Warring States Call

Chapter 1952 Chapter 1961: Prepare

Chapter 1952 Chapter One Thousand 960 One Precautions

Wang Jian's hundreds of thousands of troops rushed into Wangye City. There was a smell of burnt, blood, and smoke from burning wood in the air. From time to time, soldiers held the swords in their arms and kept vigilant around them to prevent the killer from appearing in the next second. Come out.

"Father!" Wang Ben stood directly in front of Wang Jian, putting his sword back into its sheath, and the cloak on his back moved automatically without wind, his resolute cheeks were full of solemnity, as if he would explode at any time.

Wang Jian looked at his son, sized up the surrounding ruins, and said in a hoarse voice, "How is the situation!"

"Thirty thousand soldiers will not survive! These six trash..." Wang Ben cursed furiously in front of Cui Qianyou, completely disregarding the generals who surrendered from Liang Kingdom.

Cui Qianyou's face turned pale, but there was nothing he could do. He had to bow his head under the eaves, but he secretly remembered Wang Ben's words in his heart. When anger accumulated to a certain point, it would eventually explode.

Wang Jian wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked back at Zhou Dewei and said, "The total casualties add up, how many are there?"

"More than 3 people died in the siege, and 2 of them were already disabled. Adding these 3, there will be [-] soldiers who will not be able to continue fighting this time!" Zhou Dewei's face was serious, and he couldn't help but hurry up when he finished speaking. The hilt of the sword in his hand, it seemed that the situation of the battle made his heart bleed a little.

"How about the casualties of the Han army!" Wang Jian said indifferently, standing with his hands behind his back.

"Beheaded more than 1 enemy soldiers, but did not capture a single one...!" Zhou Dewei said here, without recalling the scene just now, thousands of Qin soldiers surrounded dozens of Han soldiers, no matter what They did not lay down their weapons until the last moment of the surrender, which surprised and puzzled Zhou Dewei.

"Alas!" Wang Jian sighed and scratched his forehead helplessly. He had expected this casualty, but he thought it was worth it, because Wang Jian could use his strength in the next step, making it impossible for Yue Fei to look after him head to tail.

"Great general! Awesome!" With a majestic voice, Ying Zheng stood with his hands behind his back, staring at Wang Jian with a smile, with a smile in his eyes, obviously very satisfied with Wang Jian's performance,

"Chen Wang Jian sees the king" Wang Jian was about to kneel down, but Ying Zheng stepped forward to support him, patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and said indifferently: "The old general has made such an incomparable contribution. Come celebrate with me!"

"This achievement is not made by the minister... but by the soldiers who are buried here!" Wang Jian's eyes were full of tears, and he knelt down with a plop, his eyes filled with endless sorrow.

Ying Zheng looked at the corpses all around, his eyes that were shining brightly were shining with brilliance, Ying Zheng didn't say anything, and shouted: "Great Qin Wannian!"

"Great Qin Wannian! Great King Wannian!"

"Great Qin Wannian! Great King Wannian!"

"Great Qin Wannian! Great King Wannian!"

The sound of mountain shouting and tsunami resounded in Wangye City. Yue Fei, who was coming, looked back at dusk, holding the Liquan Spear tightly in his palm, staring at Wangye City with tiger eyes, and there seemed to be endless fighting intent in his heart. After a while, Yue Fei said indifferently: "Sooner or later, I will conquer the lost ground! Just wait!"

The news of Wang Ye's fall came, Yue Fei's 32 defeated troops retreated towards Yangdi, and Han Sizhong feared that Zhou Wang would lose, so he escorted [-] members of Zhou Wang's family to Chang'an overnight to avoid being captured by Ying Zheng.

When the news of Yue Fei's defeat came, the entire Chang'an was in an uproar. Some people thought that Yue Fei was timid to fight and retreated without fighting. Killing an enemy whose casualties are several times that of one's own should be rewarded.

Qiankun Palace
On the resplendent palace, twenty red pillars correspond to each other. In the center of the palace, there are three big characters of Qiankun Palace, which can be said to be like a dragon and a snake, vigorous and powerful, just like the branches of an ancient tree.

Han Yi was sitting on the throne, looking old-fashioned, Han Yi played with the jade Chan in his hand without fear, without any appearance of a wise king, he was a cynical and stupid king.

The military generals and civil servants below were dying of anxiety. According to the usual Han Yi, he had already sent troops to destroy the Qin State at this moment, so he was still sitting here as motionless as a mountain.

According to the usual development, Han Yi will inevitably tell them first that he wants to conquer in person, and they are hypocritically dissuading them, forcing Lu Su to squeeze out money like toothpaste for the army to set off, but today it feels like everything is against him. coming.

The ministers of His Highness were anxious like ants on a hot pot, walking back and forth, listening to the battle report sent back by the scouts, Cheng Yu, who was the Minister of the Ministry of War, couldn't bear it any longer, and immediately cupped his hands and said: "My lord! Send troops quickly! And punish Yue Fei for retreating without fighting!"

"Master Cheng Yu, this statement is wrong! Although General Yue Fei retreated, he fought back and killed [-] soldiers of the Qin State. Isn't this a great contribution?" Jia Fu and Yue Fei still had some friendship, so they immediately came forward to clarify for Yue Fei .

"It's nonsense! How can Qin's [-] soldiers be compared with Wang Yecheng!" Cheng Yu suddenly waved his sleeves, pointed at Jia Fu and said, "Don't you know the importance of Wang Yecheng? How many times have you fought, the Three Jins, the Seven Kingdoms, and Changping are not like this, Wang Ye fell, and the country was exposed to the Qin army! Our country is in danger..."

"Bullshit!" Han Ming, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly opened his eyes at this moment, staring at Cheng Yu with tiger eyes, and the coercion around him was crushed towards Cheng Yu. Han Ming put his hands in his sleeves and said, "Yue Fei is guarding the border for dozens of If he loses today, is it necessary to erase his decades of achievements? One hundred thousand soldiers and horses, against the enemy's 50 troops, and beheaded more than [-] people, I will give you one hundred thousand soldiers and horses, can you Can you do it?"

Han Ming opened his mouth for the first time, and he also said a lot of things. Looking at Han Ming's expression, his face was just angry. Everyone knew that His Highness was really angry, otherwise he would not have erupted.

"Your Highness, we all know that you have a good relationship with Yue Yun. In order to avoid suspicion, don't excuse General Yue Fei!" Li Si said inappropriately at this moment.

"You're threatening me!" Han Ming stared at Li Si with a pair of tiger eyes, murderous intent emerged all over his body, and he suddenly stepped forward. Wei Yi still made him grit his teeth and ask Han Ming, "Does the Fourth Highness want to do something?"

"Hmph! Do you think I dare not?" Han Ming strode forward after speaking, as if he wanted to beat up Li Si on the spot.

"Presumptuous!" Han Yi, who hadn't spoken for a long time, scolded, looked at Han Ming, and said in a cold voice: "The matter of Yue Fei has not yet been settled. How can you disturb me here!"

Han Yi was reminding Han Ming from the side not to be impulsive, otherwise it would only complicate things, so Han Ming returned to his original position unhappily, without any intention of holding Han Yi.

A black line appeared on Han Yi's forehead, what happened to him?

Li Dun breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and glanced at Han Ming from the corner of his eye, only to see Han Ming staring at him, as if warning him, not to beat you now, but to deal with you after leaving the palace gate.

Li Si couldn't laugh or cry, it was just a play, as for being so serious, it was really a disaster.

Yue Fei could actually guard Wang Ye, but Han Yi secretly ordered Yue Fei to give up Wang Ye, and Li Si and Cheng Yu's attack now was specially approved by Han Yi, in order to arouse the emotions of the people of the country and prepare for the next big war Unexpectedly, Han Ming bumped into the muzzle of the gun.

Some smart people, who didn't see Han Xin, Wu Qi and other generals in court, must know Han Yi's intentions in their hearts, and they didn't say anything.

"My lord! Please punish Yue Fei!" Cheng Yu looked upright, as if waiting for Han Yi to make a decision.

"Yue Fei lost Wang Ye, this is a crime, but he killed 6 people in the Qin State, but his own side suffered relatively small losses. , don’t be negligent, let Han Ming be the envoy, and go to reward the sergeant with a thousand pigs and sheep!”

"Promise!" Han Ming heard that Han Yi was going to reward the three armies, and immediately surrendered his hands, and the anger in his heart subsided a lot.

Han Yi scratched his forehead, looked around at the civil servants and generals, and said calmly: "Qin's wolf is ambitious, and wants to divide the lonely land! Wang Ye is lost, dear friends! What should we do now?"

"Your Majesty! The Qin State is coming very aggressively this time, and our country has suffered a lot in the battle to the south. I suggest that we stop our troops and make peace." Pang Tong seemed to have understood Han Yi's thoughts, and immediately pretended to agree, clearing the way for Han Yi.

Han Yi stared at him with a pair of black eyes, looking at this black fat rub, Han Yi knew that he had understood his intentions, sure enough!It's convenient to talk to smart people.

And some ministers who were buried in the drum criticized Pang Tong verbally and threatened that he would kill him to sacrifice the flag. Guo Jia and Wang Meng fished in troubled waters in the middle, copying the atmosphere of the whole court in full swing. Finally, Han Yi announced the end of the army and announced his withdrawal from the court. .

And those civil servants who saw Han Yi's intentions were all kept by Gao Lishi one by one, and invited into the study.

Han Yi leaned lazily on the chair, and there were people like Pang Tong, Xi Zhicai, and Xun You sitting below him. As for Si Xiang, he could naturally see it, but Han Yi didn't plan to talk to them in detail, after all, he played with these people in the palm of his hand. In the meantime, this kind of firm sense of control still makes Han Yi feel lighter.

"Your Majesty!" Pang Tong chuckled, as if he saw Han Yi clearly.

The surrounding ministers were not so exaggerated, and all of them showed dignified expressions. Xi Zhicai covered the corner of his mouth and coughed violently: "My lord! Your stall is too big, I'm afraid it will be difficult to collect the net later. !"

Han Yi glanced at the weak Xi Zhicai, looked at everyone, and then smiled and said: "Wang Jian is a famous general in the world, and one of Qin's two arms. Now that Bai Qi has died in battle, Qin has become a one-armed man." Warrior, as long as Wang Jian is killed, Qin will no longer have a general who can stand alone, and it will be easy to attack Qin!"

"Wang Jian is as cunning as a fox. Your Majesty, be careful. Once this person finds out, all the hard work of the past few days will be in vain!" Will come back.

Han Yi pinched the beard at the corner of his mouth, stared at Xun You, scratched his hair, and said, "Xun You! What can you do?"

"My lord! I suggest that your majesty prepare a second plan. Even if the 40 Qin elite cannot be trapped and killed, Wang Jian must be killed here," Xun You said solemnly.

"Let's talk!" Han Yi flicked his sleeves, staring at Xun You with great interest.

"My minister minds that the king ambushed two army horses, aiming directly at Wang Jian." Xun You looked at Han Yi with a solemn expression.

"I know it!" Han Yi nodded, and after discussing with the crowd, Han Yi also generally understood, and then everyone withdrew.

The sun shone through the screen window into the hall. Han Yi took a sip of tea and said solemnly, "Tell Deng Yu and Wu Han to stare at Wang Jian to death, Huo Qubing, Zhao Yun to mobilize tiger and leopard riders, and Bai Mayi to wander around. Their target is only Wang Jian. , no matter what, under any circumstances, don't act rashly, unless there is a possibility of killing Wang Jian!"

"No!" Gao Lishi wrote down Han Yi's instructions one by one, and then slowly retreated.

Han Yi stared at the map in front of him, his eyes were a little hollow, and he stroked his beard. Han Yi's face was serious, and he was even a little anxious. After all, the situation he had created was too big, and he was not sure. This might be a gamble.

it's already april
Wang Jian's army divided into three groups, and they went straight to Yangzhaihe, Zhoudi and Chenxian respectively, and it seemed that they wanted to go straight to Chang'an.

The three armies encountered strong counterattacks from Yue Fei and others respectively, and the people in the country were outraged, threatening to send troops to destroy Qin everywhere. The reactions of different places were quite different. The resistance forces in the south began to move around, but because Han Yi sent people Elite soldiers and strong generals and capable ministers and officials, most of these people were unable to stir up too much trouble, and they were taken down almost before they did anything. Yi also took the initiative to recruit the elite soldiers and generals of the original southern hostile forces, and formed the Zhennan Army to go north.

This considerable force still needs to be in his own hands to be at ease. Han Yi doesn’t want to catch fire behind his back. This power must be in his hands. In the future, Han Yi will transfer them to the north to guard the frontier. It is impossible. Send them back to the Southland at once, or it will cause turmoil.

The people in Zheng, Zhou, Song and other places who were annexed by Han Yi first, have been at ease for too long, and do not want to go back to the days when the war was raging, so they have joined the army to defend their homes and the country. Part of the reason is that the war is about to spread. to my hometown.

However, Lu Qi Dadi is nothing to do with himself, and he still lives his own lazy life. He eats and drinks enough, and only discusses this war when he has nothing to do. As for the children of Qi State, they are all dead. All the nobles in the royal palace of the Lu Kingdom were firmly controlled by Han Yi, and they dared to kill without mercy.

The flames of war spread, but the rear of Yingzheng was not stable. As Wang Jian's army went deep, the land of Shu began to be restless. Zhang Lu began to publicize his Five Dou of Rice Religion. As long as you pay five Dou of rice, you can join the sect , accepting the protection of teachings, and Zhang Lu's power is also growing rapidly and becoming stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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