Chapter 190

A few pawns in the city directly beheaded the Wei pawns next to them!The huge city gate broke open directly.

Xin Qiji behind was overjoyed, the overall situation has been settled!Qin Jiangdi said that he looked overjoyed and said:?Bros!I heard that there are a lot of food in this city!Give me all!Grab the food and grass officer and get promoted to the third level! "

"Okay! Brothers! Don't fight with me!" A strong man laughed.

A group of people rushed around, causing countless casualties. Wei Chen saw that he hated iron but could not make steel. He really guessed it. If 3000 people are used well, they can be regarded as a master of a hundred battles.

"Go! So people listen to me, the food and grass are missing, all of our heads are not enough to chop off, kill me!" Wei Chen couldn't care so much, and directly led people to kill.

Xin Qiji from behind directly led people to fish in troubled waters, and anyone who came to make trouble for him, he chopped it down!The two armies fought countless casualties!Xin Qiji winked at Chu Xiong who was beside him.

Chu Xiong sneered, leading a dozen people to fish in troubled waters.

Zheng Zu was riding a horse outside the city, quietly waiting for the news from Shicheng, and now it seems that he is an unscrupulous soldier, Zheng Zu shook his head with a smile and said: "This guy is really lucky! Where is Master Cheng now!"

"Return to General, Master Cheng Yu has been waiting for a long time at the border between Zhao and Wei!"

"There is still a day's journey between Shicheng and the border between Zhao and Wei. During this time, it is easy to be traced by the state of Wei. After the food is shipped out, the news will definitely leak. They will rob and kill the letter soldiers by the roadside, and after Xin Qiji leaves! Let's massacre the city !” Zheng Zu said coldly.

"Will the general do this!" The lieutenant next to him hesitated to speak.

Zheng Zukai said helplessly, "Yue Yang, this news cannot be leaked out, and murder is the best way, only the dead can't speak!"

"No!" A soldier named Yue Yang behind him was helpless.

"Also! Send three carriages loaded with stones and transport them to Qin State, and let others move the food and grass to the carriage one mile away. The route to Qin State is being transferred to Mr. Cheng!" Zheng Zukai directly said the plan The cloth is ready.

First, if there is no food and grass, South Korea will lose a batch of food and grass at most, but it can get help from the state of Wei.

"Kill!" Wei Chen held the bronze sword in his hand and killed several Qin soldiers with his backhand.

The enemy looked at Wei Chen and sneered: "The baby from there, if you don't nurse at home, what are you doing here!"

"General Qin will die!" Wei Chen didn't want to say anything, so he cut him off immediately.

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met. The enemy said that he was holding a big knife and took Wei Chen's head.

"General, should we now..." Chu Xiong asked indifferently.

Xin Qiji smiled and said: "Don't worry, tell the brothers to transport the grain and grass away, there will be someone outside the city to pick them up."

"No..." Chuxiong was inconvenient to talk about bringing people along, and left directly

Xin Qiji sneered and said: "Tell the brothers, hide for me, and when they both lose, we will retreat!"


"Death!" Wei Chen didn't know when he picked up his shield, blocked the enemy and said a knife, and the bronze sword in his right hand stabbed into his abdomen! , the enemy said that he quickly swung his sword and slashed at Wei Chen's left arm, hoping to cut Wei Chen back.

Wei Chen was not afraid of death, and directly stabbed at him, only to lose one of his arms.The enemy miscalculated when it came to death, and he looked at Xin Qiji with a look that was nothing but perplexity, nothing but endless confusion,

Wei Chen heaved a sigh of relief, but the missing left arm made him feel so much pain that he passed out directly.

Xin Qiji didn't know when he changed Wei Zu's clothes, and said: "General Qin is dead, brothers, drive them back for me."

Chu Xiong was still wearing Qin clothes, and said solemnly: "Brothers! General Wei is dead, kill me! Success or failure depends on one action!"

The people on both sides didn't know what was going on, so they kept rushing!Keep killing!The sky was dark and the sun and the moon were dark, Xin Qiji smiled coldly and said, "Shoot the arrow!"


Hundreds of arrows rained down, Chu Xiong had already taken people into hiding, the Wei people killed only a few hundred people, each one was exhausted, and the Qin State was also suffering, leaving no one dead.

Seeing that Xin Qiji's resistance was still so strong, he had no choice but to retreat,

"The general is amazing!" A Wei soldier next to him sat down on the ground, exhausted, and gave Xin Qiji his thumbs up.

Xin Qiji still had the same smile, and said, "Brother, I'm sorry! But you have to die! Let the arrows go!"

"What are you..."

"Ah... ah...!"

After several screams, there was a sea of ​​blood!
"Gather all the Qin and Wei clothes, burn them, and throw them into the river!" Xin Qiji said with a smile.

"The general has food and grass now, is he withdrawing now?" Chu Xiong reminded Xin Qiji to avoid long nights and dreams.

Xin Qiji also smiled: "The big thing is done, and we don't have anything to do next! Retreat!"

Xin Qiji led people to evacuate one after another, and the grain and grass were also taken away under Zheng Zukai's inspection.

When Zheng Zu arrived, it was already the third watch, and a team of black clothes rushed over, and in the dark night, people's eyes could not be distinguished at all.

"Let's start! Slaughter!" Zheng Zukai said darkly

"No!" Yue Yang behind him had no choice but to follow the steps. Those who died for the king's way had already shed endless blood.

"Bastard...stop...hand!" Wei Chen stood upside down and looked at Zheng Zukai.

"I said you pretend to be dead here, and I can spare your life! Aren't you looking for death!" Zheng Zukai was helpless, pulled out the sword in his hand, and played with it carefully.

"You... are... are... what... people..." Wei Chen weakly supported the wall, his broken arm was still bleeding.

"The secret must not be leaked! But today I will show mercy and tell you!" Zheng Zu laughed.

"Korea's secrets must not be leaked! Go with peace of mind!" Zheng Zu slashed, and a good head flew into the ground.

"Command! Set fire to the wall!" Zheng Zukai left behind a figure and order, and then disappeared into the night. The fire swept away the low dirt like a knot of light that had washed away all the lead.

Wei King's Palace
"What! The 30 shi of grain in Shicheng was robbed!" Wei Hui Wang Longyan was furious, with nothing but anger and regret on his face.

"Based on Qin Jian on the ground and the corpse of General Qin! Yes!" Hui Shi below dared not speak, for fear of angering King Hui of Wei.

"Bastard! He Qin is really lawless! He started a war with South Korea and dared to come to our Wei country to act wild! Pass the order! Order the general Pang Juan as the general! Le Yang as the deputy, Guo Chongtao, Feng Changqing, Yan Zhenqing, Yan Gaoqing, Yan Qing is a general, send [-] troops, if you don’t subdue Qin, I won’t be a great king anymore!” King Wei Hui was furious, and with a swipe of his pen, he directly hit double critical strikes.

"Think twice, Your Majesty! This matter involves a lot, so it's not easy to act rashly!" Wei Wuji next to him said worriedly.

"There is no need to say too much, I will make a decision. I want to see if he, Qin, can still turn the world upside down after going through the Battle of Hangu Pass!"

(End of this chapter)

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