Chapter 194 Let It Go

Liu Yu has a lot of trump cards in his hand!Lu Wenlong and Pei Yuanqing are two generals, and there are not a few strong generals who can compete well. On the other hand, Han Qinhu's men are good generals except for strong generals.
That's right! Didn't Xun Yu build Chang'an City in Kaifeng? He has Zhang Zai and the others under his command. He only needs a letter of divorce. In addition, sending Xu Shu and Xu Maogong to make up for their shortcomings .

Liu Yule looked at the Kaifeng city in front of him and said, "How long! How long, how long have I been waiting for this opportunity, this time I must destroy Han Yi"

There are Lu Wenlong, Pei Yuanqing, Pei Renji, Nangong Changwan, and other generals under him, and there are also many advisers. On the other hand, Wang Mang who came to the alliance, except for the old cadres, has no newcomers. He is fat and smiling. Bring your own [-] troops to kill!
Liu Yu smiled and said, "Master Wang is late!"

"No, no, no! It's not too late. Even if Han Yi has the technique of avatar, he's still powerless. Kaifeng's troops are only [-], so he's not our opponent!" Wang Mang said happily. He would not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. passed.

Liu Yu also smiled. Today is probably the day when Han Yi will destroy the country.

"General Liu, please!"

"General Wang please!"

The two sang together and sent troops to Kaifeng, but Han Qinhu seemed a little restless now.The troops in all aspects are not enough. Feng Yi and Cheng Yaojin both guard Cai and Chen in the south, with no more than [-] troops. They are only [-] troops to guard Liu Yu in Kaifeng.

Adding up, they are not Liu Yu's opponents, let alone the fact that they are still fighting separately.

"General, what should we do now!" Qin Qiong asked anxiously.

Yu Chigong also had a dark face and was helpless, Han Qinhu said indifferently: "The king and the state of Qin are in a decisive battle in Shangdang." We must not drag the king and the others back, so this battle is mainly defensive! "

"This..." Qin Qiong became silent, which is the best way at present.

"Yu Chigong, you bring all the residents outside the city into the city, and collect all the food and grass that can be used! Stones! Trees, remember that the houses of the people can be burned, and bring back all the stones that can be moved!" Han Qinhu said silently.

"General, I'm afraid this will cause a civil uprising!" Yu Chigong worried.

"Tell them! After this battle, I, Han Qinhu, will personally build them a house! You can also ask the king to exempt them from taxes for a year."

"So... the last general takes orders!" Yu Chigong said and left.

"Qin Qiong, take people to Chenggao, bring Lu Ban and Bian Que, remember to let them lead their disciples, and let Lu Ban bring me their catapult!" Han Qinhu ordered go down.

Qin Qiong also understood the priority of the matter and went out directly.

Han Qinhu looked at the people below and said: "Everyone else, cheer me up! Strengthen the city defense!"


Feng Yi looked at the dusk, he knew about Liu Yu's sending troops, Liu Yu wanted to concentrate his troops and destroy Han Qinhu in one go!

"General Feng, are we just here to die!" Cheng Yaojin scratched his ear and cheek with a bitter look on his face.

Feng Yi said solemnly: "It's not that we don't save them, but we can't act rashly! We only have [-] soldiers here, and it is already very difficult to guard Cai and Chen! It is really hard to tell the extra troops, and the rest can only be seen by Han. Capture the tiger himself!"

"But the general!"

"Okay! General Cheng! I told you to recruit the militia, how are you doing now!" Feng Yi asked back.

"Okay, okay, I got it! Now there are 3000 people joining the army, but the combat effectiveness is low! It will take time to form an army, and they haven't seen blood yet!" Cheng Yaojin worried.

Generally speaking, soldiers who have never seen blood are not considered real soldiers. If they go to the battlefield and kill a person, but suddenly their mind goes blank, he will be the next to die.

"No, this amount of troops is far from enough! You go and bring those prisoners out! It's the same as Xin Qiji's last time! Control it well! I'm not afraid it won't work!" Feng Yi said seriously.

"Old Feng, you are kidding! There are [-] prisoners in Cai and Chen, and they are released at the same time. Can you control it?" Cheng Yaojin doubted.

"[-] is enough! We have [-] soldiers and horses here. Take out [-] to mix with those [-] prisoners. Firstly, we can expand our troops, and secondly, we can disperse them!" Sweat dripped from Feng Yi's resolute face.


"I know! Everything is voluntary. Either they are murderers, or they are forced to steal chickens and dogs by life! Bring them into the barracks, give them wine and meat, and there will be no problem in a few days! But everything must be voluntary. Understand? ?”

"So we can support Han Qinhu and the others!" Cheng Yaojin said innocently.

Feng Yi shook his head and said: "We don't need us! Xun Yu is behind Kaifeng and is in charge of these 24 prisoners. It has been several months, and not only has he not heard of any prisoners escaping! He has never heard of any prisoners rebelling! Yu even has [-] prisoners inside, and even more self-sufficient food and grass!"

"You can say whatever Lao Feng has to say! Don't beat around the bush, I don't understand." Cheng Yaojin said impatiently.

"Liu Yu can't win Kaifeng! And his next target may be us! And we have to concentrate our forces in Taikang to prevent Liu Yu from jumping over the wall in a hurry!" Feng Yi said seriously.

"You mean Liu Yu might attack us!"



Qi State
Jiang Xiaobai excitedly looked at the war report in his hand: "President Guan, Qin Guo couldn't bear it and finally sent troops to South Korea!"

"Is Your Majesty happy?" Guan Zhong looked at Jiang Xiaobai's excited face and knew that this guy was very happy.

"Yes! Han Yi dared to provoke me, Jiang Xiaobai, and now he will die without a place to bury him!" Jiang Xiaobai said excitedly.

Guan Zhong shook his head: "My lord, you are still too young. Now the battle for the throne between you and the young master is imminent. You must not be able to control the affairs of the East, but once the war between Qin State and San Jin is won, then Qin State will be Your Majesty's confidant's trouble!"

"Oh!" Jiang Xiaobai also calmed down. He still cared about the throne very much. When he heard that after he assumed the throne, there might be a stronger enemy, Jiang Xiaobai also began to feel uneasy.

Although I am the King of Qi now, Young Master Jiu has the support of the Yan Kingdom, and I have been chattering endlessly about the war with the Yan Kingdom in the past few years.

"Your Majesty's plan for the present is to plan ahead! If the Three Jins win! Qin is nothing to be afraid of, but if they lose, we will speed up our plan!"

"Sir, the lesson is! Xiaobai has been taught

(End of this chapter)

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