Warring States Call

Chapter 1915 Chapter 1916: Overlord Xiang Yu

Chapter 1915 Chapter One Thousand 910 Six: Overlord Xiang Yu
"King Xiang...!" Cheng Dechen stared at Xiang Yu's back, and for some reason, his original resisting mentality became guilty, Xiang Yu was making a living for them.

"Alas...!" Finally, some soldiers couldn't bear it anymore, turned over and rode their horses, and left this sad land.

Yang Fan watched Xiang Yu's leaving back, but he didn't follow him after all. In his opinion, Xiang Yu was doomed to defeat. The Han army ambushed on three sides. Relying on Zhaoyang's [-] soldiers and horses alone would not be a big deal.

"Yang Fan, where are you going?" Yu Qiujin showed a solemn expression, staring at Yang Fan with black eyes, not knowing what he was going to do.

Yang Fan looked up at the south, and said indifferently, "I'm going to the south! Han Jun killed my brother, and I want revenge!"

Yang Fan's meaning is already obvious, it is impossible for him to surrender, he has to rely on Liu Bang, after all, the only one who can wrestle with Han Yi now is Liu Bang.

Yu Qiujin squinted his eyes, got on his horse after a while, cupped his hands at Yang Fan and said, "In that case, let's say goodbye, I want to join Qin! Let's go!"



The two generals bid farewell to each other, and left this sad place, only two generals Xiang Chong and Cheng Dechen were left among the hundred people.

Xiang Chong seemed to be thinking for a long time, then got on his horse, grabbed the rope and shouted angrily: "Drive!"

"Woooo...!" The horse neighed, and Xiang Chong rode forward quickly on the horse, and Cheng Dechen said with a puzzled expression: "Xiang Chong, what are you going to do!"

"Your Majesty needs someone to carry the flag. My Xiangzi military flag can't fall down. Let's say goodbye to General Cheng. Take care of each other!" Xiang Chong rode his horse and stretched out his hand to pull up the Bazi military flag that was planted on the ground.

Originally there were hundreds of troops, only Cheng Dechen was left alone, blowing the cold wind alone in this cold wind.

"Drive... drive...!" Xiang Yu was riding a war horse on the empty battlefield, the autumn wind was bleak, Xiang Yu carefully looked at the scenery in front of him with a pair of pupils, the withered yellow dogtail grass was not completely withered, swaying in the wind, There are green and yellow weeds everywhere, and small grass can be seen from time to time. Xiang Yu looked up at the sky and found that the clouds here are really magnificent.

Xiang Yu took a deep breath, then got off his horse, and stroked Wu Zai. Xiang Yu combed Wu Zai's hair with his rough hands. There have been no less than a hundred battles, big and small, without a single defeat. Today, I am alone in the camp, so go away!"

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!" Wu Hao seemed to feel Xiang Yu's emotions, the horse's eyes were full of reluctance, and whined from time to time, as if to express his nostalgia.

"Go!" Xiang Yu stroked the hair of the black horse for the last time, and stretched out his hand to slap the horse's buttocks. The horse neighed immediately, and the painful horse rushed forward quickly, but turned back after running a hundred steps.

Xiang Yu immediately shouted angrily: "Let's go...!"

"Woooo...!" Xiang Yu yelled angrily, and the tiger trembled three times when he heard it, and the black horse was afraid after all, and slowly moved forward.

Looking at the black horse in the distance, Xiang Yu sat down on the ground, panting heavily, pulled out the Overlord Sword in his arms, casually picked up the cloak to wipe the sword, and stared at the front with tiger eyes. At this moment, Xiang Yu's heart was peaceful of.

"Drive...boom!" Following the sound of galloping horses, Huo Qubing first appeared on the battlefield on his horse, looking at Xiang Yu sitting on the hill, Huo Qubing looked around, and said suspiciously: "Didn't you say Did Xiang Yu lead a thousand people to rush out, why is there only one person!"

"General, be careful!" Ma Sui came to Huo Qubing's side on a horse, and felt that the current battle situation was quite wrong.

Huo Qubing squinted his eyes, and said half aloud: "Lead three hundred scouts and check around the surrounding area!"


"The whole army is in formation!" Huo Qubing shouted angrily, and the [-] tigers and leopards under his command lined up here in an orderly manner.

"Drive!" On the hill, Xiang Chong was riding a war horse!Coming behind Xiang Yu, he raised the battle flag high.

"Why are you here!" Xiang Yu waved his hand and looked at Xiang Chong with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Your Majesty always has someone to carry the flag, isn't it!" Xiang Chong said with a smile, looked around, and then asked with a puzzled expression, "Where's Wu Zai?"

"Let go!" Xiang Yu said indifferently.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...!" Xiang Yu had just finished speaking, and there were more horses honking in the distance. Finally, Wu Hao did not leave Xiang Yu, but ran back.

"This guy……"

"Drive!" Zhao Yun led Bai Mayi from the rushing horse, looked at Huo Qubing who was already here, and didn't say much, his tiger eyes stared at Xiang Yu with a serious expression.

"Drive... drive...!"

The army flags with the characters of Han, Wu, and Wu arrived in a hurry. Who could they be if they weren't Wu Qi and Han Xin? After a while, Han Qinhu's army flag also came here, accompanied by Yuan Chonghuan's Yuan character army flag, and behind them Zhuge Liang and Li Jing also came here. They came one after the other.

Famous generals from all armies came like a cloud, and Cao Cao's tens of thousands of troops rushed over. As for Zhaoyang's [-] troops, they were restrained by the three armies of Yang Ye, Zhong Hui, Deng Ai, and could not come to aid Xiang Yu at all.

Han Xin, Wu Qi, Han Qinhu, Cao Cao, Yuan Chonghuan, Li Jing, Huo Qubing, Zhuge Liang, Feng Yi, and Yang Ye are all famous figures in the world.

Although Yang Ye didn't directly participate in the battle, he was credited with keeping Zhaoyang at bay.

These people were not the only ones who came along, Xin Qiji from Tianji also came in person, he wanted to see with his own eyes how Xiang Yu died.

"Overlord!" Han Xin looked at the two fierce men under the banner of the army. Han Xin stroked his beard and sighed, not knowing what he was thinking.

In order to kill Xiang Yu, Han Xin directly deployed an ambush on all sides and mobilized nearly a million troops, but he did not fail.

"What is the name of this place!" Wu Qi looked around with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Falling Feather Hill!"

"Mask face!"


"Xiang Yu, you have no way to retreat, put down your weapons." Meng Yuan urged his horse to come to the front of the formation, staring at Xiang Yu with black eyes. He didn't know why he felt that he lacked confidence. There were tens of thousands of troops behind him, but his momentum was still there. Can't reach the two people on the opposite side.

"I am the Overlord Xiang Yu! Step forward without fear of death!" Xiang Yu didn't bother to talk nonsense to the crowd, he got on his horse, his whole body was like a rainbow, his tiger eyes stared at the crowd, but the coldness in his eyes became more and more dignified.

"How courageous!" Han Xin stroked his breath and praised, looked behind him and said, "Where are the three generals?"

"The three generals are still three miles away from here!" Mengyan said helplessly. At that time, there was a commotion in Pengcheng, and after the death of Jing Si, the three of them did not prevent Xiang Yu from killing, and dispersed separately to stop Xiang Yu, but they didn't want to The mighty Xiang Yu actually ran away, and as soon as they got the news, they quickly chased after him.

"Could it be that this feather is still so rampant?" Han Qinhu was a little annoyed, but the generals below couldn't bear it more or less.

Firstly, they admire Xiang Yu, and secondly, Xiang Yu's head is so valuable that there is no general who is not envious.

"Tsk tsk! I don't know if this knife of mine can cut off your head." Xia Jie was riding a war horse, his eyes were full of coldness, holding canine teeth in his left hand and tiger wings in his right hand, there was a trace of bloodlust in his eyes.

"Count us brothers!" Cao Kerang shouted angrily, and Cao Ning was also the one who rushed out.

"Lu Guang is here...!"

"Gao Chong is here to meet King Xiang!"

"Jiang Song met King Xiang"

"Yingbo is here! Xiang Yuxiu is going to be crazy!"

As for Jia Fu, Ma Yuan, Guan Yu and others who fought against Xiang Yu last time, they all failed to beat the top birds. After all, they knew that they were not Xiang Yu's opponents.

Because Ma Chao accepted Xiang Yu's kindness, he looked at the crowd bullying the few with more and more, his eyes were somewhat disdainful, and he pursed his mouth and said indignantly: "Buying the few with the more, they are all idiots!"

Huo Qubing didn't say much at the moment, after all, what Ma Chao said was true, and he couldn't refute it.

"Drive!" Riding a brown-red war horse, Xia Jie rushed out first, and shouted angrily: Fall! "

"Ding, let's see when Xia Jie's dog god attribute is activated. After using the dog sword, Xia Jie's temperament changes. Everyone's strength value increases by 8, the base strength value is 103, the dog sword strength value increases by 1, and Xia Jie's current strength value is 112!"

"Ding, Xia Jie's martial arts tiger wing attribute activates, the skill effect itself increases by 9 points, and Xia Jie's current force value is 121!"

"Open!" Xiang Yu was not afraid at all, and the domineering aura in Zhou's body dissipated awe-inspiringly.

"Ding, Xiang Yu's overlord attribute is activated, and his force value is increased by 3. This is the first time. Xiang Yu's basic force value is 109, the force value of Tianlong Breaking the City Halberd is increased by 1, and the force value of Wuzhima is increased by 1. The current force value is 114"

"Woooooooo!" Seemingly sensing Xiang Yu's intense killing intent, the horse kicked off the horse's hooves and rushed to kill Xia Jie first.

"Ding, Xiang Yu's overlord attribute activates, and his force value is increased by 3. This is the second time, and the current force value is 117"

"Ding, Xiang Yu's overlord attribute is activated, and his force value is increased by 3. This is the third time, and the current force value is 120"

"Ding, Xiang Yu's overlord attribute is activated, and his force value is increased by 4. This is the fourth time, and the current force value is 123!"

"Ding, Xiang Yu's overlord attribute is activated, and his force value is increased by 3. This is the fifth time, and his current force value is 126!"

"Boom boom boom...!" The monstrous air waves spread around like water waves, and the scarlet blood energy continued to climb around Xiang Yu's body, like a real fire dragon. At this moment, Xiang Yu's momentum was also climbing upwards, Holding the halberd in both hands, Xiang Yu shouted angrily, "Chop!"

"Oops!" Xia Jie's complexion changed, and he suddenly threw the dog god in his hand at Xiang Yu.

"Kang Dang!" The blade was delivered, and the Inugami who had no power was directly shaken away, spinning a few beautiful arcs in the air, and then fell to the ground, with white steam rising from the entire body of the sword.

Xia Jie's complexion was ashen, and he pulled out the dragon teeth on his back with his hands. The scarlet blood around his body continued to cling to him. Xia Jie showed fierce eyes and shouted angrily: "Fight!"

"Ding, when Xia Jie's dragon tooth attribute is activated, the force value will instantly increase by 10. If it is used with a single sword, the force value will be increased by an additional 5. If it is used with two swords, the additional effect will be invalid!"

"Ding, Xia Jie's dragon tooth attribute is activated, currently it is double swords, Xia Jie's force value is increased by 10, and Xia Jie's force value is currently 131!"

"The gnat may shake the tree!" Xiang Yu's face was indifferent, his arms suddenly exerted force, and his veins wriggled like earthworms.

"Ding, the second attribute of Xiang Yu's cavalry battle is activated. When facing a horse-riding general, the force value will be increased by 8. When facing the enemy infantry general and soldier, the force value will be increased by 10. Currently Xia Jie is a cavalry general, and Xiang Yu's force value will be increased by 8. Xiang Yu's force value is 134!"

"Fight!" Xia Jie showed a ferocious expression, crossed his hands, tiger wings and dragon teeth intertwined, and hit Xiang Yu's Tianlong Breaking City Halberd head-on.

"Clang! Crack! Crack!"

The three magic weapons rattled, and Xia Jie's complexion turned green and red, as if he would not be able to hold on at any time.

"Xiang Yu, don't go crazy! Cao Kerang, come here!" Cao Kerang's eyes widened with anger, and he urged his horse to charge forward, his eyes glowing, and the veins on his arms were bulging.

"Ding, Cao Ke let the three dragon attributes activate, the personal force value is increased by 10, Cao Kerang's basic force value is 101, the force value of the Bagua Qiankun Spear is increased by 1, the force value of the Black Iron Thunder Gold Beast is increased by 1, and the current force value of Cao Kerang is 113!"

"Ding, Cao Kerang's two tiger attributes are activated, and his personal force value is increased by 9. Currently, Cao Kerang's force value is 122!"

"Ding, Cao Kerang's Nine Bulls attribute is activated, and his personal force value is increased by 8. Currently, Cao Kerang's force value is 131!"

"Be careful! I'm here to help you!" Cao Ning was afraid that Cao Kerang would make a mistake, so he urged his horse to draw his gun. The silver gun in his hand rolled out, and three spear flowers emerged, shouting angrily, "Put it on!"

"Ding, Cao Ning's Yueqiang attribute activates, the basic force value is 103, and the force value is 10 in an instant! This skill is related to confidence. If you have confidence, the force value will be increased by 10. If you have no force value, you will increase it by 2. If you have normal force value, you will increase it by 5."

"Ding, add 10 to the current strength of Cao Ning, and he is currently in a state of self-confidence. Wu, increase the strength to 10! Add 1 to the strength of the Pear Blossom Spear, and the current strength is 124!"

"Moving the Mountain" Xiang Yu's eyes were like a tiger, he turned his hand and swung a halberd, sweeping away thousands of troops with one move, and killed Cao Kerang and Xia Jie.

"Ding, Xiang Yu's giant force attribute is activated, and the current force value is 139!"

"Puff!" The two looked calm, and immediately raised their troops to block.

"Boom...boom!" The two of them were sent flying again and again, and fought dozens of somersaults on the ground before they stopped. There was a distance of seven or eight meters. Xia Jie cheered up and supported himself with a knife. He died in one breath, spit out a mouthful of blood, and passed out.

Cao Kerang didn't even get up, he just lay on the ground, fearing that he might pass out.

"Cut!" Xiang Yu looked back angrily, staring at Cao Ning with tiger eyes, and smashed down the Tianlong City Breaking Halberd in his hand.

"Ning'er!" Cao Cao's complexion changed drastically, and his eyes were full of anxiety.

"Ah!" Cao Ning stared at the boss, his eyes were full of fear, and the confidence in his heart collapsed at this moment.

"Ding, Cao Ning's self-confidence has dropped, the current force value is reduced by 8, and the current force value of Cao Ning is 116 points!"

"Boom!" Cao Ning's body flew upside down and rolled on the ground several times. Blood was all over his breastplate, which stained the surrounding yellow, yellow and green grass. Blood was flowing from Cao Ning's mouth, and he would burst into tears from time to time. Some minced meat came out, which showed that he had hurt his lungs and was struggling to survive.

"Go!" Jiang Song didn't dare to delay facing Xiang Yu at this moment, the silver spear in his hand was up and down, and Jiang Song suddenly angrily reprimanded: "Futu...!"

(End of this chapter)

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