Chapter 193 The Thirteen Ueno Generals

Han Yi stared at the map and frowned. Wang Ye was located on a plain, and there was no way to take advantage of the right time and place!Not to mention the others, they all depend on their own strength.

The gap in national strength between South Korea and Qin is not even a little bit. If there is no plan, I am afraid that there will be more disasters for myself.

Five people stood below Guo Jia, Pang Tong, Xi Zhicai, Liu Ji, and Xun You. Looking at Han Yi's frowning, he knew that Han Yi was helpless.

Guo Jia has nothing to do. He is good at adapting to the situation and making corresponding countermeasures. He has nothing to do with such a battle based on his own strength. Xi Zhicai and Pang Tong are both counselors who come to cover up water and cover up.

Xun You just activated a skill again, but he couldn't activate it in a short time, because he couldn't think of any way, and Liu Ji was thinking, I don't know what he was thinking...

"The strength of Qin and our country is very different, and Bai Qi is the leader of the army. Even if Gongsun Yan leads the army, I'm afraid I don't have enough confidence...!" Han Yi sat back on his seat exhausted, holding a large rough hand. Start with the sword in your hand.

"Your Majesty! Otherwise, we will retreat and defend Wangye to the death!" Pang Tong said helplessly.

Han Yi shook his head helplessly and said: "This battle will mobilize the army! Our country consumes astronomical figures every day! Besides, Wei and Zhao have already dispatched troops! The opportunity is once in a thousand years...!"

More importantly!Han Yi strikes for peace, not only Zhao Guo's food will not come back!Others in the country will also mock Han Yi. At that time, the domestic prestige will be greatly lost, and the foreign countries may lose their trust. The gain is not worth the loss, so this battle must be fought!
"Your Majesty, you need to beware of Song and Wei! They were not wiped out the year before last, so be careful that they form an alliance with Qin and start making waves!" Pang Tong reminded.

Han Yi looked serious, and sighed: "Actually, Liu Yu's fierce tiger could have been wiped out back then, but then we will have a stronger opponent behind us...Lu Guo, so this situation is now the best situation! "

Pang Tongjue's Han Yi is right. South Korea's current military strength can easily destroy Wei and Song. Once Han Yi destroys them, he may face Lu next. It is clear at a glance which of the two is more important.

"Your Majesty may have a plan to help you exterminate the Qin State. If it succeeds! At least it will prevent the Qin State from going east for a few years!" Liu Ji behind him looked cold, and dozens of eyes looked at him. Obviously, the people who solved the current situation are undoubtedly awesome guys.

"Oh!" Han Yi is also looking forward to it, this guy is really not surprising in his words!This situation may be a dead end, but as long as the difficulty can be resolved, everything is worth it.

"Duke Qin Xiao is in power now! Although this man is very talented, he is already in his twilight years!" Liu Ji stroked his mustache and looked at Han Yi confidently.

"You mean to let Qin Xiaogong die and let Qin cause civil strife." Han Yi looked at the map.

"Not bad!" Liu Ji smiled and said.

"Inappropriate! Qin Xiaogong is dead, there must be a new king of Qin, and we will be fought to the death by the king of Qin!" Xi Zhicai began to object.

"This is what I want! We all know that the sixth son of the Qin State is full of talents, and the battle for the throne of the Qin State will inevitably be very fierce! When the Qin Dynasty is in chaos, the king can..."

Han Yi became silent. If it is true as he said, it is feasible. There are many people in Tianji Camp in Xianyang, so it is possible...

"What is your majesty's opinion!" Liu Ji said with a smile.

Han Yi smiled and said: "If you don't stop, you will suffer from it! Sure!"

"Big Wang Jia also has a trick to make it even better!" Guo Jia said with a smile.

"What's the plan!" Han Yi was puzzled, the atmosphere was too depressing these days, Guo Jia also became serious, he was no longer joking, and seemed to be returning to his original nature.

Sure enough, Guo Jia took out three fingers and hurried around, implying that the king wants to drink.

Han Yi said helplessly: "Okay! Okay! Tell me! I'll give you three carts of wine after it's done!"

Guo Jia was overjoyed, Han Yi was very proud of this, and he couldn't be polite anymore, saying: "Shu and Ba, now only Shu is left, the king only needs to let him send troops when it is in civil turmoil. Not just..."

"Qin State and Shu State have become deadly enemies, and Liu Bei of Shu State is not an idler! His civil and military ministers are all capable ministers!" Pang Tong sighed.

Han Yi looked a little bit like laughing, saying that his previous master, this feeling is too amazing, but Han Yi murmured, if he lost, there would be only Liu Bei, Liu Bang, and Liu Yu in the world, and he didn't know what would happen Sample.

Anyway, in the end, the surname is Liu, and everything else doesn't matter. Unfortunately, this is just an illusion. This is the world I rule.

"Your Majesty has someone in mind, if not, Pang Tong is willing to go!" Pang Tong vowed.

Han Yi was a little suspicious. Could it be that Pang Tong and Liu Bei are in love with each other!What's more, Liu Bei and Liu Daer, Han Yi's ability to fool people is obvious to all. If you really want to let him go, it's two things to say whether you can come back or not.

"It's not urgent. Mao Sui just happened to come here with Gongsun Yan to lobby others. It's perfect!" Han Yi said with a smile.

"Report to Your Majesty! Master Cheng flew a pigeon to send a letter, saying that Zhao Guo promised to send troops!"

"Oh!" Han Yi smiled. He didn't expect Zhao Yan's speed to be so fast. It seemed that he had endured it for a long time!
"Who is the leader and how many troops are there?" Han Yi asked with concern. If it was Zhao Kuo, I'm afraid this battle would not be a big one!

"My lord, the leader of the army is Li Mu! Lian Po! Zhao Guo sent 20 troops! The king of Zhao went to battle in person, and formed an alliance with the king at Hangu Pass," the soldier said excitedly.

"Hahaha! Good! Good! Good! God help me too! Everyone, listen to the fight to the death with Bai Qi! Prepare to join forces!" Han Yi said excitedly, Zhao Yong's ambition is not small!It looks like they are going to join Xianyang...

"Congratulations King!" Everyone hurriedly congratulated

"My lord! Now General Jia Fu and the others also have an additional title, called Ueno Thirteen Generals!" Xi Zhicai said with a smile.

"Oh!" Han Yi said in surprise.

"That's right! Because Generals Li Cunxiao and Jia Fu came and went freely in the Qin army, everyone knew that the king had such strong generals who were capable of fighting. They spread rumors and finally became famous and were called the Thirteen Ueno Generals! "

"That's right! This is what they exchanged with Xianhe sweat, they are worthy of this title!" Han Yi didn't say much, he recognized it, but the official title was missing! "

"Your Majesty is not good! Once Liu Yu and Wang Mang join forces, send [-] troops to kill Kaifeng City!"

Han Yi stood up unhurriedly. He knew that Liu Yu would not let this opportunity go, so he was naturally prepared in his heart.
(End of this chapter)

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