Warring States Call

Chapter 1959 Chapter 1968: Pang Wanchun died in battle

Chapter 1959 Chapter 960 Chapter [-] Pang Wanchun died in battle
"Drive!" Chen Ziyao's complexion changed drastically. He had heard of Jia Fu's name. Being targeted by such a prehistoric wild beast, he was in serious trouble this time. He thought he could shoot Han Yi to death with one arrow. Who knew that Pang Wanchun had been killed halfway, as long as the stabbing arrow scratched the skin a little, Han Yi would definitely die without a place to bury him, what a pity...it's a pity.

"Don't leave, little thief! Save your life!" Jia Fu's eyes were red, and he took out the silver hammer in his arms, killing intent flashed in his eyes, the old brothers from the past were dead, and as they walked, there was no one else. How could Jia Fu recognize it? The silver hammer in his hand circled 180 degrees in the air.

"go with!"

"Ding, the attribute of Jia's Fuxing hammer is activated, reducing the enemy's force value by 3 points. Currently, Chen Ziyao's personal force value is 107!"

"Touch!" The silver hammer hit Chen Ziyao's back, and he grinned in pain, almost falling off his horse.

One person ran, one person chased, and gradually went away. Han Yi supported Pang Wanchun, his brows were solemn, and looking at Pang Wanchun with purple lips, Han Yi was furious, with tears in his tiger eyes, and immediately angrily said: "Take this person down for me, I want you to die!" To see a person, to die is to see a corpse!"

"No!" Fei Lian retreated in response, and began to search for Chen Ziyao in the chaos.

"Wan Chun is okay! Bian Que... Bian Que!" Han Yi opened his mouth and shouted angrily, and the soldiers under his command also went to ask for the doctor. After half a stick of incense, Bian Que came down to Han Yi on Dian Wei's back , looked down at the dying Pang Wanchun, and asked for his pulse twice, but his old face was not stretched, as if it was covered by dark clouds.

Bian Que broke off the broken arrow, sniffed it on his nose, and said solemnly, "My lord! There is poison on this arrow, it's hard to detox!"

"Why is it difficult to understand? Aren't you a genius doctor?" Han Yi went crazy. This Pang Wanchun was the first to be summoned by him. It is impossible to say that he has no feelings. How could he still die.

"This arrow has been quenched with seven-step snake venom! The poison is extremely strong. There is no antidote for this poison in the medicine in the military camp!" Bian Que looked embarrassed, and there was nowhere to put his rough hands. Feeling very tricky.

"You...!" Han Yi was about to get angry, his heart felt like a volcano was burning, but Pang Wanchun below him smiled bleakly, his lips became more and more black and purple, he smiled and said to Han Yi: "My lord... this is fate!"

"Wanchun...you..." Han Yi's tiger-eyed tears swirled in his eyeballs, not letting them fall.

"I... after death... can I... guard the mausoleum for the king!"

"Yes!" Han Yi grabbed Pang Wanchun's cold palm, gritted his teeth, spit out the canine teeth on both sides of his mouth, and said every word.

"Thank you... Your Majesty... Your minister... asked... to find... Meng... Brother Meng Yuan..." Pang Wanchun chuckled, spit out a mouthful of black blood for a long time, and died immediately.

"Kill!" Han Yi's heart was full of excitement, he picked up his Canglong Zhentian halberd with his backhand, and wanted to charge and kill, but the surrounding generals hurriedly stopped him.

"Don't stop me!" Han Yi was so angry that his eyes were about to burst into flames.

In the chaotic army, you chased each other, Chen Ziyao fired three poisonous arrows in a row, but he didn't hit Jia Fu once, but Jia Fu blocked them all. Swinging around, sweeping thousands of troops, dragons explored the sea, and they all played one after another, and there was no enemy in the surrounding Qin army.

"Die me!" Jia Fu's eyes were like a dragon, and the silver halberd in his hand beheaded a partial general with one move, and urged his horse to chase after Chen Ziyao. Seeing the distance between the two armies keeps getting closer, Chen Ziyao's face was shocked. , shouted angrily: "Help me!"

"Brother Chen, don't panic! I'll help you!" Liu Xian shouted angrily, urging his horse to kill him.

"Father, let me help you!" Liu Ting rode a black horse and followed behind Liu Xian with a sword in his hand.

The father and son are different from each other. Liu Xian is eight feet long, wielding a three-pointed double-edged knife in his hand, with a Chinese character face, a character beard and beard, eyes staring like copper bells, arms as thick as a giant python, and wearing a tunic on his head. Wearing a helmet, riding a black eight-wind horse, it is tall and majestic.

Liu Ting wields a seven-kill knife in his hand, his eyes are like sword lights, and the hearts of those who watch him tremble. He has a hulking back, arms like apes, and his whole body is white armor, which is particularly conspicuous in the chaos. Bai Jia must be a fierce general, and the moment the two of them appeared on the stage, they immediately attracted Jia Fu's attention.

Jia Fu didn't care so much, he urged his horse to charge away, his eyes were full of coldness, and he shouted angrily: "Native chicken tile dog, even an embroidered pillow dares to block my way, you want to die!"

"Hmph! Jia Fu has heard about it for a long time! Today a certain family is here to cut off your dog's head!" Liu Ting looked like a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, holding the Seven Killing Knife in his hands, and slashed at Jia Fu's head with one move.

"Ding, Liu Ting activates the attribute fiercely, the personal force value is increased by 10, the basic force value is 100, the force value of the Seven Killing Sword is increased by 1, the force value of the black-faced eight-wind horse is increased by 1, and the current personal force value is 112!"

"Native chickens and dogs dare to block my way! Open!" Jia Fu's eyes flashed coldly, and he went forward to assassinate him. They fought each other with one blow. Both of them tested the enemy's reality. Jia Fu tightened his horse and stepped back. But after taking a few steps, he casually shook his numb palm, secretly calling this person not easy.

"Go!" The three-pointed and two-edged knife in Liu Xian's hand swept straight at Jia Fu's waist and abdomen.

"Ding, Liu Xianming activates the attribute, the personal force value is increased by 5, the basic force value is 100, the force value of the three-pointed double-edged sword is increased by 1, and the current personal force value is 106!"

"Ding, the father-son attributes of Liu Xian and Liu Ting are activated. If they play at the same time, their personal force value will be increased by 7. The current force value of Liu Ting is 119, and Liu Xian's force value is 113!"

"Go away!" Jia Fu saw that Chen Ziyao was about to run away, followed closely with his brows, and immediately scolded him angrily.

"Ding, Jia Fu's fighting attribute activates, force increases by 5, base force value is 106, silver halberd snow Taisui's force value increases by 1, chasing wind horse force value increases by 1, current force value is 113"

"Ding, Jia Fu's Yonglie attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 8, and the current force value is 121"

"Ding, Jia Fu's Taisui attribute is activated, one person rides a white armored Taisui, the force value is increased by 6, and the current force value is 127!"

Jia Fu scolded angrily, and the blood around him climbed onto Jia Fu's arms like a giant python, like two savage dragons. In an instant, the father and son of the Liu family were at a disadvantage, and they began to be suppressed by Jia Fu. Quite puzzled, why did this character suddenly appear in the Qin army, and the method was not simple.

"Hahahaha!" Chen Ziyao couldn't help laughing just now when he got a chance to breathe, and took off the bow and arrow in his hand, staring at Lu Jiong who was really fighting to kill the enemy, his eyes were cold, and he immediately shouted: " die!"

"Whoosh!" The cold arrow passed by, and it hit Lu Jiong's throat. Lu Jiong was really fighting with Qin General Mo Gong, and he was about to take down the old man, but he was shot in the throat by the cold arrow. The opportunity was great, he immediately laughed out loud, slashed the saber in his hand, and took Lu Jiong's head with one move, and cupped his hands at Chen Ziyao, "Thank you, brother!"

Chen Ziyao returned his hand, but the next second his instinct as an archer told him that he was in danger, and he turned around suddenly, but a figure with a mask appeared in front of him, holding a sickle in his hand, look at this dress , even Chen Ziyao was scared out of his wits. He drew his bow and arrows, held three arrows in his hand, and stretched the bow to the full moon, like an eagle hitting the sky: "Pretending to be a ghost! Sue to death!"

"Whoosh whoosh!"

"Ding, Chen Ziyao's Feather Arrow attribute is activated, and his personal force value will be increased by 2 for each extra arrow. Currently, Chen Ziyao has three arrows, and his personal force value will be increased by 6. Jia Fu's attack hammer attribute will disappear. Currently, Chen Ziyao's personal force value 116!"

Three cold arrows shot out, accompanied by the sound of eagles, and scarlet blood appeared on Chen Ziyao's arms, as if Hou Yi was reborn.

"Ding, Fei Lian's evil attribute activates, meets gods and kills gods, encounters demons and kills demons, the force value is increased by 8, the basic force value is 102, the current force value is 109, the force value of the sword is increased by 1, and the current force value of Feilian is 111!"

"Ding, Fei Lian's attribute of death is activated, and ghosts are afraid of evil spirits. When facing an opponent, reduce the enemy's force value by 3∽7 points, increase the personal force value by 5 points, and reduce the ability of the enemy's attribute by half. Special reminder, reduce the enemy's force value by 132 points. Half of the skill attribute of Fang, it is invalid for those with [-] points of force value and above!"

"Ding, the current force value of Chen Ziyao is reduced by 7 points, and the attribute ability is reduced by half. 3, Fei Lian's force value is 10!"

"Ding Ding Dong" the sickle in Fei Lian's hand swung up and down, sweeping off the cold arrow shot by Chen Ziyao, the sound was crisp and clear, like a wind chime, and then Fei Lian's figure flashed and appeared in front of Chen Ziyao, holding the sickle in both hands, suddenly shouted angrily :"cut""

"Ding, God of Death attribute 3, every time the enemy activates a skill, his strength will be increased by 6 points! Currently, Chen Ziyao activates the attribute twice, so Fei Lian's strength value is increased by 102, Fei Lian's basic strength value is 1, and Gu Dao's strength value is increased by 121 , so the current force value of Feilian is [-]"

"Ding, Fei Lian breaks the metal property to activate, reducing the enemy's force value by 3 points, and there is a 50.00% chance to destroy the enemy's weapon"

"Ding, Chen Ziyao's force value is currently 103!"

"Crack!" The bow and arrow in Chen Ziyao's hand was directly split into two, and the blood in front of his chest bloomed like a flower from the other shore. The scalp of the person who saw it was numb. The huge wound was half a meter long, and the bones were faintly visible. Zi Yao spat out a mouthful of blood and fell off his horse.

Fei Lian looked at Chen Ziyao through the mask, his expression was indifferent, and the sickle in his hand suddenly pierced into Chen Ziyao's shoulder blade.

"Ah!" Chen Ziyao yelled miserably, holding Fei Lian's sickle with both hands, trying to pull it out, but before he could use his strength, Fei Lian was already dragging his body forward, muttering to himself Yu said: "Follow me to meet the king!"

"Bastard... Ah!" Chen Ziyao gritted his teeth, trying to pull Fei Lian's sickle out of his body, but Chen Ziyao obviously felt that his bones were stuck by the sickle, so he couldn't pull it out.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!" Chen Ziyao exhaled coldly, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his heart was in a panic.

"Put him down!" Bian Xi waved the silver hammer in his hand, staring at Fei Lian with tiger eyes, and directly smashed the silver hammer in his hand.

"Hoohoo!" Shaying paved the way, Fei Lian raised his left hand and stared at Bian Xi with a normal face.

"Kang Dang!" The metal wrist guard obediently flicked the silver hammer away, as if he was too lazy to accept Bian Xi's head, and continued to walk forward indifferently.

"Presumptuous!" Bian Xi was furious, and suddenly pulled out the sharp sword that was broken before, staring at Fei Lian angrily, holding the sword to chop off Fei Lian's head.

"Looking for death!" Fei Lian's face turned cold, and he suddenly turned his hand and hooked the sickle. The blade left blood from the blade, and Chen Ziyao screamed in grief, like a pig being slaughtered.

"You!" Bian Xi was shocked, pointing at Fei Lian to block the blow, but it was too late.

"Crack!" A knife fell, sweeping away thousands of troops, as if the trend of the times, Bian Xi didn't even have the strength to resist, and was directly beheaded here, and the headless corpse spurted blood wantonly, which was quite cruel.

"Ah!" Fei Lian's sickle was pulled out from Chen Ziyao's body. The painful Chen Ziyao almost lost his breath, gritted his teeth and stood up with difficulty. Chen Ziyao's eyes were cold, and he pulled out the sword at his waist, Jian Feng pointed directly at Fei Lian.

Gritting his teeth, Chen Ziyao looked at his immobilized right hand. Chen Ziyao knew that this hand was probably useless.

"Looking for death!" Fei Lian didn't have the slightest emotion in his eyes, dragging the sickle in his hand to take Chen Ziyao down and take him to see Han Yi.

"Hahahahaha! I know I'm not your opponent, but you don't want to take me down. It's a pity you didn't kill Han Yi, huh!" Chen Ziyao said, and drew his sword to kill himself.

"Plop!" The body collapsed on the ground, Chen Ziyao didn't have any regrets, if he was captured alive by Fei Lian, he would be worse off than die.

"En!" Fei Lian reached out and grabbed Chen Ziyao's shoulder, dragging him towards Han Yi, at least he could have an explanation when he returned.

Wang Ben turned his eyes around, his expression was dignified, and he immediately shouted angrily: "Withdraw!"

"withdraw troops!"

The Qin army got the general order and withdrew one after another. The lineup was orderly and there was no panic, leaving only corpses and messes all over the ground.

"His grandma's!" Cheng Yaojin couldn't help but throw down the battle ax in his hand, his whole body trembling with anger, this battle was too suffocating.

More than [-] soldiers were lost in this battle. General Pang Wanchun and Lu Jiong died in battle.

Looking at the miserable situation everywhere, Han Yi took a deep breath and shouted angrily: "Xun You!"

"Chen is here!"

"Carefully record the contributions of the generals, and count the casualties!" Han Yi gritted his teeth and said for a while: "Pang Wanchun has made great contributions, and he is ranked in the Yanyuan Pavilion. Incense offering!"

"I obey the order!" Xun You didn't dare to say much, so he could only agree. Everyone knew that Pang Wanchun was Han Yi's minister of the humerus, and even more so, the minister of the dragon. He was a general who came out of the mansion. Serving Han Yi's side, he has become a confidant for a long time. If he jumps out at this time, he is either a fool or a bastard.

"Pang Wanchun took the lead in being buried outside the emperor's mausoleum! Cut off Chen Ziyao's head and pay homage to the spirit of Wanchun in the sky!" Han Yi walked away with a cold look in his eyes. In anger.

Now the major event has been decided, and Chen Tang has also entered Yangdi, everything depends on the result, Yangdi has no water, no water, and the food is not cooked, it has already reached the situation of water and food shortage.

(End of this chapter)

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