Warring States Call

Chapter 1942 Chapter 1941: North

Chapter 1942 Chapter One Thousand 940 One North

When the county system in the south was issued, the entire south immediately began to mutiny, and there were many rioters. However, the county guards and county lieutenants dispatched by Han Yi acted softly and hard, which stabilized the situation. In order to ease the emotions of the people everywhere, and to control those For the common people who intend to rebel, Han Yi asked Han Feizi to implement the heavy law, and for those stubborn people, implement the law of continuous sitting. Anyone who participates will be killed immediately, and no one will be left behind. This shocked a large number of people. Of course, Han Yi did not cruel officials to the end , Acting both hard and soft, lowering taxes in the south, lowering their hostility, encouraging production, and building water conservancy.

Under this kind of policy of both soft and hard, those people worked at sunrise and rested at sunset with peace of mind. After several months, those rebels were less and less, and they began to live with peace of mind.

Most of the county guards selected by Han Yi are virtuous and talented people, encouraging the people to produce, and with Han Yi's instruction, encouraging the people to intermarry and give birth, each child will be rewarded with materials, such as chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep. As time went by, the hostility of these people gradually faded away, and Han Feizi's sitting method was gradually relaxed, and the whole south began to be happy for a while.

At the same time, Han Yi also asked Duanmuci to invite Confucius to set up Cangwu College in Cangwu County, which is juxtaposed with the Four Surnames College in Kuaiji County, to teach students and promote cultural development. After a series of policies, the south can be said to be a waste of time. The whole south will be behind Han Yi's strength.

In addition, there are many people with lofty sentiments in the whole south, but it has become a prosperous place for tourism, and Wenchang and Wusheng are prosperous for a while.

However, the usefulness of Han Shizhong's naval forces in the south gradually decreased, so Han Yi immediately ordered that hundreds of thousands of Han Shizhong's naval forces be transferred to the north to swim in the Yandi Sea, always on guard against Li Shimin's actions, and at the same time let Han Shizhong familiarize himself with the terrain, so as to Prepare for the future war.

Han Yi held a brush in his hand and looked at the words of Qin State. No matter how you looked at them, they were dazzling, but he didn't dare to act rashly. Although Bai Qi was dead, Wang Jian defended Hangu Pass. According to reports from spies, Wang Jian built the entire Hangu Pass It is unbreakable, and almost all hidden dangers have been removed. If you want to break through Hangu Pass without leaving the corpses of 30 soldiers under the city wall, it will be difficult to succeed.

Of course, Han Yi is not in a hurry. The great war in the south has consumed a lot of national strength and needs to be recovered urgently. Taking advantage of this period of time, Han Yi hastened to cultivate. After all, what he has to do next is to destroy Qin.

In the study

Han Yi scratched his side face, looked at the bamboo slip in his hand, glanced at Xin Qiji who was kneeling below, Han Yi put down the bamboo slip, and said indifferently: "Get up!"

"No!" Xin Qiji stood up in military uniform, staring at Han Yi indifferently.

"How are you doing in the south these days! There are people who are restless!" Han Yi got up and went to the bookshelf, looking for things casually, as if he was looking for something he loved.

"People in all counties are very peaceful!" Xin Qiji truthfully told the situation.

Han Yi nodded, thoughtfully, and said for a while: "I heard that there is a five-dou rice religion in Qin State, and you can join the sect as long as you pay five buckets of rice, but there is such a thing!"

"But there is this time, but they are all Xiaodaoer, so useless!" Xin Qiji didn't seem to care about this. He has been focusing on the security of the counties these days, so he has no time to pay attention to the Five Dou Rice Sect. , and only when eating, listening to a few people talking about broken teeth.

"Small roads can often become deadly things, pay close attention to them! Money for money, food for food! It's best to let them become like the Yellow Turbans, and use this to break the state of Qin!" Han Yi took a sharp breath and moved The fly ash on the bookshelf was blown out.

"This subordinate understands!" Xin Qiji immediately bowed his hands and accepted the order.

"Hmm!" Han Yi didn't turn around to look at Xin Qiji, but asked in boredom, "Is there any movement in the north recently?"

"The news from the north hasn't come back yet, but according to the news from Yandi, Li Shimin wants to go south." Xin Qiji looked serious.

"Hey! It's interesting!" Han Yi scratched his temples, stroked his beard, and said indifferently: "Leave him alone for now!"


Chang'an is bustling day and night, and the lights are endless. The soldiers who have worked hard for several years are separated and return to Chang'an for a few days to recuperate.

And Wu Qi, who came to Chang'an all the time, finally saw the prosperity in the city, stroked his beard secretly and sighed, his efforts were not in vain after all.

Today, the Prince's Mansion held a banquet and invited the princes to play. The lights were brightly lit late at night. The so-called banquet was just a small banquet. There was a big table with some delicious delicacies, and they sat together.

Han Chen led Han Feng, Han Ning, Han Ming, Han Che, and Han Wu to sit at the inner banquet, while Dou Yifang took Zhao Wan, Yang Lihua and others to sit in the side hall.

Han Ning sat down, looked at the attire in the room, and the banquet, and said with disdain: "I said big brother! Are you too shabby? For banquets and banquets, it's fine for everyone to share a table. Even Hong Zhong Da Lu, there are no graceful dancers, and these days are too shabby, how about I give you some, little brother?"

As soon as Han Ning opened his mouth, he planned to disgust Han Chen, but at this moment, Han Chen pretended to be nonchalant and said, "These are family banquets, there is no need to be so extravagant!"

Seeing that something was wrong, Han Wu below pretended to be nonchalant, drank the wine in his hand, and chatted with Han Che from time to time, saying that the scenery here was really good.

Han Che scratched his hair with a smile. No matter how stupid he was, he could still hear that the words were wrong. Seeing Han Wu laughing, he also echoed, without the slightest intention of participating.

And the maids at the side glanced at Han Che from time to time, but there was no way that His Highness was so good-looking, they couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Han Ming remained silent as before, with his hands folded in front of his chest, and he glanced back and forth at the two people who were confronting each other, with a look of boredom on his face, what he disliked the most was these bullshit things.

Han Feng was drinking the fine wine in his hand, and was about to speak out to comfort him, but Han Huang stumbled over, grabbing Han Feng, and the two uncles and nephews were having fun together.

"It's rare to invite you brothers today!" Han Chen smiled slightly! Looking at Han Ming, he smiled slightly and said, "Fourth brother!"What are your plans for the future! "

"Leave the palace!" Han Ming stared at Han Chen, with a trace of expectation in his eyes. If it weren't for Han Yi, he would have been far away from Chang'an at this moment. He has never liked this place. This is his life's nightmare. From the moment his mother stepped into Chang'an, she didn't leave this place until she died. There is only a solitary memorial tablet that can trace his mother back.

"How about the north!" Han Chen poured a cup of milk tea unique to the north, put the leg of lamb on the table in front of Han Ming, and seemed to ask, "Try it first and see if it suits your appetite!"

Han Ming looked at the mutton leg and milk tea in front of him, his cold face, like an iceberg that hadn't seen the sun for a long time, got the rare sunshine, and said to Han Chen, "Yes!"

The two brothers looked at each other, and each could see what the other was thinking, and his purpose was also the same.

Han Chen smiled indifferently, fixed his eyes on Han Ning, and then said with a smile, "Younger Brother, please stay with me in Chang'an. It just so happens that you and I have companions too!"

Han Ning was stunned for a moment, and could only show a wry smile that was neither happy nor sad. The banquet naturally spread to Han Yi's ears. The helmsman could not manage the crew on the ship, and the ship would not last long.

Han Ning returned to the mansion with a black face, while Cui Hao seemed to have been waiting for a long time, his face pale and embarrassed.

Han Ning glanced at Cui Hao, and said with a puzzled expression, "What's wrong!"

"Your Highness! How is today's banquet!" Cui Hao's face was dark, as if he was waiting for Han Ning's reply.

"He wants me to stay in Chang'an!" Han Ning sat on the seat, and Yang Lihua at the side brought green tea to Han Ning, as if telling him to drink some tea to hangover.

"Get out! Get out of here!" Han Ning didn't have much good temper towards Yang Lihua, he pushed the teacup blocking his table with a sad and indignant expression.

Yang Lihua didn't say much, her eyes were full of disappointment, and she walked towards the door dejectedly. Originally, her father was the king of Sui. He and Han Ning were together, and they respected each other as guests. Han Ning has plummeted to herself, and every time she thinks about it, she washes her face with tears and regrets.

At the banquet today, he had paid attention to Zhao Wan. Now that Zhao Wan is pregnant with Liujia, Han Feng also took good care of her. Even when Han and Zhao turned against each other, Han Feng took Zhao Wan with him everywhere to avoid Zhao Wan being affected. Looking at her, it can be said that she is caring, the gap between the two sides, how can Yang Lihua calm down.

Seeing Yang Lihua going away, Han Ning seemed to calm down a lot, looked at Cui Hao and said, "What's wrong, sir!"

Cui Hao looked at the irritable Han Ning, sighed for a long time, then took out a bamboo slip from his arms and said: "Your Highness! The minister is going away!"

"Yeah!" Han Ning was taken aback, and hurried forward, wanting to make a move, but held back, facing Cui Hao, with a solemn expression: "Sir! Do you want to leave me too?"

"Your Highness, the king's transfer order has been issued, and I have no choice but to take up the post!" Cui Hao had no choice but to take out a bamboo slip from his pocket and hand it to Han Chen.

Han Ning looked shocked, and reached out to take Cui Hao's bamboo slips. His face was stunned, and his fingers trembled: "Magistrate of Yuzhang County!"

"Young master! The old man will take office soon! The prince has the image of a wise master, and the grandson is born with double pupils, which is the result of the general trend. The king is paving the way for the prince. The hope of being a great position is slim. The son still needs to be wise and protect himself, otherwise... !" Cui Hao sighed with a stick in his throat, and said with a long breath, "Your Highness, I have retired!"

Cui Hao said and left Han Ning's mansion, looking at Cui Hao going away, a Gao Lishi guarding the door immediately waved his sleeves, Pang Wanchun nodded, and strode towards the palace.

"What are you doing! This is the mansion of His Highness the Third Highness! What are you doing!" The boy on duty at the door changed his expression drastically, and quickly waved his hands and shouted angrily. Pang Wanchun directly yelled angrily, "Take it down!"

Han Ning was smashing things in the mansion, venting his inner anger, but Pang Wanchun directly broke through the door, looking at the mess in the house, Pang Wanchun frowned, and cupped his hands at Han Ning: "Third Highness! "

"General Pang... what are you doing!" Han Ning said with a cold face.

"By the king's order, take His Highness to prison!" Pang Wanchun waved his hands suddenly after speaking, and the soldiers on both sides immediately started to move. Han Ning's complexion changed drastically, and he pointed at Pang Wanchun and shouted angrily: "What are you going to do! I am the son of my father! What are you doing?" dare!"

Han Ning shouted here, but the guards on both sides would not show mercy, and took Han Ning out with bows left and right.

But Yang Lihua, who had just heard the movement, came out immediately, and hurriedly stopped Pang Wanchun, saying: "General Pang, maybe I made a mistake!"

"Alas!" Pang Wanchun was about to speak, but when he saw the wound on Yang Lihua's arm, he shook his head helplessly, and strode towards the outside of the hall.

"General Pang...General Pang!" Yang Lihua looked at Pang Wanchun who was leaving, flustered, and then said in a hurry: "Quick! Go to the palace to find your mother! Hurry up!"

An hour later, Yang Yuhuan came running in a hurry, but was directly blocked by Gao Lishi, and even Yang Lihua was turned away from the palace gate.

Helpless Yang Lihua knelt outside the palace gate, begging for forgiveness from Han Yi. The three days were long or short, but the cold wind blew on Yang Lihua's face. This stubborn girl swayed from side to side like a willow, letting others No matter how persuasive she was, she would not take half a step back.

In the study

"It's been a few days!" Han Yi took a nap, squinted his eyes, and greeted Gao Lishi.

"My lord! It's been three days!" Gao Lishi replied cautiously.

"It's almost time, bring that Nizi over here!" Han Yi stretched his waist, looking very lazy.


In half a stick of incense, Han Ning, who was dressed loosely, was brought up to the mountain. His face was ashamed, his eyes were red, and his clothes were ragged. It was obvious that he hadn't had a good rest in the past few days.

"I haven't had a good rest these days!" Han Yi looked at Han Ning with a smile and motioned him to sit down.

"What mistake did I make! Father! I don't understand!" Han Ning stared at Han Yi with red eyes, full of indignation, as if he would explode at any time.

"A man who can do anything to the people next to him, you think the world is in your hands! Will I feel at ease?" Han Yi narrowed his eyes and stared at Han Ning, threw the bamboo slips to Han Ning and scolded angrily: "Take a good look at yourself. Your humerus minister, Zhou Buyi, abandoned you. Zhang Hu stayed behind closed doors. The only one who really intercedes for you is the person next to your pillow. You usually beat her or scold her. Where are you Have half the benevolence of an emperor!"

"Me!" Han Ning was speechless for a while, and the grief and anger in his heart turned into dark clouds at this moment, floating around.

"As a man, you have to be responsible! Go back!" Han Yi waved his sleeves. When Han Ning went back, he didn't even explain. He just wanted to teach Han Ning a lesson.

"No!" Han Ning stumbled out of the palace, the setting sun reflected on his face, outside the gate of the palace, Yang Lihua was kneeling outside the palace gate with disheveled hair and white clothes, and there were three people kneeling in a row, his complexion turned pale, as if he would tilt and faint at any time Que, the surrounding people are watching the bustle and pointing.

Han Ning took a deep breath, strode out, hugged Yang Lihua by the waist, and said forcefully, "Go! Go home!"

(End of this chapter)

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