Warring States Call

Chapter 1909 Chapter 1910: Temple

Chapter 1909 One Thousand 910: Temple

Cao Cao's tens of thousands of soldiers and horses entered Sishang City, and the people along the road knelt on the ground. One of them, an old woman about [-] years old, led three thousand people to kneel down. The old woman opened her mouth with a stick and said with a tooth missing: "Old woman Deng Man welcomes General Cao into the city!"

"Deng Man!" Cao Cao pinched his beard, narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Old man, your name is like a thunderbolt to my ears. My spies in the city came to report that it was you who encouraged the people and helped the king defend the city!"

"The old woman knows that she has committed a serious crime, but today she is risking beheading, so I ask General Cao to agree!" Hearing Cao Cao's words, Deng Man was terrified, and simply the growth of age made her look down Life and death, speak with ease.

"I promised Wang Bing that I will not slaughter this city. If there is nothing wrong, the old man will get out of the way!" Cao Cao waved his hand, signaling Deng Man not to stop him, he would not break his promise.

"No! I implore General Cao to let me collect the corpses of Generals Wang and Chen Chu." Deng Man took his time, her pale hair swaying in the cold wind, and the setting sun shone on her face. On the surface, it looks bleak.

"Yes!" Cao Cao was not unreasonable, he waved to Cao Pi behind him, and then Cao Pi ordered two centurions to bring their bodies.

Four soldiers, each of them dragged over a dead body wrapped in a grass blanket. Many people burst into tears when they saw it. The entire city was filled with grief and indignation. Some kowtowed from time to time, some kept wiping away tears, both men, women and children.

Cao Cao sighed and turned his horse's head. He knew that although Wang Jin and Chen Chu were dead, they still lived in the hearts of these people.

These common people cut down wood to make coffins, broke the ground to make holes, and built tombs for the two men with bluestones. Some skilled craftsmen used stones to carve the appearance of the two men, and placed them on the left and right in front of the Chu gate. Some talented people commemorated his contributions, Books spread the praises, and the people spontaneously built temples for them. After 50 years, this place has become a famous scenic spot, driving the local economic development.

After Cao Cao took control of Sishang, he stayed behind with Cao Wenzhao's 15 soldiers and horses. Cao Cao led an army of [-] troops and marched to Pengcheng. Han Qinhu also successfully captured Lucheng. The soldiers pointed directly at Pengcheng. .

Xiang Yu's more than [-] troops returned to Pengcheng along the road. Xiang Yu was quite worried about the battle situation in Pengcheng, so he led a thousand tyrants to go ahead to support Pengcheng. The task of transportation was given to Commander Shi Qian.

Originally, Xiang Yu planned to ask Jing Si to transport this batch of important supplies back to Pengcheng, but now there is only one Jing Si left in his confidant, Xiang Yu was reluctant, and finally handed over this task to Shi Qian, and returned it to Shi Qian There are two lieutenants, one is Lin Guang and the other is Chu Ding.

"Drive!" The two generals Ma Yuan and Deng Xia rode their horses, glanced at Shi Qian's army with tiger eyes, and then turned their horses back to the army. Wu Qi's [-] troops have been here for a long time.

Ma Yuan and Deng Xia explained the situation truthfully, Wu Qi smiled and roasted the bonfire, breathed out a breath of steam, and said solemnly: "I have a plan, I don't know if the two generals are interested or not!"

"It's okay to say, General!" Deng Xia seemed to have no taboos, but there was still a gauze tied around his chest.

Wu Qi scratched his head, and then said: "Destroy this army first, then disguise its soldiers and horses, attack the city overnight, and capture Xiang Yu's Pengcheng in one fell swoop.

The two looked at each other, and suddenly felt that Wu Qi's idea was good. Deng Xia raised his silver gun, and then laughed, "General Wu Qi, give me 5000 troops, and I will lead the battle!"

"Little General Deng Xia is really brave, but you are injured, so I don't feel relieved, how about this! This battle is temporarily handed over to General Ma Yuan, Deng Xia, how about you being a lieutenant general!" Wu Qi glanced at Deng Xia's wound , stroking his beard.

"This...!" Deng Xia hesitated for a moment, and then said, "It's the same for everyone! Order it!"

"Okay! I'll leave this matter to General Ma Yuan!" Wu Qi cupped his hands at Ma Yuan. Ma Yuan understood immediately, turned over and rode on the horse, looked at Wu Qianerlang behind him, and shouted angrily, "Drive!"

"Plop...plop...!" The whole ground was shaking, and Ma Yuan's five thousand light cavalry rushed towards Shi Qian's army at high speed.

Feng Yi clasped his hands in front of his chest, and the cold wind blew on Feng Yi's cheeks. Feng Yi said, "How is the battle on the front line..."

"Han Xin gathered another 20 soldiers and horses, and among them was a little doll named Li Jing, who is said to be an official of the Prince's Mansion and a confidant of the Prince's." Wu Qi squinted his eyes, feeling thoughtful.

The king has begun to delegate power!

Feng Yi and Wu Qi glanced at each other. They both had this idea in their hearts. They both knew it, but it didn't have a big impact on them. They were only responsible for taking orders from Han Yi, and they only listened to Han Yi. Han Chen thought To command them, unless one inherits a great position.

Ma Yuan came to the back of Shiqian's army horse and looked up and down the battlefield. The battlefield was spread out on all sides, with only a few scattered small trees. Ma Yuan stroked his beard and said to Deng Xia beside him, "This terrain is very suitable for me. "Army Charge"

"Then what are you waiting for! The whole army charges!" Deng Xia slammed his horse's belly and charged at the enemy first.

"Slow..." Ma Yuan stretched out his hand to stop him, "You and I split up, you led [-] cavalry to attract the front, and I am in ambush on the flanks! We will attack him from both sides, and he will be caught off guard.

"Okay..." Deng Xia thought about the same reason, but Ma Yuan didn't delay anymore, turned his horse's head, and charged towards the left flank of the cavalry.

"Driving...!" The war horse detoured on both sides, and began to quickly narrow the distance with the enemy.

"Charge" Deng Ya took the lead in attacking, and the soldiers under his command were all extremely ferocious.

"Boom...thump!" The hooves of the horses and the roars of the soldiers spread throughout the battlefield in an instant.

"It's not good for an enemy attack!" Chu Ding was the first to react, urging his horses to the rear of the convoy, looking at the bewildered soldiers on both sides, he immediately shouted angrily: "Formation! Formation with swords and axes!"

"Array in front! Ha!" Thousands of knives and axes shouted angrily, with shields in their left hands in front and knives in their right hands behind them.

Shi Qian's brows were tightly furrowed, as if he had expected the result a long time ago, cold sweat broke out on Shi Qian's forehead, he turned his horse's head for a while, and shouted angrily: "Prepare for battle!"

"Kill!" Ma Yuan, who had been preparing for a long time, urged his horse to move, brandishing the Dragon Elephant Ancient Nose Knife in his hand, staring at Shi Qian seriously, grinning and sneering, "The thief will die!"

"Bastard! It's been tricked!" Only then did Shi Qian notice that Deng Xia's [-] cavalry was simply a trick of suspicion, to attract the attention of the soldiers, and the real main force was Ma Yuan's troops.

Out of tens of thousands of soldiers, [-] soldiers joined Chu Ding's defensive formation, but now that Ma Yuan came to kill him, his scalp went numb. Don't be mad, I, Shi Qian, will come and behead you!"

"Crack... Whoosh!" Ma Yuan urged his horse to fight, just a face-to-face, knocked down Shi Qian's weapon, and then cut Shi Qian under the horse with a backhand knife.

"Flop!" A headless corpse fell to the ground feebly, shaking up countless smoke and dust.

"The thief will make a mistake, look at a certain silver gun!" Lin Guang's eyes were blood red, and he immediately urged the horse to kill, the weapon in his hand swept up and down, brushing out two gun flowers, and stabbed at Ma Yuan's chest and throat respectively.

"Crack!" Ma Yuan grabbed the gun with his bare hands, and with a cold look in his eyes, he shouted angrily, "Come here!"

"Crack...!" Lin Guang was dragged along the spear, Ma Yuan grinned coldly, and swung the saber in his hand suddenly.

"Crack! Another good man's head fell in battle, blood spilled on Ma Yuan's face, Ma Yuan wiped his cheek indifferently, grinned and shouted angrily: "The whole army is attacking, destroy them! "


Chu Ding was attacked from both sides, but in the end he couldn't bear the pressure and was beheaded by Deng Xia single-handedly.

Afterwards, the two continued to slash and kill without avoiding the leak of news, but none of the tens of thousands of soldiers remained.

As a result, these people, Ma Yuan sent an order to tell Wu Qi, Wu Qi pushed the boat along the river, and sent tens of thousands of soldiers to pick up the armor on the spot and replace it. Among the transported materials, there were tens of thousands of armors. Can't guess at all.

Wu Qi immediately handed a letter to Cao Cao and Han Qinhu, asking them to quickly lead their troops to join the battle.

Han Xin, Yuan Chonghuan, and Li Jing all came leading soldiers, accompanied by thousands of catapults, and they planned to attack by force.

Wu Qi, Cao Cao, and Han Qinhu gathered together, and hundreds of thousands of troops marched day and night, just to shorten the marching distance,

Ma Yuan's 27 troops rushed to Pengcheng at midnight on September [-].

Wu Qi, Cao Cao, and Han Qinhu stood side by side, holding their swords, their expressions dignified and anxious. They were all waiting for the final signal. As soon as the time came, tens of thousands of troops would immediately crush Pengcheng.

Ma Yuan found a general who looked like Shi Qian in appearance and voice. The guards on Pengcheng were two brothers named Tu Jinxiu and Tu Jinniu. They were twin brothers. Promoted to general guarding the city gate.

"Who is on duty at night on the city wall, open the door quickly!" Fake Shiqian originally wanted to ask which brother was on the city wall, but then he thought about calling it that way, and it might mess it up. After all, he didn't know Shiqian's relationship with Pengcheng. How is the relationship, I can only make a well-regulated shout, so that the enemy can't find any flaws for the time being, it can be seen that this person is also quite intelligent.

"Oh! Who is coming! Tell me your name!" Earth Taurus rubbed his heavy eyelids, put his waist down, and looked at the crooked torches outside the city, like a winding fire snake, shining on the people walking forward. road.

"I am Shi Qian. I am escorting the supplies under the order of the king. Open the door quickly!" Fake Shi Qian squinted his eyes, pretending to be calm, but he was a little flustered inside.

"Do you have a token to pass through the city!" Earth Taurus said solemnly.

"Yes!" Fake Shiqian took out a token from his bosom, which was found on Shiqian's body. Fake Shiqian handed it to a soldier. Basket, the soldier put the token into the hanging basket and walked back to the army formation.

The Tujinniu pulled up the hanging basket, looked up and down the token by the light of the torch, saw that it was true, and was about to give orders, when the fake Shiqian below couldn't sit still, and said: "Have you seen it? How tired are you brothers?" Damn, hurry up and open the city!"

"Understood! What is the reminder! Urge!" Tu Jinniu cursed angrily, and was about to order the city gate to be opened. After all, Xiang Yu had explained this matter before. Taurus immediately shouted to everyone in the city: "The gate of the city is closed! This is the king's ban, and the city is not allowed to open until the time of day. Tonight, I have wronged all the brothers to watch outside the city gate all night. My brothers will surely Go to the door and confess!"

"You guys...!" Fake Shiqian was about to yell, but Ma Yuan reached out to stop him. After giving him a look, Fake Shiqian shouted angrily: "Camp on the spot!"

"No!" Everyone also relied on orders, but Tu Jinxiu breathed a sigh of relief, dispelling many thoughts for the time being.

Ma Yuan scrambled back and forth in the barracks, and said solemnly, "Xiang Yu definitely recognizes Shi Qian, if he waits until tomorrow morning, it might be...!"

"I can't be in a hurry right now, I'll ask General Wu Qi for advice first..." Feng Yi gave his answer directly, and everyone did the same, riding horses towards Wu Qi's barracks one after another.

Wu Qi, Cao Cao, and Han Qinhu sat together, staring at Ma Yuan who hurried back, Wu Qi stroked his beard, and said with a lot of emotion: "After all, I am too anxious!"

"Maybe it will be exposed tomorrow morning! It's really not possible to use the spies in the city!" Cao Cao said with a heavy breath and a serious expression.

"No! There are too many eyeliners in the city, and the entire army might be wiped out. How about it! Tomorrow Maoshi will say that Chu Ding's old injury has relapsed and needs medical treatment. Tell them to open the door quickly and see if they can cheat!" Han Qin Tiger said thoughtfully.

"It's useless!" Wu Qi shook his head, took a sip of tea and said, "From the point of view of the temptation just now, Shi Qian and the others don't have much to do with Xiang Jun, and the emotion card is useless!"

"Then what to do!" Ma Yuan said solemnly.

"Temporarily withdraw the soldiers and horses! Siege the city tomorrow!" Wu Qi didn't want his [-] soldiers to become cannon fodder, so he finally decided on the case.

That's why!On the morning of the second day, the two brothers Tu Jinxiu just opened their eyes and looked out of the city, but they did not see the original food transport troops. Instead, Wu Qi, Cao Cao and others had an army of 45. The powerful oppressive force made Tu Jinxiu and others Their lips were dry, and they were suddenly glad they didn't open the door yesterday, otherwise!No matter whether the city is defended or not, they will not survive.

while in the city
Zheng Zukai and Han Long have been sneaking into Pengcheng for half a month. After receiving the assassination order, they came to Pengcheng. This time they only had one target to assassinate, and that was the sub-father Fan Zeng, and Han Yi ordered him to die Order, no matter how much the price is paid, he must be killed. As long as he is dead, Han Yi can proceed with the next plan.

"Where are Xin Qiji and Gai Nie!" Han Long clasped his arms around his chest with a puzzled expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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