Warring States Call

Chapter 1891 Chapter 1893: Destruction of the Beam

Chapter 1891 One Thousand 890 Chapter Three
"Yeah!" Han Xin was not as happy as he imagined, he looked up at the battlefields everywhere, and said half aloud: "Let Huo go to the sick place to rest and wait for orders, shameless!"

"The last general is here!" Meng Yan, who is already thirty years old, is no longer the reckless kid he used to be. He is a head taller than before, and his temperament is much more mature and stable.

"Spread the news of breaking the Sui army to all the tents in the army! Order Zhao Yun's Baima Yicong to attack the Qin army! You only need to harass, not attack!" Han Xin said indifferently.

"Understood!" Meng Yan grinned, turned on his horse, brandished his whip and rushed towards the battlefield of Sui Di.

Han Xin looked at the demoralized allied army, and tapped his fingers on the wall of the car. He didn't know what he was thinking. Looking at the soldiers and horses who were ready to go, Han Xin folded his hands, thoughtful.

Sui army on the battlefield

Huo Qubing dismounted from his horse, looked at the surrounding soldiers clearing away the skirmishers, but didn't bother to pay attention, several heavy armored cavalry were knocked off their horses, stood up with the help of left and right, shook out their war robes, and put them on their bodies Dust, sitting on the ground obediently, his head was dazed for a moment, recalling the feeling of rushing, which was exciting and crazy.

"General! Water!" Wei Qing handed the water bottle to Huo Qubing with a look of longing, to be honest!He was so shocked, this cavalry was his dream.

Huo Qubing glanced at Wei Qing handing over the water bottle, took it, and drank it without even thinking of thanking him.

Of course, Huo Qubing also has the qualifications to be arrogant. Wei Zifu is his aunt, Beiyan general Wei Qing is his uncle, and Han Yi is his uncle. If it weren't for this damn war, Huo Qubing would not be able to keep his sensuality in that hunting ground. Dog horse, who wants to come to this precarious battlefield when he is a dude.

Wei Qing seemed to have made a major decision, so he mustered up his courage and said, "General! Do you still need someone here?"

Huo Qubing glanced at Wei Qing up and down, glanced at his armor, and said suspiciously: "We don't accept partial generals in our army! Only small soldiers!"

"Small pawns are fine too!" Wei Qing looked anxious, he had already thought about it, he would dismiss General Pian and hand it over to Gao Gu. Military exploits on the battlefield are nothing but easy to capture.

Huo Qubing glanced at Wei Qing who was full of interest, his face was full of doubts, and he was about to refuse, but Mengyan's general order was delivered immediately, and Mengyan angrily shouted: "The tiger and leopard cavalry rest in place! Wait for the general order! Baima Yicong harassed Qin country, you can only harass and tempt, not attack the enemy!"

"Obey!" Zhao Yun clasped his hands, glanced at Huo Qubing, clasped his hands, then got on his horse and shouted angrily: "The whole army charges!"

mountain country battlefield

Liu Xiu commanded the generals with a dark face. Hearing that Chonger's more than 1 soldiers were wiped out, Liu Xiu pressed the saddle tightly, her eyebrows were frowned, and she shouted angrily: "The whole army is on the mountain!" Array! Break through Zhuge Liang's defense!"

"Your Highness is not well!" Chaike urged the horse to come to Liu Xiu's side, with a serious expression on his face.

"What's the matter!" Liu Xiu narrowed her eyes and stared at Chuoke.

"General Gou Xi of the Sui Army died in battle! More than half of the soldiers and horses were lost! The current situation is not right, and the king urgently invites your son to discuss it!" Que Ke's expression was quite serious.

Liu Xiu looked surprised, and looked towards the east subconsciously. The Sui army's battle flags that were originally hunted by the battle flags were now very few, and they were replaced by the army flags of tigers and leopards. But Zhizhi said: "Organize defense! Don't send troops lightly!"

"No!" Que Zhi immediately took over Liu Xiu's military order, and with the help of Que Ke, Que Qi and others, he barely managed to stabilize the situation.

Liu Xiu hurried to the military tent of the rear army. As soon as he entered the big tent, he saw Liu Bang with a dark face, trying to comfort Yang Guang who was defeated. There is no decadence and sadness.

"Your Majesty!" Liu Xiu glanced at Yang Guang and said respectfully to Liu Bang.

Liu Bang nodded, put away his previous heroic look, looked at the current battle situation and said: "The Han army has a heavy cavalry! We have to guard against it! The current battle situation is defeated! Return to the army quickly and retreat! Don't make too many casualties !"

"This...!" Liu Xiu pondered for a moment, and then said: "At the moment, Zhongwu is in a bad situation! We can only withdraw the whole army into the city, and Han Yi will definitely not let go! Give me [-] archers! I will stop Han Yi!" Army! Have King Xiang and Sun Yuejun been notified?"

"It has been notified! Xiang Yu should return to the formation now!" Liu Bang said solemnly.

"Okay! I'm going to prepare now!" Liu Xiu was about to turn around and leave, but Yang Guang waved suddenly: "Wait a minute! I'll let Dong Chun! Dong Zhang will assist you!"

Yang Guang didn't seem to be able to swallow this breath, and wanted to save some face with this, but Liu Xiu didn't stop him, nodded secretly, and then returned to the army formation.


As soon as the order came out, both armies had suffered [-] to [-] casualties on the battlefield, but this time the Sui army suffered heavy casualties. Only [-] of the [-] soldiers and horses escaped, and the remaining [-] elite soldiers died in battle.

The Korean army paid 13 soldiers and horses in this battle, while the coalition forces directly killed 64. One after another, the remaining 49 troops of the Korean army and [-] soldiers of the coalition army. It can be said that more than half of them were contributed by the Sui army. .

Liu Bang's complexion was also a little ugly, because news came back from the hinterland of the mountain country that Xiao Pengcheng was gone, and Han Shizhong from the state of Wu crossed the river and entered the hinterland of the mountain country, and Yingdu was in danger.

Where is Yingdu? It was the original capital of Chu State, and it is one of the few major economic cities in the mountain country. It is the main city directly connected to Cangwu. It must be destroyed.

The army retreated, and Liu Xiu arranged [-] crossbowmen, including archers and crossbowmen, to cover the retreat of the soldiers.

"Charge the whole army! Kill me! If you can kill one, it is one!" Ma Su, the commander of a thousand soldiers, rode on a war horse, and the soldiers under the command frantically hacked and killed the fleeing enemy troops. In his eyes, these were military exploits.

Liu Xiu squinted her eyes and pushed away the strong man with heavy crossbows who was shooting wildly in front of her. At first, the strong man cursed: "That man with no eyes, dare to push...!"

When he saw Liu Xiu, he shut up immediately, Liu Xiuyou was too lazy to talk to him, looked at the extremely arrogant Ma Su, and directly pulled the trigger.

"Whoosh!" The huge shock force caused Liu Xiu's body to shake.

Unknown why, Ma Di was cutting his own military merits, but he flew out in the next second, rolled on the ground again and again, and died immediately when he looked at it.

With Liu Xiu's actions, more casualties of the coalition forces were reduced.

After a great battle, flies were flying all over the sky, and the smell of blood was everywhere. Lan Xi collected the corpses of the soldiers who died in battle as usual. A few affectionate men rushed into the wounded barracks with their dying brother in their arms, shouting hysterically: " Healer! Hurry up! Help my elder brother! Hurry up!"

Things like this come and go one after another, in an endless stream, both sides are extremely busy.

In the military tent

Han Yi was sitting in the main seat, listening to the surrounding battle reports, his brows sometimes stretched and sometimes frowned, which showed Han Yi's entanglement.

After comparing the casualties, it is natural to reward meritorious deeds. Although Hou Yi died, he did not know who died. Han Yi squinted his eyes, remembering that Shi Jiantang fought north and south for him in the past, and never wanted to die today. Yi felt a little dejected, rubbed his brows, and then said: "Shi Jiantang was granted the Marquis of Tang Dynasty, and his descendants were replaced by three generations! He was in the Yanyuan Pavilion, and Cao Shuangjiao was granted the title of Chief Marquis! The third generation was replaced... As for people like Shi Jingtang and others, they went up Go to the Heroic Soul Tower!"

Huang Feihu and Cao Cao both burst into tears of gratitude. Although Cao Cao was sad, he was quite proud. This is not something everyone can achieve. Although it can only be hereditary for three generations, it is enough to make people feel proud.

In memory of the dead generals!Han Xin raised his voice and said, "The first victory in this battle should go to General Huo Qubing! If it weren't for his tiger and leopard cavalry, we wouldn't be able to make this contribution!"

Han Yi took a fancy to this arrogant brat in the past, praised him cheerfully, and directly promoted him to General Pingnan!It's a tribute to this kid!

Seeing that Huo Qubing had become a general, Han Xin said while the iron was hot: "General Feng Yi shot and killed Chonger, who rebelled against the state of Ju, as a secondary achievement!"

When he said Feng Yi's name, but he didn't see Feng Yi's shadow, Han Xin saw Mengyan behind him and asked, "Where's Feng Yi?"

"Don't ask! This guy is kept under a big tree to enjoy the shade? Remember the credit! Feng Yifeng Feng Hou! Twelve candidate candidates are prepared for future meritorious service, and they will be entrusted!" Han Yi smiled lightly, and everyone under his command It's all about the spirit, the twelve seasons, that is the iron rice bowl that can be hereditary for countless generations. As long as the descendants don't rebel, they will have no worries about keeping food and drink in the future. Even if it is temporarily prepared, it is an opportunity. Prepare to work hard for this goal.

Afterwards, Wenyang was destroyed and Xiandeng died, and Han Yi also named Wenyang as Uncle Wen, which was more encouragement.

Gao Gu, a small soldier, was also promoted to 3000 generals, and his morale was high for a while, as if he wanted to fight a battle.

As for Deng Qiang and Zhang Hao who were captured alive, they will be directly detained by Han Yi. They will first grind their arrogance and consider whether to surrender in the future.

Han Yi also said in advance that the soldiers and horses were handed over to Han Xin, so Han Xin was in charge of the commander's flag, and then said: "Although we have a small victory right now, it is not the key to victory. This battle should destroy the Sui Kingdom as soon as possible! Destroyed!" The morale of the coalition forces! Only then can victory be assured!"

Everyone also decided that beating the dog in the water at this moment will definitely win a big victory. Seeing everyone agreeing, Han Xin immediately bowed his hands to everyone, and Wu Qi rolled his eyes from time to time and said: "This kind of battle to destroy the country! It needs to be quick! One month! I don't know which general You can take on this important task!"

As soon as this remark came out, Zhuge Liang and Han Qinhu, who were eager to try, both sat down dimly. It takes five or six days to march!Not to mention building ordnance or something! "

Cao Cao was thoughtful, and seemed to have seen Han Xin's intentions, so he stopped talking.

Han Xin stared at Wu Qi with a smile and said, "General Wu! Can you please!"

Wu Qi was stunned for a moment, glanced deeply at Han Xin, and said to Han Xin with a smile on his face: "Since the generals have accepted the concession, the old man will be disrespectful!"

Han Xin also smiled, he was just paying back Wu Qi to give himself face, of course Han Xin also set out for the overall situation, this battle cannot be delayed, now August is almost over, it is almost autumn, the weather will get colder in the next few months, At that time, it will be a truce period, if the Sui cannot be destroyed!It will affect the next year's farming and food production, and the national treasury will spend a lot of money at that time, which will also be a heavy burden for the people!

Wu Qi nodded at Han Xin, as a thank you to Han Xin. Without Wu Qi's [-] Wei soldiers, the Han army would lose the advantage of soldiers and horses. Next, Han Xin will use half-attack, half-defense, and half-defense to thwart the enemy army. Wu Qi has gained time, and major events can be decided.

Wu Qi didn't neglect either, he summoned [-] Wei soldiers to march at top speed, in order to save the marching speed, he almost only rested for two and a half hours a day, and rushed to the Sui Kingdom at top speed.

And Qin State officially sent troops, Bai Qi was the commander, and the lieutenants Guo Kan and Meng Tian showed Qin State's intentions for this battle.

Luo Shixin's [-] vanguard troops took down four cities in a row in just five days, almost one city a day. When the news reached Wolf City, An Lushan's jaw dropped.

As a last resort, An Lushan sent [-] soldiers and horses to Huyi, where he was going to fight Qin to the death.

At this time, Bai Qi was looking at the map in front of him, and said indifferently: "Who is the leader of the Liang Kingdom this time!"

"A guy named Cui Qianyou! I heard that this person is the number one general of the Liang Kingdom!" Guo Kan's face was flat, without showing contempt, and he pinched his chin thoughtfully, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Cui Qianyou" Bai Qi muttered the name to himself, looked at the bamboo slips in his hand, and said half aloud: "Did Luo Shixin confront the enemy?"

"Three rounds!" Meng Tian opened the big tent, walked in with big strides, picked up the table and drank in big gulps.

"What's the outcome!" Bai Qi looked at the carefree Meng Tian without getting angry, and stared at Meng Tian indifferently.

"Win all three games! What else can I do! Beheading 8000 people, this Liang Guowei is boundless. The armor he used was the armor of the Battle of Pingyang three years ago. Although well-trained, according to the front The battle reports sent are all rookies who have never seen blood, otherwise you think Luo Shixin can achieve such a victory!" Meng Tian smashed his mouth, wiped the water stains with his sleeves, and lifted his armor with his hands, revealing own strong chest.

"It's interesting!" Bai Qi smiled, stared at the map, pinched his chin and said: "These soldiers are not in order because Liang Jun's forwards are testing the troops. Luo Shixin defeated the enemy three times in a row. In order to boost morale, that Cui Qianyou will definitely dispatch Elite, after winning a victory, order Luo Shixin to feign defeat and return to Cage Mountain. Meng Tian, ​​you lead the [-] Meng family army and wait for work with ease. After Luo Shixin is defeated and retreats, you will definitely take over the city of Ke that was just defeated. You take the opportunity to send troops! kill!"

"Understood!" Meng Tian grinned, put down the teacup in his hand, and strode out.

"Send someone to tell Yang Duanhe! Liang Guo's elite is out! Take down Wolf City! Guo Kan, you are ambushing the Liang army along the way. Once they show signs of returning to help, you know what to do!" Bai Qi took out the general order Guo Kan looked indifferent.

Guo Kan took the order, nodded and went down to mobilize troops.

(End of this chapter)

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