Warring States Call

Chapter 1956 Chapter 1965: Reversal

Chapter 1956 One Thousand 960 Chapter Five Reversal

A large number of soldiers in the Qin army were swept away by this kind of crossbow arrows, and the casualties continued to rise, and the casualties of the archers were several times. Wang Jian suddenly realized that the weapons in the Han army were too fierce, and the lethality was not ordinary. , Without paying a painful price, I am afraid that it will be difficult to understand the strength of the Han army. Wang Jian frowned and immediately ordered: "Withdraw the army!"

"General! This is just the beginning!" Zhou Dewei was stunned. Hearing Wang Jian's order to withdraw the troops, his expression changed drastically. He hurriedly reminded him, looked at Wang Jian's dignified cheek and said, "General! Is Your Majesty watching?"

"Withdraw!" Wang Jian seemed to have thought of something, and immediately issued a military order.

Zhou Dewei stared at Wang Jian with black eyes, finally heaved a long breath, and immediately shouted angrily: "Withdraw!"

"Woohoo ... wow!" The corner of the retreat sounded, and the Qin Guo soldiers who had just crossed the bridge could only evacuate the moat reluctantly. Instead, continue to expand the results of the battle.

"Withdraw! The Qin army retreated!" Countless soldiers of the Han army shouted in the mountains and tsunami, all showing excited expressions.

Ying Zheng, who had just arrived at Yuanmen, heard the call to retreat, turned his head involuntarily, and said solemnly, "What's going on!"

"Okay... it seems that the troops have withdrawn!" Sima Yi, who was following Ying Zheng, nodded and lowered his eyebrows, telling the truth.

"The troops have been withdrawn!" Ying Zheng's face sank like water, looking at Puyang City, Ying Zheng was a little unbelievable, his tiger eyes looked at the corner of Puyang City, Ying Zheng tightly held the sword in his arms, his expression was a little dignified, he began to recall Remember what Han Yi said to himself.

Can I really not see the dusk in Chang'an?
Ying Zheng asked himself inwardly, the pride of being the first emperor made him unable to accept the fact in front of him, or rather, he was unwilling to admit it.

Wang Jian's hundreds of thousands of troops withdrew to the barracks, but Wang Jian came to see Ying Zheng without stopping.

"Your Majesty!" Wang Jian opened the military tent and came to Yingzheng with a hurried and anxious expression. He faced Yingzheng and said, "My lord! Leave Puyang quickly and return to Chang'an! Hurry up!"

"General! What happened!" Ying Zheng looked suspicious. This general, who was as stable as Mount Tai, was a little flustered today!

"My lord!" Wang Jian took out the map in his arms, spread it out on the seat, and said solemnly: "My lord! Take a closer look, there are fierce generals in the Han army. It’s just that second-rate generals like Yue Fei and Yuan Chonghuan will consume a lot of time and opportunity for our army, if famous generals like Wu Qi and Han Xin come out together, our army will be in danger!”

"Let's just say it!" Ying Zheng quickly caught Wang Jian's conjecture, staring at the map below with tiger eyes, his face turning livid.

"Look, my lord!" Wang Jian stretched out his hand to lay out the map, and said solemnly: "The Han army may have set up a pocket around it, and once our army enters the set, they will shrink this pocket and annex our army's 40 troops." Army!"

Hearing this, Yingzheng felt a chill behind his back, and when the night wind blew, Yingzheng was hit by a chill. It was summer, but he felt like he was in an ice cellar.

"My lord! I will let Xia Luqi and Luo Shixin guard you, and Hou Junji's Iron Eagle warriors will escort you to Hangu Pass." Wang Jian took a deep breath, and then said: "Let's go overnight! Can't be discovered by the Han army!"

"General Wang! If the lonely king is gone! Wouldn't Han Yi find out? You can't leave! You can't let this 40 army die here, or Xianyang will cry every night, and the city will be full of white flags!" Ying Zheng squeezed his hands tightly Qin Wangjian in the picture has a resolute face, he has never been cowardly, and he doesn't know what cowardice is.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty! I will look for a soldier in the army who fits in with His Majesty's figure to pretend to be Your Majesty. As long as the Wang Banner is still there, the army's spirit will be there! I will send people to evacuate Hangu Pass one after another in the next few days! Your Majesty, don't delay." Time! Leave the barracks quickly!" Wang Jian didn't say much, and pulled Ying Zheng to leave the tent.

"Don't go alone! You have to share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers, and there is a solitary presence! Morale will remain unchanged, and the shadow will never replace the solitary!" Ying Zheng did not have the slightest cowardice, and the aura and coercion that belonged to the king not only radiated on the spot.

"There is a king! It is really the blessing of the Great Qin!" Wang Jian came to Yingzheng with tears in his eyes, cupped his hands and said, "The king has offended you!"

"Touch!" A knife came down and hit Yingzheng's dizziness point. Wang Jian then called Zhao Gao outside the tent to put on armor for Yingzheng, and evacuated to Hangu Pass overnight under the protection of Luo Shixin and others.

"What about the general's remaining 40 brothers!" Zhou Dewei said solemnly, the movement of the army is really too large, if they all retreat in one go, it will be a dead end.

"Evacuate 3 people first! Evacuate 40 people every day and night! Don't let the Han army find out!" Wang Jian held his forehead, seemed to think of something, pointed to Zhou Dewei and said: "Also! According to [-] people, there must be no less meals, but if one is missing, it will be dealt with by military law!"

"Subordinates understand!" Zhou Dewei gritted his teeth, and complied. Although the Huotou army in the barracks were suspicious, they still followed Wang Jian's orders. Although there were more rations, but fortunately, the base was large, and they could be divided casually. The extra rations burned were not wasted, and they were all eaten in the stomach.

When Yingzheng woke up, he had already arrived at Wangye City, and now it was a done deal, so Yingzheng could only return to Hangu Pass under the protection of everyone, and began to prepare troops to meet Wang Jian.

Wang Jian launched a total of three consecutive days, but every time it was a bluff, and he didn't really want to attack. Han Yi on the city wall was a little suspicious, pinching his beard, always feeling that something was wrong.

three days later

When the news of Tianji came back, Wang Jian sent 27 troops back to Hangu Pass every night. Han Yi knew that Wang Jian already knew his plan, so he could only issue orders in advance, but Wang Jian also knew about the delay of one day. Unable to stay for long, he began to withdraw his troops to Wang Ye. At this moment, there were 13 soldiers and horses left in Wang Jian's army, and a full [-] soldiers and horses were withdrawn.

In early August, Han Xin dragged his sick body into Wang Ye overnight. Within three hours, all of Wang Ye fell into Han Xin's hands, beheading Wang Ye's defender Ying Qian, and when the news of Wang Ye's fall spread to Wang Jian's army, The current Wang Jian is a bit like a headless fly, completely trapped by the Han army. It can be said that he has no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth.

Qin's tens of thousands of troops had no way to go home. Looking at the city wall, Yingqian's bloody head was still hanging on it, and he was speechless for a long time. Covering the corner of his mouth, he coughed and said, "Wang Jian! Long time no see!"

"Han Xin!" Wang Jian suddenly raised his head, staring at the general who looked like a terminally ill general on the city wall with tiger eyes. Wang Jian would never forget this face in his life.

"Father, let's attack the city!" Wang Ben pressed the sword behind his back, it seemed that as long as Wang Jian gave an order, he would immediately lead his troops to attack the city wall.

"No! Don't be impulsive!" Wang Jian pressed Wang Ben's chest armor, calmed down the anger in his heart, and warned: "Don't be angry, he will only make you lose your mind!"

"Father! The retreat is right in front of us. If we don't fight, we will all die here!" Wang Ben was a little anxious, after all, there were tens of thousands of people behind him.

"Don't make fearless quarrels, it's just a waste of time, it's better to think about how to solve the problem!" Wang Jian patted Wang Ben's shoulder, his gray beard fluttering in the cold wind

Wang Jian's face was solemn, his tiger eyes stared at Wang Ye's surroundings, and Wang Jian, who had no choice but to twitch his brows, shook the whip in his hand and said, "The whole army goes north, bypasses the Han land, and breaks through the Wei land!"


Tens of thousands of troops marched northward. Han Xin watched Wang Jian's 20 troops leave. A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. He covered his mouth and coughed twice. He looked to the north and leaned on the city wall, wondering what he was thinking.

Wang Jian's 20 troops marched in Hucheng Road. The two places were flat and overgrown with trees. During the march, Wang Jian felt a little uneasy. Watching the frightened birds flying out of the forest from time to time, Wang Jian's complexion changed, and he immediately shouted: "No! Withdraw the troops. quick!"

"Wang Jian, you can capture Wang Jian!" An angry shout came out, and there were several shouts from the two mountains. Deng Yu and Wu Han led an army of 20 to kill Wang Jian.

Wang Jian turned pale for a while, and immediately turned his horse's head and shouted angrily: "Get out! Get out quickly!"

"Kill!" Wu Han yelled angrily, holding a silver gun and riding a war horse, shuttled back and forth in the army, beheading the king, duke and nobleman Ying Zhuang and Ying Fu, and beheading 8000 soldiers under his command.

Wang Jian was defeated at Hengsu and marched towards Qishan Mountain. He wanted to cross mountains and ridges to avoid the ambush shot by the Han army. However, there was an angry shout in the forest.

"Where is the old thief Wang Jian! Give me tens of thousands of lives!" Yue Fei scolded angrily. The dam burst, unusually turbulent and surging.

"Bastard! You are too deceitful!" Wang Jian was so angry that he was repeatedly humiliated by Wu Han and Deng Yu. How could he bear it now when he saw Yue Fei, and immediately waved his weapon to kill him, but Qin Bing He was exhausted, faced the battle head-on, and was defeated in waves.

"Follow me to kill!" General Zhou Dewei of the Qin State personally led the troops to rush to kill the battle formation, and the Qin soldiers were able to hold their ground.

Yue Fei raised his eyebrows coldly, and shouted angrily, "Zhou Dewei leave! Look at the gun!"

Zhou Dewei is also a battle-hardened fighter, he had fought against Jiang Song several times in the past, seeing Yue Fei rushing to kill him, how could he be afraid, he immediately raised his sword and galloped away, his gray beard fluttering in the wind, and angrily shouted: "Cut! "

"Ding, Zhou Dewei's heroic attribute is activated, personal force value is increased by 5, basic force value is 100, nine-ring sword force value is increased by 1, chain horse force value is increased by 1, and current personal force value is 107"

"Kill!" Yue Fei was not afraid, saying that the middle silver spear was flashing, and the Liuhe big spear was using Huhushengfeng, and six delicate spear flowers appeared in front of Zhou Dewei's eyes.

"Ding, Yue Fei's Martial Saint attribute activates, and his force value instantly increases by 10, Yue Fei's basic force value is 101, Liquan Spear's force value is increased by 1, and Yue Fei's current force value is 111"

"Ding, Yue Fei's spear attribute is activated, using a spear-shaped weapon, the strength value is increased by 7, and Yue Fei's strength is currently 118!"

The two of them met each other, Yue Fei's spear flashed, he knocked off Zhou Dewei's weapon, he stretched out his hand to grab Zhou Dewei's throat, like an eagle hitting the sky, he dragged him off his horse and smashed him to the ground.

"Boom!" The smoke and dust rose, Zhou Dewei's liver and gallbladder were about to burst, and he spat out a mouthful of old blood. Yue Fei glanced at Zhou Dewei, and angrily said: "You thief, you are the one who slaughtered hundreds of my brothers! Die!"

Yue Fei yelled angrily, and the Liquan Spear in his hand pierced Zhou Dewei's throat, blood flowed down, beheading him on the spot.

Hundreds of soldiers under Yue Fei's command would rather die than surrender. Zhou Dewei directly ordered to slaughter them all. This Qiu Yuefei must be avenged.

Wang Jian frowned, looking at the dead Zhou Dewei and the vanguard army that was constantly routing behind him, Wang Jian immediately turned his horse's head and shouted angrily: "Evacuate Yangdi! Quick!"

After a charge, Yue Fei beheaded 9000 people, and after chasing the Qin army for three miles, he reluctantly withdrew his troops and returned to camp.

Everything is so dramatic, and Wang Jian, who was originally rebellious, is now facing an enemy at this moment. At this moment, Han Yi's 60 troops are all attacking Yang Zhai. Everything is so dramatic. Half a month after Guguan, it was heard that Wang Jian's 20 troops were besieging Yangzhai, and the entire Qin State began to be in an uproar in an instant.

Outside the Yangzhai camp, Han Yi sat on the main seat, staring at the map with tiger eyes, stroking his beard, the murderous intent in his eyes became more and more intense, this time Wang Jian couldn't run away.

Hangu Pass

Liu Shou looked calm, and hurried to Hangu Pass, before Yingzheng, all six of them dared not show their courage, 50 troops raised their troops, and only 13 returned. This blow is not a blow to Qin.

Ying Zheng stroked his beard and said solemnly: "Send someone to tell Han Yi that as long as he spares the 25 soldiers and horses, he can cede Liang's land to him and pay tribute every year!"

"Your Majesty!" Gan Mao couldn't bear it. When did Qin Guo want others to bow their heads and surrender? Isn't this slapping them in the face? Isn't this pressing them on the ground and rubbing them?

"Everything is important!" Ying Zheng crossed his hands, clasped his fingers, his face was as frosty and gloomy as water, and then added: "If the land is gone, we can fight back. If the 20 soldiers and horses are gone, I'm afraid It will hurt the foundation!"

Although the state of Qin is rich and powerful, its losses are quite serious after each battle. Wang Jian's 20 army has no food and grass supply, and it can hardly last long, and it will be destroyed at any time.

"Your Majesty! There is still a need for a truce with Bashu! Gather 20 domestic soldiers and horses and gather outside Hangu Pass. If Han Yi refuses to allow it, they are ready to attack Wang Ye at any time and open the way for old general Wang Jian!" Shang Yang looked at it at a glance. When the battle situation is out of the situation, immediately suggest to Ying Zheng to make two-handed preparations, otherwise the 20 soldiers and horses will be determined by Han Yi.


(End of this chapter)

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