Warring States Call

Chapter 1877 Chapter 1878 : Army Ten Thousand Horses Avoiding White Robes

Chapter 1877 Chapter 870 Chapter [-] Thousands of troops and horses avoid white robes ([-])
Zhao Hu's whole body was exuding a solemn cold air, and he fought all the way to the main mansion. At this moment, Bo Pi was holding his sword tremblingly, watching the guards around him die by Zhao Hu's sword one by one, he was really scared. The bronze sword in his hand fell to the ground uncontrollably, Bo Pi immediately knelt on the ground, stared at Zhao Hu with fear on his face and said, "Master! Please spare me! Please spare me! I'll give you the gold cake! Lots and lots of gold cakes, just let me go, those gold cakes are all yours!"

"Kacha!" Zhao Hu killed Bo Chu with a knife. He shook off the blood on the saber, stared at Bo Chu's body with disdain, and snorted coldly, "Kill you! Can't I find it myself? No! Gold and silver! To me! Nothing but a nuisance!"

This battle!Zhaohu captured 200 guards, and the remaining 800 people all died in this battle. Zhaohu swung his sword immediately, and all the officials and eunuchs in the city died in this battle. All [-] people were killed. To Zhao Hu's surprise, there were no civilians in this city at all, and it was turned into an important military site. Zhao Hu ordered his men to take away all the grain and grass hoarded in the city, and put on some armor by the way, and then set fire to the entire Shu City. It burned for nearly three days before it was extinguished.

The defender of Tongcheng is Liu Bang's eldest son Liu Fei. Hearing that Shucheng was trapped, he dispatched [-] soldiers and horses to Commander Liu Zhong to support Shucheng. Soldiers, took Tongcheng and captured Liu Bang's eldest son, Liu Fei.

When Liu Zhong led two thousand soldiers and horses to Shucheng, the whole Shucheng was covered by a sea of ​​flames, and there was no one inhabited. , the soldiers under his command had long been exhausted, and Chen Qingzhi set up an ambush on Liu Zhong's only way.

Zhaohu Huhu stared at the direction Liu Zhongben was attacking, and immediately shouted angrily: "Zhuge Liannu! Let the arrows go!"

"Swish, whoosh... whoosh, whoosh!" The continuous arrow feathers enveloped Liu Zhong, killing and injuring more than 800 people in an instant.

Liu Zhong was hit by an arrow in the shoulder, staring at the soldiers around him with a serious face, swallowing his own saliva, maintaining his composure, and angrily shouted: "Quick! Get together! Don't make a mess! Don't make a mess!"

"Come on!" Zhaohu shouted angrily, and all the soldiers under his command started their hands together. Zhaohu was about to take off Liu Zhong's head, but a tiger general sprang out behind him. He was about eight feet long, holding a weapon in each hand, holding a halberd in his left hand and an ax in his right. He shouted angrily: "Bian Zhuang is here! Liu Zhong looks at the axe!"

Bian Zhuang yelled angrily, and the battle ax in his hand split towards Liu Zhong, Liu Zhong was not a fool, he immediately raised his knife and slashed at the battle ax, wanting to take off his strength, but Bian Zhuang's ax When it hit Liu Zhong's saber, it was as if a mountain was pressing down on him. Liu Zhong's face was calm, and he raised his saber to block with both hands, only to hear: "Kang Dang!"

With one blow of the axe, Liu Zhong's tiger's mouth burst open, and he spit out a mouthful of old blood. Bian Zhuang directly stabbed Liu Zhong's chest with the halberd in his hand, killing two or two of them immediately, and disappeared in smoke. Liu Zhong died on the spot.

After a battle, all of Liu Zhong's [-] soldiers were wiped out. Zhao Hu also called the soldiers on both sides to bury the corpses, and then he came behind Bian Zhuang, handed him the water bottle in his hand, and said, "Brother! You are very skilled. !"

"Thank you, General!" Bian Zhuang laughed, embarrassedly taking the water bag that Zhao Hu arrived with.

"The accent is not from Chang'an!" Zhaohu laughed, Bian Zhuang took a sip, wiped his mouth and said, "I am from Qufu, Ludi. I have made some military achievements in the army, so I was transferred to General Chen's command." of!"

"You boy! Yes! Come with me!" Zhaohu patted Bian Zhuang on the shoulder, and took Bian Zhuang directly to see Chen Qingzhi.

Bian Zhuang's performance on the battlefield was then noticed by Chen Qingzhi, and he sighed inwardly: What a great general.

Chen Qing looked up and down Bian Zhuang, and then said: "You did a good job, I will give you a credit first, you will be promoted to a partial general, and you will be temporarily under the tent to wait for the transfer order. When you return to Chang'an, you will be rewarded!"

"Thank you, general!" Bian Zhuang looked happy, and Chen Qingzhi also felt happy. After all, the biggest gain in this battle was to recruit a general, which also gave Chen Qingzhi a little more confidence in the road ahead.

"Enter Tongcheng!" Chen Qingzhi sat in the carriage and slowly stationed towards Tongcheng. At this moment, Tongcheng was shrouded in the darkness of war. There were originally [-] officers and soldiers in Tongcheng, and Liu Fei was Liu Bang's eldest son, and he had [-] soldiers. Liu Fei was a private soldier, but Liu Fei didn't know military skills, so in the end, he used a long spear to pick Liu Fei and eight generals, and captured him alive.

Tongcheng is different from Shucheng. Tongcheng has absorbed the people who moved from Shucheng. The population in the city is as high as 30. If they really want to kill them, it will inevitably arouse conflicts.

Inside the castle
Chen Qingzhi was sitting in the gazebo, Luo Cheng dragged the unconscious Liu Fei to Chen Qingzhi and said, "What should I do if this one is out of stock! Kill it! Bringing him is also a waste of food!"

"This is good! I'll do it!" Cheng Yaojin rolled up his sleeves late, and seemed to be very keen on solving the matter in front of him.

"No!" Chen Qingzhi picked up the teacup, took a sip, stared at the unconscious Liu Fei with his black eyes, and said to Luo Cheng who was beside him: "Take it away! Treat yourself with delicious food!"

"Why is that!" Luo Cheng asked with doubts.

"Killing Liu Fei will only arouse Liu's anger, and keeping him will make Liu's scheming weapon. At the critical moment, it is a fate-reporting talisman! Keep it!" Chen Qingzhi said indifferently.

"It's cheap for him!" Luo Cheng directly greeted the guards behind, and carried Liu Fei out.

"What about the people in the city! Kill them or...!" Zhaohu asked tentatively.

"Order the soldiers! Rest for three days, burn all the armored soldiers, and kill all the soldiers who surrendered!" Chen Qingzhi put down the cup in his hand and said indifferently.

"Three days! Once the enemy's spies pass the news back! We will be in danger!" Yang Zaixing, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke. He stared at Chen Qingzhi, as if he thought he was kidding.

"This effect is what we want! Three days later, the whole army will go south, sneak into the mountains, and attack Little Pengcheng with the help of war horses! How about we kill Cangwu all the way!" It's possible to get things done, it's easy to say.

"That's right! It's more than 3000 miles away from Cangwu City!" Meng Zhan broke out in cold sweat on his forehead.

Chen Qingzhi didn't respond to Meng Zhan, and then pointed to the map of Tongcheng going south and said: "According to the map drawn by Zhu Zhiwu, there are many mountains and forests here, and the people of the mountain country didn't build cities there, but as long as they cross the mountains and forests, they can directly hit Xiaopengcheng. Now But we only conquered two cities, everyone, don’t underestimate yourself! Our goal... ahem... is the entire Chu country!"

"General! Although we have conquered two cities, we don't have enough troops to defend them! Doesn't this mean fighting for nothing?" Meng Zhan said with a stern expression.

"Is it for nothing?" Chen Qingzhi looked at Meng Zhan with a smile, and said with a slight smile: "Two days later! General Han Shizhong's thousand warships will arrive in Tongcheng and take over the city! We are just the vanguard!"

"Is it the general who defeated Li Wenzhong?" Luo Cheng folded his arms around his chest with a look of respect on his face.


"Then why burn Shucheng! It's not superfluous! It's a pity for the food and armor inside!" Cheng Yaojin said here, his eyes were full of regret.

"Shucheng is still [-] miles away from the Yangtze River. The transportation of the soldiers inside is too time-consuming, which is not conducive to the battle of the navy. In addition, Tongcheng is only three miles away from the Yangtze River. In order to prevent the mountain army from taking back Shucheng, it was burned down!" Zhao Hu truthfully told the current battle situation.

"This time we will focus on Tongcheng. Let's go to Yingdu first, and then go to Cangwu!" After Chen Qingzhi finished speaking, he shook the teacup in his hand and poured it on the ground with a bitter expression on his face.

Cangwu City

Liu Che was dealing with the government affairs in front of him. Deng Fei hurried over from outside the main hall, his tiger eyes were full of dignity, he was holding a bamboo slip, staring at Liu Che profusely in sweat, swallowed his mouth with laughter and said, "Your Majesty! Frontline Battle Report ah!"

"Is it Zhong Wu's battle report?" Liu Che didn't seem to be flustered. He put down the brush in his hand, held up the bamboo slip in front of him, and blew it up and down to dry the brush and ink in front of him. He didn't care about the battle report from the front line at all.

"No... no!" Deng Fei wiped the sweat from his forehead, spread out the bamboo slips in front of Liu Che's desk, and said, "Eight thousand dans of food in Shucheng were burned! Thousands of soldiers were destroyed, and Tongcheng was destroyed by Chen Qingzhi." Occupy! Bingfeng is pointing directly at Yingdu!"

"Oh!" Liu Che didn't seem to panic, his sword eyebrows frowned slightly, he put away the bamboo slip in his hand, handed it to Deng Fei first, and said, "Give this bamboo slip to Prime Minister Yi Yin first!"

"No!" Deng Fei didn't have time to think, took the bamboo slips, left the hall, hurried to Yi Yi's mansion, and told Yi Yin the battle report in front of him.

"En!" Liu Che looked at the bamboo slips in front of him, his brows were furrowed, and he seemed to finally have the response he should have. After a while, Liu Che took a deep breath and said, "Chuan Gao Xianzhi, Wang Xianzhi, Wang Zhen'e, Wu Mingche, Chen Baxian, Wu Qiang, Lu Ying !"

"As ordered!"

Within three sticks of incense, the seven people hurried to Liu Che's main hall. At this moment, Liu Che raised his eyebrows and raised his eyebrows. He handed the bamboo slips in his hands to everyone and said, "Let's all have a look, this Chen Qingzhi is coming very aggressively!"

Everyone frowned and looked at the bamboo slips in their hands. Everyone was silent. Liu Che took the lead and said, "What do you guys think! We can still prepare without food! But without Shucheng! The food in the front line will be in trouble." up!"

Everyone knew in their hearts that without food and grass on the front line, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers would plummet, and it might affect the entire occupation by then.

"Right now, we can only transport grain and grass to Chengyang, and from Chengyang to Shouchun." Yi Yin's old voice came from the gate, Liu Che lowered his eyes, looked at Yi Yin who was strolling, and said immediately: "Old Yi is here! Come here! Give me a seat!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Yi Yin limped to his seat, his eyelids drooping. Liu Che obviously didn't want to waste time on food and grass, and Yi Yin's method was the same as he thought, and continued: "Shu The city has been burned to ruins! Tongcheng must be taken back!"

"There is not much time left for us!" Liu Che glanced at the many generals, and said half aloud: "The bamboo slips say that the enemy army is only five thousand, how many soldiers do you think!"

"Impossible! How can 5000 people take down two important cities of our army in three days, and the enemy's army strength is at least about 5000! Based on my construction! Send [-] troops!" Gao Xianzhi expressed his opinion, and the two sides The generals didn't come forward to refute, because they didn't want to believe that the enemy could defeat twice as many soldiers as their own in three days with just [-] people. If this was the case, then they would be in trouble.

"Cangwu's [-] garrisons cannot be moved. This time, I will hand them over to General Gao Xianzhi and General Chen Baxian! General Wang Xianzhi will be the deputy general. I will send [-] troops from the surrounding counties. What do you think of the three generals?" Liu Che held up the tea. Take a long sip, your stomach will feel warm and comfortable.

The three of them didn't open their mouths, they seemed to agree with Liu Che's arrangement, Gao Xianzhi was the first to speak: "I have no intention of discussing it!"

Seeing that the soldiers and horses are ready, Yi Yin immediately said: "The battle situation is unclear now! Send Wu Qiang and Lu Ying as the vanguard first, and go to test the enemy's vanguard first. I don't know what you two think! "

Wu Qiang and Lu Ying were stunned for a moment, they didn't expect Yi Yin to see them pushing out, and it was hard to refuse now, so he could only bite the bullet and say, "I'll wait!"


"But there is still one problem to be solved right now!" Yi Yin pinched his beard with a serious expression.

"What else!" Liu Che looked at Yi Yin curiously, not knowing what else was there.

"His Royal Highness has fallen into the enemy's hands!" Yi Yin said truthfully, as if he didn't care what the generals heard.

Liu Che was stunned. This is a difficult problem. It is easy for Liu Fei to die. This way, the mountain army will not attack the mouse. However, Liu Fei is still alive, so the enemy army has mastered this big weapon. It is a difficult problem for them. The problem.

Seeing that Liu Che didn't speak, everyone shut up. The involvement was too great. Liu Che stroked his beard and said indifferently, "You can't let the soldiers down...!"

Those who understood what Liu Che said naturally understood, and those who didn't understand pretended to understand. As for what to do next, it depended on their operations. Anyway, it was impossible for Liu Che to take the blame.


Han Shizhong's [-] army took over Tongcheng smoothly, and Chen Qingzhi's [-] ghost soldiers rested one more person, and quickly rushed towards Xiaopengcheng. It is also very close to the Yangtze River, completely forming a natural fortress.

The river was calm and calm, Han Shizhong's [-] troops were fighting Gao Xianzhi, and it was hard to tell the winner in a few days, not to mention the time to travel.

At this time, Chen Qingzhi had traveled for three days and arrived at the foot of Xiaopengcheng. Pengcheng is a small city with an eight-foot-high wall, and it is still an earthen wall. However, there are many people living in the periphery of the city, because Pengcheng is close to the heart of the mountain country, and it is not an important border town. , the development is also very random, even the city walls are dilapidated, and there is no formal repair.

(End of this chapter)

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