Warring States Call

Chapter 1953 Chapter 1962: Sending generals

Chapter 1953 Chapter 960 Chapter Two

Qin State Shu

Since Ba and Shu were attacked and killed by Wang Jian, decades of peaceful days have passed. Many people have forgotten the past national hatred and family hatred, and have become the subjects of Qin State with peace of mind. But this year's Shu State is It is not peaceful. First, there are frequent locust plagues, and flood damage is also increasing. In the past, there was a winning government, and it was effective from top to bottom, which could quickly calm the disaster. , At least there were Lu Buwei and Baili Xi who sat down to appease, and Shang Yang corrected and issued heavy laws, which suppressed the turmoil in Bashu.

The negative emotions of the people in Bashu are increasing rapidly. From time to time, there are bandits and bandits fleeing. With the favorable location and harmonious conditions, the Five Dou Rice Sect began to grow continuously, sweeping Badi completely.

And Xin Qiji also became Zhang Lu's confidant, under the pseudonym of Hard Work, he prepared food, money and soldiers for Zhang Lu. In just half a month, Zhang Lu had armed 3 soldiers and horses.

Most of these 3 people are mobs, and Zhang Lu also knows that they are useless, but for his own hegemony, Zhang Lu recruits talents, selects generals from among the dwarfs, and constantly promotes talents in the military camp, such as Zhang Da and Xin Qiji , The two of them worked together, constantly training armored soldiers, promoting talents, and at the same time inviting heroes from all walks of life to join the teaching.

In the remaining half a month, Du Yu and Ai Zi of the Shu Kingdom each led two or three thousand bandits to seek refuge with Zhang Lu. At the same time, Zhang Lu also actively recruited the surrounding bandits. There are 30 soldiers and horses, all of whom are well-equipped, and a total of [-] people have joined the religion at the same time, and this number is still rising, sweeping the entire Shu area.

Zhang Lu's rapid development naturally attracted the attention of Baili Xi and the other six. At the moment, in the prime minister's mansion, six people were sitting together, looking at the bamboo slips in their hands, all of them frowned a lot. Good feeling.

Fan Sui caressed the goatee on his chin, handed the bamboo slips in his hand to Lu Buwei on the left, and said solemnly: "The Five Dou Rice Sect must not be left to develop, or the land of Shu will be divided!"

"Currently all the elite soldiers in the country have been thrown into the battlefield of Wangye, and it is hard to defeat Wangye. The king will never withdraw troops easily, and we can't act rashly." Gan Mao pointed out the current predicament directly, with a dignified expression, and raised the side case He took a sip of the clear water on his glass and moistened his throat.

"A soldier of 3 people can be gathered in the country, and it is enough to deal with this soldier. What do you think?" Lu Buwei squinted his eyes with a dignified look, but his eyes were full of killing intent. It was a strategy he had thought about for a long time. He thought that if he continued to stop, he would be subject to chaos. It would be better to attack and kill the enemy army by surprise.

"No!" Bailixi stopped him, pointed to the map and said, "War on the two fronts would be a great burden to the country, so it's better to absorb them. What Zhang Lu wants is nothing more than wealth and status. Just seal him off." Wouldn't it be better to absorb the soldiers and horses in his hands and transfer them to the front line for the king's use!"

"This plan is good! But it's too ideal. According to the old man's suggestion, prepare with both hands and recruit first. If they don't agree, take down this beast with lightning speed. If the internal troubles are not eliminated, how can we fight the outside world!" Shang Yang's eyes were fierce, as if Zhang Lu's life and death were in his hands, crushing him was like crushing an ant.

"Very good!" The other five people nodded one by one, everyone looked at each other, Fan Sui said: "This time, let's send Xu You and Guo Tu! They can't live for free in our country of Qin!"

None of the other five people objected, and they all nodded in agreement. In their opinion, these two bereaved dogs are really of no use. It would be better to send them away first.

The two men received the order and immediately set off overnight, the carts and horses behind them were full of rewards, at the same time Zhou Dexing and Luo Yanqing were both leading the army and were only waiting for news from Guo Tu.

Inside the Spring Breeze Pavilion
Xin Qiji was drinking tea, holding a cup in his hand, took a sip of the wine, a little drunk in his eyes, looked at Nie Zheng who was sitting opposite and holding a sword, and said with a shallow smile: "Relax, I finally rested. But it’s hard to be free today!”

"There are frequent battles on the front line, and you still have the heart to drink here. You really have a big heart!" Nie Zheng's hair hanging down covered his handsome face, as if he was still holding a pipa half-hidden, giving people a feeling of wanting to find out. desire, from time to time there are women from the Shu area waiting and watching downstairs.

The folk customs in Shu are tough, and the women are bold and fearless. From time to time, a few women take a fancy to Nie Zheng's beautiful face and threaten to give birth to monkeys for him.

Nie Zheng's ears were red, and he could only sit back on the seat opposite Xin Qiji unhappily. He looked at Xin Qiji stepping on the chair, looking like a bandit, and frowned involuntarily, but he didn't say anything.

"My lord!" He shouted, and then he saw a man with an earthy face approaching, with a respectful expression, he handed the bamboo slips in both hands to Xin Qiji.

Xin Qiji took the bamboo slips casually, glanced around, threw the bamboo slips in his hand to Nie Zheng, casually spat out the date pit in his mouth, and said indifferently, "I'll leave it to you."

Nie Zheng casually glanced at the bamboo slips below, got up suddenly and left with everyone, Xin Qiji's meaning was already very clear, not to leave any one behind, only in this way can the conflict between Zhang Lu and Qin be aroused.

Zhang Lu is indecisive and has no great talent. When he makes a decision, he will definitely be coerced and lured by the Qin State. It is better for him to do nothing and force him into the opposite of the Qin State. Only in this way, they will gain The chances of winning will be greater.

Nie Zheng got off the Spring Wind Pavilion and began to rush towards Shiling, where it would become a place to bury bones.

Shiling, the two banks are like cliffs, hundreds of feet high, and there are many jungles on it, like weeds. Now it is scorching sun, like a stove, making people sweat profusely.

Guo Tu wiped the sweat from his forehead and temples, looked at the scenery of Shiling, with a bitter smile in his eyes, cursing in his mouth, "Why did this hard work fall on you and me? It's really annoying!"

Xu You sat on the carriage, untied the water bottle on his waist, took a sip of water, looked at Qin Bing who was holding a lupine beside him, and shouted angrily, "Strengthen!"

That Qin Bing was obviously a veteran who was good at wandering around. He nodded to Xu You repeatedly, but his arms increased, and he scolded Xu You half to death in his heart.

Nie Zheng stared at the slow-moving Qin army below. There were more than 300 men and horses, all panting and exhausted, pushing the carriage forward. Nie Zheng held a cold arrow and shouted angrily: " kill!"

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" The cold arrows fell like rain, the sword's edge was like snow, and cold light burst out everywhere.

"Crack, crack, bump, bump!" The Bana flowers bloomed around the soldiers of the Qin State like blood, and the scalps of those who watched felt numb. In an instant, 37 people died on the spot and 28 were injured.

"Enemy attack! Hurry up! Defend! Hurry up!" Guo Tu was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he hurriedly hid behind the surrounding soldiers. Waving the sharp sword in his hand, knocking off the cold arrows that came flying, his expression looked dignified.

"Death!" Nie Zheng was like a wolf entering a flock of sheep. The sharp sword in his hand cut up and down, like a Shura killing a life. Although the surrounding Qin soldiers were brave, most of them were stronger than ordinary soldiers. Facing the assassin Nie Zheng , but there is no way.

The soldiers' moves were all open and closed, and everything was to take people's lives, and the silver sword in Nie Zheng's hand swung up and down, all of which were to take people's weaknesses.

"This... this...!" Many soldiers all showed fear on their faces, and stepped back one after another. Their eyes were full of arrogance, and they dropped their weapons one after another, turned around and left without hesitation.

Xu You's expression changed drastically, and he immediately wanted to get out of the car and run away. As soon as he got out of the car, he wanted to run away, but there was a sharp sword placed in his throat, which made people feel like a thorn in his back. With a crying voice, he kept begging for mercy: "Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

"Trash!" The brawny man who controlled Xu You cursed angrily, slapped him on the face, and shouted angrily, telling him to be quiet.

Xu You was too frightened to move, and knelt on the ground, not even daring to make a sound.

"Kill him!" Nie Zheng put his sword back into its sheath and said indifferently as he passed by Guo Tu and Xu You.

"Promise!" The soldiers under his command got the order and started their hands one after another. In an instant, two good men's heads rolled down, and the blood stained the blood under their feet.

Nie Zheng sneered indifferently, and casually left a bloody cloth on the bodies of the two: "Murderer! Zhang Luye!"

The measurement of framing is too rough and nonsense, as long as it is a person, it can be seen that this is a superficial trick.

The news traveled back to Xianyang, and the six poems gathered here, Lu Buwei laughed and said: "This is not Han Yi's method, I don't believe it even if I kill him!"

"Whether it's Han Yi's method or not, Zhang Lu must be destroyed, otherwise it will always be a confidant's trouble, and at the same time, we must implement the method of joint sitting, otherwise it will be difficult to control Bashu!" Shang Yang directly put forward his opinion, and the other five people nodded secretly , They all agree with this matter, and the starting point of comparing them is to consider Qin.

"Yes!" Gan Mao said in a hoarse voice, stroking his beard, and said for a while: "Let's wait for the battle report from the front line!"

"Second General Luo Yanqing doesn't know if he can fight against the Han army, let's see!" Everyone frowned secretly, and could only wait and see the situation in Bashu.

The news of Tianji was transmitted to Chang'an half a month ago. Han Yi only saw the underground secret letter of Tianji in the past few days. After sweeping up and down, Han Yi shook his head. The wind and waves can't be lifted, and it seems that I still need to support myself slowly.

Naturally, Han Yi also learned about the situation in the Shu land. Fighting against the Qin army with Zhang Lu's strength is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg. Han Yi rubbed his wrist and said in a low voice, "Let the two generals, Ge Congzhou and Zhang Guiba, enter the palace! "

"No!" Gao Lishi nodded and lowered his eyebrows. He didn't know why Han Yi summoned the two of them suddenly, but he followed Han Yi's instructions.

The time of half a stick of incense came. Zhang Guiba and Ge Cong both entered the main hall on Tuesday. Both of them were in military uniform, with dust and sweat on their faces. It was obvious that both of them were training soldiers and horses. When they came to the main hall, The whole person was quite restrained and uncomfortable, looking at Han Yi with a look of awe and nervousness in his eyes.

Both are generals, Han Yi has forgotten the four-dimensionality of the two of them, he only knows that these two are generals.

Han Yi glanced at the two of them up and down, looking at the restrained bodies of the two, Han Yi smiled indifferently: "Don't be restrained, sit down!"

The two looked around the main hall, but they didn't find any benches, and sat on the ground directly. Han Yi didn't care, and came directly in front of the two of them, just like them, sitting directly on the ground. The two of them saw that Han Yi was so talkative. relax.

"At the moment when the country is really employing people, the two of you are alone needed to help one of them resist Qin. As long as the enemy is defeated, both of you will be the first ministers!" Han Yi picked up the bamboo slips he had written earlier and handed them over. .

The faces of the two were moved. This was an opportunity for meritorious service. The two of them would not give up. After taking a look at the bamboo slips that Han Yi arrived, the general situation was that the two went to pretend to join Zhang Lu to help him resist the Qin army and share the burden. Pressure on the front lines.

"You two's family members can be sent to Chang'an, and all of your sons can be sent to the Prince's Mansion as retainers. After the matter is completed, the title will not be a problem!" Han Yi looked at the two and began to make promises to them.

Both of them felt trembling in their hearts. The title of marquis was the second priority. Their sons would be servants of the dragon when they entered the prince's mansion. In the future, Han Chen's succession to the throne would be two generations of glory at least. The two of them could also leave their status as generals After all, there are too many generals in the Han army. They don't have the ability to help Ma Chao, and they don't have the opportunity like Yuan Chonghuan. Now the opportunity is in front of the two of them, so how can they let go of this opportunity.

"Your servant must be shrouded in horse leather! Repay him with death!" The two bowed down without hesitation.

"Well! You two remember! We must gather Zhang Lu's soldiers and horses and prepare for the future!" Han Yi's words are obvious. It is the two of you who control Zhang Lu's soldiers and horses to prepare for the future conquering of Bashu.

Both of them were not fools, they clasped their hands together and said, "This subordinate understands!"

Han Yi nodded with a smile, took out a kit and said, "When you arrive at Huting in Bashu eight days later, there will be no one to take you into Shu, and someone will recommend you to be generals under Zhang Lu. I believe you are all capable." , don't disappoint Gu.

"No!" The two nodded, exchanged a few words with Han Yi, and then went home to transport the family to Chang'an.

Han Yi watched the back of the two leaving, and looked at the setting sun, Han Yi smiled indifferently: "Ying Zheng! Let me see how you turned around! This battle! Gu must win!"

(End of this chapter)

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