Warring States Call

Chapter 1913 Chapter 1914: Death of Jing Si

Chapter 1913 Chapter Four of One Thousand 910: Death of Jing Si

Yuwen Chengdu's left arm was condensed like a dragon, and rushed towards Jing Si like a mountain roar and a tsunami. His movements were swift and violent, and the damage was extremely powerful. Fighting Yuwen Chengdu is completely in the attitude of exchanging life for life.

"Swoosh... Kacha... Tear...!" Jing Si's spear tip pierced Yu Wencheng's armor, and countless sparks burst out, like dancing flames. The hairs of the people watching stood on end, and the armor collided with each other. At that moment, it was about to penetrate Yuwen Chengdu's armor.

After all, Yuwen Chengdu's phoenix-winged golden gilt slammed into Jing Si's body with monstrous force.

"Touch!" Jing Si's body flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, spitting out blood with a bang, the armor on his chest was shattered by the shock, his helmet fell to the ground halfway, and he didn't know where he was going. Where did he go, Jing Si was about to fight again, but he felt sore and sore all over his body, but he was struggling to get up, looking at the sunken piece of flesh and blood in his chest, Jing Si knew that he might not survive, even if he survived, he would die for the rest of his life. It is a disabled body.

"General...protect the general!" The crane controllers on both sides seemed to be unable to bear Jing Si's death on the battlefield, and sent troops to stop them one after another, but Yu Wencheng had already charged into the formation with his eyes like torches, looking at Jing Si under the horse, and spoke slowly. Said: "I admire your loyalty, but you will live and die on the battlefield, go with peace of mind...!"

"Ding, Yuwen Chengdu's Juli attribute is activated, and the personal force value is increased by 7. The current force value of Yuwen Chengdu is 135!"

Looking at the golden gilt phoenix wings that were bigger and bigger like meteorites, Jing Si felt relieved, looked up at the dark night sky, and watched the meteors sweeping away in front of his eyes, Jing Si smiled heartily: "After all, it is We've come to the end...Your Majesty, take care! Si...Let's take a step forward!"

"Boom...!" The blood flowed like a spring, Jing Si was bombarded heavily, and died on the spot. Without Jing Si, the Crane Controlling Pawn, can he still be called the Crane Controlling Pawn.

certainly!These crane-controlling soldiers are all bloody, and the head of the centurion shouted angrily: "Fight it! Avenge the general!"


"Fire arrows!"

"Whoosh whoosh... whoosh whoosh"

Arrows are often ruthless, and the 120 crane-controlling soldiers were all wiped out, and the numbers of the crane-controlling soldiers have since disappeared in the smoke of history.

"Drive...!" Xiang Yu, who was on his way, suddenly tightened the reins, and seemed to think of something, turned around suddenly, and muttered to himself: "Yu Ji...!"

"Your Majesty! This...!" Cheng Dechen wanted to dissuade Xiang Yu, don't waste time, but Xiang Yu shouted angrily: "You gather troops and horses to wait for me in the east city, and come when you go alone."

"Your Majesty...!" Ma Shanwei was about to stop him, but he was no match for Xiang Yu, so he could only watch as Xiang Yu turned his horse and ran towards the palace.

Ma Shanwei looked at Xiang Yu's leaving back, could only shake his head secretly, turned his horse's head to follow behind Xiang Yu, he was quite puzzled, what exactly Xiang Yu wanted to do.

Cheng Dechen did not follow, but gathered the remnants of the defeated army, preparing to meet Xiang Yu here.

Xiang Yu ran into the palace and looked around at the eunuchs who were packing up their bags and fleeing. They saw Xiang Yu's faces showing fear, and they all knelt down and bowed their heads, their lips trembling, and said: "Great... Your Majesty!"

Xiang Yu seemed to be too lazy to waste time with these people, and hurried his horse to Yu Palace. Seeing that there was no voice from Yu Ji in the palace, Xiang Yu suddenly grabbed a eunuch, and angrily said, "Where is Yu Ji?"

"Miss Yuji... No... I don't know...!" The little eunuch was overwhelmed by Xiang Yu's power, and was so frightened that he couldn't even speak.

"Trash!" Xiang Yu pushed the little eunuch away and shouted hysterically, "Concubine Yu... Concubine Yu...!"

"Your Majesty!" Ma Shanwei furrowed his brows tightly. Xiang Yu was still looking for Concubine Yu at this time, which made him a little annoyed. The lives of thousands of soldiers were no match for a single woman.

"Yu Ji...!" Xiang Yu's voice was like thunder, like a tiger roaring on the plain, but Ma Shanwei was anxious on the sidelines.

"Your Majesty!" Yu Ji's voice came out in the forest, and then she saw Yu Ji rushing out of the forest wearing the clothes of a court lady, her eyes were blurred and contained tears, Xiang Yu saw Yu Ji in front of him, and immediately rushed forward , into his arms, hugged him on the horse, looked at Ma Shanwei behind him and shouted angrily: "Let's go!"

"Hey!" Ma Shanwei was also quite helpless, he could only urge the horse to open the way for Xiang Yu.

On the way, Yu Ji looked at Xiang Yu, who was covered in blood, and said worriedly, "My lord! The blood on your body...!"

"It doesn't matter! The blood of the enemy is nothing more than that!" Xiang Yu straightened Yu Ji upright, and said to Yu Ji, "Sit still, I'll take you out!"

"En!" Yu Ji nodded softly, but she didn't hesitate.

"Kaicheng!" Cheng Dechen watched Xiang Yu urge his horse to come, and immediately waved a mace to call for the soldiers at the city gate to open the door.

It's okay if the door is not opened, but when the door is opened, Cheng Dechen's complexion changed drastically, and there is no other reason, Zhuge Liang's [-] troops outside the city gate have long been waiting in full force, with tiger eyes staring at Cheng Dechen, Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan: "Kill!"

"Fire arrows!"

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" The arrows shot all over the sky towards the enemy, Cheng Dechen's face changed, and the next one rolled over and got off his horse, shouting angrily, "Shieldman step forward and open the way! Drive!"

Xiang Yu looked at the enemy army outside, looked around, found a carriage for Yu Ji to sit in, and then shouted angrily: "Kill!"

"Xiang Yu returned my father's life!" Wang Jizhen seemed to have been waiting for this opportunity for too long, seeing that the murder of his father and enemy was approaching, Wang Jizhen urged the horse to kill him, his eyes were full of killing intent.

"Ding, Wang Jizhen's false power attribute, the force value is instantly increased by 10, every three rounds, the force value is reduced by 1 point, because of Wang Fuchen's relationship, Wang Jizhen's negative effect disappears, the force value is instantly increased by 10, and remains unchanged!"

"Ding, Wang Jizhen's Spear King attribute activates, when using a gun, the force value will increase by 3!"

"Ding, Wang Jizhen's young battle attribute is activated, fighting since childhood! Superb martial arts, plus 7 to the value of force, familiar with other people's marksmanship, reducing the value of the enemy's force by 3 points!"

"Ding, the effect of Wang Jizhen's father's will, the personal force value is instantly increased by 5, if the basic force value is equal, Wang Jizhen's basic force value is increased by 1, the father's gun force value is increased by 1, the curly black cloud force value is increased by 1, and Wang Jizhen's basic force value is 101. Wang Jizhen's force value is 126!"

"Ding, Wang Jizhen's young battle attribute is activated, and Xiang Yu's overlord attribute will be reduced by 3 points of strength!"

"Ding, the current overlord attribute is immune!"

"Scrap! Don't stop me!" Xiang Yuzhou's murderous aura surged, scarlet blood emerged from his arms and poured into the halberd, and finally it was like a real flame. Xiang Yu hurried his horse, staring at Wang Jizhen, and shouted angrily : "Ba Halberd!"

"Excellent gun!" Wang Jizhen was not afraid of Xiang Yu's full-strength attack. He was not alone behind him, but also Gao Lan, Li Congke, Wang Fuchen and others. This was Wang Jizhen's strongest shot.

"Boom...!" After the blow, smoke and dust filled the air, leaving a deep wound on Wang Jizhen's chest, and there was also a small hole in Xiang Yu's armor, but the damage was not serious.

"Wow...!" Wang Jizhen spat out blood and fell to the ground with a thump. Looking at Xiang Yu's back, Wang Jizhen's eyes were blurred. At this moment, he seemed to see his father. Wang Fuchen seemed to be relieved to look at the two of them: What did you do? good... rest well...

Darkness... Endless darkness shrouded Wang Jizhen's body, and all the aura in his body had been wiped out.

"Kill!" Watching Xiang Yu kill Wang Jizhen, Ma Shanwei knew the opportunity had come, urged the horse under his crotch, and shouted angrily: "Drive!"

"Let...!" Zhuge Liang frowned frivolously, looking at Xiang Jun who was jumping over the wall in a hurry, Zhuge Liang knew that now was not the time to stop him, so he asked the soldiers under his command to let out a path, but there were countless archers ambushing on both sides
"Let's go...!" Xiang Yu couldn't control much, so he urged the horse to leave, with Ma Shanwei and Cheng Dechen guarding Xiang Yu's side.

"Let go...!" Liu Rengui rode his horse and watched Xiang Jun's changes in the army formation.

"Whoosh... whoosh..."

"Protect the king!" Fang Baihua urged his horse to come to Xiang Yu's surroundings, shielding Xiang Yu from the rain of arrows with his life, and finally died here, and Xiang Yu's only remaining tyrannical cavalry followed Xiang Yu's side. Ma Shanwei saw that the situation was not right, Zhuge Liang The army began to converge, cutting the two armies apart, and the soldiers behind could not break through at all. Ma Shanwei immediately turned his horse's head and shouted angrily: "My lord, leave quickly! Quick!"

"Ma Shanwei! You are crazy!" Cheng Dechen turned his head and glanced at Ma Shanwei who opened the way for the rear army, or for Xiang Yu's rear.

"Hey... After all, there must be someone to stay behind, isn't it?" Ma Shanwei smiled innocently, and then urged his horse to rush to kill the rear army.

But Xiang Yu rushed out of the army formation with only a thousand horsemen and Yu Ji's carriage. Looking back at the blocked army, Xiang Yu's face was quite embarrassed. It wasn't that Xiang Yu wasted time, so how could it be like this now.

"Xiang Yu, don't go!" Huo Qubing's [-] tiger and leopard cavalry, mixed with Guan Yu, Zhao Yun and other miscellaneous soldiers, rushed towards Xiang Yu along the way.

"Not good! Let's go!" At this time, Xiang Yu had no time to be sad, and turned around to withdraw his troops to Guancang.

"Come on!" Ma Shanwei rushed back and forth in Zhuge Liang's army, beheading hundreds of people, which can be described as full of murderous aura.

"You bastard! I'm here to take your life...!" Yu Wengui rode on a horse, staring at Ma Shanwei with tiger eyes, and urged the horse to rush to kill.

"Let me help you!" Yu Wenshu also urged the horse to kill, his eyes were full of murderous intent, both of them had taken a fancy to Ma Shanwei's armor, a general like this would definitely lose his position in the Xiang army.

"Well done!" Ma Shanwei was not afraid at all. At this moment, he seemed to be possessed by an overlord, sizing up Yu Wengui and Yu Wenshu brothers with a pair of tiger eyes, and the murderous intent in his eyes was like a real flame.

"Break!" The sword in Ma Shanwei's hand fluttered up and down, fighting Yu Wengui and Yu Wenshu for [-] rounds, sweeping the army with one move, and beheading the two generals on the spot with two shots. Shanwei also felt that he was powerless, and there was no other reason. Xiang Yu was not by his side, and Ma Shanwei's overlord attribute could not be activated, so he could only rely on his personal strength to kill him.

"This is not you!" Jiang Song rode a war horse, and his tiger eyes glanced up and down at Ma Shanwei, his eyes were full of disbelief. He had fought against Ma Shanwei, and this guy shouldn't have this level of combat power.

"It's you...!" The cold sweat on Ma Shanwei's forehead fell like rain, and he will never forget the enemy in front of him until his death.

"Surrender! Resist in the corner! It doesn't make any sense!" Jiang Song looked at Ma Shanwei in front of him, and he could be regarded as a hero. He didn't want to kill Ma Shanwei. survive.

"Hey...go to hell" Ma Shanwei grinned sneeringly, as if he was too lazy to talk too much nonsense with Jiang Song, the black bully in his hand was like an iron rod, and smashed head-on at Jiang Song below.

"Kang Dang" Jiang Song raised his arms and stared at the black overlord Ma Shanwei killed, without any fear.

"Ding, Jiang Songgun's absolute attribute activates, the force value increases by 7, the force value of the Babao Linglong Spear increases by 1, the base force is 105, and the current force is 113"

"Ding, Jiang Song's gun is activated with the absolute attribute. Facing his teammates with guns, he can increase his force value by 2 points, reduce the enemy's force value by 5 points for light weapons, 2 points for heavy weapons, and increase his personal force value by 6! Currently using a long spear , Ma Shanwei uses the Black Overlord, which is a heavy weapon, and Jiang Song's force value is increased by 119!"

"Ding, Ma Shanwei is affected by Jiang Song's unique attribute, and his force value is reduced by 2 points. The current value of Ma Shanwei's force value is 102. The force value of the curly-haired lion horse is increased by 1. The force value of the black bully is increased by 1. The current value of Ma Shanwei's force value is 104. [-]!"

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh!" Jiang Songhan shot out six spear flowers, and moved towards Ma Shanwei. These six spear flowers were like six poisonous snakes, and each shot was accompanied by boundless killing intent.

Ma Shanwei frowned, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, his breath became disordered, his expression was solemn, he gritted his teeth, and shouted angrily: "Get out!"

"Ding, Ma Shanwei's unrivaled attribute is activated, and the force value is increased by 8. If the enemy has a negative effect, the Ma Shanwei's unrivaled attribute is activated, and there is no fear of the negative effect of the enemy. Value 110"

"Ding, the second attribute of Ma Shanwei Gaishi is activated. In the same way, return to the other side. The negative attributes of the enemy general will be added to the enemy general, and the force value of the enemy's counter-decrease will be absorbed. Jiang Song's personal force value is currently Decrease 2 points, Jiang Song's lower force value is 117, Ma Shan's force value is increased by 2, and Ma Shan's current force value is 112"

"Go..." the Black Overlord in Ma Shanwei's hand suddenly smashed several spear shadows of Jiang Song, borrowing the weight of the gun body, scattered all the silver spears stabbed by Jiang Song.

"Hua" Facing the current battle situation, Jiang Song looked fearless. Looking at the obsessed Ma Shanwei, Jiang Song's eyes became sharp. Since the opponent was obsessed with obsession, he had no choice but to pass down the killer, and the eight-treasure exquisite gun in his hand reversed Like a cloud, the direction changed, and Ma Shanwei's force was directly removed from his body. Jiang Song's face turned cold, and he shouted angrily: "Eight Treasures...Kill!"

"Ding, Jiang Song's strong attribute activates, Ma Shan's force value increases by 12, Jiang Song's force value increases by 6, Jiang Song's current force value is 123!"

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" The shadows of eight guns appeared in front of Ma Shanwei's eyes like eight-level pagodas. He couldn't hide, and he couldn't hide.

(End of this chapter)

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