Warring States Call

Chapter 1951 Chapter 1960: Wang Jian breaks the city

Chapter 1951 Chapter one thousand 960 Wang Jian breaks the city
"Kill!" The shouts of killing on the city wall continued, Qin Jun's vehicles kept approaching the city wall, ladders were lowered towards the city wall, countless brave Qin warriors kept charging forward, and the general Wang Ben stepped on the city wall himself , the epee in his hand slashed in all directions, and shouted angrily: "Kill!"

"Looking for death!" Zhang Xian gazed into the distance, and saw the extremely arrogant Wang Ben at a glance. He raised his halberd to kill him, and Wang Ben was not afraid at all.

Zhang Xian has the advantage of long weapons, one inch is longer and one inch is stronger, and Wang Ben is not a fool, the sharp sword in his hand is moving around, trying to draw closer to Zhang Xian, as long as this distance is drawn, Wang Ben will have the dominant advantage .

"Kill...!" Wang Buchao, the lieutenant behind Wang Ben, held a black iron zhangba snake spear, followed behind Wang Ben, jumped off the carriage, and slashed and killed a Han soldier.

"Bah! You're looking for death!" Xun Kai spat out the blood from his mouth, pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, and swung it at Wang Buchao head-on.

"Where did the baby come from! Beg for death!" Wang Buchao shouted angrily, white light flashed all over his body, and the black iron zhangba snake spear in his hand cut down the waist, sweeping away thousands of troops and stabbing at Xun Kai.

"Fall!" Xun Kai was not afraid, and directly slashed at his face with the bronze sword in his hand.

"Kang Dang!" The sound of metal delivery came out, and Xun Kai's weapon flew upside down. Wang Buchao laughed and kicked it suddenly. Xun Kai lost his center of gravity and was kicked directly to the ground. He just wanted to get up Resisting, Wang Buchao pierced his throat with a spear, and suddenly a good man's head flew out.

"Quick! Kill him!" Under the protection of two guards, Yu Yunwen held a bronze sword, staring at the brave Wang Buchao with anxious eyes, and immediately shouted angrily.

Wang Buchao glanced at Yu Yunwen with tiger eyes. This person was eight feet long, wearing official robes, leather armor, and holding a bronze sword. He looked like he was living and dying with the city wall, and he was wearing a helmet. Wang Buchao burst into laughter Laughing, he remembered this person, the last battle between Wang Ye and Wang Ye came back without success, it was because of this Yu Yunwen that he refused to surrender, which made Qin Guo lose his wife and lose his army, not only the general Bai Qi, Wang Ye Haven't hit it yet.

Seeing this person, Wang Buchao laughed out loud, but notices were posted in the country that whoever takes this head will be promoted to a higher rank and rewarded with a reward of [-] taels. At this moment, in Wang Buchao's eyes, Yu Yunwen is a living mobile vault. How could Wang Buchao let go of the fat meat that came to the door, and immediately waved the black iron zhangba snake spear and shouted angrily: "Yu Yunwenxiu, leave, leave the head!"

When many Qin soldiers heard that it was Yu Yunwen, they looked up at Yu Yunwen one after another, with wolfish eyes, and rushed forward one after another, wishing to swallow Yu Yunwen alive.

"Kill!" Wang Buchao's Hei Tie Zhang Ba Snake Spear trembled, stabbed two spears, beheaded the soldiers on both sides, and came to Yu Yunwen with a big grin, angrily shouted: "Keep the head!"

"Come on!" Yu Yunwen was terrified. Although he did not have extraordinary martial arts skills, he had a proud character.

"Kangdang!" The bronze sword in Yu Yunwen's hand was directly lifted out, the tiger's eyes opened, Wang Buchao smiled, looked at Yu Yunwen and said: "Your head! I will accept it with a smile, old man!"

"The thieves are so brave!" Yue Fei killed one person with one shot, swept the silver spear in his hand, and stabbed Wang Buchao's throat head-on.

"Where did the offal come from?" Wang Buchao felt that the center of his brow was like a thorn in his back, and immediately drew back his spear to block it.

"Kang Dang!" The sound of metal delivery resounded in Wang Buchao's ears. Wang Buchao frowned and looked at Yue Fei in front of him. Buchao is famous all over the world, kill you two today, my name, Wang Buchao, will be resounded all over the world! Yue Fei! Watch me take your head!"

"Niu Gao escorted Yu Yunwen down to the city! Hurry up!" Yue Fei shouted angrily, and swept the Liquan gun in his hand across the ground, forcing Wang Buchao to back up again and again, not daring to make a move easily, Yue Fei stared at Wang Buchao fiercely.

"Okay!" Niu Gao grabbed Yu Yunwen, swung the iron whip in his hand left and right, and pulled Yu Yunwen down the city wall abruptly.

Yu Yunwen was forcibly arranged by Niu Gao, and angrily scolded: "Niu Gao, you reckless man! Let go of me! This old man will live and die with Wang Ye! Let go!"

However, Niu Gao pretended to be deaf and dumb, completely ignoring Yu Yunwen's intentions, and pulled Yu Yunwen off the city wall with all his strength, and found two brave soldiers to take Yu Yunwen to the east city.

"Niu Gao... You reckless... Reckless... Put me down... Niu...!" Yu Yunwen's shout shook, and Niu Gao grinned and said, "Master Yu! You can't blame me, if you want Blame the general! Hehe!"

Niu Gao smiled, looking simple and desolate. Hearing the shouts of killing from the mountains outside the city like a tsunami, Niu Gao put away the expression of laughing just now and changed into a dark and solemn face. He jumped up with his whip and shouted angrily: " Come with me!"

After speaking, Niu Gao rushed up the city wall and continued to join the endless shouting and killing positions.

"Death!" Yue Fei yelled angrily, and stepped forward immediately. The Liquan Spear in his hand swept up and down, and five spear flowers were drawn out, like five tiger soul-breaking spears, hitting two inches up and three inches down, sweeping up and down, attacking and defending both.

Wang Buchao only felt that it was extremely difficult, he looked straight at Yue Fei's marksmanship, and took three steps back in succession, using retreat as an advance, holding the black iron zhangba snake spear in both hands, concentrating his strength with momentum, and the veins on his arms burst out violently , like a scarlet red light, suddenly shouted angrily: "Sting!"

"Ding, Wang Buchao's veteran attribute activates. For every local general who is one year younger than him, Wang Buchao's force value will be increased by 1, up to a maximum of [-] points!"

"Ding, Yue Fei is 42 years old this year, and Wang Buchao is 53 years old this year. The current force value of Wang Buchao is 11 points, Wang Buchao's basic force value is 99 points, the black iron Zhangba snake spear's force value is increased by 1, and the current force value is 111 points! "

"Whoosh!" Wang Buchao prepared a blow, holding the black iron Zhangba Snake Spear with both hands, and stabbed out suddenly, first breaking Yue Fei's two phantom spear flowers, and shattering them.

Yue Fei's eyes became colder, and the corners of his mouth became colder, and he immediately shouted angrily: "Break!"

"Ding, Yue Fei's Martial Saint attribute activates, and his force value instantly increases by 10, Yue Fei's basic force value is 101, Liquan Spear's force value is increased by 1, and Yue Fei's current force value is 111"

"Ding, Yue Fei's spear attribute is activated, using a spear-shaped weapon, the force value is increased by 7, and Yue Fei's current force is 118!"

"嗖...嗖嗖...!" The cold spear was brilliant, Wang Buchao's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly swung his spear to block it, but he felt that the spear was pierced repeatedly. The silver spear in Yue Fei's hand changed from five extensions to six spear shadows, He left six spear shadows and bloody mouths on Wang Buchao's body.

"Cough cough... cough cough!" The corner of Wang Buchao's mouth suddenly coughed, with a trace of blood, his pupils shrank suddenly, and the spear and gun in Yue Fei's hand was like a six-armed Nezha, causing Wang Buchao to miss again and again , will die here at any time.

"Break!" Yue Fei yelled angrily, holding guns in both arms, looking at the Qin soldiers constantly appearing around, Yue Fei yelled angrily: "Kill!"

"Ding, the first attribute of Yue Fei's martial arts is activated, and the personal force value is increased by 10. Currently, Yue Fei's force value is 128!"

"Liuhe Big Spear!" Yue Fei's body was like thunder, and Yue Fei's six battle guns burst out with endless killing intent. Scarlet blood appeared in front of Wang Buchao's eyes. No!"

"Whoo... whoosh... whoosh... whoosh... whoosh... whoosh!"

The six gun flowers were as broken as Wang Buchao's armor, like blooming flowers from the other side, Yue Fei retracted his gun and returned, like a crescent moon, kicked out suddenly, Wang Buchao flew out of the sky immediately, fell from the city wall, smashed heavily On the van under the city gate, blood overflowed from the corner of Wang Buchao's mouth, and the soldiers who were attacking the city with all their strength looked terrified.

Wang Jian, who was watching the battle, looked at the battlefield. Although the Qin army had climbed the city wall, it had been half an hour and there was still no movement. , slipped down the city, and the Yuezi army flag stood proudly on the city wall again.

Wang Jian's two pale eyes flashed coldly, his side was a little tangled, listening to the noise outside, Wang Jian tightly grasped the horsewhip.

"General!" Sima Yi stared at the miserable situation on the city wall, and came to Wang Jian's side and said, "General! Don't attack anymore, the soldiers suffered heavy casualties!"

"Casualties have to be paid after all. We can afford the casualties now, but time can't last. If we don't win the Han army, we will really be too late when Han Yi's reinforcements arrive!" Wang Jian said here , frowning involuntarily, and immediately looked at Yang Duanhe behind him, and shouted angrily: "Continue to send more troops! Kill the city wall and crush the Han army!"

"Report!" Zhou Dewei rode a horse, held up the command flag in his left hand, and said solemnly: "Generals Ding Tianqing and Wang Buchao died in battle! Don't...!"

"Shut up!" Wang Jian yelled angrily, looked at the general behind him and said, "Whoever shakes the morale of the army will die!"

"Whoosh!" Wang Jian pulled out the saber at his waist, the sun shone on the sharp sword, and the reflected light hit Wang Jian's cheek. Wang Jian stared at the city wall that seemed to be graffitied, and angrily shouted: "The old man goes into battle himself!"

"Old general...don't...old general...!" Everyone's complexion changed when they heard this, and they hurriedly stopped Wang Jian.

"Go away! Take this city and open the way for the king. Don't be afraid of the old man's life! Go!" After Wang Jian said, he turned and rode on the horse, and the flag of Wang Zishuai behind him kept moving forward.

The surrounding Qin generals raised their eyes and saw Wang Jian's army flag with the character of Wang constantly moving forward. Several generals looked shocked, and immediately said: "What's going on!"

"The general personally attacked the city! Generals, hurry up and prepare for battle!"

"The general personally attacked the city! Generals, hurry up and prepare for battle!"

"The general personally attacked the city! Generals, hurry up and prepare for battle!"

The messengers rode on war horses, constantly shuttling back and forth in the battle formation, announcing the current situation back and forth. Many generals and soldiers looked shocked, and the main general personally attacked the city, which was simply unheard of.

"Brothers! Let's not let the old general look down on us, follow me to kill!" A veteran of the Southern and Northern Wars held a saber and urged his horse to charge forward.

"The old general is in danger, all the soldiers follow me to protect the old general!" The people behind shouted angrily.

The morale of the Qin army was high, and the voices of screaming and killing were everywhere. The dense Qin army was climbing towards the city wall, like a creeping tiger that grew rapidly. The scalp was numb, Yue Fei frowned, and swept his hands. , Qin troops were everywhere, flooding the entire city wall of the west city like a tide.

"Oops." Zhang Xian looked at Qin Jun, who was climbing up, and frowned. Wang Ben looked at Zhang Xian who was distracted, and said with a strange smile at the corner of his mouth: "You still dare to be distracted when you meet me, look at the sword!"

"Swipe!" The sword was thrown away again, Zhang Xian's complexion flickered, and he quickly raised his halberd to block, but at this moment Wang Ben smiled even more weirdly and presumptuously, and cut down with a sword, directly grabbing Zhang Xian's throat.

"Oops..." Zhang Xian's alarm bell rang in his heart, he felt as if he was facing an abyss, and immediately retreated quickly, narrowly dodging the sword in front of him, but a wound was cut on his shoulder, and blood overflowed Zhang Xian gritted his teeth in pain, and didn't dare to be distracted at the moment, so he played a trick of exploring the sea, forcing Wang Ben back half a step, then turned around hurriedly, left in front of Wang Ben, and hurried to Yue Fei, with a solemn look on his face Said: "General! I can't stand it anymore."

Yue Fei's face was serious at the moment, with a few strands of hair hanging down his forehead, showing his fatigue and anxiety. Looking at the soldiers under his command who were fighting hard, Yue Fei knew that it would be useless if this went on, so he immediately shouted angrily: "Get down the city wall, hurry up! "

"Withdraw!" Zhang Xian shouted angrily in a hurry, and many soldiers retreated from the city wall in an orderly manner. After breaking a part, the remaining soldiers and horses quickly descended from the city wall. They did not panic, but gathered under the city wall.

Yue Fei scanned the bloody soldiers one by one, and Yue Fei shouted angrily: "Evacuate Wang Ye!"

"General! We can still hold on!"

"Yes! We can still defend!"

Many soldiers were filled with righteous indignation, and they still expressed their inner grievances. Yue Fei smiled on his resolute face, pressed the sword in his arms, and shouted angrily: "Who said we won't guard! Yue Yun will leave the rest to you. The rest follow me out of the city to prepare for battle!"

"No!" Everyone didn't know what kind of medicine Yue Fei bought in the gourd, but they knew that there was going to be a big battle, and soldiers took obeying orders as their bounden duty.

Tens of thousands of troops fled the city in a file, and the Qin army took over Wangye City. Yu Di, Zhu Xie, Guan Chong, Dang Jin, Zhou Chang, and Zhou Ke stared at Wang Ye like wolves who had loosened their rope. Inside the city, as soon as they entered the city, these six people were like hungry wolves, constantly sweeping the house, as if they wanted to search for wealth.

Yue Yun, who had been shooting all the way on the city wall, suddenly waved his hand, and tens of thousands of archers ambushed on the east wall suddenly lit fire and fired arrows.

"Crackling...cracking..." The blood and flames continued to transpire and burn, sweeping across the entire East City in an instant, and the North City and South City were also constantly burning with flames. In addition, today's small wind was whistling, and the wind took advantage of the fire to burn tens of thousands of Qin soldiers. defeated.

Yu Di, Zhu Xie, and Guan Chong had just arrived in Nancheng. They wanted to search for oil and water, but they didn't find a single commoner. Frustrated, they just went out, but they were already surrounded by a sea of ​​flames. Countless people's lives were lost, and the whole city suddenly cried out.

Yue Yun took advantage of the chaos to cover up the killing, and the Qin army's formation was disrupted. Six people were either killed by random arrows or burned to death by the sea of ​​fire. None of them returned, and a total of 3 people were buried in the sea of ​​fire.

(End of this chapter)

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