tuo at the side checked Chen Qingzhi's pulse, took out a pill from his bosom and handed it to Chen Qingzhi, to see for himself. After he paid, Hua Tuo left with the medicine box.

Chen Qingzhi glanced at Hua Tuo's back with a wry smile, a pair of tiger eyes swept the ground back and forth, Zhao Hu trotted over by his side, and said with a stern expression: "We have detected it."

"Where is it!" Chen Qingzhi suddenly regained his spirit, but his skinny appearance didn't match the word "spirit" no matter what he looked at. Zhao Hu picked up two stones and placed them in the direction of Zhongli City. With his hands on his hips, he said: "This is the enemy that currently transports grain and grass in the Shan Kingdom. All the grain and grass in the Shan Kingdom are transported to Zhongli. On the battlefield from Zhongli to Zhongwu, as for how many grain transport roads there are, there is no collection road!"

"This is not difficult...cough cough!" Chen Qingzhi covered his mouth, coughed twice, a pair of tiger eyes moved back and forth on the city wall, picked up the stone, considered it up and down, and fixed it in Shoucheng and In the two places of Shucheng, Chen Qingzhi stroked his beard and said, "The grain and grass of the Shouchun generation must be transported to the Shouchun battlefield through the river. After all, this can reduce a lot of manpower and material resources, and this Shucheng must be transporting armored soldiers." This place relies on the Yangtze River to go down the river and get twice the result with half the effort. After arriving in Shucheng, we will go north to transport supplies. It seems that there are a lot of water warfare ships in the country!"

"General! Then what shall we do!" Listening to Chen Qingzhi's words, Meng Zhan folded his hands in front of his chest, his expression quite serious.

"Hey! Whatever he is doing! Just call him!" Cheng Yaojin waved his hand nonchalantly, as if everything he did was a matter of a few blows.

"Take Shucheng, and move quickly! Don't leak any news...! All the people in the city...cough cough...! Kill them!" Chen Qingzhi clutched his chest, his expression quite serious.

Hearing this, Luo Cheng frowned slightly. He felt that Chen Qingzhi's actions seemed a little unreasonable, but after thinking about it carefully, they were in the hinterland of the country, and once the news leaked out, the entire army would be wiped out. Luo Cheng still understands the truth that friends are not dead and poor.

"The ground of Shucheng is flat! The city is high and the walls are thick. If our war horse appears under the city, it is a moving target." Luo Cheng has a lot of insights on war horses, and directly pointed out the problem at hand.

"And how many soldiers and horses there are in Shucheng! We don't know!" Meng Zhan frowned, seemingly puzzled.

"Liu Bang gathered a large number of troops in Zhongwu City. His mountain country swallowed the first Chu, and he has limited soldiers and horses. There are at most 3000 guards in Shucheng!" Chen Qingzhi looked at the map, took out the first general order, and directed at Zhaohu Road : "Zhao Hu, you lead a thousand brothers to pretend to be refugees fleeing from famine, and take the first to take down the city. Remember that I only give you one hour!"

"The final general will definitely take down the city!" Zhao Hu took the general order with both hands with a resolute expression on his face.

Chen Qingzhi smiled at Zhaohu, but no matter how you looked at this smile, it was a bit creepy. Chen Qingzhi didn't talk too much nonsense, looked at Cheng Yaojin, and said, "Set up eyeliner around the city, and once the enemy troops leave the city, they will be killed on the spot. Don't let it go! If anyone reports to Baili Tongcheng in the south, don't stop him! Let him go!"

"For...!" Cheng Yaojin was about to ask why, but Zhaohu pulled Cheng Yaojin down directly, and Chen Qingzhi had no intention of explaining to Cheng Yaojin.

Seeing Cheng Yaojin being dragged away, Chen Qingzhi took out the third general order, looked at Luo Cheng and said, "Once Tongcheng reinforcements come to help! Don't worry about other things, take Tongcheng first! Take the food and grass in the city! Everything that can be burned is burned!"

"Are you going to fight for help?" Luo Cheng carefully speculated on Chen Qingzhi's tactics, then smiled indifferently, took the order with both hands, ordered the soldiers and horses, and went down to prepare.

"Hey! General, then what am I doing?" Meng Zhan saw that Chen Qingzhi was going to leave him behind, he was a little unhappy at once, and hurriedly asked for a fight.

Chen Qingzhi pointed to the Yangtze River on the map and said: "Stay at the headquarters! Ensure the water and soil for the horses! This is our living capital!"

"This...!" Meng Zhan felt that he was overqualified, but he couldn't refute for a while, so he could only swallow the work.


The guard of Shucheng is named Liu Pi, and there are two lieutenants under him, namely Zhang Shicheng and Bo Pi. This is also Liu Bang's decentralization policy. In fact, it is to divide their strength. Liu Bang doesn't want to have the remnants of the early Chu, so he practiced this policy, not to mention, in this world of sophistication, blocking people's way forward, such as killing their parents, Zhu Zhanji and Chong Er Don't make such low-level mistakes.

Zhao Hu acted very quickly, took off his battle robe, and without a weapon in his hand, he took a thousand brothers under his command and divided them into three or four teams. Each of them seemed to be exhausted, and walked quickly towards Shucheng In order to act like a little bit, Zhao Hu deliberately found a few thin soldiers in the army who looked like women, and there were a few carts from time to time, with wounded pretending to be patients lying on them, and they ran slowly towards the city .

This appearance alone is easy to gain the trust of others. To be honest, it's a pity that they don't become actors.

The captain guarding the city gate saw that this wave of refugees was about to pour into the city, and immediately led his soldiers to drive them forward, angrily shouting: "Stop all the troublemakers wherever they come from! Stop quickly!"

"Mr. Jun! We haven't had any food for three days! Can you give me a stutter?" Zhaohu looked weak, but his big and thick body really aroused suspicion. The captain frowned and shouted angrily. : "Array! Stop! Wait for me to report to the general!"

In the territory of the mountain country, anyone who attracts refugees and settles them down is a political achievement and a way for these nobles to be promoted. However, Zhao Hu looked at the city gate that was close at hand, and broke the spear in front of him where he talked nonsense. , stabbed at the throat of the soldier in front of him, with this move alone, the soldiers under his command got the command and shouted angrily: "Kill!"

Dozens of soldiers pulled out their weapons from the carts and distributed them around. Several generals lying on the carts in a sickly posture suddenly got up and rushed up with their knives.

"The general takes the sword!" The soldier threw Zhaohu's battle path to him, and Zhaohu reached out to take it, and suddenly cut off the head of the school lieutenant with a knife, spat, and said, "You bastard!"

The faces of the soldiers guarding the city wall changed drastically, and one of the captains waved his hand and shouted angrily: "Quick! Shoot the arrows! Close the city gate! Enemy attack!"

Seeing that the enemy was about to bend their bows and set arrows, Zhao Hu hurriedly took advantage of this time to lead his soldiers closer to the city.

Two generals in the city were about to make a move, and the spies lurking in the city grabbed their swords and killed them. Zhaohu welcomed hundreds of people into the city. Zhaohu suddenly tore off his tattered clothes, revealing his strong body, covered with The soldiers behind him hurriedly buckled the battle armor on Zhaohu, and it took a full ten seconds back and forth, which shows that there is no lack of training in normal times.

Zhang Shicheng happened to be leading people to patrol the city at this moment, seeing Zhao Hu leading people to kill him, he waved his hands and shouted angrily: "Where did the bandits come from! I'm impatient! Come on, brothers!"

Although Zhaohu and the others were wearing small armor, they still looked like bandits on closer inspection, Zhaohu grinned, charged forward one at a time, beheading dozens of people in a row, Zhaohu yelled: "Little ones! Kill them all for me!"

"Where did the mad man come from! Look at the arrow!" Zhang Shicheng raised his bow and set an arrow, aiming at Zhaohu's throat, and shot directly to kill him.

Zhaohu grinned, lowered his head slightly, and the cold arrow brushed his cheek without even scratching his skin. Zhaohu snatched a spear from a mountain soldier, and the tiger stared at Zhang Shicheng with a wolfish look in his eyes. radiance, shouted angrily: "Go!"

"Ding, summoning a tiger will affect the attribute, add 3 to the force value, the current adversity, add 7 to the summoning tiger's force value, the basic force is 101, and the current summoning tiger's force value is 111 points"

"Whoosh!" The long spear pierced the wind, like a bow and arrow, and shot straight into Zhang Shicheng's chest. Immediately, Zhang Shicheng lost his breath and died on the spot.

Liu Pi, who had just rushed to the battlefield, looked at the bandits pouring in from the city, and took a closer look with his eyes. There was no bandit here. Come quickly to support!"


The soldiers had just walked for less than half a stick of incense, and Zhao Hu directly killed Liu Pi's roots. Liu Pi, whose force value was only 88, was Zhao Hu's opponent, and his head was cut off directly.

(End of this chapter)

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