Warring States Call

Chapter 1954 Chapter 1963: Puyang

Chapter 1954 Chapter One Thousand 960 Three Puyang

Zhang Lu was sitting in the main seat. He was a bit fat, full of fat and big ears, but he still had some dignified appearance. He was seven feet long. He sat on the seat with an angry expression on his face.

His Highness stood with two people, the one on the left was named Zhang Da, who was Zhang Lu's younger brother, and the one on the right was naturally Du Yu.

Ai Zi from outside the hall ran over in a panic and said, "The envoys sent by the Qin State are all dead, and now the two armies of the Qin State are coming to kill here."

"How could this happen!" Zhang Lu's face like a fat pig trembled, his tiger eyes stared at Ai Zi below, and he said in surprise and anger, "When did this happen!"

"No! I don't know! The State of Qin seems to have done it on purpose!" Ai Zi also spoke nonsense with his eyes open, blaming Qin State for wanting to destroy them.

"My lord! The knife is already on my neck. If I don't fight back, my lord will have no chance!" Xin Qiji looked loyal and courageous, and his voice was full of emotion.

Zhang Lu was not an indecisive person. Judging from his killing and seizing the city, this person is also very courageous, but he is bullying the weak and fearing the hard. Otherwise, he would not directly take refuge in Cao Cao, and the present state of Qin is Cao Cao in the future , Zhang Lu looked a little hesitant and entangled, unable to make up his mind for a while, looking around.

It's not that he is not decisive enough, but that he needs to think twice when facing a behemoth.

Xin Qiji had already seen Zhang Lu's concerns. If this guy really wanted to dominate the world, Xin Qiji would never attack Guo Tu and those two trashes.

"My lord! Right now, the main force of the Qin State is in Wang Ye in Han. The two countries have long been perishing. It will be difficult for the main force of the Qin State to come back. As long as we stick to the city, it will be difficult for the Qin army to go south!" Xin Qiji looked solemn, as if everything It's all under his control.

Zhang Da on the left couldn't hold back and said, "Brother! Qin Guo has already attacked the door, and we have no way out. Only by repelling them can we talk about peace. At that time, we can hope to be incorporated. If we are retreating now, we can only die!"

Zhang Da's words seemed to wake Zhang Lu up, and he realized that he has no bargaining chip now, only the qualification to bet. If he doesn't defeat the Qin army, everything will be a dream. Zhang Lu looked at Xin Qiji and said: "Xin Qiji General! How sure are you! Repel the Qin army!"

"In the past, I was only [-]% sure of defending the lord's foundation, but in recent days, we have recruited two new strong men in our army. They are all warriors with one enemy against a hundred. If the lord reuses them, they can defeat the enemy!" Xin Qiji shot He patted his chest, looking confident.

"Hey! General Xin! Some rotten sweet potatoes, rotten bird eggs, etc., don't push them up casually. Although our army is just in time for employing people, it is not a cat or a dog. Zhang San Li Si wants it." Du Yu wanted to expand his army in The strength of Zhang Lu's army, and now Zhang Lu has the idea of ​​​​expanding the army, and both of them have their eyes on it. After all, the military expenditure is limited. Zhang Lu's current money can only expand a military horse of 5000 people.

Xin Qiji and him were both eyeing each other, so the two naturally had to confront each other, but Zhang Lu was biased towards Xin Qiji, after all, he was from his own camp, but it was not good to slap Du Yu's face in public, otherwise the situation would be maintained with great difficulty. will suddenly collapse.

"Hey!" Xin Qiji smiled mischievously, lowered his head, as if he was too lazy to look at Du Yu.

"What are you laughing at?" Du Yu saw disdain in Xin Qiji's eyes, his palm had touched the saber at his waist, as if he was warning Xin Qiji not to be too arrogant, his saber could take Xin Qiji's life at any time.

"The frog at the bottom of the well!" Xin Qiji didn't say much, but confided these four words.

"I'll kill you!" A warrior sprang out from behind Du Yu, dressed in commoner clothes, tall and burly, eight and a half feet tall, with arms like apes, with a hulking back, Yanhan leopard head, and piercing eyes, At a glance, what a tiger general, he is really majestic.

This person is a general under Du Yu's command, named Ji Hong. It is rumored that he is proficient in Liuhe boxing and has beaten all opponents in the army. Even Zhang Lu's younger brother Zhang Da couldn't survive thirty rounds in his hands. , we can see this person's martial arts.

"Touch!" The futon-sized palm stretched out, like a Buddha's hand, and received Ji Hong's fist with one side, and the sound of fist and palm intersecting resounded in everyone's ears.

Only then did everyone look, and there was a nine-foot tall man standing behind Xin Qiji, with a reddish complexion, as calm as water, without causing any waves. The pan is as stable as Mount Tai, the arms are as pan-mountain, and the palm firmly grasps Ji Hong's fist, twisting it gently.

Ji Hong's complexion changed drastically in an instant, and he hurriedly used his left hand to make a fist, avoiding the incoming general's palm, staring at the incoming general with a sinking face, and shouted angrily, "Who is the incoming general! Report your name!" !"

"Good boxing!" Zhang Guiba stroked his beard, stretched out his hand at will, and eased the strength in his hand. He stared at Ji Hong with eyes like copper bells, and said with a smile, "Zhang Ba of a certain tiger pavilion!"

When they entered Shu, both Zhang Guiba and Ge Congzhou wanted to choose aliases, but both of them thought they were troublesome, so they directly changed their middle names and changed their names to Zhang Ba and Ge Zhou. catchy.

"Zhang Ba! Then I'll come and meet you." Ji Hong shouted angrily, showing Liuhe boxing, directly hitting Zhang Guiba's face, abdomen, chest, temples, throat, and joints.

"Touch!" Zhang Guiba turned his arms around, blocking Ji Hong's hand blows everywhere, then abruptly caught Ji Hong's fist, snorted, grabbed Ji Hong's wrist with one hand, and twisted it suddenly, Ji Hong was immediately twisted and screamed, screaming out of his mouth.

Zhang Guiba chuckled, stretched out his futon-sized palm, pressed his throat, and then pressed it down hard on the ground.

"Looking for death!" Du Yu's face turned pale with anger, and he wanted to draw his sword to kill Zhang Guiba, but Ge Congzhou, who hadn't made a move, picked up a bench and threw it forward, with a trace of sternness in his eyes.

"Be merciful!" Zhang Lu stepped forward to stop the two of them, but Zhang Da drew his sword and slashed at the thrown bench. It split into two halves, and then Zhang Da took Du Yu's sword head-on.

"Swoosh...hiss!" Zhang Da's scabbard was wide enough to put Du Yu's sword in the scabbard. He looked at Zhang Da with a smile and said, "Don't be impulsive, Mr. Du!"

"Hmph!" Du Yu snorted unhappily, waved his sleeves, and said with a cold expression: "Please ask the leader to rule!"

Zhang Lu still put on a smiling face, and said to the crowd: "You have also seen that these two strong men are of extraordinary skill, and they are in the face of a catastrophe, and everything should be the overall situation, how about this! This batch of armaments will be handed over first. Let Zhang Ba, Duke Du can also expand the army, as for this luggage, it will be replenished to you in the future."

"Hmph!" Du Yu was obviously reluctant, but Zhang Guiba and Ge Congzhou had received legitimate positions. They had just taken over the barracks, and Zhang Guiba was a little depressed. The old test equipment that was eliminated before was originally piled up in the warehouse and was ready to be remade, but now it appeared in Sichuan, which made the two of them have to be filled with emotion.

"Zhang Lu bought these things with real money!" Xin Qiji naturally saw the doubts of the two, and strode forward. , Immediately went down to monitor, and in an instant, everyone in the three-mile radius entered Xin Qiji's alert state.

"General Xin!" Zhang Guiba and Ge Congzhou didn't dare to neglect Han Yi and made a special confession when they arrived, asking them to obey Xin Qiji's orders.

"Although these armors are old models, I will select from them and select the armors that were previously equipped for you. You can just use them at ease. The rest is the army. The problem is that you need to train the elite with only 5000 people. Zhang Lu Except for Zhang Da’s army and me, the rest are mobs in armor!”

"Du Yu has been recruiting soldiers and horses these days, and it seems that he wants to win over the entire people in the church!" Ge Congzhou seemed to have understood the problem at hand, and said solemnly.

"These are not the point!" Xin Qiji smiled contemptuously, pointed at the map and said, "These people will only obey Zhang Lu, and others will not even think about it!"

"Train well! The Qin army will arrive soon! I will select some bloody ones from the rogues for you! As long as you train a little, you will be an elite!" Xin Qiji patted the shoulders of the two, and then walked quickly leave.

With the joint efforts of Zhang Guiba and Ge Congzhou, they pulled out a brave army in an instant, and Zhang Lu specially named them: "Ba pawn!"

With the joining of Ge Congzhou and Zhang Guiba, the first war in Shu started. Both sides suffered casualties, but the casualties were not large. Xin Qiji was sticking to the city, and Zhou Dexing was not a general. It's nothing more than consuming Qin's heritage out of thin air.

The news of Zhang Lu's rebellion spread to Xianyang, Liu Shou did not dare to conceal it, and passed the news directly to Wang Ye, Ying Zheng looked at the bamboo slips in his hand, but his brows were tightly furrowed, he was furious instantly, and swept up the things on the table with his sleeves Gu, shouted angrily: "It's all trash! Zhang Lu'er, how dare you run rampant!"

"Your Majesty!" Zhao Gao, who had been waiting by Ying Zheng's side, quickly helped Zhao Gao up and said, "Your Majesty! What's wrong with you!"

The exquisite Zhao Gao glanced at Zhu Jianjian on the ground, then withdrew his gaze, and honestly packed his bags for Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng put his hands on Wang Jian and snorted coldly, "Send Yang Duanhe and Nei Shiteng to come over!"

"No!" Zhao Gao was very panicked, but his heart was like a peaceful lake, as stable as an old dog. In his opinion, as long as it didn't concern his own wealth and life, he could directly ignore it.

Ying Zheng was still very angry in his heart at this moment, and he slapped the chair with a slap and looked staring.

Within half a stick of incense, Yang Duanhe and Nei Shiteng had already arrived in the big tent, looking at the mess everywhere, Nei Shiteng and Nei Shiteng looked at each other, knowing that things might be serious.

"Look!" Ying Zheng waved his hand to ask Zhao Gao to hand over the bamboo slips to them. Ying Zheng sat on the throne angrily. Now he was very angry. He was fighting the Han army at the moment. Ying Zheng was very uncomfortable.

Nesten pinched his beard, his heart was shaking non-stop, he seemed to think of something for a while, and finally asked tentatively: "Your Majesty! Why don't you withdraw your troops!"

Ying Zheng turned his head suddenly, his voice became much lower, and a supreme imperial coercion descended towards Nei Shi Teng like Mount Tai. Ying Zheng had his hands behind his back, his expression was indifferent, and his tone was cold: "Are you testing Gu? ?”

"I... I don't dare!" Nei Shiteng instantly sweated, blushed, knelt on the ground, his heartbeat was much faster than before, and repeatedly confessed.

"The current domestic situation is very good! We must not withdraw our troops! However, we must not let those in Shu land go!" Ying Zheng flicked his sleeves suddenly, and shouted angrily, "Nei Shi Teng! I will leave this matter to you, and I will give you three Wan Jingrui, a total of [-], take the land of Shu, or...!" Ying Zheng showed his murderous intentions at this point, with a cold light in his eyes: "See you in advance!"

"I obey!" Nesten was trembling in his heart, but after all he didn't say anything, and nodded in agreement.

At this moment, Yang Duanhe's back also felt chills. He glanced at Nei Shiteng below, and could only secretly wish her good luck.

"Nei Shiteng! Get out!" Ying Zheng waved his sleeves and ordered Nei Shiteng to go to the front line. At this moment, Yang Duanhe was really under the pressure of Ying Zheng alone, knelt on the ground and dared not speak.

Ying Zheng took a deep breath and said, "Take over the defense of Hangu Pass and ensure transportation!"

"I understand!" Where did Yang Duanhe dare to say no, and agreed directly.

Looking at the messy land, Ying Zheng left the place directly, looking at the endless sea of ​​​​hearts.

At the same time, a large amount of land in Yingchuan County was captured by Wang Jian, and the soldiers from all over the place were no match for him. Only Yue Fei stood firm in Yangdi, but Han Yi gave Yue Fei the order to evacuate Yangdi.

Although Yue Fei was very puzzled when he received this order, he could only lead many soldiers under his command to evacuate Yangdi on July 26. The people's emotions were instantly ignited. The gate of the barracks was besieged, and they shouted day and night to kill the enemy and serve the country.


In the gazebo, Gongsun Yan admired the rainy night, his face was a little dignified. According to the battle report sent by the slave, Han Yi faced several crises. : "Ling Xin!"

"Master!" Ling Xin nodded and lowered his eyebrows to Gongsunyan, looking at the grey-bearded Gongsunyan, wondering what he wanted to do.

"Pack up your bags! Go back to Chang'an! This old man wants to help the king!" Gongsun Yan's face was determined, but in the end he still couldn't let go, and still wanted to participate in this battle.

"No!" The house slave did not dare to disobey Gongsun Yan's order, so he could only prepare the carriage.

Wang Jian, who occupied Yingchuan County, was full of enthusiasm, and Ying Zheng was also very excited. He ordered Wang Jian to attack Puyang and lead directly to Chang'an.

(End of this chapter)

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