Warring States Call

Chapter 1957 Chapter 1966: Killing the Envoy

Chapter 1957 Chapter 960 Chapter Six

The moonlight shone under the black military tent, and the two bonfires flickered, adding a touch of color to the night.

Outside the gate of Yangzhai Daying Camp

The general guarding the gate, Bian Zhuang, was wearing military armor, with a war knife on his waist, and a Xuanhua ax in his hand. Behind him were hundreds of soldiers guarding the gate, always on guard against Wang Jian's surprise attack on the barracks.

On the path, Yingying’s lights flashed, and Fan Sui, the Sixth Head of the Qin State, led his chariots and horses to the Han Army’s big tent, which contained gold, silver, jewels, good wine and fine wine. This appearance caught Bian Zhuang’s attention, and immediately Angrily shouted: "Who is coming, the military camp is important, don't get close, if you don't leave, kill on the spot!"

Bian Zhuang shouted and held his ax forward, and the soldiers under his command also pulled up the first level of alert, drew their swords out of their sheaths, and put arrows in their longbows. If something was wrong, he immediately called everyone and killed the troops on the spot.

"General, calm down! I am the envoy of the Qin State. I am here for the peace talks, and I will meet the King of Han! General, calm down!" Fan Sui's legs were a little weak, and he looked at Bian Zhuang's big ax with a cold light. Emboldened.

"Oh! Who are you!" Bian Zhuangzi did not believe this person, his expression became colder, and he couldn't help but press the saber at his waist with his right hand.

"I am Fan Sui of the Six Songs of the Qin State, and the two behind me are the two adults Wang Yu and Wang Pu!" Fan Sui had a simple and honest smile on his face, but coupled with that treacherous expression, it is really hard to feel Not the slightest bit of kindness.

Bian Zhuang looked at the three of them carefully. Fan Sui was wearing a gray coat and a hair crown. He was no more than seven feet tall. He had a smile on his face, but his eyes were becoming more and more unfriendly. He was like a villain in the dark.

And Wang Yu behind him, with a straight face, wearing armor, with a sword on his waist, mustache and beard, looks resolute, eight feet long, eyes like copper bells, wearing a helmet, and looks like a general.

Compared with him, Wang Pu was a little thinner, he looked like a literati, his eyes showed a timid expression, as if he had never seen such a scene before.

Bian Zhuang looked at the three people, and immediately waved his hand: "Search the clothes of the three people, and the others will take them all. Without my order, don't let them go!"

"Promise!" The soldiers on both sides were soldiers who had not disobeyed Bianzhuang, and they stepped forward one after another. Fan Sui and Wang Pu actively cooperated, but Wang Yu looked reluctant and even took off the sword from his waist He stared angrily at the soldier in front of him, wishing to beat him up violently, but the soldier was not afraid, he was full of confidence, pushed him, and went back with the sword, Wang Yu was so angry that he wanted to strike, Fan Sui repeatedly blocked him, and secretly gave him a wink to signal him not to be impulsive.

"Hmph!" Wang Yu snorted unhappily, and stood obediently behind Fan Sui, with a displeased expression on his face.

In the main account

All the generals in the army gathered here and began to discuss how to take Yangdi. Wang Jian actually chose to use the old capital of South Korea as the decisive battle point. This is undoubtedly the bottom line of challenging Han Yi.

so!This battle must be won, and it must be finished quickly.

"Report to Your Majesty! Fan Sui, the envoy of the Qin Kingdom, is outside the gate, wanting to see His Majesty!" Pang Wanchun entered the hall and clapped his hands and spoke, and immediately many generals in the hall were aroused with anger.

"Oh!" Han Yi turned around with the brush in his hand, with a trace of suspicion and teasing in his eyes, and looked at the crowd with a smile: "My loves! Do you think I will see you or not!"

"Hahahaha! It doesn't matter if you see him or not! Anyway, Wang Jian is doomed this time!" Cheng Yaojin patted his big belly, with a look of indifference.

"I still need to meet this person, let's see what Qin Guo has to say!" Wu Qi was also expressing his own opinion at this moment.

Han Yi pinched his beard, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, his mouth full of playful taste: "In that case, then...see you!"

"No!" Pang Wanchun nodded in agreement, and within half a stick of incense, Fan Sui brought Wang Yu and Wang Pu to the hall.

"Foreign minister Fan Sui, pay homage to the King of Han! I wish the King of Han a long life!" Fan Sui's clever tongue was full of compliments, and all he said were compliments.

Wang Yuhe looked very disdainful, holding Wang Ling in his hand, and didn't even intend to move. Wang Pu wanted to salute, but after thinking about it carefully, he bent down stiffly.

Han Yi casually pulled out the remaining hair on the brush, glanced at Wang Yu and Wang Pu from the corner of his eye, and asked casually, "What's the name of the two behind you!"

"Fuping Wang Yu!" Wang Yugang was not afraid, and looked at Han Yi squarely, which made everyone in the hall have a different kind of sunshine for this Wang Yu.

"Fuping Wang Pu!" Wang Pu's voice was a little trembling, and he didn't have much confidence. When Han Yi asked the question, the adrenaline limit soared, his face was flushed, and cold sweat appeared on his back, like rain.

"Tsk tsk!" Han Yi tsk tsk twice, put down the brush, stared at Fan Sui and said, "Master Fan! Tell me why you came here."

Han Yi still has a certain understanding of Fan Sui. He has many medals on him, such as politician, strategist, strategist, strategist, and diplomat. Quite, he contributed to the battle of Changping. It can be said that he is not weaker than Zhang Yi, and even more dangerous than Zhang Yi, and Han Yi also has the idea of ​​killing. If this kind of talent is not for his own use, he can only be killed. .

"The foreign ministers are here because they hope that the King of Han will release our 27 soldiers and horses from the Great Qin. Our Qin Kingdom is willing to cede the land of the Liang Kingdom to compensate the King of Han for his losses in this battle, and to pay 30 stones of food and grass!" Fan Sui smiled. Speaking, it seems that in his opinion, this is a good deal.

"Oh!" Han Yi was slightly astonished, pretending to shine his eyes, looked around at the soldiers around him, and laughed loudly: "My dear friends! This seems to be a good deal!"


Some people laughed in the big tent, some people showed contempt in their eyes, and even Yue Fei just said to him: "Your Majesty! Every year in the battle, there are countless casualties. You must not let Wang Jian go easily!"

"Hmm!" Han Yi looked at Fan Sui with a smile, casually played with the jade cicada in his hand, stared at Fan Sui with tiger eyes and said, "Lord Fan, you heard that there are quite a few people and soldiers who died in this battle! Didn't your Qin State Say something?"

"Haha!" Fan Sui laughed twice, and said to Han Yi, "Well, our country is willing to give another 20 stones of grain and grass to appease the people for the King of Han, and pay [-]% of the tax to the King of Han every year for To appease the common people, our country is also willing to regard King Han as the suzerain and pay tribute every year!"

"Oh!" Han Yi was stunned, and then his eyes filled with murderous intent, he said: "The king of Qin is really a big hand, but only relying on this!" Han Yi stared at Fan Sui and asked, "Do you think it is enough?" ?”

"What does King Han want?" Fan Sui smiled coyly, as the saying goes, don't hit the smiling face, he was talking about him.

"Gu... don't want to do anything!" Han Yi dragged his narrow voice, the aura around him began to gather, and the murderous aura surged. The generals knew that he, the king, had already launched a murderous plan.

"Since Shen Buhai Cheng guarded Wang Ye, more than 40 soldiers died in the hands of your Qin State. In the Battle of the Three Jins, 8000 soldiers and 520 people died in the battle, and more than 8 people were displaced. The Battle of the Seven Kingdoms More than 3000 people died, [-] soldiers in the Battle of Pingyang, as well as Liukou, Shiguo, Wangye, Zhonghui, Mengyuan, etc... Twelve generals died in the hands of your Qin State, and Ying In the battle of Sichuan, millions of people left their homes...! This is a sum of money! Can you count Qin clearly?" Han Yi's eyes turned red when he said this, and he kicked on the seat suddenly, and there was a clatter Things spilled all over the place.

Fan Sui and the others staggered, shivering all over their bodies, and took three steps back, not daring to speak.

"General Shen Buhui died of overwork, general Meng Yuan never retreated, and Zhong General Zhong will be killed by your Qin general Meng Tian. If you don't kill Wang Jian today, the hatred of the widows will not be eliminated!" Han Yi suddenly shot up, Pointing at Fan Sui, he shouted angrily: "Come here! Drag him out and chop him up!"

"The two countries are fighting without killing! The King of Han, calm down!" Fan Sui's heart sank, and he quickly confessed his guilt. At this moment, he was also a little scared, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Take it!" Jia Fu and Yu Wencheng stepped forward, one on the left and one on the right, and directly pressed down on the three of them.

"King Han! This man is the Six Songs of our Qin State, and is also our Qin State's answer. Are you going to die?" Wang Yu asked hysterically, his eyes were full of red light.

"Aha!" Han Yi was overjoyed! "You are the six poems of the Qin State, and you are the answer of the Qin State. It's great. The Qin State has been fighting with Gu for a long time. Don't say kill you and your entire mission. Even Xianyang, Gu can also kill you. Drag it out and cut it off! This man named Wang Pu stays here, let him go back and spread the word, tell him Yingzheng! Don't let Gu wash his neck and wait, let him wash it first, and within a year, Gu will definitely kill him Go to Xianyang!"

"Ah...!" Wang Pu was so frightened that he sat on the ground, while Fan Sui and Wang Yu were dragged out, cursing while dragging.

"Crack... Ah!" Two screams, followed by the sound of heads falling to the ground, the two bloody heads were put into a box, brought in by Pang Wanchun, and handed to Wang Pu who was sitting on the ground. The gap flows out.

"Get out!" Han Yi stared at Wang Pu angrily, and suddenly shouted angrily. Wang Pu was so frightened that his liver was about to burst, and he immediately walked out tremblingly holding the two boxes.

Han Yi took a deep breath, his eyes burst out with endless killing intent, he looked at the crowd and said, "Speed ​​up the attack on the city, take back Yangdi in one month, and whoever kills Wang Jian will become the [-]th Marquis!"

"I'll pay you back by swearing to die!" The crowd shouted angrily at the command, and their whole bodies became agitated, they would definitely take Wang Jian's head.

Hangu Pass

Wang Pu returned to Xianyang tremblingly, his whole body paled, he put the box in his hand in front of the hall, and cried bitterly to Ying Zheng: "Your Majesty...Master Fan Sui...!"

Ying Zheng and the other five people stared at the two boxes in front of them, their faces were pale, and the other five looked at each other, feeling that something was wrong, while Ying Zheng's face was livid, with a look of anger, his fingers were being pinched and rattling, and he questioned the hundred people beside him for a long time. Li Xi asked, "Has the domestic army arrived yet?"

"Your Majesty! In half a day, all the generals will arrive with their troops!" Baili Xi felt a chill down his spine, and his speech was a little awkward, looking at Ying Zheng with fear.

"Pass down my king's order, and use the power of the whole country to fight Han Yi to the death." Ying Zheng waved his sleeves and left, the killing intent in his eyes becoming more and more serious.

Baili Xi, Shang Yang, and Lu Buwei looked at each other in blank dismay. They knew that what would follow would be a bloodbath, and that these two emperors would fight to the death.

Outside Yangzhai City
Han Yi rode Xiaobai, his black pupils stared at Qin Jun on the city wall, and Han Yi shouted angrily: "Qin Jun on the city wall, listen to Gu, I am Han Wangyi, you have no room to resist, the people in the city Food and grass can't supply you for a few days, I will give you a chance, those who put down their weapons will not die, and those who kill Wang Jian will be made Marquis of Ten Thousand Households! Whether to go or not, wait for yourself to decide!"

"Big words!" Wang Ben, who was defending the city, suddenly slapped the corner of the wall, flipped his hands to take off the bow and arrow, and squinted at Han Yi angrily.

"Whoosh!" The cold arrow was like the wind, but Han Yi didn't intend to move. He just stood like this, seeing the cold arrow was about to be shot, and a black shadow flashed by in the next second, cutting off the arrow directly.

Han Yi's face was livid, and he pulled out the Emperor's Hate sword in his arms, showing killing intent, and shouted angrily: "Kill!"

"Woo woo woo!... woo woo!" The horn of war blew, shaking the land. Wang Jian, who had just climbed up the city wall, heard the horn and hurried up the city wall. Seeing this, cold sweat flowed from his temples. Immediately said: "The whole army is ready for war!"

"Prepare for battle!"

"Boom boom boom!" The war drum was leilei, and Wang Jian looked at the soldiers behind him, and immediately shouted angrily: "Archers are ready!"

"Charge!" The roar of mountains and tsunami-like shouts of killing pressed down on Yangzhai City. Giant objects such as ladders, catapults, landing carts, and crossbow carts were like machines, rumbling forward, constantly pushing forward, people and them In comparison, it seems incomparably small.

Yue Fei got off his horse, held a sharp sword, and shouted angrily: "Soldiers! It's time for revenge, charge with me!"

"Kill!" Yue Yun took the lead, with shields in both hands, double hammers in his hands behind his back, tiger eyes staring at the enemy in front, Yue Yun suddenly sprang up, and the soldiers behind him were all carrying ladders.


"Swish... Swish...!" The cold arrows flew back and forth on this battlefield like a loom, and the bow and arrow pierced through the enemy like a blooming flower from the other side, which was extremely gorgeous and tragic.

Under the premise that these soldiers paved the way with their lives, the Han army quickly approached the corner, and the proportion of deaths gradually increased.

"Archers! Suppress!" Jia Fu led tens of thousands of archers to set up a battle one by one, firing ten thousand arrows, and the enemy troops on the city who were only suppressed could only temporarily avoid the edge.

"Press it up." Seeing that the opportunity had come, Yue Yun beckoned to the soldiers behind him to lower the ladder up the city wall.

Thousands of ladders stood horizontally on the city wall. Wang Jian looked solemn and immediately shouted angrily: "Fire oil! Hurry up!"

"Clatter...crash!" Bucket after bucket of kerosene was continuously thrown towards the ladder, the ladder was burnt and the barrels crackled, and a little smoke continued to rise in the air. Han Yi watched it clearly from behind , clasped his arms around his chest and said: "If the fight continues like this, the casualties will be too heavy! What can you do, dear dears!"

"My lord! The weather is hot right now, what do people need most!" Zhuge Liang swayed the feather fan in his hand, and smiled with thin lips, looking confident.

"Water!" Han Yi thought for a moment and understood Zhuge Liang's intentions.

(End of this chapter)

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