Warring States Call

Chapter 1882 Chapter 1882 : Chapter Aid

Chapter 1882 One Thousand 880 Chapter Two

The reality of Yuan Chonghuan's hand made Yang Lin a little puzzled. At this time, Yang Lin was standing on the city wall, watching Shi Wansui's soldiers and horses continuously entering the army tent. Eyebrows said: "Which batch of troops is this! What happened to the smoke outside the city!"

"This is the third batch! The smoke outside the city has been increasing these days. It seems that Wu has increased its troops!" Yang Hu wiped the sweat from his cheeks and looked at the enemies who entered the military tent one after another. Jun frowned.

"Damn it!" Yang Lin punched the city wall with a murderous intent on his body, he let out a heavy breath for a while and said, "Send the order! The whole army is on alert! Without my order, no one can act rashly."

"Abiding" Yang Hu cupped his fists, as if he had received the general order, Yang Lin let out a long breath, rubbed his temples, shook his sleeves violently, and stepped back from the city wall.

At this moment, Shi Wansui put one hand on his waist, took a sip from the tea bowl in his left hand, looked at the enemy soldiers in the city, frowned slightly, his face looked a little dignified, he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Xiao Sui! What shall we do next! Going on like this is not an option! Sooner or later, we will be seen through!" Shi Hongzhao came to Shi Wansui with a dignified expression.

"One day is a delay! The enemy army seems to have not seen through it yet. Let the brothers rest well in the next few days! In two days, let the brothers under your command keep their eyes open, so as not to make mistakes!" Shi Wansui finished drinking the tea in the teacup. Clear water, put it on the table, wipe off the water stains in the mouth, and said indifferently.

"Understood!" Shi Hongzhao nodded, and went down to make arrangements. Shi Wansui rubbed his sore neck, stared at the enemy on the wall, and said calmly, "Take it easy!"

Brothers Peng Yue and Peng Le, leading five thousand light armored troops, rushed into the territory of the Sui Kingdom along the way, crossing mountains and ridges, and the people behind them were all exhausted. Peng Le took out a piece of rice cake from his bosom and handed it to Peng Le Then he said: "The city in front of us has been investigated clearly. It is Yuxi City. The guard in the city is called Yan Wen. If this city is opened up, we can avoid the capital directly!"

"How many soldiers and horses are there in the city?" Peng Yue pinched his beard thoughtfully, and before Peng Le could reply, he took out the map from his pocket and turned his eyes around, but he couldn't figure out the location of Yu Xi. Pengcheng threw away the map in front of him and said, "Damn it! The location is not detailed!"

"There are a thousand defenders in the city! After all, the Sui Kingdom has made a big move. A large number of soldiers have been sent to Zhongwu, and the defenders in the city are limited!" Peng Le said solemnly.

"How's the deployment of troops in the city! There's no mark on the map! What a scumbag! If I had known about the last time I went south, I would have directly investigated the Sui Kingdom, so I would have saved myself all these troubles! This group of stinky white-eyed wolves! Do it!" Peng Yue said while speaking. He kicked the chair in front of him, his eyes were full of anger, which showed how angry he was.

"The inquiring scouts are back! There are [-] heavy soldiers at the south gate and east gate, easy to fight!" Peng Le licked his lips, it seemed that Yuxi City was just a small city in his opinion, and there was no difficulty.

Peng Yue took a deep breath, stabilized his mind, looked at the map in front of him, thoughtful.

"Why don't you try it tonight!" Peng Le helped up the chair kicked by Peng Yue, and looked at the map indifferently.

"Siege the city tonight! Let the soldiers build ladders! One day! Within one day! Take this city!" Peng Yue made a conclusion and directly determined the tactics.


It was gradually getting dark, and Peng Yue, who had been busy for a long time, also shot out thirty ladders. Looking at the busy soldiers, each one was dejected, biting the dried meat and rice cakes in his hand, and sending a few sips of water to his mouth , Barely filling the stomach, but it is really unpalatable.

The morale of the army was low, and Peng Yue also saw it. He looked at the soldiers on both sides, and he stood in the army and shouted: "Soldiers! It's a little bit hard now. Tonight, kill Yuxi and kill pigs and chickens for a good meal. Don't be afraid! The enemy's soldiers are less than three hundred! Take down the city! Drink and eat meat!"

"Destroy the city...destroy the city!" When the soldiers heard that they were drinking and eating meat, they all showed wolfish eyes. After all, they worked hard all day, and they had no taste in their mouths. Everyone would complain, but now Peng Yue After making a promise, they all had the will to fight.

"Siege the city!" Peng Yue roared, and all the soldiers under his command took action. It is already midnight, and the young and old in Yuxi City these days have nothing to do to talk about the war on the front line, and from time to time they will talk about Yang Guang's succession. Some people are in a hurry Almost unspeakable, unspeakable.

The busyness in the early morning caused these people to go to bed early one by two. The guards in the city also chose to sleep with their weapons in their arms. When some people from Peng Yue rushed over, these soldiers thought they had heard wrong and came here for a few seconds Only then did he realize something was wrong, he suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the enemy army under the city, his face turned pale, and he shouted angrily, "Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Hurry up...!"

"Whoosh!" The soldier just yelled, and Peng Le, who was at the bottom of the city, bent his bow and set an arrow. He listened to the sound, and released an arrow with one hand. It hit the man's throat, and he fell off the city wall with a bang, smashing his body to pieces. .

"Go up the ladder!" Peng Yue took the lead and climbed up the city wall first, with a spear in his left hand and a long sword in his right. All the people he killed were terrified and did not dare to step forward.

Yan Wen, who was sleeping soundly inside the city, didn't know the situation outside the city. When the soldiers rushed in, their faces were covered with blood, and they looked at Yan Wen who had just stood up when he was startled, and said, "General! Enemy...!"

"Bah!" The sound of the sword piercing into flesh and blood spread to all the sons, and the soldier was directly stabbed with a black knife. Yan Wen's complexion changed, and he pointed at the corpse in front of him, unable to even speak.

Peng Yue narrowed his eyes, pushed away the soldiers in front of him, stared at Yan Wen who was lying on the couch, and said with a grin: "Brother, accept your fate! It doesn't hurt at all! Come!"

"Fuck you!" Yan Wen didn't seem to believe Peng Yue's rhetoric, he drew his sword and yelled angrily, wanting to fight Peng Yue with his life, but Peng Yue was unafraid, cut off the palm of Yan Wen's drawn sword, and slashed with his backhand In Yan Wen's presence, blood was sprayed on the bed, and the woman on the bed was so startled that she exclaimed again and again, her eyes full of fear.

Peng Yue held the saber in one hand and stared at the shrunken woman in front of him. Peng Yue shook his head slightly, leading people to control the entire city. Peng Yue looked at the moon in the sky and greeted Peng Le and said, "Gather your soldiers and horses and prepare to attack Tancheng." , let’s take their capital in one fell swoop!”

"Hey! It's interesting!" Peng Le chuckled, and strode outside holding the weapon in his arms.

Peng Le succeeded, and the momentum was so great that the whole Tandu was shaken. At this time, Yuan Chonghuan led [-] soldiers to swallow a large number of military sites in Ju State, cut off Yang Jian's food and grass supply line, and gathered the surrounding food and grass. Yuan Chonghuan's [-] army spent three months, that is to say, Yuan Chonghuan didn't have to worry about food and grass during these three months, and he could continue to attack the land of the Sui Kingdom in order to be self-sufficient. Only now did Yang Lin know that he had been tricked, Yancheng The soldiers and horses of Long live the foreign history are just a trick of the suspicious soldiers.

If the soldiers and horses are the same, Yang Lin may not be Yuan Chonghuan's opponent, but the key is that Yang Guang mobilized the whole country to go to Zhongwu, and there are not many soldiers left for them. How can they support Yang Lin and Yuan Chonghuan in the field battle? At that time, Yang Lin could only defend Yancheng, and asked Hu Luguang of Tandu to guard against it, so that the enemy army could not break through the capital.

At the same time, Yang Lin also rushed to write a letter to Yang Guang, telling him about the situation in Tandu.

Yang Guang, who was far away from Zhongwu, changed his face, looked at the battle report in his hand, and hurriedly summoned Sun Ce!Xiang Yu!Liu Bang and the others handed over the bamboo slips in their hands to everyone to read. Yang Guang bowed to the three of them as if his eyebrows were on fire, and said: "At this moment, the capital of Tandu is in dire straits, please help me! Guang will definitely have a big thank you!"

Xiang Yu stared at the bamboo slips in front of him, he was calm, after all, in the past when Yang Jian attacked Lu Cheng secretly, although it wouldn't hurt him, it was still possible to vent his anger.

Sun Ce also had nothing to do with himself, and he hung up high, but Liu Bang fell into deep thought, and even Liu Xiu and Fan Zeng fell into deep thought.

They all know that once Yang Guang loses the capital, he will be a rootless duckweed, and the soldiers under his command will lose their will to fight. This is also a great blow to the alliance. Helping them, the balance of victory seems to be tilting towards them, but the scene in front of them seems to have shattered all their judgments.

Fan Zeng and Liu Xiu looked at each other. They could tell from each other's eyes that troops must be dispatched in this battle, but they needed to discuss how many troops should be sent.

Liu Bang pinched his beard, looked at Yang Jian, his two small eyes gurgled, looked at the bamboo slips in his hand, Liu Bang took the lead and said: "The battle between Zhongwu and Zhongwu is coming soon, go rescue it now! Uncommon divided the strength of our army! Maybe it’s not good at both ends! But it’s not going to work if you don’t save it!”

"Let's send troops!" Xiang Yu spoke first, staring at Fan Zeng with tiger eyes, and gave him a look that you understand. Fan Zeng leaned on a cane, squinted his eyes slightly and said: "Zhong Wu can't mobilize many soldiers and horses. Our army is from all armies. To mobilize [-] soldiers and horses, first to help the King of Sui to stabilize the situation, at the moment the big head is still Zhong Wu, if Zhong Wu loses, there is no point in saving him! Please King Sui puts the overall situation first!"

"Ten thousand soldiers and horses!" Yang Guang's originally worried look became angry. He stared at Fan Zeng, an old clapper, and then stroked his beard and said coldly: "Since Mr. Fan Zeng has already talked about this! Gu just said it directly." Now, Gu wants to go back to the army to save the country, a few of you are willing to help Gu, remember this kindness, if you don't want to, it's okay!"

They have small plans, but Yang Guang doesn't have them, not to mention letting them fight Han Yi, it would be best for both sides to suffer, and then the Sui Kingdom will take advantage of the momentum to rise, and staying in Zhongwu is just a waste of national strength.

Liu Xiu frowned when he heard this, but it wasn't when he spoke. Looking back at Liu Bang waiting for his reply, Liu Bang pinched his beard, stared at Yang Guang indifferently, and then said with a smile on his face: "King of Sui! Don’t be like this! My mountain country was under the pressure of Han Shizhong’s navy and did not withdraw its troops lightly. The king of Sui should not be joking. This time I sent 5000 troops to aid the Sui country. People, a total of 5 horses, first help the King of Sui to stabilize the situation in the country, if the King of Sui is still not at ease, you can let the chief general under your command lead the army, how about this!"

Although Liu Bang is greedy for small profits, he is very determined when it comes to right and wrong. He knows what it means to sacrifice small profits for the sake of the overall situation. What he said is so beautiful that even Fan Zeng couldn't help knocking Liu Bang a few more times. These remarks not only blocked Yang Guang's way out, but also helped him.

Liu Bang's meaning is also simple, that is, his big brother is carrying the soldiers and horses of the Han army desperately, so what are you afraid of, with his example, it is difficult for Yang Guang to withdraw his troops, which blocked him to death.

Xiang Yu glanced at Fan Zeng at this moment, and Fan Zeng nodded secretly at Xiang Yu at this time, because Fan Zeng knew that they could not do without the help of Sui soldiers and horses, Xiang Yu rubbed his wrist, then smiled and said: "I agree with Liu Bang Proposal! King Sui! What do you think!"

Sun Ce frowned, he always felt that he was an outsider here, even they never asked his opinion and made decisions for himself, which made Sun Ce very disgusted, but Liu Bang's proposal made him unable to refute, because Liu Bang It's the big head, if he refuses, it will be too embarrassing.

Yang Guang looked at Sun Ce, as if he wanted to show his final stubbornness. As long as Sun Ce refused him, he would be able to withdraw his troops in a legitimate way. Sun Ce folded his arms around his chest, and the armor around him creaked. Looking at himself, Sun Ce also knew that it was time for him to make a statement, and looked at the three of them and said, "Yes!"

Seeing Sun Ce's statement, Liu Bang looked at Yang Guang with a smile and said, "I don't know what Sui Guo means!"

"Since the three of you have already talked about this, how about sending 10 troops alone, just enough to make up [-] troops!" Yang Jian licked his lips. If these three people were eliminated from the army, he might be able to truly control the army.

"King of Sui!" Liu Bang stood up slowly from his seat, took out dried dates from his arms, played with them left and right, and then said, "Be careful! Sending [-] to [-] troops will do! Liu Bang is the first to help you send troops to destroy Wu! How about you and my two families splitting equally!"

"Yes! King Sui! We sent 5 people, and you are sending 5 people. Isn't this 10 people? What's the difference from you leading troops back by yourself, not to mention whether you can win by yourself? Even if these few troops are useless, they can continue to increase troops one after another. There is no need to tear your face apart!" Xiang Yu folded his arms around his chest and looked at Yang Guang solemnly. His aura seemed irresistible.

"Hahaha!" Yang Guang smiled indifferently, stroking his beard, and said randomly: "Let's do this! I am dispatching [-] troops, a total of [-] troops, and hand them over to Commander Xun Linfu! How about it!"




In the end, Xun Lin's father was the main general, and Zhou Bo, Xue Ju, and Lu Meng were the three deputy generals. They marched towards the Sui State to aid them.

(End of this chapter)

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