Warring States Call

Chapter 1892 Chapter 1893: Destruction of the Beam

Chapter 1892 One Thousand 890 Chapter Three
Kecheng battlefield

Luo Shixin continued to strengthen the city wall, and the whole person was very busy. After three battles, Luo Shixin also lost more than 800 people. As Bai Qi guessed, Cui Qianyou sent General Meng Huaiyu as the vanguard, leading Liang Huaijun three times. Thousands of soldiers and horses conquered the city and wanted to take it back.

Among the [-] vanguards of the Liang army, Meng Huaiyu was wearing black bronze armor and holding a black knife. The soldiers under his command were well-armored, all made of pure iron.

Luo Shixin looked up at Meng Huaiyu from the top of the city, holding a rice bowl in his hand, he took a bite from time to time, chewed and muttered to himself: "Grandma's... it's really good!"

This group of soldiers was obviously not the rabble that he had faced before. Luo Shixin swallowed a mouthful of rice, took a sip of strong wine, took a long breath, secretly called out a cool word, and said to the deputy general behind him, "I will leave this battle to you Already! After fighting for half a day, we will withdraw our troops! Just make sense, don’t let the enemy see through you!”

"Hey! Why am I defending you? I don't want you to be lazy." Bai Qin was a little bit full of mouth, seeing that he was only in his early 20s, and seeing Luo Shixin being lazy, although he didn't resist, there was a complaint from the corner of his mouth. It is indispensable.

"Young man! This is an opportunity for you to practice your hand, do it well!" Luo Shixin patted Bai Qin on the shoulder, strode down the parapet, found a random corner, lay down in the haystack, crossed his legs, It's uncomfortable to drink fine wine.

Bai Qin shook his head helplessly, looked at the stunned soldiers on both sides, and immediately waved: "Get ready for battle!"

"Charge!" Meng Huaiyu rode a war horse, and the [-] elite soldiers under his command seemed to be well-trained. They rushed towards the city wall with the ladder on their shoulders. Bai Qin also symbolically called the soldiers on both sides to shoot arrows to stop the front army. He could only hear: "Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

The rain of arrows shot down all over the sky, and the casualties were considerable. Seeing that morale was frustrated, Meng Huaiyu immediately drew his sword and personally supervised the battle. Anyone who retreated would be punished with force, and the first to climb the city wall would be rewarded with three gold cakes.

With the stimulation of money, all the soldiers under his command erupted with stronger morale than before.

Bai Qin was not flustered by this, and ordered the soldiers under his command in an orderly manner, and responded honestly.

Meng Tian, ​​who was watching the battle from a distance, put his arms around his chest. When the cold wind blew, Meng Tian couldn't help scratching his face, and muttered to Meng Jia, his subordinate: "Is this Luo Shixin serious? Why didn't you let him fight for so long?" The enemy has captured the city wall!"

"Probably not! Luo Shixin will not disobey the general's order! Wait for a while!" Meng Jia leaned against a tree to enjoy the shade, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Hey! These Liang Jun are really too weak! I don't have any sense of urgency! These guys are played by the general and applauded!" Meng Tian couldn't help shaking his head, secretly crying regretfully.

city ​​wall

Seeing that the time was almost up, Bai Qin beckoned his subordinates to wake Luo Shixin up, and evacuated Kecheng they had just captured in less than half a stick of incense.

Seeing that the time had come, Meng Tian called for the [-] men under his command to attack. At this moment, Meng Huaiyu was in the joy of victory. Most of the soldiers under his command let down their vigilance, and one or two lazily collected the corpses.

"Kill!" Meng Tian took the lead, and killed the entire Liang army by surprise. In addition to the physical strength consumed in the previous siege, it was suddenly overwhelmed, and Luo Shixin also led the soldiers back, attacking from both sides, killing Meng Huaiyu by surprise, Meng Huaiyu even more Under Luo Shixin's bravery, he was forced to surrender, and all the [-] vanguards of Liang Jun were wiped out.

Then Meng Tian asked Meng Huaiyu to release false news claiming that Kecheng had been taken, and Cui Qianyou's [-] army was dispatched to march towards Kecheng.

Regarding the battle on the Eastern Front, Meng Tian's deputy, Meng Jiakuaima, told Guo Kan that Cui Qianyou had already marched towards Kecheng, and asked Guo Kan to quickly support him.

Guo Kan looked at the map in his eyes, stared at the map in front of him, and said with a serious expression: "Did you see Cui Qianyou marching towards Kecheng?"

"Um...not really! It's just that Cui Qianyou's messengers arrived in Kecheng first!" Meng Jia said thoughtfully.

"No." Guo Kan suddenly rejected Meng Jia's idea, and said solemnly: "We underestimated Cui Qianyou. His soldiers and horses have not shown up until now. They have been fighting all the way along the way, and there is no trace of the military camp."

"Then where is he! Where are the 5 horses?" Meng Jia asked suspiciously.

"Not good!" Guo Kan seemed to have thought of something, and immediately ordered angrily: "The whole army speeds up, and the goal is Wolf City!"

"The whole army is attacking!" Guo Kan's lieutenant, Gong Gong, rode on his horse and yelled angrily, staring at the soldiers behind him.

Tens of thousands of troops were marching, and there was naturally a lot of movement, but Meng Jia was thoughtful, but he never figured it out. Guo Kan didn't bother to explain to him, and then said: "Tell Meng Tian to hurry to Wolf City! Hurry up!"

Yang Duanhe, who is in his 40s, does not say that he is invincible, but he has to see that something is wrong with Liang Jun. Now the gates of the Wolf City are closed, and the guards on the walls are scattered, and even some of the walls are No one in sight.

Leaving aside the fact that the Qin army hadn't arrived in Liangcheng, the soldiers were all on guard, and the laziness in defense like before was obviously deceitful. This is the capital of a country, how could they be lax in defense.

Yang Duanhe stroked his beard, seemed to sense something was wrong, and immediately said: "Send some scouts! Go check around!"


In Wolf City, Cui Qianyou was looking at the map in front of him. Lieutenant General Xi Hong rode a horse and came to Cui Qianyou and said solemnly: "General! I saw some scouts! Do you want to arrest them?"

"No! Wait for the enemy to enter the city! Don't act rashly without my order!" Cui Qianyou rubbed his wrist, his expression quite serious.


"What happened to Meng Huaiyu's soldiers and horses!" Cui Qianyou seemed a little worried. After all, this was his plan to lure Qin Jun into his trap bit by bit. Use this royal capital to destroy 15 soldiers and horses of Qin State.

"Report! There is nothing unusual in the city!" The scout rushed to report, panting heavily, apparently he thought he would not come back alive after the catastrophe.

"This...is the general going to do something?" Yang Duanhe hesitated for a while, then glanced at Bai Qi who was roasting rabbit meat in the forest, and asked tentatively.

In fact, he didn't even think that Bai Qi would personally come to the front to supervise the battle.

"Don't worry!" Bai Qi cut off a piece of rabbit meat with his hands, put it in his mouth and took a few bites, blinked his mouth, and said half aloud: "Fire and cook!"

"General! There will be cooking smoke like this! I'm afraid it will scare the snake!" Yang Duanhe was a little worried, once the enemy army rushed to kill them and caught them off guard, he would regret it later.

"Hey... It depends on whether they have the guts to come out!" Bai Qi waved his hand and beckoned Yang Duanhe to try the rabbit meat with him.

Although Yang Duanhe hesitated, he could only act according to Bai Qi's intention. In an instant, white smoke ignited outside Wolf City, covering the sky and covering the sun, as if wrapping the whole Wolf City in fog.

Cui Ganyou, who was patrolling the city wall, said solemnly: "Has the enemy army not attacked the city yet?"

"No!" Lieutenant General Xi Hong truthfully told the situation of the battle.

"Bastard!" Cui Ganyou knew that the enemy had seen through his plan, and he slammed on the wall, leaving a blood mark. He turned around and shouted angrily, "The whole army is in formation! Go out of the city and kill the enemy!"

"Isn't the general waiting for a while?" Cheng Ji asked Cui Ganyou inappropriately, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Wait a fart!" Cui Ganyou yelled angrily, and said as he walked, "Qin Jun is obviously playing us like a monkey, just wait, the enemy's three armies will join up, and they will give a fart!"



The heavy city gate was opened, and tens of thousands of soldiers rushed out, rushing out towards the place full of cooking smoke.

Bai Qi sat at the foot of the mountain, looked at Liang Jun, who was not afraid of death, bit the rabbit's leg in his hand, and said calmly: "This kid is not bad! He grasped the opportunity very well!"

"Everyone get on the horse and get ready!" Yang Duanhe glared angrily, turned over and rode on the horse, and a terrifying murderous aura erupted from Zhou's body.

"Charge!" Yang Duanhe shouted angrily, and the tens of thousands of cavalrymen under his command rushed to kill Liang Jun.

The two armies were fighting in a melee, and Yang Duanhe's cavalry was extremely suitable for fighting in the mountains and forests. They would raid left and right, and the soldiers could not gather in the battle formation in the forest, so they could only let others decide.

"Come down for me! Xi Hong looked at General Qin with circles in his eyes, and took care of him with the spear in his hand. The general Qin looked at Xi Hong, who was dying, holding his own horse in his hand, and shouted angrily: "Death!" ! "

"Ding, Xia Yu raises the tripod attribute to activate, the personal strength value is increased by 5, Xia Yu's basic strength value is 102, the Dawan horse strength value is increased by 1, the fine iron dragon and tiger's strength value is increased by 1, and Xia Yu's current strength value is 109"

"Boom!" With a violent hum, Xi Hong was directly smashed on the tree, and suddenly he felt that his whole body was about to fall apart, and countless leaves fell from the impacted tree.

"Pfft...!" Xi Hong spit out a mouthful of old blood on the ground, leaning against the tree, looking at the deep mark on his chest, Xi Hong's eyes were gradually replaced by darkness, and finally died here.

"General Xi!" As soon as Xi Hong died, the faces of dozens of people behind him changed drastically. Xia Yu immediately attracted the attention of countless people. The soldiers of the Qin and Liang armies were both shocked and excited!The eyes of fear were mixed on Xia Yu's body, which was both glory and hatred.

"I want you to die!"


"Avenge General Xi!"

"Liu Yin, Jufu, Jingde" three tiger generals rushed out and charged towards Xia Yu. Together, the three of them stabbed at Xia Yu's three places with swords, guns and swords.

"Looking for death!" Xia Yu yelled angrily, and was about to kill the three of them, but a tiger general jumped out behind him, and the two hammers in his hands suddenly hit Jing De and Ju Fu, two generals who were defenseless, After being hit by this giant hammer, the sound of bone shattering was heard when it fell to the ground, and countless dust was splashed on the ground, making everyone's scalp numb.

Once the two died, there was only one Liu Yin left. How could Liu Yin, who had a force value of only about 90, be Xia Yu's opponent?

Xia Yu glanced at the person who came, grinned and said, "And you are such a stealer! Ah! Cheng Jing"

"Hey!" Cheng Jing put away the hammer in his hand, grinned, stretched Xia Yu with his elbow and said with a smile, "Aren't you afraid that you won't be busy? Can you help me?"

"Hey! These two rotten sweet potatoes and rotten bird eggs need your help!" Xia Yu was amused by this guy, so he simply didn't bother to talk to him, cut off his two trophies, and looked around, looking for his prey.

"Kill me! Kill!" Yao Gang was riding a horse, commanding the soldiers under his command with a dignified expression, his tiger eyes full of dignity.

"Those who stand in my way will die!" Yang Duanhe held a long spear, without too much fancy, galloped on his horse, passed by with one shot, and directly stabbed Yao Gang in the throat.

"Report! Xi Hong! Yao Gang! Jingde! Liu Yin's four generals died in battle! Our army lost 4000 people." Zhang Ziliang rode a horse and rushed to Cui Ganyou with a dignified expression.

Hearing this, Cui Ganyou almost spit out his old blood. Seeing the shouts of killing erupted in the forest, he asked solemnly, "Are all the Qin troops so brave?"

"General! We can't beat Qin's army! Withdraw our troops!" Ge Ying said with a serious expression.

"This...!" Cui Qianyou's face was serious, and he didn't know how to express his feelings for a while, and said half aloud: "Go to the new city! Meet the king!"

"Where are you going!" Yang Duanhe shouted angrily, and thousands of cavalry under his command charged forward.

"General, hurry up! I'll block this Qin general!"

"Count me in!"

Jin Zhun and Ge Ying pulled out the sharp swords in their arms, and firmly protected Cui Qianyou behind them. Yang Duanhe stared at the two indifferently, with the spear in his hand resting on the saddle, took the bow and arrow, and looked at the two. The soldiers behind shouted angrily: "Fire the arrow!"

"Swoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

Thousands of cold arrows enveloped the charging soldiers, and Jin Zhun and Ge Ying were instantly shot into hedgehogs by the rain of arrows, dying to survive.

Cui Qianyou didn't take a few steps, but saw Guo Kan riding a horse waiting here for a long time, staring at Cui Qianyou with tiger eyes, and said indifferently: "General Cui! Where are you going!"

"This...!" Cui Qianyou looked at the Qin army all over the mountains and plains with a look of astonishment, and finally put down his weapons and surrendered, and Chen Yu, Wang Ji, Deng Zhi, Gao Yu, Yu Di, Zhu Xie, and Guan also surrendered with him. Sui, Guo Jing, An Jinquan and others, faced with death, they could only lay down their weapons.

Bai Qi gazed at Guo Kan's battle flag with tiger eyes, grinned, secretly calling this kid not too stupid, and finally realized that he did not live up to his expectations of him.

The [-] soldiers and horses on the front line were destroyed in less than seven days. More than [-] soldiers died in battle, and more than [-] were captured by the Qin army.Meng Tian's [-] elites have completely surrounded the entire new city, waiting for Bai Qi to make a decision.

In the new city

An Lushan looked at the battle report in his hand, his complexion turned pale, and he felt grief and indignation. He spat out a mouthful of old blood and came to the kitchen with a pale face. He poisoned the food, and the whole family, more than [-] mouthfuls, were poisoned to death. An Lushan burned the temple , Self-immolation in the temple.

It is really self-inflicted, Shi Siming and Chao Yi will surrender to the Qin State, and the originally glorious Anliang Kingdom will end here.

An Qingxu, the eldest son of An Lushan, was defeated and killed. An Sishun led a thousand remnants including Zhang Jianzhi, An Jinquan, and An Dianbao, retreated to Jinyang, and sought asylum from Han Yi. Since then, Liang Guo was destroyed.

(End of this chapter)

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