Warring States Call

Chapter 192 Zhao Guo sent troops,

Chapter 192 Zhao Guo sent troops,

"Starting today! Tianji is divided into ten divisions. Li Ru, Xin Qiji, and Zheng Zukai are the three divisions of you, and they are also called Tianji Ten Yan Divisions. Below you can have the right to kill first and then play out, and you don't have to blame anyone. Be responsible, as long as you are responsible to Gu!" Han Yi said with a smile.

"My lord, what about the other seven people!" Yue Yang who was behind said puzzled.

Han Yi narrowed his eyes and looked at this guy. His body was strong and his mind was flexible, but he was a little silly.

"The other seven divisions have their own arrangements! At present, there is no candidate for Gu." Han Yi smiled, this guy obviously knows it well.

"oh oh!"

"Okay, Xin Qiji leads your people, and drive away with Zheng Zu! People from the Tianji Camp had better not show their faces in front of outsiders!"

"No!" Hundreds of people gradually receded!Han Yi also began to meditate, and Han Yi has been thinking about it for the past few days. If the Tianji Camp is handed over to Li Ru alone, he may not be able to control this force. I can't eat and walk around.

On the other hand, both Xin Qiji and Zheng Zukai are good, and it is a good thing to let them restrain each other. Sometimes the emperor wants to balance power, if he can't grasp power well!Instead, it is easy to hurt yourself.

Zhao State Handan.

"Next time, Cheng Yu met King Zhao!" Cheng Yugong said solemnly, he had heard about Zhao and Wei's obedience and injustice, and his trip was for this matter. Without Zhao's help, the war between Qin and South Korea would be dangerous. up.

"It turned out to be Lord Cheng, hurry up, please, come! Please give me a seat!" Zhao Yong said haha.

Cheng Yu, however, was still serious: "King Zhao! In the past, my king offended the State of Qin because of you, and now South Korea is in danger, and King Zhao took advantage of the fire to loot it! It's not what a gentleman did!" His words were like sharp swords, and King Zhao was speechless for a while. speechless.

Lin Xiangru on the left smiled and said, "Master Cheng, what are you talking about! There is very little good land in Zhao Guo, and there is indeed not enough food and grass!"

"In this case, my sincerity from South Korea has been brought! I hope King Zhao will give me a reasonable answer!" Cheng Yu said seriously.

"Oh! I don't know what King Han wants!" Lin Xiangru said with a smile.

"20 dans of food is enough for the state of Zhao to support [-] soldiers for three years. I don't know what the king of Zhao wants!" Cheng Yu stroked his beard with a heartbroken and angry look, and he was also relieved. There is a lot of national food and grass.

He took out two-thirds directly, and the other third, and Cheng Yu sent his men to buy horses disguised as businessmen. South Korea could get at least [-] good horses, and even bought mares, preparing to build own racecourse, so that you don't have to rely on Zhao Guo.

Zhao Yong is overjoyed, with these grains and grasses, he can solve Lin Hu's problem more quickly, and speed up the assimilation of the people of other races.

Lin Xiangru and the others were also overjoyed. It seemed that Han Yi really vomited blood. Looking at Cheng Yu's face, he almost turned black.

"Since the king of Han helped our country out of the siege in this way, this king will naturally do his best! Chuangu leader, with Li Mu as the main general, Lian Po as the deputy, Zhao Kuo, Zhao Sheng, Fei Yi, Zhou Yafu, Ma Yuan, and Xiangxi as the generals, Send 20 troops to directly attack Hangu Pass!" Zhao Yong said solemnly, Han Yi has already cut his blood, and he can't be stingy, besides, it's time to cut Qin's power.

"My lord, isn't this too...!" Lin Xiangru worried.

Zhao Yong gave Lin Xiangru a wink, signaling him not to talk too much, and Lin Xiangru stopped talking too much.

Cheng Yu below also breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that King Zhao has other plans this time. Being with these vain and submissive guys is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger. South Korea must become stronger as soon as possible, otherwise it is doomed to be eaten by others. medium meat.

After careful calculation, Han Yi's 19 soldiers, Zhao's 20, Wei's 49 troops, and a large army of [-] are enough for Qin to drink a pot.

But the disadvantage here is that the forces of the three countries are dispersed. If Qin State concentrates its forces to attack one country, it may be more dangerous than good for it.

"King Zhao! If we divide our troops to fight, I'm afraid Qin will concentrate its forces and defeat them one by one. It will be a disaster!" Cheng Yu reminded.

Zhao Yong stroked his beard and knew that what Cheng Yu said was reasonable, but the military strength of the Three Kingdoms is difficult to count, and the military strength of all parties is difficult to control. If there is no one to command and there is no way to fight, it is really embarrassing!
"I don't know what Master Cheng Yu thinks!" Zhao Yong was helpless, and Lin Xiangru smiled and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, now that the general situation has come, your Majesty can be like King Han, and you can personally conquer! First, it can boost morale, and second Come, the king can supervise the troops!" 9
"That's it! I don't know what Han Shi wants to do!" Zhao Yong smiled.

Cheng Yu's serious face was still unsmiling: "Since Your Majesty is interested, Cheng Yu can't postpone it. Then everything will be discussed by King Zhao and my King!"

"Okay, envoy Han just wait for the good news!" Zhao Yong waved his hand, indicating that he could retreat.

Cheng Yu wasn't trying to make fun of himself, but seemed a little uncomfortable here, and said, "Let's take my leave!"

Seeing Cheng Yu leave, Lin Xiangru was puzzled, and said: "Your Majesty only needs to send 20 troops for this battle, why did you just send [-] troops!"

Zhao Yong smiled and said: "The opportunity to attack Qin is once in a thousand years, not to mention that Qin has been hiding in Hangu Pass for many years, and Qin has always occupied the title of the largest country in the world. Call back! Dominate the world!"

"It's just the name of the king, why should you care so much? Domination of the world depends on strength, not reputation!" Lin Xiangru said earnestly, and obviously disagreed with Zhao Yong's approach.

"I don't think so. Our country is boundless to the north. To the south is the state of Wei, which is not easy to tear apart. To the east, there are two countries, Yan and Qi. We are almost mixed in among the big countries and cannot develop national power. Although Qin is The world is a big country, but it is not invincible." Zhao Yong seemed to have a burst of anger in his heart, which was venting infinitely.

Lin Xiangru couldn't say anything, Zhao Yong had been developing with peace of mind under his own persuasion in the past few years, there was a kind of warlike Zhao Yong in his bones, and now he vented it unreservedly.

Zhao Yong forced a smile and said: "Don't worry! Gu knows what's in his mind, and the war with Qin is imperative! Sooner or later, there will be a decisive battle. Gu's doing this is just to procrastinate the time, to replenish energy and store up energy." Sharp plots against the world!"

"Your Majesty and Han Yi being together is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger! Your Majesty should be careful!" Lin Xiangru worried.

"That's why I'm planning to go to Hangu Pass. Firstly, I want to see the strength of Han Yi and Wei Guo, and secondly, I also want to test the strength of Qin State...!" Zhao Yong smiled and said

(End of this chapter)

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