Chapter 191

"Good! Well done!" Han Yi praised Xin Qiji with admiration in his eyes.

In this battle, Xin Qiji took the initiative to detect opportunities, acted decisively and experienced, and was able to make clear and correct judgments, although his force was not as good as Jia Fu, Guan Yu, and Wen was not as good as Guo Jia and Pang Tong.

But the victory lies in the comprehensiveness, and all aspects are good, and Li Ru's Tianji Camp needs manpower for expansion, so this guy is the best candidate.

"The last general Zheng Zu opened the general to surpass the king!" A tiger general under him!Wearing a black cloud armor, except for the eyes that are exposed, everything else is in the black armor. This is the first time Han Yi has seen him.

The Battle of Zhengbei was the battlefield between Bao Yuan and him. If Zheng Zhuanggong hadn’t been defeated, I’m afraid this guy is still fighting against him now. There are not many people who can stop Bao Yuan, a famous general in the world, so Han Yi also treats him very much. attention.

"Is the general still used to it here?" Han Yi asked tentatively. The Tianji Camp can only belong to him and must be controlled by himself!If they make a mistake, South Korea's intelligence system will explode.

Until now, the Tianji Camp has not been exposed to the public eye,

"Your Majesty, I'm still used to everything!"

"Oh! I don't know if the general thinks our country or Zheng country is better!" Han Yi said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, the air became cold and murderous!If you are not careful!I'm afraid he, Zheng Zukai, will confess here today!Zheng Zu began to break out in cold sweat, and said, "Does Your Majesty want to hear the truth or the lie?"


"With Zheng Guomin's heart bowed down, South Korea is booming! There is no Zheng Min in this world!"

"It's fake!" Han Yi asked curiously.

"Zheng Min is gone! Please treat everyone equally, Your Majesty!" Zheng Zukai said helplessly.Han Yi's meaning is obviously still being divided into categories!if that is the case!How can Zheng people suffer from it?

Han Yi smiled and said: "The general is overthinking! In my lonely eyes! All the people in the world are my people, so why should the general be overwhelmed! As long as the general works hard for me, I guarantee that the general will worship the general and become a marquis! Lie Yanyuan!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Zheng Zukai said happily.

Han Yi helped Zheng Zukai up: "General, I have another task for you!"

"Your Majesty, please speak! If you die, you will die!"

"Li Ru told me that the Tianji camp has been expanded and needs manpower! How do you feel about Xin Qiji!" Han Yi smiled and said.

"This guy is brave and resourceful! He is a rare commander! Wouldn't it be too wasteful to join Tianji!" Zheng Zukai scratched his hair puzzled.

Han Yi went to the table and picked up a writing brush: "Although Xin Qiji is capable of writing and martial arts, he is not as good as Pang Tong! Wu is not as good as Jia Fu and the others. The most important thing is that he has no support and cannot lead an army, so it is best to go to the Tianji Camp Already!"

"Unexpectedly, the king ordered, and the subordinates will not hesitate!"

"Xin Qiji is coming back soon, and I'll give you the three hundred wolf shadows! Just tell Xin Qiji that they're all wiped out! You can just plant the blame on Qin!" Han Yi smiled.

"Your Majesty means..." Zheng Zukai was puzzled.
"Tianji Camp can't be exposed for the time being! They are my eyes! So if Xin Qiji wants to join, he must die! Otherwise, he will disappear and easily attract attention!"

"I will understand at the end!"

"And Xin Qiji may not be able to bear it for a while! You bring him to see me!" Han Yi was worried, whether Xin Qiji was willing or not was another matter!You can't make things difficult for yourself.

"Take orders!" Zheng Zukai finished speaking and disappeared into the night.

"General, let's go next..." Yue Yang who was behind said puzzled.

Zheng Zu laughed and said, "Go and meet our new partner!"

"Oh...!" Yue Yang was puzzled.

Xin Qiji and his party were exhausted and prepared to return to Han Yi!But I didn't expect someone to block the way.

"Stop! Come on, don't move forward!" Yue Yang held the bronze sword specially made by Tianjiying.There are hundreds of men in black behind them, all of them are arrogant and energetic!It formed a stark contrast with Xin Qiji!
"Who are you! How dare you even block my way! You want to die!" Xin Qiji was furious, and as he spoke, he drew out his sword and prepared to fight to the death.

"General Xin Qiji, don't get angry! We are the ones in charge of responding to you! Your Majesty, please! I hope the general will not blame you!" Zheng Zu laughed as he came from behind, ignoring Yue Yang not to get angry, and put away the sword in his hand.

"Who's coming!" Seeing that there was a leader, Xin Qiji paid more attention to his vigilance, and the wolf shadows behind were all ready to fight to the death.

"General Xin Qiji, don't be nervous! This general has been ordered by the king to lead the general into the camp!" Zheng Zukai waved his hand to signal Xin Qiji not to get excited.

"If the king wants to see me, he can just send someone to pass the order directly. Why do you need you! Could it be that the king is afraid of leaking the news! He wants to kill people to silence the story!" Xin Qiji began to worry, if it was really him, then he would definitely not survive tonight.

Zheng Zukai said helplessly: "What are you thinking in your heart! Your Majesty wants you to join the Tianji Camp! Believe it or not is just a matter of your thoughts. Believe me! You just change your clothes and go to see your Majesty with me! If you don't believe me, yes! Those who know the secrets of the sky!..."

As he spoke, Zheng Zukai also drew his bronze sword, ready to kill Xin Qiji.

"Why should I believe you!" Xin Qiji began to worry, this guy didn't look like he was joking!People like myself are not their opponents at all, but I still want to live! .

"Enough!" Han Yi walked through the crowd unhurriedly, and he still let himself see this scene!It seems that the secrecy work of the Tianji Camp is good, and no one knows yet.

"Your Majesty!"

"See Your Majesty!" Everyone knelt down for a while.

Han Yi smiled and helped Xin Qiji up and said, "Thank you, General!"

"My lord, you...they...!" Xin Qiji was puzzled, he really didn't know when Han Yi had such a unit under his command.

"Tianjiying... the secrets must not be leaked!" Yue Yang said disdainfully, meaning that except for Han Yi, no one else is qualified to know.

"My lord, you are...!" Xin Qiji was even more puzzled.

"General, you have worked hard on the battlefield! But Gu Tianji needs you more!" Han Yi said seriously.

"My lord, this is...!"

"Tianji, as the name suggests! It is to collect information for the king! To stop the peace with killing, to quell civil strife, and to monitor all officials!" Zheng Zukai explained.

"My lord, you want me to join them...!" Xin Qiji suddenly realized.

"That's right, no one knows about Tianji Camp until now! And I found out that you also have talent in this area, so I'm going to let you join! Are you willing...!" Han Yi smiled softly, looking very harmonious.

"The last general is willing to go through fire and water for the king!" Xin Qiji heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Han Yi is not the kind of person who crosses rivers and destroys bridges, otherwise he will die.

Han Yi is not talking too much, you are dead from today

(End of this chapter)

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