Warring States Call

Chapter 1914 Chapter 1915: Yu Yu Li Xi

Chapter 1914 Chapter One Thousand 910 Five: Yu Yu Li Xi
"Boom!" Ma Shanwei was directly killed and fell off the horse, and fell heavily on the ground. There were eight bloody mouths around his body, which were continuously bleeding out. The wound at the center of the mouth was quite terrifying.

"Ahem...!" Ma Shanwei spit out a mouthful of blood, he could feel just now, Jiang Song's last shot could have killed himself, but he stopped, which made Ma Shanwei puzzled, a pair of Humu stared at Jiang Song, and said with embarrassment: "Why...why...don't just kill me!"

Jiang Song urged the horse to come in front of Ma Shanwei, sighed and looked at Ma Shanwei who was sure to die, Jiang Song said: "What is your last wish before you die, I can help you fulfill it...!"

"Uh...huh...!" Ma Shanwei let out a long breath, looking up at the sky, breathing the air with difficulty, last wish... what last wish does he have?Even he himself couldn't figure this out. Looking up at Jiang Song, Ma Shanwei's eyes became more and more hollow, and his eyelids became heavier and heavier, and finally fell into endless darkness, and he could no longer open his eyes, just like that Lying quietly on the ground, the residual temperature in the body will become cold with the passing of life.

"Alas...!" Jiang Song looked at the blood-dripping silver gun, sighed helplessly, and then waved his hand: "Contain the corpse and bury it!"

"No!" The general who was about to cut Ma Shanwei down with his knife stopped, and without saying anything, he called his subordinates and sealed up Ma Shanwei's body.

If Xiang Yu was there, Ma Shanwei's overlord attribute could be activated, and maybe he could still entangle him for a while, but now that Xiang Yu was defeated, how could Ma Shanwei be Jiang Song's opponent, so he could only leave this world unwillingly.

As soon as Ma Shanwei died, Xiang Jun, who had hundreds of people stubbornly resisting, lost his backbone and began to be scattered and killed, just like small waves in the sea, and finally returned to the plane.

Zhuge Liang stroked his beard and shouted angrily, "Chasing and killing Xiang Yu!"

"The general has an order! Chase and kill Xiang Yu!" Liao Yongzhong rode a horse, waved the battle flag back and forth among the armies, and issued Zhuge Liang's order.

In the city, Xiang Bo, Yu Qiuzi, Fan Zhi, Hao Yuan, Sun Shuao, Huang Xie, Su Cong, Shen Shushi, and eight Shangguans were surrounded in the palace. Zhong Hui and Meng Yuan rode on horses and watched the battle. The crowd shouted angrily: "Xiang Yu has already been defeated! You don't have to resist in the corner, my king treats people generously, and those who put down their weapons! Don't kill them, or you can entrust them with important tasks. Those who resist in the corner! Kill without mercy!"

Zhong Hui's voice was not loud, but the lethality in it was not small. His words and deeds made everyone's throats choked, and their hearts jumped. My father, destroy our country, I, Fan Zhi, and you are sworn to death! Get out of here...kill me!"



Fan Zhi, who was screaming just now, was directly shot through the throat, and Geng Ying, who was sitting on the eaves, drew the next cold arrow from behind with a blank expression, his eyes were still cold, and in his opinion, killing these people was impossible A person with strength is the same as playing.

"You bastards...!" Hao Yuan glared angrily, but what was waiting for him was a more stern arrow.

"Whoosh!" The cold arrow flew past, hitting his chest without even giving him a chance to react.

Zhong Hui pressed the sharp sword in his arms, and said indifferently: "Say it again, those who resist in the corner! Kill without mercy!"

"I surrender...!" Xiang Bo seemed to be unable to hold on anymore, took a deep breath, and put down the weapon in his hand.

"Very good! After all, your country of Xiang belongs to the lineage of General Xiang Yan, the first Chu general, and our country will not kill them all!" Zhong Hui saw that he had set an example, and what surprised him even more was that this person was Xiang Yu's uncle. Undoubtedly, too much resistance from the Han army was reduced. At this moment, Zhong Hui pressed the weapon in his arms, glanced at those people one by one, and shouted angrily: "Surrender... or not!"

"Pa-ta...!" With the sound of weapons falling, these people finally gave up resistance and threw away their weapons one after another. Yu Qiuzi, Sun Shuao, Huang Xie, Su Cong, Shen Shushi, and others all surrendered .

Zhong Ziqi and Yu Boya fled out of the city in a hurry. Looking at the smoldering Pengcheng, the two felt ashamed. After taking off their official robes, they retreated to the mountains and never left the mountain again.

Du Fu felt sad and indignant, and led his family to hide from Han Jun's eyeliner. Hearing that Sun Yue valued literature over martial arts, Du Fu hurriedly ran to Sun Yue, not to waste time here.

Song Yu and Song Yi are attached to the lineage of the king of Chu, they lead their family and immediately become vassals of the Xiong family. Chen Deng and Qu Jian also join the Xiong family after seeing them.

Shangguan Road outside Pengcheng
"Drive... drive...!" At this moment, Xiang Yu's eyes were red, looking at the smoke-filled Pengcheng outside the city, Xiang Yu's bereaved dog shouted angrily: "The whole army marches to the official warehouse! Hurry up!"

"Drive!" At this moment, there are only more than 1000 cavalry under Xiang Yu's command, and each of them is showing fear. The sky is gradually turning white, revealing a dark blue dawn, and a ray of sunlight shines on the ground, which is so dazzling.

"Where is Xiang Yu going!" Li Jing led an army of [-] in ambush all the way in Guancang, and had been waiting for Xiang Yu here for a long time.

"Kill!" The roar of the sky resounded through the land. Hearing this voice, there were tens of thousands of people. Xiang Yu's thousands of people were so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were splitting. Xiang Yu didn't dare to fight for a long time, and shouted angrily: " Withdraw...quickly withdraw!"

"Kill!" Bi Zaiyu held a silver gun, stared at Xiang Yu with wide eyes, and shouted, "Kill Xiang Yu! Fenghou...!"

"Kill...!" Everyone's hairs stood on end when they heard this, and all of them showed green expressions.

Generals Tang Mei and Jin Shang urged their horses to gallop all the way, but Li Jing had already dug large and small horse pits along the way, and their horses fell into the pits immediately, and Yang Dayan, who was behind, saw the opportunity to make meritorious deeds. , waving the weapon in his hand, kicked the boss with his eyes, and shouted angrily: "Cut!"

"Kach...Kach!" With two crisp sounds, the heads of Tang Mei and Le Shang were picked up by Yang Dayan, who directly beheaded the two of them under the horse and took the heads, which was very majestic.

"Damn it...!" Xiang Yu was behind, seeing the scene in front of him clearly. Knowing that he was not capable of fighting now, he immediately turned his horse's head and shouted angrily: Go around!quick! "

Cheng Dechen is now physically and mentally exhausted, he can only grit his teeth and greet his general, angrily shouted: "Yan Xin, Zu Shiyuan! Step forward and open the way!"

"No!" The two of them gritted their teeth and rushed forward, only to hear... thump... thump...!The two of them didn't take a few steps, and they both fell off the horse in response. Zhang Hu, who was already ready to go, showed his head, grinned, showing his white teeth, and shouted angrily: "Shoot the arrow... Swish, swish, swish!"

"Ah...!" The two fell into the pit and couldn't get out. They were shot like hedgehogs, and they didn't even have a chance to survive.

"Above!" Cheng Dechen gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, and then Xiang Yu's personal bodyguards, Xiang Chong and Yu Qiujin two generals rushed forward one after another, and the two ran for tens of meters to confirm that the place was not dangerous before greeting Everyone: "Let's go...!"

"Withdraw!" Xiang Yu's face darkened, and he escaped after losing hundreds of riders in a row. He waved his hand and glanced at the corpses of the soldiers behind him.

"General! Xiang Yu has escaped!" Lieutenant General Hu Yan was riding a war horse, holding a Yanyue knife, and his voice was unclear, as if this matter was unimportant
Li Jing glanced at the bamboo slips in his hand, and then sighed: "The people who can make the two generals Cao Cao and Han Xin suffer are indeed some of them themselves. Send the order to chase and kill Xiang Yu...!"


Lishan Lake

Xiang Yu's remnants of hundreds of cavalry rested here, and Cheng Dechen leaned against the tree trunk, panting heavily, with a difficult look on his face.

At this moment, Xiang Yu is holding the weapon in his arms, his tiger eyes are full of dignity, looking at the calm lake, the autumn wind is bleak, and the withered and yellow leaves are falling on the calm lake, causing waves of aftermath. At this moment, Xiang Yu is melancholy, hesitant, Helpless, confused, nostalgic, these regrets!Unwilling emotions were added to Xiang Yu's body, and Xiang Yu was a little out of breath. He looked up at the lake, feeling uneasy.

"Your Majesty...!" Yu Ji took out the water bottle in her bosom, and stroked Xiang Yu's cheek with her hand like weak water. Xiang Yu turned his head and looked at the woman he loved in front of him. After all, Xiang Yu's mood calmed down a lot, Humu Staring at Yu Ji, she said solemnly, "Yu Ji... are you okay!"

"My lord! Concubine Yu has dragged you down!" Concubine Yu's brows were tearful, and teardrops floated in her eyes. Seeing that the woman he loved was about to cry, Xiang Yu immediately took her into his arms and pretended to reprimand him, "Why are you dragging her down?" Woolen cloth?"

"My lord...!" Yu Ji was embraced by Xiang Yu, looked at the calm water, and asked curiously: "My lord! You said how good it is for us to live in a world without war. We work at sunrise and work at sunset." Rest, men plow and women weave, husbands sing and women follow!"

"Yes...!" Xiang Yu nodded and said yes, his face was a little dignified. The life that he looked down upon in the past has now become a luxury, and maybe there is no hope in this life...

"Where, we watched our child grow up slowly, watched him marry a wife and have children, watched him run around for a living, saw that he was not troubled by the flames of war, and we will eventually grow old... and finally buried together in... ...Together!" Yu Ji told her expectations, and as she spoke, Yu Ji's delicate red lips began to turn purple, and finally: "Puff...!"

Concubine Yu spat out a mouthful of black blood, which was spilled on Xiang Yu's armor. Xiang Yu heard that the voice was wrong, so he quickly checked Yu Concubine, and his complexion changed drastically: "Concubine Yu! Concubine Yu, what's wrong with you... Doctor... Come here!"

"Don't bother your majesty! Concubine Yu knows that she will continue to survive, and her nose is a burden to the king. I hope that the majesty...can...can...survive... Yuji...has always...very...very...love the king!" After saying these last intermittent words, Yu Ji's eyes were empty, and she no longer had the brilliance of the past, so she left this world.

"Concubine Yu...!" Xiang Yu's eyes were full of tears. Since ancient times, men have not shed tears lightly, but they haven't reached the point of heartbreak.

At this moment, Xiang Yu had this kind of mentality. Looking at the beauty in his arms, Xiang Yu choked speechlessly. Cheng Dechen and other generals looked at Yu Ji who hanged herself, and were speechless for a while. If they had no resentment towards Xiang Yu, That's fake, and a lot of resentment comes from Yu Ji in Xiang Yu's arms.

Many soldiers throw their heads and blood, but they can't match a woman in Xiang Yu's arms. How does this make their hearts balanced, and Yu Ji hangs herself? Because bringing Yu Ji is a drag, if she doesn't die, more will die.

As soon as Yu Ji died, everyone's dissatisfaction with Xiang Yu disappeared. Cheng Dechen got up, feeling the rumbling stomach. He knew that the soldiers under his command were just like him. After all, they were exhausted after running all night.

"Your Majesty! It's time to leave! Otherwise, Han Jun will catch up with us...!" Cheng Dechen's voice was not loud, but it was particularly harsh in Xiang Yu's ears. Xiang Yu turned his head suddenly, staring at Cheng Dechen with tiger eyes, This made the veteran general who was fighting on the battlefield startled and retreated again and again.

Xiang Yu picked up Yu Ji's body and came to an osmanthus tree. The flowers were blooming, and the sweet fragrance could not conceal Xiang Yu's bitterness. The morning sun shone through the shade of the tree on the ground. Looking at the pit, the soldiers on the side wanted to step forward to help, but they were shouted away by Xiang Yu, and they had no choice but to stand guard like this.

Li Jing and Zhuge Liang both had infantry in their hands. Facing Xiang Yu's cavalry attack, no matter how fast they ran, they could not catch up. After all, no matter how fast they ran, they could not run with four legs. However, they did not panic and led the soldiers Just following behind Xiang Yu, because a lot of soldiers and horses had been deployed in front, Han Yi gave the death order, and Xiang Yu could hardly fly.

Handful after handful of dust filled Yu Ji's body. Xiang Yu looked at the woman he loved for the last time. At this moment, his double pupils were determined. Xiang Yu stood up slowly and looked at Cheng Dechen and the others indifferently. , Xiang Yu showed a resolute look on his face, Xiang Yu looked at several people, opened his mouth slightly and said: "You are all brothers of Gu, the road ahead is long, I don't want you to go to death with Gu, you can leave on your own!"

"My lord! You...!" Cheng Dechen looked puzzled, he didn't know what Xiang Yu was going to do, but he felt that Xiang Yu seemed to want to kill.

"Shhh!" Xiang Yu whistled, and then the black horse quickly rushed to Xiang Yu's side, and the eyes of the pair of horses showed a side of humanity.

Xiang Yu got on his horse, and said indifferently, "Gu pass on the last general order, disperse on your own, and live!"

After Xiang Yu finished speaking, he turned the horse's head suddenly, staring at the front with tiger eyes, and the black-tailed horse under his crotch lifted his limbs and hooves and hissed. Running forward one by one, they turned into black dots and became smaller and smaller in their eyes until they finally disappeared.

Power up the mountain and surpass the world, but the time is not good and the time will never die.There is no way to die!Yu Xi Yu Xi Nai Ruo He.

Xiang Wang's bravery is unparalleled through the ages.

(End of this chapter)

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