Warring States Call

Chapter 1881 Chapter 1882 : Li Xi

Chapter 1881 Chapter 880 Chapter [-] Baili Xi
"On the surface it was done by Han Yi, but in fact it was a conspiracy of the princes going south. Their purpose is to let our country send troops to contain most of Han Yi's troops!" Gan Mao saw the conspiracy at a glance, Although he saw through it, Gan Mao's complexion did not ease, and even looked a little dignified.

"Indeed!" Shang Yang also accepted Gan Mao's words at this moment, pinching his beard and said: "Although this plan is simple and simple, the victory lies in a conspiracy. If our army stands still, the common people will definitely think that we are afraid of the Han army. In the future against the Korean army, the morale of the soldiers will have a great impact, and the most important thing is the hearts of the people!"

To use a metaphor, my younger brother was beaten, but my elder brother did nothing, just comforted the younger brother, endured it and passed. The younger brother will suffer such anger, and after a long time, he will inevitably part ways and seek refuge with someone who can protect him.

"Let's send troops!" Baili Xi, who was sitting at the end, was full of emotion, and directly said that the Qin army must send troops.

"There is Yue Fei outside Hangu Pass! Yu Yunwen's 15 army! We want to break through the high wall of Wang Ye, but we don't have 60 troops! I'm afraid it will be difficult to succeed!" Fan Sui said here with a serious expression, while the other four Hearing Yue Fei's name, everyone showed distressed expressions.

After all, Qin State has not attacked Wang Ye for decades, and this Yue Fei definitely deserves the most credit. Even Wang Jian and Bai Qi had to praise Yue Fei: "Qi Guo is handsome!"

"This battle is going to be fought! But you can't be tough on Yue Fei." Ying Zheng rubbed his temples, put down the brush in his hand, and said immediately, "Let's send troops from the Han River to attack Wancheng!"

"The old man has something to say! I don't know if I should say it or not!" Qian Long, who had been silent all this time, opened his eyes, his gray beard fluttering in the wind, as if he had a good idea.

"Just tell me, old man! Don't be fooling around!" Ying Zheng took a sip of tea from the side to relieve the dryness of his throat.

"If you go out of the Han River, you are just helping the southern princes to fight against Han Yi, and you won! Let alone how to divide up the benefits, even if you get some, it is useless, but it is just icing on the cake. Yi's wings, secondly, our country will send troops to Han Yi in the future, not just Wang Ye's way! Thirdly! It can also appease the anger of the people in the country! Fourthly! Liang's territory is also land, and no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat Ah!" Qian Long stretched out his fourth finger and waved it in front of everyone.

After listening to Qian Long's analysis, everyone stroked their beards, pondered over it, and agreed that this method is powerful for Yu Guo, and they don't have to confront Han Yi head-on, so why not do it!

Ying Zheng pinched his beard and said with a stern expression: "The old man's strategy is good, but he didn't face Han Yi and send troops. The people in the country probably won't...!"

"Your Majesty! This is a trivial matter! Sima Yi of Shu can lead his [-] troops out of the Han River to support the vassal states for this purpose. Forget about the thoughts of the southern vassals, Your Majesty can just step up the control of Bashu!" Shang Yang stroked his beard. Tell the truth.

Although this Bashu was brought down by Wang Jian, in order to check and balance Yingji, Yingzheng had no choice but to send Sima Yi there. Of course, Sima Yi did not disappoint Yingzheng, and successfully knocked the foundation of Yingji, but Sima Yi's military power was not taken back. , Although some of them have been withdrawn one after another, it has little effect, and now is not the time to kill six birds with one stone.

It can be said that this strategy is of great benefit to the current state of Qin.

Ying Zheng pinched his beard and said in a low voice: "Since we want to fight! Then fight quickly! Let Bai Qi be in command! Meng Tian and Guo Kan will be the deputy commanders, and Hou Junji's Tie Yingrui and Yang Duanhe will be the deputy commanders. Send Yantouqi over there, raise 15 troops, and tell Bai Qi that I will only give him two months, and that he won't be able to take down the entire Liang Kingdom in two months, so come and see him."

After Ying Zheng said that, he took out half a tiger talisman from his bosom, and was about to hand it to Zhao Gao, but he hesitated for a moment, and then handed it to Shang Yang, saying: "This matter! I will hand it over to Shang Jun! Please personally Go for a run!"

"Minister! Obey!" Shang Yang didn't hesitate, took the tiger talisman with both hands, and left the hall quickly. Zhao Gao saw all this, but he didn't say anything, still lowered his head, not talking.

"Sima Yi's side! There is Mr. Lao Fan! With your glib tongue, Sima Yi will not dare to disobey!" Ying Zheng laughed, wrote a letter of Wang Ce himself, stamped it with a jade seal, and Zhao Gao delivered it to Fan Sui.

Fan Sui took Wang Ce with both hands, bowed his head to Yingzheng and said, "My minister! I must be lucky to live up to my fate!"

"Go." Ying Zheng smiled indifferently, with the air of a king, without anger and prestige, Fan Sui received the order, followed Shang Yang's footsteps, and left the hall first.

"Well! Since there is nothing wrong! Everyone, please leave first!" Seeing that the matter was almost settled, Ying Zheng waved his hand to let everyone leave.

"Your Majesty! Wait!" Qian Long quickly waved his hand to stop him, took out the bamboo slips he had prepared a long time ago from his bosom, and said, "This old minister is old! Please, Your Majesty, allow this old minister to return home!"

"This...!" Ying Zheng looked slightly astonished. Looking at Qian Long, he was a little tangled for a while. If he hadn't secured his position before, Ying Zheng really hoped that Qian Long would retire and return to his hometown, and then let him take power, but now he is on the throne. Sitting is stable and steady, but Qianlong is getting old, keeping him not to mention being a mascot, he is still useful at critical moments, just like just now.

Ying Zheng stroked his beard and was silent for a long time. Looking at Qian Long's Mediterranean-like long white hair, he finally sighed, "I really want to go."

"I'm getting old! I don't have a few years to live! I can't do what I want! The plan just now was also suggested by my servants!" Qian Long told the truth, and he dare not claim credit for it.

"Oh!" Ying Zheng looked slightly astonished. As soon as the news of Xunyang came in, this person deduced that he was going to send troops, and even said such a plan. Ying Zheng stroked his beard and thought to himself: Talent!Careful thought!Clear thinking, this person doesn't need it!What a waste.

"Oh! I don't know who it is!" Ying Zheng was slightly interested, but he still had an expression of reluctance to give up Qianlong.

"This man's name is Baili Xi! He was originally a slave, but the ministers knew his talent! That's why he was promoted as a disciple!" Qian Long smiled sarcastically, stroked his beard, and then seemed to think of something, and added a little: "This man Talent! Comparable to Lord Shang!"

"Oh..." Ying Zheng was slightly moved, and stared at Qian Long with a slightly astonished expression. He never thought that Qian Long would have such a high opinion of Baili Xi.

Ying Zheng pinched his beard and thought to himself, he was thinking whether this Qianlong wanted to push Bailixi up to fill his vacancy, or this Qianlong wanted to be behind the scenes, and Bailixi was His puppet, upon thinking of this, Ying Zheng decided to test Qian Long.

"Old man! If you step back! Who is suitable for the position of these six poems?" Ying Zheng looked worried. What he meant was that if you have any talent, recommend one, or the kind that you can sit on after recommending it .

If this Gan Long directly recommends Baili Xi, Ying Zheng will let him work for two years and let Baili Xi retire, after all, Ying Zheng doesn't want to cause trouble for himself.

"Hehe!" Qian Long smiled mischievously, stroked his beard, and then said, "In terms of talent, this Baili Xi is naturally worthy, but his qualifications are not enough. Your Majesty can take this person by his side and make him grind After some practice, it is up to the king to decide whether or not he can become a six-song poem in the future. As for the virtuous and talented person right now, he should be Sima Yi. Absolutely can't let it go outside!"

Ying Zheng pinched his beard and squinted at Qian Long, as if he wanted to see through this old guy. You must know that more than ten years ago, this old guy wanted to seek power and gain. How come he turned out to be a reformer in his later years? up.

Ying Zheng let out a long breath, and then said, "Just do it the old man's way!"

"In addition, give the old minister three carts of Shubu, ten boxes of gold cakes, and one hundred hectares of fertile land." With a big wave of his hand, Ying Zheng gave Qianlong a batch of pensions, which can be regarded as recognition of his life.

"My lord! Thank you, Your Majesty!" Qianlong burst into tears for a moment, and changed his previous indifferent appearance. The sunset twilight shone on Qianlong's stooped body. Looking at the palaces that he was very familiar with, Qianlong was full of nostalgia. In the end, he went back home, packed up his belongings, and prepared to go to his fief to retire and return home.

Ganmao!Gan Luo and the two watched Qian Long's leaving back, their eyes were full of sadness, they didn't know what they were thinking, they seemed a little melancholy, and they were sad that they would have such a day.

Inside Qianlong Mansion

At this time, a group of retainers were busy packing up the things, as if they were not wasting time, they would interrupt tomorrow.

Qian Long looked at every plant and tree in the yard, and hurriedly told his servants to be careful: "Be careful! Don't break it! Leave it to others! Keep it clean!"

"Sir! You are leaving!" A loud voice came from behind Qian Long. This man was wearing a white single-clothes and his body was a little thin, but his eyes were shining like stars in the sky.

Hearing the voice of the visitor, Qian Long leaned on his crutches and stroked his beard: "Baili, you are here!"

This person was Bailixi. Hearing that Qianlong was going to retire and return home, he hurried to Qianlong's mansion, only to see that the inside was full of busy scenes.

"Sir, let me go with you!" Baili Xi looked at Qian Long, as if planning to leave with him, walking around like him, staying here just to wait for a bole, and Qianlong is his bole .

"Hey!" Qian Long Fuxu smiled indifferently, pointed at Baili Xi with one hand, and pointed at himself, and then said, "I'm leaving! But you can't."

"That's Bailixi!" Outside Qianlong's mansion, Zhao Gao held the bamboo slips in his hands, walked into the main entrance, looked at the busy servants, and glanced at the crowd, with a smile on his face, as if he planned to congratulate him.

Qian Long looked at Zhao Gao who was coming, and then he chuckled, patted Bai Lixi on the shoulder and said, "My era is over! Your era has begun! What falls is always dusk, what rises is always morning sun, The important task of the country is entrusted to you, young people! Come on! Even if the road ahead is full of thorns, believe me and persevere! There will always be a day full of flowers!"

After Qian Long finished speaking, he went back to the house, and slowly closed the door, leaving behind Baili Xi, Zhao Gao and a group of servants.

The action of Qin State was very fast, Bai Qi took command, 15 troops went straight to Wolf City to kill, Qian Long abdicated, Sima Yi was pushed to the position of Liushou, Sima Yi had to send troops to participate in the war against Korea, and With Sima Yi's prudence, he would never put him to death unless it was absolutely necessary.

The Zhongwu battlefield is still the same as in the past, except for Zhongwu right now!On the battlefield of Tongcheng, the war between Wu State and Sui State has also begun.

Yuan Chonghuan's [-] troops marched northward, and Yang Lin relied on Yancheng to confront Yuan Chonghuan.

Yancheng is actually not a very high city, but its only advantage is that it was built by Yang Jian to defend against Zhu Yuanzhang. Although the city wall is not high, it is the only way to go. If Yuan Chonghuan bypasses Yancheng and enters the Sui In the hinterland of the country, Yuan Chonghuan's food and grass will inevitably be cut off, which will lead to a big defeat.

Under Yancheng

Looking at Yancheng in front of him, Yuan Chonghuan frowned, his face turned pale, and he stroked his beard. He had been besieging the city for half a month, and he did nothing but add some dead bodies under the city.

Until now, Yuan Chonghuan had to admit that this Yang Lin was a hero, and Yuan Chonghuan was helpless under the Yancheng guarded by him.

"General! We can't waste time in Yancheng!" Peng Yue squinted his eyes with a dignified expression.

"Is there anything you can do?" Yuan Chonghuan looked at the map spread out on the table in front of him, folded his hands in front of his chest, and said with a serious expression.

"Detour! Attack Sui's territory from Judi!" Peng Yue couldn't help licking his lips, like a hungry wolf coveting a cotton sheep.

"Judi!" Yuan Chonghuan muttered to himself, his mind was running crazily. After a while, Yuan Chonghuan slammed on the table and said happily, "I have a son!"

"This...!" Peng Yue waited for a stroke of civil and martial arts, looked at the excited Yuan Chonghuan, his mind was full of question marks, he didn't know what this guy was up to.

Yuan Chonghuan wiped his lips, stared at the generals with tiger eyes, slammed the table, and shouted angrily: "The generals obey the order!"

"Here!" When everyone heard this, they bowed their hands and obeyed, their expressions were rather dignified, as if they were watching Yuan Chonghuan's performance.

"Long live Shi! You led [-] cavalry and stayed in the formation, burning smoke every day, no less than today, only more and no less! In addition, let the soldiers under your command enter the army tent every morning, causing the generals in our army to continue to increase. false image!" Yuan Chonghuan took off a token and threw it to Shi Wansui.

"Subordinates understand!" Shi Wansui didn't say much, and took it directly. Acting is a business that he is familiar with.

"Peng Yue! Peng Le! The two of you brothers led five thousand light armored troops into the country of Ju along the way, creating momentum and attracting the attention of the Sui army!" Yuan Chonghuan said solemnly.

"Obey!" The two didn't say much, and after receiving the general order, they returned to the main formation.

"The rest of the generals! Divide into three groups! Leave Dazhai at night and go straight to the Sui capital to kill! Let the northern guys see this battle, we rely on strength!" Yuan Chonghuan clapped his hands at this point The palm of his hand, with a look of resentment.

(End of this chapter)

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