Warring States Call

Chapter 195 Han Qinhu

Chapter 195 Han Qinhu

According to Han Qinhu's request, Yu Chigong went outside the city, gathered all the people, and said solemnly: "Liu Yu is about to lead troops to kill, so as not to hurt the innocent! All the people lead their families to the city to seek refuge!"

"Why! General! We didn't make any mistakes, why did you drive us away!" A few honest peasants said nothing, unwilling to leave the place where they were born and raised.

"Yes! Yes! The crops will be ripe in a few days! Let us enter the city now, won't we cut off our way of life?" Several strong men immediately yelled and quit, and the women behind were also dissatisfied and quarreled beside them Noisy.

The people are comfortable in their bones, they hope to live an ordinary life, but the reality is not allowed, Yu Chigong has a military order, and time is very tight.

"Listen, everyone! We will collect the food for you, and we will count it for you! In addition, everyone must leave, or you will be responsible for the consequences!" Yu Chigong didn't bother to explain to them, and directly ordered his subordinates to be violent.

"What do you mean by this! Do you want us to live? I thought that King Han is coming, and we will have a good life! Now it's just like Liu Yu and the others!"

"Yes! Yes! I think the King of Han is not as good as Liu Yu! At least they won't rob people's houses!"


"Yuchi Gong had a black face, turning blue with anger" Enough! "He took out his purple gold whip and hit the rock beside him, only to hear

The stone turned into powder in an instant, and the people below were also shocked by Yuchi Gong, saying that if the whip hit him, he might have to lie on the bed for three months if he didn't die.

"Listen everyone! It's up to you whether you go or not! But I want to tell you that the people who enter the city can be exempted from paying taxes for two years. Don't blame others!" Yu Chigong said, and took back the purple gold whip in his hand.

What Yu Chigong means is that once the war breaks out, who cares about your life and death, and will kill you as traitors at that time!Don't complain either.

In comparison, the two-year tax exemption proposed by Yuchi Gong is more attractive. You must know that the one-year tax exemption can save a family of eight from starving to death within three years.

Come on with a mallet!Add a radish, only in this way can they pass willingly.

The vacillating people were shaken in their hearts, seeking wealth and wealth, if they succeeded, they would be able to live comfortably for six years, if they failed, it would be a big deal to start all over again.

"I go…"

With one person taking the lead, others started to follow suit, Yuchi Gong muttered coldly: "Isn't it okay to do this earlier! Waste of my time!"

The common people couldn't laugh or cry in their hearts, and they wanted to say, if you said this earlier, we wouldn't have done it.

Everything has a negative side. Although the few people who were clamoring just now are honest, they just want to save face and suffer!Just refused to agree.

It's not easy for Yu Chigong to force them, the fate of these people is already doomed, Liu Yu has no wood to attack the city, their families are probably ruined, maybe they will be killed again.

"Everyone harvest the grain and grass of your own house! Take away the large stones and wood of the house! Then our general will personally build a house for you!" Yu Chigong ordered, time is running out now, and he can't waste it.

The battlefield sends the autumn wind, the battle field is cool, the army is covered with black clouds, and the autumn rain washes away the blood.

Liu Yu Wang Mang's [-] troops approached the city, Han Qinhu's eyes were full of anger, but he was mature and stable, he didn't allow himself to be chaotic, took a deep breath, and thought about how he could repel Liu Yu.

Liu Yu and Wang Mang's army was pressing down on the border, but he was not in a hurry. Instead, he had some headaches. According to the scouts he sent, there were no logs, stones, grains, etc. that could be used in the surrounding area...

Liu Yu also changed his views on Han Qinhu. He had to say that Han Qinhu's method of fortifying the wall and clearing the wilderness really made him suffer, but there is no reason not to fight when the army is overwhelming.

Wang Mang on the left mentioned his big belly, his face was full of flesh, his head was dripping with fine sweat, the scorching sun, the sun on a hot day, he couldn't stand it.

"I'm talking about General Liu! Let's attack the city!" Wang Mang couldn't stand it anymore. After he saw it, he quickly ended it, so he could go back quickly!Otherwise, if you stay here every day, you will become a barbecue sooner or later.

"Prime Minister Wang, don't worry! We don't have enough wood, we don't have enough ladders, and we can't underestimate Han Qinhu," Liu Yu said seriously.

"A boy in the royal palace relied on the strength of his family to become this general. In my opinion, this guy is only relying on his identity as a surname Han! He is no fart in front of you and me!" Wang Mang said disdainfully.

For him, Han Qinhu is just a brat,
But Liu Yu said disapprovingly: "Prime Minister Wang, don't underestimate him! Although this guy is a nobleman in Korea, the tough battle between Chen and Cai is real."

"It's nothing to be afraid of. The reason for killing Chen is that Fang La is dead, and Chen Guo has no troops. The guy who killed Cai couldn't attack for a long time! Han Yi came here for a day and solved it. It can be seen that this guy is a complete idiot!" Wang Mang disdainful, with My own little finger, digging my own nose
Coupled with that fat figure, it makes people feel sick to look at.

Liu Yu closed his eyes and shook his head. He had fought against Han Qinhu several times. Of course, he knew his strength clearly. Otherwise, Kaifeng would not have lost it.

Pei Renji also told himself that Han Qinhu is a Kuilang in the mountains, he can command elite soldiers at the top, but he can stop hundreds of people alone at the bottom.

To be honest, Liu Yu sometimes couldn't figure out why Han Yi's subordinates were so talented and strange, and the reason for the failure of the Four Kingdoms' attack on Korea might be that he and Fang La were not united.

But I have to say that Han Yi's counselors played a key role, and I also paid special attention to it. When I went back to collect talents, I also got the help of Xie Hui and the other five, but I always felt that something was missing.

"General Qi, Liu Yu and Wang Mang's [-] coalition troops have arrived at the gate of the city!"

"Oh!" Han Qinhu said seriously.

"General, why don't we give up on Kaifeng! Join forces with General Feng Yi and the others," said a lieutenant next to him seriously.

"No, Kaifeng is the gateway to Chang'an. If there is a loss in Kaifeng, Chang'an will go to the tiger's mouth, and the 24 prisoners will become Liu Yu's soldiers! And Feng Yi's [-] soldiers and horses must not leave Cai and Chen, otherwise It's like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth." A scribe hurried over.

Han Qinhu looked up and down, dressed in black, holding a roll of bamboo slips in his hand, with piercing eyes, looking at everyone with a serious expression.

"Xie An"

(End of this chapter)

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