Warring States Call

Chapter 1910 Chapter 1911: Fan Zeng died

Chapter 1910 Chapter One Thousand 910: Fan Zeng's Death

"Another stronghold in the city." Zheng Zukai wiped the sword in his hand and looked cold, as if he would kill someone invisible at any time.

"Today's task is not easy. I'm afraid there are many guards around Fan Zeng. If he is not careful, many brothers will fall here!" Han Long looked quite dignified. He opened the map in his hand, with a serious expression, pointing to the map and said : "Right now, Pengcheng has been sealed off. It will be a little troublesome to retreat after killing Fan Zeng. Do you have a route to retreat outside the city!"

"Yes!" Zheng Zukai told the truth about the situation, then pointed to a house and said, "There is a secret passage in Pengcheng, which can lead directly to the outside of the city, but this passage is three streets away from the palace. We might be on our way to death, after all, Xiang Yu sent people to find the street recently, we are afraid that it will be difficult for us to take advantage of it!"

Han Long squinted his eyes, and said for a while: "Tell Xin Qiji, this time the two of us are going to assassinate Fan Zeng, and Xin Qiji and Gai Nie are outside to meet him. If the time comes and we haven't come out, let him retreat first! "

Han Long's meaning was already obvious. If they couldn't come out, it meant he was dead. Xin Qiji could evacuate directly. Zheng Zukai shook his head helplessly, took a sip of the wine gourd on his waist, and said indifferently: " I'm afraid I can't live without you!"

Han Long also smiled, scratched his temples, was sitting on the ground, and said indifferently: "The world needs to be pacified with blood, you and I are just one of them, and the two of us may not necessarily die!"

"Hahahahaha!" Zheng Zukai also laughed, and threw the wine gourd in his hand to Han Long, feeling a lot of emotion: "Get ready!"

"Yeah!" Han Long nodded in response, untied the lid of the wine gourd, and drank it in big gulps. The whole person was quite free and unrestrained.

On the second night, Xin Qiji and Gai Nie had just got up and were about to leave the hospital, but dozens of masked men had already gathered in the hospital, and respectfully said to Xin Qiji, "Xin Si!"

"What are you doing!" Xin Qiji looked at these people blocking him, his face sank slightly, and he pressed the bronze sword in his arms like a reflex.

One of them took a step forward and said: "Under the order of Han Si and Zheng Si, please Xin Si stay here temporarily. When the time comes, we will naturally let you go!"

"Han Long! Zheng Zukai dared to act without authorization!" Xin Qiji's complexion changed, which meant that the two of them were going to die. Xin Qiji's complexion changed, and he was about to move forward. Secretary, please don't embarrass me, or you will only offend me!"

After the man finished speaking, there were dozens of people swarming outside the courtyard. Ge Niexiu frowned. He had fought against these people before. Although they were not his opponents, it would take at least half an hour to solve them. By then, they would also be killed, and the time did not catch up. , It is completely a loss-making business.

"Since Xin, please be considerate. This is a mission assigned by Han Si and the others. We will definitely complete it. Although we can't hurt the second Si, it is still possible to hold the two of us with our lives!" The man untied the pistol on his waist. Without even pulling out the scabbard, he was facing Xin Qiji like this, and all the soldiers under his command were like this,
"Okay! Zheng Zu drove really well!" Xin Qiji seemed to be worried about this problem, and of course there was something more serious, that is, the sound of their fighting would definitely attract Xiang Jun's attention, and it would be troublesome at that time.

The weather at this moment became slightly cold, and the breeze made people feel cool. Xin Qiji looked at the leader and snorted coldly, "What's your name!"

"Feng Su!" The leader Feng Su's tone seemed flat, but it was more of an order to be executed.

"Okay! You're doing well. You'd better pray that Zheng Zukai comes back alive, or else you'll be buried with him!" Xin Qiji tried to scare these people away with a threatening tone, but Feng Su and the others remained silent. He was indifferent, which shocked Gai Nie behind.

Feng Su stared at Xin Qiji indifferently, and didn't say anything, but his actions have proved his thoughts.

In the end, Xin Qiji failed to break through the trap Han Long had set for him. It wasn't that he couldn't break through, but that he couldn't break through. Once their side was exposed, Han Long would be even more dangerous.

In the dark night, two figures climbed into the city wall. They were dressed in black, but they still deliberately avoided the patrolling soldiers in the palace.

The two of them lay down on the eaves and looked up and down the surrounding situation. The most rigorous Yuli Palace here is the bedroom of Xiang Yu and Yuji. Because Fan Zeng is the relationship between his father and Fan Zeng's serious illness, Xiang Yu granted permission. Fan Zeng cultivated in the palace, and Fan Zeng's patrols were quite intensive, with more than 300 people coming and going to guard Fan Zeng's palace.

"I can't do this!" Zheng Zu lay down on the bricks, looking at the fireflies in his eyes, his eyes were full of solemnity.

Han Long also felt that it was quite tricky, he didn't know what he was thinking, looked up at the full moon in the sky, Han Long knew that today's assassination might be difficult to achieve, because today's moon is too round and the light is very sufficient, it is easy to expose them s position.

Zheng Zu opened his mouth and said with a sneer, "I have a plan!"

"Oh! Tell me!" Han Long looked puzzled, wondering what Zheng Zukai thought.

"Come on! I'm going to assassinate Xiang Yu to attract the attention of these soldiers, and you go and assassinate Fan Zeng!" Zheng Zukai looked at Han Long with a smile on his face, but Han Long could already see the death will in Zheng Zukai's eyes.

"You... think it over!" Han Long didn't say so many hypocritical words, but looked at Zheng Zukai.

"Let's go!" Zheng Zukai didn't bother to write with him, turned over and jumped off the eaves, came to a place not far from Fan Zeng's palace, stared at the two maids who were watching the night, Zheng Zukai stabbed one person with his hands, and wiped his hand Taking the oil, Zheng Zukai squeezed it twice, and scolded dissatisfiedly: "It's so small! It's boring!"

"Ah..." The surviving maid immediately screamed loudly, Zheng Zu grinned coldly, but he stabbed her chest with his sword, and then ran towards Xiang Yu's palace.

His sword is extremely tricky and will not kill people in a short period of time, but the weapon he uses is a Mitsubishi military blade, and she will die when she loses too much blood. prepare.

The soldiers in Fan Zeng's palace rushed in when they heard the movement. Seeing the two corpses here, they rushed forward to check. The leader picked up the dying palace maid, and said solemnly, "What's going on!"

The maid raised her finger and pointed to the direction where Zheng Zukai was escaping, and muttered to herself, "Assassin... Assassin!"

The leading general looked at the direction the woman was pointing at, his expression changed suddenly, and he shouted angrily: "No! That's the king's palace, everyone hurry to support! There are assassins... Hurry up!"

"Hey...!" Zheng Zukai listened to the movement behind him, and grinned sneeringly. It seemed that his plan had succeeded. Zheng Zukai took out the cloth brocade in his arms and wiped the blood on the sword. He licked his own lips, and muttered to himself: "Maybe...it can really assassinate Xiang Yu!"

"This guy...!" Han Long looked at the commotion caused by Zheng Zukai, but he didn't delay, and walked quickly towards Fan Zeng's hall. He was afraid that it would take a long time, and Xiang Yu realized that when they were thinking of taking action, they would just That's too late.

"Swoosh...!" Silently, the guard guarding the door came to pass. Han Long moved very quickly, spreading his hands like a roc spreading its wings. He carried a person in one hand and gently placed it on the ground. Turning in, the two young eunuchs at the moment are dozing off to serve Fan Zeng.

Han Long narrowed his eyes and looked at the surrounding environment carefully. He had to be careful.

Which side Zheng Zu opened, several infantry were replaced by cavalry, and the gap between the two sides was constantly narrowing.

"Damn it...!" Zheng Zukai cursed helplessly, and immediately ran towards King Xiang's palace.

"Catch the assassin! Kill!" The voice in the palace became louder and louder. Xiang Yu, who was resting, was naturally startled. The man next to him stroked his rough side face and said with a puzzled expression, "What's wrong!"

"There is movement, you should rest here and don't go out!" Xiang Yu looked at Yu Ji with pity, and he didn't even care about wearing armor. He walked out, pushed open the gate of the palace, and said with wide eyes, "What's going on!"

Xiang Chong, who was guarding the night at the door, said solemnly: "There is an assassin! Ten people have died in his hands!"

"Oh!" Xiang Yu showed contempt on his face, and then he laughed loudly: "Hahahahaha! It's been so many years, I haven't heard of the word assassination for a long time!"

"My lord, be careful!" Xiang Chong said seriously in front of Xiang Yu.

However, Xiang Yu pushed Xiang Chong away unhurriedly, looked at the cautious guards on both sides, waved his hand, and shouted angrily: "Let him come over!"

"Yes!" Thousands of spear soldiers took Gelei away.

At this moment Zheng Zukai was quite embarrassed, his hair was disheveled, the sword in his hand was bleeding profusely, and there were three or four wounds on his body.

"Come here!" Xiang Yu had a domineering air attached to his body, his eyes were full of sternness.

"Xiang Yu...hehe!" Zheng Zu laughed, and then his eyes changed, and he turned into a hungry wolf. With one leg, he rushed towards Xiang Yu and shouted angrily, "Kill!"

"Hoo... Kacha!" Xiang Yu passed by with a sword, without any hesitation or hesitation in his eyes.

"Mighty... mighty... the king is mighty!" Everyone shouted in unison, the sound was like thunder, and there was a headless corpse behind Xiang Yu.

Xiang Yu enjoyed the admiration surrounded by tens of thousands of people, and his spiritual level was greatly satisfied. Then he waved and said, "Drag it! Clean it up!"

"Promise!" Xiang Chong didn't delay any longer, and beckoned to the soldiers on both sides to drag Zheng Zukai's body down.

"Your Majesty is not well, the prime minister's palace has changed!" A guard ran over in a hurry, with a serious expression on his face.

"Yafu!" Xiang Yu's joy faded instantly, replaced by a look of horror, before he had time to think about it, Xiang Yu turned over and mounted his horse, shouting angrily, "Drive!"

"Woooo..." The war horse suffered from pain, lifted its hooves, and ran forward quickly, followed by Xiang Chong and others.

Han Long had already succeeded, and Fan Zeng's chest was pierced through the heart and lungs by the Mitsubishi sword. Before he died, he screamed, which alarmed the surrounding guards.

At this moment, Han Long was besieged by hundreds of soldiers, and there were shouts of killing everywhere.

When Xiang Yu arrived, Fan Zeng was already dying, and the Mitsubishi army stab had not been pulled out from his chest.

"Father Ya!" Xiang Yu was about to burst into tears, and walked up quickly. This pair of men who have always shed blood but not tears, at this moment, their eyes were full of tears, and they couldn't speak for a while.

"Yu'er" Fan Zeng's gray hair fluttered in all directions under the cold wind, swaying unsteadily.

"Yafu!" Xiang Yu's face was flushed, it was hard to imagine that this was the mighty king.

"Yu'er... old man... old man... can't live anymore!" Fan Zeng slurred his speech, held Xiang Yu's hand tightly, and said solemnly, "Peng...Peng Cheng...don't...defend...retreat ...retreat...retreat to the...mountain...er...

Fan Zeng's voice became weaker and weaker, and finally he seemed to have nothing to say, and finally passed away, and he was going to make atonement to Xiang Liang...

"Father Ya!" Xiang Yu finally couldn't bear it anymore, the tears in the corners of his eyes finally slipped down.

Xiang Yu's eyes widened with anger, and he pulled out the weapon from Fan Zeng's chest, looked at Han Long who was dismounting, and threw it suddenly.

"Boom...!" Han Long was knocked back a few steps by this move, and waves of air came from behind him.

"Kill him! Chop it up and feed it to the dogs!" Xiang Yu finally couldn't bear it anymore, and waved his hand to order.

Han Long grinned sneeringly. Seeing that the weapon had been blessed, he had no fear, and finally left this world. At least his mission had been completed.

"Catch the assassins in the whole city, they must have accomplices, search for them, and reward each one with a gold cake!" Xiang Yu's eyes were bloodshot, and his eyes widened angrily.

"No!" Xiang led his troops to search in the city.

Feng Su, who was guarding Xin Qiji and others in the courtyard, suddenly walked over alone, said a few words to Feng Su Fu'er, Feng Su said indifferently: "Xin Si! Let's go!"

"You...!" Xin Qiji didn't burst out in anger, but he also heard the commotion outside, flung his sleeves and entered the house, Feng Su and others followed closely behind, leaving only a man and a woman, pretending to be husband and wife. Sleeping here.

And the whole Pengcheng was full of complaints, and some soldiers even arrested people at will for the mere gold cake. There were not many Tianji assassins who were actually executed that night, but many innocent civilians died.

Immediately, the entire Pengcheng complained about Xiang Yu, and even some former Chu nobles were quite dissatisfied with Xiang Yu. After all, in order to consolidate his rule, Xiang Yu deliberately suppressed the king and grandson of Chu, which made them feel very uncomfortable.

Now Xiang Yu has lost the hearts of the people, and Wu Qi and Han Xin also welcomed an unexpected guest in the army. This person is called Xiong Qiji, who is the descendant of the former king of Chu. Now he is wearing black and entering the tent. It is Han Xin, Wu Qi, Cao Cao, Zhuge Liang, Yuan Chonghuan, Han Qinhu, and Li Jing who are the commanders.

"Qiji has met all the generals!" Xiong Qiji stabilized his mind a little, and looked at them respectfully.

"Speak up! What are you doing here! You are not an envoy, I can completely kill you without falling into the ranks of Xiangjun!" Cao Cao said with a cold face.

(End of this chapter)

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