Warring States Call

Chapter 1943 Chapter 1942: Summoning

Chapter 1943 Chapter One Thousand 940 Chapter Two Summoning

The death of Bai Qi dealt a great blow to the Qin State. Ying Zheng was shocked for a while, and then wept bitterly. He almost lost a national scholar, and then held a national funeral, and buried Bai Qi with the ceremony of a national scholar.

The entire state of Qin fell into endless loneliness. Originally, Bai Qi died, and the generals of the Qin state were filled with righteous indignation and asked to fight, wanting to go east to avenge Bai Qi. They all turned off the fire, and everyone was speechless.

Yingzheng is not a fool, and Wang Jian is the only one in the entire hall to ask for a fight. In his opinion, the Korean army has just ended the war and it is time to recover. If the enemy army recovers, will they really have no chance?

Xianyang Palace, Inside Qiankun Book Pavilion

Ying Zheng was sitting in the center of the hall. The decoration of the entire hall was quite solemn, with various armors and weapons placed around it.

Zhao Gao, who had been waiting outside the hall, immediately sent a message outside the study: "Your Majesty! Old General Wang Jian is here!"

Ying Zheng didn't look surprised, looked at the Tai'a sword in his hand, and said, "Call him in!"

"No!" Zhao Gao immediately pushed open the door of the palace. Wang Jian took off the saber from his waist and handed it to the guards at the side. Can't take it anymore.

"Sir Wang Jian! Greetings to the King!" Without too many words, just relying on the word Wang Jian can represent endless power.

"Old General, you are here." Ying Zheng looked back at Wang Jian, with a very solemn voice, placed Tai'a in Ying Zheng's hand on the ground, pressed his hands on the hilt of the sword, took a deep breath, and his eyes conveyed the meaning of killing .

Wang Jian didn't answer in a hurry, but looked at the clothes around him. On the central hall, there were several broken armors. They were wiped clean, and there were weapons around them. Wang Jian swept these armors one by one. Feeling extremely familiar, a pair of cloudy old eyes began to turn red involuntarily.

Ying Zheng did not turn around to look at Wang Jian, but quietly stared at the armor in front of him and said, "General Baiqi! General Wang Yanzhang! General Sima Cuo! General Meng Mingshi, General Xiqishu, General General Bai Yibing, Lieutenant General Meng Yi...wait...!"

Every time Ying Zheng uttered a name, Wang Jian's eyes became hazy, and his former teammates fell beside him one after another. Wang Jian's grief and indignation had been accumulated in his chest for too long, and he couldn't bear it any longer. Your Majesty! Give the order! Let's fight to the death with the Han army! We old Qin people can't lose our momentum!"

"I just need this answer! But I just need you to tell me how many chances you have!" Ying Zheng put his sword back into its sheath, turned around, and looked at Wang Jian.

"At the end of the day, there will be [-]%!" Wang Jian did not dare to guarantee the ticket. He stretched out his hand and looked dignified. , if Han Yi is allowed to regain his vitality, our country of Qin will lose another layer of chances, my lord! The opportunity is fleeting, and our country can compete with Han Yi for hegemony, depending on this battle. If not, the descendants of Great Qin for hundreds of years, You can only survive under the pressure of Han Yi, and it's hard to get out! Please think twice, Your Majesty!" Wang Jian spoke from the bottom of his heart, his eyes firm.

"Think twice! Hahahaha! The lonely king has been thinking twice! This time, Wang Jian accepts that you are the commander-in-chief of the three armies. If necessary, you can command alone alone. In addition, this time, 80 troops will be sent! The six armies will go hand in hand, Sima Yi , Meng Tian, ​​Guo Kan, Nei Shiteng, Zhang Han, and Wang Ben's six armies are all entrusted to you as commander! Do you understand?"

"Your Majesty!" Wang Jian was stunned for a moment, and looked at Ying Zheng, only to see his sharp eyes, but Ying Zheng clenched his fists and said angrily: "I don't believe it, my history of the Great Qin for hundreds of years is not as good as Han Yi's." Children's years of knowledge!"

"Your Majesty is fighting here, and our army should take advantage of the surprise attack. Your Majesty can send two generals to raid Zhaodi and Qianzhong County in the south, and attack from both sides. Han Yi can't take care of himself. At this moment, Han Yi must divide his troops to support the two places. Then our army will rush forward in the main army, go straight to Wang Ye, and take him down, we will win Han Yi first!" Wang Jian gritted his teeth.

"I'm asking the general for everything this time. I don't know who the general can recommend!" Ying Zheng said solemnly.

"Guo Kanke led the northern army to contain Sun Wu's Jinyang army, and the situation in the south has just stabilized. There must be many people who are dissatisfied with Han Yi's rule. The king sent General Meng Tian to send troops to kill the county captain Zhonghui!" Wang Jian didn't even need to look at it. The map directly plans the road surface of the two lines.

"This is the old general's plan...!" Ying Zheng was taken aback when he heard Wang Jian's deployment.

"This old man wants to lure Han Xin out, kill him, and avenge General Bai Qi. Even if he can't be lured out, this old man will definitely believe that he can kill this man!" Wang Jian held the belt around his waist with both hands, and the chill in his eyes grew stronger. hair dignified.

"Zhong Hui should not be underestimated!" Ying Zheng picked up the bow and arrow on the bow stand, bent the bow and set the arrow, staring at the Qianzhong County drawn on the ground with tiger eyes, and suddenly released the arrow.


"Zhong Hui is indeed a general. He fought well in the Battle of Handan, but Your Majesty must trust General Meng Tian. This is the battle of General Meng Tian's fame!" Wang Jian looked resolute, and seemed to like Meng Tian quite a bit.

Ying Zheng stroked his beard and said half aloud, "Great kindness!"

"After General Meng Tian wins! Han Yi will definitely send troops to help. Your Majesty can send General Zhang Han to surround the spot to fight for reinforcements, and let General Zhang Han lay an ambush along the way. There will definitely be some gains!" After Wang Jian finished speaking, he picked up the A bow and arrow shot suddenly in the direction of Qianzhong County.

"Whoosh... touch!" The quicksand shook, and Ying Zheng, Wang Jian and his ministers continued to deploy strategies.

Wang Jian immediately put down the bow in his hand, knelt down in the tunnel and said, "Afterwards, I will personally lead an army of 50 to attack Wang Ye, and we will definitely gain something!"

"Old general!" Ying Zheng helped Wang Jian up and said, "It's no better than doing such a great gift!"

Wang Jian said indifferently, "Your Majesty!
"Old general! Go ahead and do it!" Ying Zheng patted Wang Jian on the shoulder.

In the days that followed, the entire state of Qin began to become abnormal. A large amount of food and grass from the Shu region was transported to Xianyang, and a large amount of military supplies continued to gather. No one can leave the country.

Yang Xian, who had just accepted the mission sent by Xin Qiji, felt something was wrong the moment he stepped into the land of Qin State. He couldn't find out the news by asking around. In the end, Yang Xian wanted to pass this matter back to Chang'an, but found that Qin State had already blocked it. For this reason, Yang Xian immediately dispatched dozens of spies to cross the mountains and ridges towards the border of Qin State, but everything was in vain. Apart from hanging the corpses of these people on the city wall to warn everyone, it had almost no effect.

"Oops!" Yang Xian squinted his eyes. With his intelligence, he naturally knew Qin's intentions. He had no choice but to enter and leave the north, bypass Qin, and report the news, but the roads on both sides were really difficult. It's too far away, and when the news comes back, I'm afraid it will be too late.

Now that the spring plowing has passed, the Qin State has long been ready to move, but Han Yi doesn't know about it, and has no awareness of it. Whenever there is a turmoil, Xin Qiji will report it to him in time, and there is nothing to worry about.

But Li Ru sensed something was wrong, so he ran to Han Yi's study on purpose, with a very serious expression on his face.

Han Yi looked at the bamboo slips in his hand, squinted his eyes, and said with an ugly look: "You mean! There has been no news from Qin for two months!"

Li Ru glanced at Han Yi, whose face was a bit dark, and immediately said tremblingly: "It's true! The original news was sent back every half a month, but it seems like it hasn't been sent in two months, something should have happened. .

Han Yi squinted his eyes with an unnatural expression on his face. Looking at Li Ru who was kneeling below, Han Yi squinted his eyes and said, "When was the last news and what was it about?"

The latest news is that two and a half months ago, Ying Zheng held a national funeral ceremony for Bai Qi, and then there was no news. Half a month later, all news from Qin State has been blocked. I have sent people into Qin State these few days , It was found that they could only enter but not exit, and the goods brought in would be interrogated. If there were any unknown details, they would be directly withheld and used as military supplies! "

"Tsk tsk tsk!" Han Yi tsk tsk, looked at the map, and muttered to himself: "Ying Zheng is impatient! Han Yi also felt that something was wrong, and immediately ordered: "Let Zhong Hui, Yue Fei, Sun Tzu and the three should be more vigilant!Heaven’s secrets are stepping up their efforts, no matter what, we must find out the news.”

"I understand!" Li Ru took the order and retreated.

Han Yi rubbed his temples, and said helplessly: "System! I want to use the summon point! Do ten consecutive summons!"

"Ding, the current host uses 1000 summoning points to summon, and the current host still has 1407 summoning points left!"

"Ding, the No.1 Southern Song General Hu Shi is currently summoned: force 77, commander 93, intelligence 95, politics 94, and the current implantation status is the magistrate of Cangwu County!"

"Ding, the second person currently summoned is Dong Xian of the Southern Song Dynasty: force 97, commander 91, intelligence 73, politics 70. The current implantation status is a talent that Zhong Hui will promote!"

"Ding, the third person to be summoned is Meng Bangjie of the Southern Song Dynasty: force 97, commander 87, intelligence 71, politics 65. The current implantation identity is Zhong Hui's deputy general!"

"Ding, the fourth person currently summoning Wang Shan of the Southern Song Dynasty: force 92, increase 83, intelligence 80, politics 62, the current implantation status is a general under Zhong Hui's command!"

"Ding, the fifth person currently summoned is Zhang Wei of the Northern Song Dynasty: Force 94 Commander 82 Intelligence 78 Politics 65 The current implantation status is a general under Sun Wu's command!"

"Ding, the sixth man Mengguan of the Western Jin Dynasty is currently summoned: Force 33 Commander 36 Intelligence 94 Politics 73 The current implanted identity is Zhong Wuling!"

"Ding, the seventh person currently summoning Yuan Can from the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties: Force 41 Commander 65 Intelligence 94 Politics 97 The current implantation identity is Yuan Chonghuan's uncle, currently serving as Danyang Commander!"

"Ding, He Wuji, the eighth person currently summoned in the Eastern Jin Dynasty: Force 98, Commander 92, Intelligence 87, Politics 81. The current implantation status is a general promoted by Yue Fei!"

"Ding, the ninth person who is currently summoned is the Tang Dynasty. The military force is 87, the commander is 84, the intelligence is 87, and the politics is 71. The slave who is currently implanted with the throne and the throne, was promoted by Handerang to be a general!"

"Ding, Kou Zhenyuan, the last person to be summoned now: Strength 89 Commander 85 Intelligence 71 Politics 67 Currently implanted as a general of Yandi!"

"Play shit!" Han Yi rolled up his sleeves and almost quit. This is really too bullying. What's going on? This time it's almost a black hole.

Qianzhong County

This place is close to the state of Qin, and the county guard Wang Shouren has not been idle these days. First, he asked Zhong Hui to lead an army to repair the fortress city close to the state of Qin. The dispatched officials were also recommended by the people. After a series of policies, the atmosphere of the people in various places was relatively stable, and there were no major fluctuations.

Shukou Daying

Meng Tian's [-] troops prepared military affairs overnight, and they sent spies to investigate the situation in Zhonghui's barracks in the past few days. Although these soldiers are good soldiers and generals, one or two are a little loose, and most of them are cavalry.

Meng Tian was riding a war horse, seeing Meng Wu who came back on horseback, he urged his horse forward and asked: "Father! How is the situation!"

Meng Wu sat casually on the seat, picked up the teapot and took a few sips. By the way, he wiped the corner of his mouth with his sleeve and said: "The inquiry is almost done, Zhong Hui just named a county lieutenant in Qianzhong County. Forget it, the army here has already exceeded [-], and it seems that they are elite soldiers left behind from the deadly battle with General Bai Qi, and destroying these people will definitely get rid of my big Qin's confidant! "

"How's the terrain exploration going?" Meng Tian looked at Meng Wu and said anxiously.

"The situation is not bad! We can start directly from Shangyong, first attack Liukou where Zhong Hui is stationed, and take down Dengcheng!" Meng Wu took out the map from his arms, stroked his black and white beard, and said with a smile.

"Didn't you meet any spies along the way?" Meng Tian narrowed his eyes and asked with a bit of embarrassment.

"I met a few, but we avoided them all!" Meng Wu chuckled, as if he didn't take it seriously.

"No! The soldiers under Han Xin's command are all elites, and it is impossible to let them go so easily." Meng Tian's face was darkened, his expression was cautious, and then he seemed to think of something, and immediately said: "Prepare the Mengjia army cavalry, follow me to attack Drooling! Quick!"

Meng Tian hurriedly turned over and boarded the horse. The armor all over his body was made of black iron. Behind Meng Tian was [-] Mengjia army cavalry. It was a big battle, and everyone's spirits were highly raised.

At this moment, Zhong Hui already knew that the soldiers under his command met Meng Tian's scouts, but he didn't know who the enemy's general was, whether it was Zhang Han or Wang Jian. Returning to Dengcheng, he sent more troops to protect him, while he led more than [-] elite troops to stay at Liukou.

"Drive... drive...!" Meng Tian looked at the bell-shaped banner on the city wall with his yellow cheeks drooling and panting, and laughed loudly: "Attack!"

Meng Tian's reaction speed was so fast that even Zhong Hui was taken aback. At this moment, Zhong Hui had a dark face, and he had a bad premonition.

(End of this chapter)

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