Warring States Call

Chapter 1958 Chapter 1967 : The poisonous Jia Xu

Chapter 1958 One Thousand 960 Chapter Seven Poison Man Jia Xu

It is August now, and the weather is at its hottest. After a great battle, the soldiers would not drink a few sips of water, fearing that they would die of thirst. However, Han Yi vaguely remembered that Yangdi’s water mainly depended on the Ping Lake outside the city. , as well as artificially dug streams, people who drink water on weekdays will carry poles to fetch water outside the city, and in recent years they have also begun to dig wells, but no matter how many wells in the city, it is impossible to provide drinking water for tens of thousands of people. Relying on the stream.

Seeing that the killing in the city was in full swing, without the slightest progress, Han Yi lost interest. In his opinion, Wang Jian was a famous general after all. Yangdi is an old capital. Even if Yangdi is taken down, the subsequent repairs are still his own. Han Yi is too lazy to do such time-consuming and labor-intensive things.

"I leave this matter to you!" Han Yi pressed the sword in his arms, looked at the casualties on the city wall, then shook his head, and said indifferently: "Withdraw the troops!"

"Promise!" Zhuge Liang stroked his fan and nodded, bowed his hands to Han Yi, watched Han Yi's back, Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan and said, "Retreat!"

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu whouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu whouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu whouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu' Reluctantly led the soldiers under his command to retreat to the camp.

"Hoo hoo...!" Wang Jian panted heavily, and looked at the retreating Han Jun, Wang Jian's brows relaxed. Wang Jian breathed hard, his face was a little pale, and Wang Li, who was beside him, stretched out his hand to support the fainted man. Wang Jian, who was drowsy, looked at his chest and was hit by a cold arrow. Wang Li's face changed drastically: "Not good! Among the generals...!"

Wang Jian hastily covered Wang Li's mouth, coughed twice, and angrily said: "Ahem...don't say anything!"

Wang Jian snorted, stretched out his hand and pulled out the arrow, and with a bang, his armor was lifted off, revealing a piece of flesh and blood. Wang Jian gritted his teeth in pain, but he still held back, gritted his teeth and stood up. Wang Li supported Wang Jian and walked down the city wall.

The enemy army retreated, and in the mansion of the city lord, Wang Jian was naked from the upper body, and the medical craftsman beside him hurriedly applied medicine to Wang Jian. , This stopped the blood.

Wang Ben hurried over, looked at his dying father, his face was pale, grabbed the doctor's collar, and asked in a low voice: "How is my father?"

"The old general's blood has stopped, but he lost too much blood, and needs to eat meat to replenish his blood!" The doctor told the truth about the situation, and patted Wang Ben's hand by the way, signaling him to let go.

Wang Ben heard that Wang Jian was fine, so he let go of the doctor and came to Wang Jian, looking at Wang Jian who was breathing softly. Only then did Li speak: "Father! There is not much food and grass in the army, and there is no more meat..."

"How long can the army's food and grass last?" Wang Ben did not look back at his frustrated son, but covered Wang Jian with a quilt, and looked at his father in front of him. Wang Ben showed a solemn expression.

"At most half a month! The medicine is almost used up!" Wang Li looked at his father with eye circles, a few strands of silver appeared on the back of his head, and the armor on his body still smelled of blood.

"Eh!" Wang Ben lowered his head, his hands were turning purple, it seemed that Wang Ben was restraining his anger, this battle... was too aggrieved.

"Kill the horse!" Wang Ben gritted his teeth and said solemnly.

"Yes... promise!" Wang Li just woke up and reminded Wang Ben, but seeing his grandfather lying on the bed, Wang Li didn't say much, and followed Wang Ben's wishes.

"Kill in secret! Everyone knows what you don't do!" Wang Ben reminded his son not to talk nonsense.

"This matter cannot be hidden! The morale of the army has already been shaken! Cooking rice and meat will definitely taste bad, and the weather is hot, and horse meat cannot be preserved for long.

"What do you want to say!" Wang Ben turned his head to stare at Wang Li, stood up, and said blood armor was still dripping blood on the ground, walking forward, Wang Li could smell a strong smell of blood.

"If we fight like this, there is only a dead end! The escape route is blocked, this is already a dead end!" Wang Li seemed to be unable to bear the fear in his heart anymore, and the fear in his heart fell asleep.

"Are you afraid of death?" Wang Ben came in front of Wang Li. The eyes of this domineering son were full of decadence. Wang Ben waved his hand immediately, "Crack!"

A crisp slap slapped Wang Li on the face, and Wang Ben reprimanded in a low voice: "Don't show a timid look, your emotions will affect soldiers, you are a soldier, a child of your Wang family, your grandfather is one of Daqin's arms. , your uncle is one of the four great generals of Qin, and you are my son, Wang Ben, the son of your general, put away your decadence!"


"Call the general! There are no father and son in the barracks!" Wang Ben stretched out his legs and kicked Wang Li, pulled out the sword in his arms, and threw it in front of Wang Li. Life, I don't want you to be next!"

"Cheer up, the people of the Wang family can only die standing up. There is no precedent for living while kneeling. If you let me know that you are timid, I will personally send you on the road!" Wang Ben pulled out his sword and stared at the tiger. Wang Li put his sword back into its sheath, and said indifferently, "Get out!"

Wang Li suddenly stood up, pressed the sword in his arms, and pressed Wang Ben who was serving Wang Jian on the left and right. Wang Li didn't say much, and strode out.

"Cough cough...!" At this time, Wang Jian coughed violently and coughed up two mouthfuls of blood. Then he opened his eyes with difficulty, looked up at the pillars of the eaves, and was speechless for a long time. He heard Wang Ben's words, and he It's also mixed flavors.

"Father" Wang Ben stared at Wang Jian when he saw Wang Jian was awake, and asked, "How do you feel?"

Wang Jian sighed helplessly, then said, "How is the situation in the city?"

"No problem for the time being!" Wang Ben truthfully told the situation.

"En!" Wang Jian nodded, beckoned Wang Ben to come to his side, whispered, and said the plan in his mind, Wang Ben nodded, and then withdrew.

The sky was getting dark soon, and the Han army's large tent
Holding the rice in his hand, Han Yi picked up a piece of fat and put it into his mouth to chew, while eating, he said, "How about the casualties in today's siege!"

"My lord! 520 people were killed in battle, 300 people died of serious injuries, 5000 people were seriously injured, and tens of thousands were lightly injured!" Yue Fei truthfully told the situation of the battle.

Han Yi swallowed the food in his mouth and put down the bowl and chopsticks. Many soldiers below stopped moving their chopsticks, as if they were waiting for Han Yi's next order.

Han Yi reached into his mouth and pulled out a small bone. Han Yi said with emotion: "It's really hard to swallow. If this bone is not removed, it's hard to sleep and eat alone!"

"Eh... this!" Many generals in the army were rough people, and they didn't understand what Han Yi meant. Some of the smart ones didn't speak eagerly, but were thinking of countermeasures.

"Your Majesty!" A slender voice came out, and Jia Xu, dressed in black, appeared in front of everyone. The light shone on his cheeks, flickering on and off, making people feel terrified. This person is like a fox, making people's scalp numb.

"What's Wenhe's strategy! Why don't you just talk about it!" Han Yi stroked his beard and looked at Jia Xu. He wanted to hear what Jia Xu had in mind.

"As the saying goes, attacking the city is the bottom line, and attacking the heart is the top priority!" Jia Xu looked at Han Yi with a smile, and Han Yi was a little apprehensive about his harmless appearance.

"Tell me!" Han Yi casually spread out the bones in his hands, picked up a rag on the table, wiped his palms, and was about to pick up a wine bottle to drink, but he heard a reminder from the system.

"Ding, Jia Xu's Poison Meter attribute activates, intelligence increases by 3, Jia Xu's basic intelligence is 99, and Jia Xu's current intelligence is 102!"

"Ding, the second attribute of Jia Xu's poison plan is activated, there is a 90.00% chance of alienating people's hearts, reducing the intelligence of the generals of the enemy group by 10 points, and non-advanced skills cannot be eliminated!"

Han Yi wiped the cloth towel on his palm, his eyes were narrowed, and he stared at Jia Xu, waiting for Jia Xu's plan.

"I don't know if Your Majesty remembers Cui Qianyou!" Jia Xu looked at Han Yi with a smile, and the smile in his eyes did not diminish.

"What can I say about this year's idiot! The second brother is joking!" Jia Fu took a sip of water and looked at his second brother with a smile, thinking he was joking.

Jia Xu was not angry, and continued: "The most difficult thing to control in this world is the human heart. Your Majesty has already cut off the Qin army's water source. If you see a ray of light, as long as you are an individual, you will move forward. As long as the king promises that Cui Qianyou will support our army to open the city and make him the king of Liang, then you can take Yangdi and capture the king, father and son without a single soldier. , Qin's 20 troops will be destroyed without attack!"

"This plan is feasible!" Han Yi squinted his eyes, and then he was a little troubled: "Right now Yangdi is besieged like a bucket, how can we pass the news to Cui Qianyou?"

"Kill!" The shout of killing came from outside the gate, deafening, like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, the barracks began to be noisy, and the noise swept the whole world like a big wave. Han Yi frowned, and immediately asked: "What's going on!"

"Your Majesty!" Pang Wanchun ran in with a sword in his hand, and said solemnly, "The Qin army opened the city and attacked our army!"

"Oh..." Han Yi stood up suddenly, laughed involuntarily, and said, "I'm really dozing off to give you a pillow. I don't know which general is willing to go through this!"

"Chen Tang is willing to go there!" Chen Tang cupped his hands, and the scales around him were jingling. Han Yi glanced at Chen Tang up and down, put his hands in his belt and said: "It's a dignified appearance, and this matter is handed over to you." Here it is, and when it’s done, I’ll give you a big reward!”

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Chen Tang saluted and kowtowed, but there was no joy in his eyes. He was playing games, gaining a bright future, and preparing for his future prosperity.

"Yeah!" Han Yi nodded and waved casually: "Get him two sets of Qin Bing's clothes, be careful! Don't wear clothes."


Outside the big tent, the sound of shouting and killing was deafening. Han Yi came out of the big tent and shot an arrow head-on.

"Crack!" The cold arrow was swept away, Han Yi held the Emperor's Hate, his eyes burst into cold light, and all the generals under his command looked calm, and immediately shouted angrily: "Protect the king! Quick!"

"It's really not safe for a moment." Han Yi sighed and let out a long breath, his expression became cold, and murderous intent burst out in his eyes.

"Son Han Yi! Sue!" Wang Ben held a sword, and dozens of generals under his command rushed out, with a cold light in his eyes.

The murderous aura was surging on the battlefield, but Han Yi was not afraid, with his hands on his waist, he said indifferently.

"Oh!" Han Yi clasped his hands in front of his chest, looked at Wang Jian who was killing him on horseback, smiled, with a calm face, and joked: "Who is coming! You are so brave!"

"I am Wang Ben, General of the Qin Kingdom, and Han Yi is here to take my life!" Wang Ben slashed with his sword, and the horse's hooves under his crotch moved like thunder.

"Oh! So it's you!" Han Yi seemed astonished, pretended to be terrified, laughed for a while, and shouted angrily, "Kill!"

"Drive!" Li Cunxiao urged the horse to step forward, stabbing Wang Ben face-to-face with Yu Wang's spear in his hand, and the power of the dragon to explore the sea was extraordinary.

Wang Ben shouted angrily: "Cut!"

"Kang Dang!" The sword in Wang Ben's hand slashed, but it did not block the attack of Li Cunxiao's King Yu's Lance.

"Tear...tear"" Wang Ben was stabbed and fell to the ground, dragging dust all over the ground.

"Father" Wang Li's complexion changed drastically, he immediately urged his horse to kill him, and stabbed Li Cunxiao straight with the silver spear in his hand.

"Looking for death!" Li Cunxiao's face was frosty, and the Bi Laoyan in his hand swept down like an eagle hitting the sky.

"Go back!" Looking at his son, Wang Ben's complexion changed drastically, and he angrily reprimanded Wang Li to go back.

"Kill!" Wang Li didn't hesitate at all. He remembered his father's advice, and his eyes were full of sharpness. He is a descendant of the Wang family, his grandfather is Wang Jian, and his uncle is Wang Yanzhang. He is a descendant of the Wang family, and he would rather stand life, and do not want to kneel down and die.

"Wang Qing, take my father back!" Wang Li bumped into Li Cunxiao's Bi Laoyan head-on, trying to push him away.

But everything was taken for granted, Bi Laoyan in Li Cunxiao's hand stabbed at Wang Li's throat with a single move, and Wang Li's Yuwang spear directly pierced his heart and lungs.

"Puff!" Wang Li spat out a mouthful of old blood as the spear tip entered his body, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"Let's go!" Wang Qing didn't have time to think, and dragged Wang Ben's body to retreat behind the army.

Han Yi was watching with relish, and Pang Wanchun's face changed drastically, and he immediately shouted angrily: "Your Majesty, be careful!"

"Ding, when Chen Ziyao's archery attribute is activated, his personal force value is increased by 10, Chen Ziyao's basic force value is 99, and the force value of the Jiaolong Golden Bow is increased by 1. Currently, Chen Ziyao's force value is 110!"

"Presumptuous..." Han Yi felt ashamed all over his body and stood on his head, but Pang Wanchun was in front of Han Yi, and an arrow was shot in the back, causing Pang Wanchun to cry out in pain: "Ah!"

The sound was like a knife cutting, Han Yi stared coldly at Chen Ziyao who was shooting arrows, his eyes burst out with coldness, and he shouted angrily: "Kill him!"

"You man! You want to die!" Jia Fu was furious, turned on his horse, held a silver spear, and went straight to kill Chen Ziyao.

Chen Ziyao's complexion changed, and he missed the blow. His situation is in danger...

(End of this chapter)

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