Warring States Call

Chapter 1890 Chapter 1892 : Gou Xi is dead

Chapter 1890 one thousand 890 chapter two Gou Xi died
Elder Dongfang was also worried at the moment, retreating without orders, which is a felony.

Hei Liandu didn't have the worries of the old Dongfang Taoist, he turned his horse and left without even hesitating.

Old Dongfang's face froze, looking at the tiger and leopard cavalry, he gritted his teeth and wanted to leave, but it was too late. The silver hammer with plum blossoms in Bai Wenbao's hand was right on the back of Old Dongfang. He spit out a mouthful of old blood, pinched his legs, and the horse under his crotch was in pain, whining a few times, and was about to run away.

After running a few steps, Dongfang Lao's body fell to the ground and died on the spot. Hei Liandu looked back at Dongfang Lao's body, his back felt cold, but he didn't dare to fight, and disappeared from the cavalry's sight.

All the soldiers and horses on the front line were defeated, and the entire [-]-strong army was wiped out. Gou Xi only felt in the dark. Yang Jian was watching the changes on the battlefield, and asked Gou Xi, who was on the side, "What's going on! Why is it like this!"

"My lord! Don't worry! Wait for the battle report...!" Gou Xi tried to comfort Yang Jian.

He Ruobi who was on the side came quickly on his horse, and said solemnly: "The [-] troops on the front line were all defeated, Deng Qiang! Two generals, Zhang Hao, were captured! The old general Dongfang died in battle, and General Heiliandu was defeated and fled! I don't know where to go"

"What...!" Yang Guang showed a ferocious face, staring at the battle ahead, he looked at He Ruobi and said, "What's going on! Why are there so many casualties!"

"The enemy army dispatched a heavy armored cavalry named Tiger and Leopard Cavalry. None of the infantry under our command could break through their defenses! This is how they were defeated!" He Ruobi truthfully told the battle situation.

"How about the enemy's casualties!" Yang Guang patiently asked He Ruobi who was behind him.

"Except for the [-] casualties of Wei Qing's army! There are no other gains!" He Ruobi hesitated for a while, and could only truthfully tell the result.

"What...!" Yang Guang frowned tightly, his eyes widened with anger, and his face seemed as if it would erupt at any moment.

"Send orders... to send the Xiaoguo Army... out!" Yang Guang gritted his teeth and said, in this battle, his Sui army lost three generals, one elite, and it can be said that the casualties were heavy.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty!" An urgent shout came from behind Yang Guang. Yang Guang looked back and saw that Yan Yingyuan, who was in a panic, was shot in the back by a cold arrow. He came quickly and said solemnly.

"What are you panicking about!" Gou Xi's face was serious, and he angrily scolded Yan Yingyuan who was behind him.

"What's the matter!" Yang Guang's expression froze, his black pupils filled with endless coldness.

"Light cavalry appeared behind! Killing all directions! My elder brother is fighting hard, and our brothers have suffered heavy losses!" Yan Yingyuan's voice was crying, obviously he was caught off guard by this battle.

"What!" Yang Guang looked back, and sure enough, he saw a cavalry soldier in silver armor approaching them at a very fast speed.

The leading general was a handsome man wearing silver armor and holding a long spear. He stared at Yang Guang's military flag. Zhao Yun shouted angrily, "Capture and kill Yang Guang! Kill him!"

"White Horse Yi Cong! Life and death go hand in hand!"

"White Horse Yi Cong! Life and death go hand in hand!"

"Kill!" All the cavalrymen under his command erupted with morale like a mountain roar and a tsunami. Zhao Yun held a long spear, and a pair of sword eyebrows swept around. Looking at the figure of Yang Guang under Gou Xi's army banner, Zhao Yun immediately urged the photo under his crotch. The Yeyu lion shook the silver spear in his hand and shouted angrily: "Changshan Zhao Zilong is here! Yang Guang takes his life!"

"Don't be crazy, come! Zhang Xutuo is here!" Zhang Xutuo shouted angrily, holding a sword in his hand and urging his horse to get entangled with Zhao Yun.

"Seven snakes coiled with silver!" Zhao Yun didn't bother to ink with Zhang Xutuo, and swept the silver gun up and down in his hand, brushing out seven gun flowers, like seven silver snakes, grinning in front of Zhang Xutuo.

Zhang Xutuo moved from left to right, and for a moment didn't know which spear to take. At this moment, the spear in Zhao Yun's hand suddenly changed, simplifying the complexity, and the stroke hit the red heart, and it was stabbing Zhang Xutuo's throat. At that moment, Zhang Xutuo Die here.

one move!Just one move was enough to end the general of the Sui Kingdom. Yang Guang was about to tear his eyes apart, but Gou Xi saw that the situation was wrong, and hurriedly said: "Lead the Xiaoguo army to protect the king and go to the Shanwang army! Yan Xing! Yan Yingyuan! Hurry up! !"

"Don't leave alone!" Yang Guang's eyes were bloodshot, he didn't want to admit his failure.

He Ruobi, who had just come down from the front line, hurriedly reported: "The tiger and leopard cavalry broke through the front line of defense! Please make a quick decision, Your Majesty!"

"What are you still doing in a daze! Go away!" Gou Xi angrily scolded Yan Xing and Yan Yingyuan, two big men, for standing here stupidly and doing nothing.

At this time, the two of them didn't care too much, they set up Yang Guang and withdrew, and under the protection of the Xiaoguo Army, they went all the way to the army formation in the mountain country.

With a black face, Gou Xi shouted angrily: "Set up the formation!"

At this time, Gou Xi has even brought out his housekeeping skills. At this time, he is helpless. Right now, he can only reduce losses, at least to survive this period.

"He Ruobi!"

"The last general is here!" He Ruobi bowed his hands to obey the order with a serious face. In his opinion, the next battle will be a tough one.

Gou Xi stared at the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, and snorted coldly: "I will give you 1 people to form a single-handed formation! It is the first leaf formation! General, be careful in everything, don't be reckless, and you must not break the formation!"

"This subordinate understands!" He Ruobi also felt a heavy burden on his shoulders, so he could only gather together in response.

"Hulu Qiangju! Lou Minzhong, you each lead an army, form an army! Hurry up!" Gou Xi only felt that he had no generals at hand. He originally had a few generals in his hand, but now most of them have been lost. Well, after this battle, the Sui Kingdom might perish.

"Decree!" The two of them picked up the weapons in their hands and rushed to the battlefield. At this moment, Zhao Yun looked at the changing Sui army and knew that they must be organized. He stared at Lou Minzhong and Hu Lv Qiangju in front of him, and shouted angrily: "White Horse Yi Cong! Charge with me!"

"Kill!" The two armies faced each other, and the overwhelming killing intent made one's scalp tingle.

Gou Xi stared at the military flag of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, his heart sank, and he thought to himself: Who is the leader of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, and why has he never heard of it...!
Huo Qubing stared at the changes in the enemy's battle formation, and then exclaimed, "There's something about this Gou Xi!"

"General! Why don't you let me come!" Wolf Cavalry General Han Jian urged his horse to come to Huo Qubing's side, staring at Huo Qubing eagerly, as if he would immediately lead the troops to break the formation as soon as he gave an order.

"Hey!" Huo Qubing grinned, as if he had thought of something, looking at the orderly soldiers, Huo Qubing immediately said: "Has General Bow Rider returned from his meritorious service?"

"I'm back!" A heavy voice came out from behind Huo Qubing. Huo Qubing squinted his eyes at Ma Chao and joked, "Yo Yo Yo! I'll change my name to Lord Hou from now on! Hahahahaha!"

The generals on both sides all smiled, knowing Huo Qubing's joke, they all laughed to match.

Ma Chao stared at Huo Qubing with displeasure, folded his hands in front of his chest and said, "Just tell me what you want, don't provoke me! Otherwise...you try!"

When Ma Chao said this, he glanced at the silver gun in his hand from time to time, Huo Qubing put away his original joke and put on a solemn expression.

Hey!He can't bear his violent temper, and he doesn't get used to Ma Chao.
Huo Qubing pointed at He Ruobi's army and snorted coldly: "Ten drums! Break this army! Can you!"

Ma Chao looked at He Ruobi's army, who was in a mess, and immediately raised his gun and said, "Look out! Drive!"

After Ma Chao finished speaking, he led the [-] horse archers under his command to rush towards He Ruobi's [-] infantry. Before the formation was formed, the soldiers and horses were useless.

"General! This...!" Gongsun Jie stared at Ma Chao thoughtfully, as if he was afraid of this general. After all, Ma Chao's character was too rebellious, and his character as the general was even more rebellious. It is inevitable that these two will not collide...

"Tonggu! There's so much nonsense!" Huo Qubing said Gongsun Jie, his eyes were a little annoyed.

Gongsun sighed helplessly, and was about to give an order when Ma Sui strode forward and said to Gongsun, "I'll beat the drum myself!"

"Um... alright!" Gongsun Jie was stunned for a while, and then he acquiesced. Ma Sui looked at Huo Qubing carefully, and saw that he didn't have any strange expressions, so he beat the drum with confidence.

"A drum...boom boom boom!"

"Fire the arrows!" Ma Chao shouted angrily, and the cavalrymen who were really charging shot arrows into the air.

"Swish, whoosh..." The cold arrows shot straight at He Ruobi's army, causing thousands of casualties and casualties. However, those infantrymen who were already prepared for the impact of the cavalry did not receive the sense of impact they had planned for a long time. , I found that the cavalry had two lines of detours and kept shooting arrows into the air.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh...!"

However, in these gaps, a total of [-] soldiers were killed or injured. He Ruobi shouted angrily: "Quick! The shield defends against the cold arrows in the air!"

"Ertong is drumming... Boom"

"The opportunity is here!" Ma Chao squinted his eyes, looked at the soldiers behind him, and shouted angrily: "The whole army charges!"


"Boom boom boom... the three-way drum"

"Break!" Ma Chao took the lead, tightening his horse and jumping into the army to avoid collisions. The silver spear in his hand flew up and down, beheading dozens of soldiers in just three breaths.

"Sitong Drum!" Ma Sui called out beating the war drum.

Huo Qubing was too lazy to observe Ma Chao's battle situation. In his opinion, there was no suspense in this duel. Ma Chao's [-] cavalry had broken through the defensive formation arranged by He Ruobi, and the rest was just slaughter.

"General!" Gongsun looked at Huo Qubing, who was leading the army, not knowing what he wanted to do.

Huo Qubing rubbed his sore neck, and then said: "Wolf cavalry follow me! I want to meet the enemy general!"

"Promise!" Gongsun Jie didn't dare to neglect, followed Huo Qubing's footsteps and rushed into Gou Xi's army.

At this time, Gou Xi has no generals left in his hands, and Dong Chun is the one left!Dong Zhang is two brothers.

The sharp-eyed Dong Chun pointed at Huo Qubing's wolf rider and said, "General! The enemy has a troop attacking our army! Withdraw!"

"No! This battle will be withdrawn once! The king will...!" Gou Xi was about to speak, and seemed to think of something. Looking back, Zhao Yun had already picked and killed Lou Minzhong, leaving only Hu Lu and Qiang entangled to death.

Gou Xi's expression froze, and he said immediately: "Dong Chun! Dong Zhang, you two brothers each lead 1 horses to protect the king!"

"General, what about you?" Dong Chun asked with doubts.

"Don't worry about me! Go away! It's too late!" Gou Xi stared at the two angrily.

At this time, the two of them realized that Gou Xi planned to risk himself to preserve strength for the Sui army. Looking at the resolute Gou Xi, Dong Chunzheng wanted to dissuade him, but Dong Zhang immediately pulled Dong Chun and said, "Let's go! Missed the righteousness of the general!"

"Alas!" Dong Chun let out a long sigh, and the leader turned around and left.

Gou Xi stared at Huo Qubing, who rushed to kill him, and couldn't help feeling angry in his heart: "When did the old man suffer such humiliation! Let the old man meet you! Who is the trouble!"

"The whole army charges!" Gou Xi yelled angrily, and rode a horse to fight Huo Qubing himself.

"Hey!" Huo Qubing looked at Gou Xi who was directly killing him, and the military flag behind Gou Xi. Huo Qu couldn't help calling out, and said to Gongsun behind him: "This guy can't think about it!"

"I don't know!" Gongsun Jie was also puzzled.

"What about him? Take it down!" Huo Qubing yelled angrily, and the silver spear in his hand flew up and down, killing three people in a row. At this time, the wolf cavalry was divided into five teams, like five hungry wolves, constantly biting Gou Xi's three thousand The guards, it was only half a stick of incense, and Gou Xi's surroundings were full of stumps and broken arms.

Gou Xi dressed heavily, stared at Huo Qubing with tiger eyes, and asked, "What's your name!"

Huo Qubing stared at Gou Xi's solemn face with black eyes, looked at Gou Xi's distressed appearance, and said in puzzlement, "You could have run away! Why didn't you!"

"Hehe..." Gou Xi let out a long breath, and said indifferently: "The old man has been running away for most of his life, and he is tired! I don't want to run away, the young man told you your name! You will step on my name and resound throughout this place I want to know who defeated me!"

"Huo Qubing!"

"Huo Qubing...!" Gou Xi thought about the name secretly, laughed for a while, and finally muttered to himself: "Huo Qubing... Huo Qubing...!"

Finally, Gou Xi seemed to be relieved, pulled out the weapon in his hand and drew his sword to kill himself, and died on the spot. In fact, Gou Xi could have survived, but he gave up, if he didn't die!The Han army will not leave any pieces of armor killed by the Sui army, and the Sui state may be about to perish by then, so it is better for him to use his broken body to make a final contribution to the country.

Huo Qubing stared at Gou Xi's corpse, speechless for a long time, looking at the few hundred remaining soldiers, Huo Qubing shook the silver gun in his hand, and said with a grim expression: "Take his corpse back! I don't want his head!"

On the other side of the battlefield, Ma Chao beheaded He Ruobi, and Hu Lu Qiangju couldn't resist Zhao Yun's silver spear, and he was on the spot! "

before driving

"Report! General Huo Qubing captured Deng Qiang alive! Second General Zhang Hao!"

"Report! Tiger and Leopard Cavalry General Bai Wenbao killed Dongfang Lao!"

"Report! General Zhao Yun beheaded Zhang Xutuo! Lou Minzhong! Hu Lvqiang named three generals!"

"Report! Tiger and leopard cavalry general Ma Chao, kill He Ruobi"

"Report! General Huo Qubing beheaded the enemy general Gou Xi, and the Sui army was defeated!"

Hearing the battle reports one after another, Han Xin grinned, looked at the battlefield and said, "This battle is settled!"

(End of this chapter)

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