Warring States Call

Chapter 1960 Chapter 1969: Chen Tang

Chapter 1960 one thousand 960 chapter nine Chen Tang

In Yangzhai City, the Qin army who had just retreated suffered heavy losses. The most distressing thing was Wang Ben. In order to save himself, his son had already explained where he was. The morale of the Qin army was also very low, not as high as it used to be.

Chen Tang entered Yangzhai City with ease. Wearing the armor of the Qin army, he glanced at the surrounding environment. There were wailing and crying for help everywhere. Many soldiers were thirsty and wanted water. Some were salvaged, and a bunch of bee chrysalis rushed up, and some even fought.

Chen Tang saw all of this. At the same time, he also noticed that some soldiers sat on the ground with patience, and seemed not in a hurry to grab water, but their chapped lips and longing eyes had completely betrayed them. They are just such a group of people, and they don't have the slightest intention of grabbing water.

Chen Tang came to the corner and looked at a Qin veteran curled up in the corner. He was seriously injured, old and weak, and had no energy to grab water. He could only swallow his saliva and looked at him enviously. The young man in front of him felt extremely bitter in his heart.

"Hey! Big brother! Here you are!" Chen Tang took out the kettle, shook the kettle inside, and said with a naive smile.

Seeing that it was a water bottle, the old soldier immediately snatched it up, opened the water bag, and poured it into his stomach regardless of 21. Smack your mouth, and said to Chen Tang in embarrassment: "I'm really sorry, I'm really thirsty! Thank you! Young man!"

Naturally, Chen Tang didn't care about the bag of water. He patted his buttocks and sat under the earth wall, leaning his back against the earth wall, wiped the blood from his face, and said in a friendly way: "Old man, I'm from Bashu, where are you from?" !"

"Hey!" Upon hearing this, the old soldier slapped his thigh and said, "I am from old Qin! My old daughter-in-law is from Bashu!"

With a black line on Chen Tang's forehead, he chatted with the old soldier, pointed at the group of soldiers sitting on the ground in front of him, and said, "Brother! Which general's soldier is this!"

"Oh!" The old soldier named You Yu stroked his gray beard and said, pointing at these people: "They call Liangdi soldiers! To put it bluntly, they are soldiers who surrendered at once, or more simply, they are cannon fodder on the battlefield!"

"They are so willing...!" Chen Tang asked stupidly, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Hey! You recruits, you just joined the army and don't understand anything except fighting. Let me tell you, there are many twists and turns here. I don't understand if I tell you. Thank you for the water. I will go Sleep for a while, there will be a big battle tomorrow, I hope you can survive!"

Yu Yu patted Chen Tang on the shoulder, hummed a tune, and happily returned to a place along the wind, spread out his armor, and went to sleep happily. Can't sleep.

Chen Tang greeted the old soldier a few times, looked at Cui Qianyou's surrendered soldiers, made friends with a few people, spent a few bags of water, and finally opened up the relationship and met Cui Qianyou.

In the dark tent
Cui Qianyou was looking at the military book, his heart was actually not calm, he was even a little hairy, and Meng Huaiyu strode into the tent outside the big tent, followed by Chen Tang, Meng Huaiyu stripped off his armor to cool himself down, and looked at Cui Qianyou Said: "Old Cui will introduce you to a talent!"

Cui Qianyou put down the bamboo slips in his hand, glanced at Meng Huaiyu, and looked at the young man behind him. He saw that this man was wearing ordinary Qin army soldier clothes, and he was quite thin, but his eyes were quite bright. Cui Qianyou knew that, This guy was sent by Wang Jian to monitor him. Since he surrendered, he has been targeted everywhere, leading the army alone, and Wang Jian has placed internal support everywhere in the army. This has caused Cui Qianyou to be constrained many times, but he can only swallow his anger and stay on the eaves I have to bow my head.

"Give him a position as a commander in the army at will!" Cui Qianyou didn't bother to talk to him.

"Hey! Old Cui... this!" Meng Huaiyu still wanted to say something nice for Chen Tang, but Cui Qianyou was already tired, and he put his hand on his forehead, looking very dignified.

"General!" Meng Huaiyu wanted to say more, but Cui Qianyou couldn't take it anymore, and waved his hand to signal the two to back down.

"General Cui! This time I want to give the general a great wealth, I don't know if the general is willing!" Chen Tang chuckled, and said to Meng Huaiyu beside him: "General Meng is grateful for the kindness of knowing you. Come down and let me speak to the general!"

"Okay!" Meng Huaiyu patted Chen Tang on the shoulder, without thanking him, he walked out of the military tent carelessly.

"Are you sent by the general?" Cui Ganyou seemed too lazy to be dumb, and directly expressed his opinion.

"No!" Chen Tang smiled indifferently, which made Cui Qianyou even more suspicious. He looked at Chen Tang, puzzled, and said, "Since it's not, then step back. Soldiers must obey orders."

"I was sent by the King of Han!" Chen Tang smiled, but Cui Ganyou's back felt chills, he suddenly raised his head, pulled out the sharp sword in his arms, with a dignified expression, and rushed to kill with the sword.

Chen Tang didn't force or hide, just looked at Cui Qianyou quietly like this, Cui Qianyou showed hesitation, stared at Chen Tang with tiger eyes, and then smiled sadly: "You go back and tell General Wang Jian, such temptation is unnecessary, I, Cui Qianyou Be loyal to Great Qin!"

"Hahahaha! You are still loyal!" Chen Tang laughed, staring at Cui Qianyou with his tiger eyes, avoiding his cold arrow against his throat, and said with a soft smile: "Such cautious! General Cui, it's really good for you to live here Is it as you wish?"

Chen Tang smiled and took out Han Yi's calligraphy from his bosom, put it on Cui Qianyou's sword, and said with a smile: "General Cui, take a good look, my king has already shown the greatest sincerity, the fame and fortune you want are all on it, this Isn't it more comfortable than your life in Qin?"

Cui Qianyou put down the cold arrow in his hand, and stared at the cloth with tiger eyes. The meaning on it was roughly to support the Han army to open the city. After the event was completed, Cui Qianyou was named King of Liang, with tens of thousands of households, and announced to the world that Cui Qianyou had always been Han Yi's person and was loyal. Geng Geng, has traveled to various places successively, just for Han Yi's great cause, he will be loved and loved by the people of the country...! "

Although such a name is false, it will definitely be written into the history books. Han Yi will not slap himself in the face. This kind of fame and fortune is too tempting, which makes people want to stop. In this endless quagmire, he couldn't extricate himself, but at this moment Cui Ganyou admitted that his heart was moved.

Although his own white piece will turn into a black piece, so what? Difficult.

"People live for a hundred years, and it is human nature to strive for fame and fortune. If you surrender to Qin, you will be a general in your life, but if you enter the king's command, then you will no longer be a general. You will become the king of Liang, and Sit on an equal footing with the King of Qin, even when I see you, I have to respectfully call you King, General Cui! Do you want to continue to live under others, or to gain wealth in this life?" Chen Tang came to the table with a smile, and looked at the Powdered rice, I put a mouthful into my mouth, took a mouthful, spit it out, and said mockingly, "Are you going to eat this now?"

Cui Qianyou frowned. There was no water in the barracks, and even the rice was not cooked well. Most soldiers in the barracks ate this. Wang Jian’s direct troops each received a bowl of rice noodles plus a bowl of water, while the soldiers in his own barracks only had rice noodles. There was no water, and I was so hungry that I ate it. There was no water, and some soldiers even died of thirst. The remaining soldiers were beaten forcibly for water, and the soldiers who had no choice but to drink urine. Such things happened one after another, and the soldiers below complained Four times, Wang Jian pressed hard again, Cui Qianyou was in a dilemma, he was not human at both ends, and it was extremely uncomfortable to be caught in the middle.

For a long time, Cui Qianyou looked at Chen Tang tremblingly, and said sharply, "What you said is true!"

"Of course it's true!" Chen Tang chuckled, patted the white powder on his hand, and said with a smile: "Three nights and three nights, open the city gate, the army opens the city gate, you are the king!"

Chen Tang finished speaking with a smile, and reminded him for a while: "Don't try to tell Wang Jian in vain, although Wang Jian's talent can kill a lot of soldiers, but you are still cannon fodder, and the 60 troops outside the city, relying on Wang Jian's 20 troops alone Wan Dajun, how many people do you think he can fight? The whole Yangdi is surrounded by three layers of inner and outer layers. Even if he can escape from Yangdi, but Wang Ye has General Han Xin's [-] troops in the battle, and it doesn't take half a month. It's hard to break through, how long do you think Wang Jian can survive without Yang Di's protection?"

"Hmm!" Cui Qianyou's throat choked up. To be honest, he did have this idea, but Chen Tang seemed to have given up on him. Cui Qianyou stared at Chen Tang coldly. He hated others threatening him the most in his life. Tiger eyes Staring at Chen Tang, the killing intent in his eyes became more and more serious.

"Want to kill me! Good idea!" Chen Tang stroked his beard, stared at Cui Qianyou indifferently, and smiled indifferently: "This will indeed prevent the news from spreading, but I can come in, but it doesn't mean that there is only one person. They spread rumors in the army, saying that you colluded with Han Yi. Based on what you have done before, do you think Wang Jian will believe you? No matter how good your explanation is, there must be a gap between you and Wang Jian, let alone the two of you There has always been a gap between people, and it is a gap that cannot be eliminated in a lifetime!"

Cui Ganyou's expression is very complicated, he is a smart person, but he doesn't want to be manipulated all the time, this is not what he wants to do.

"Let me remind you! The unification of the world is the general trend. Yingzheng doesn't have much capital anymore. You should think about whether to become the founding general or an unknown junior with no bones left." Put out a big seal and put it on Cui Qianyou's table, and said with a smile: "Liang Wang's big seal, Liang Wang! Foreign ministers leave!"

Chen Tang walked out of the big tent with a smile, and Cui Qianyou glanced at the cloth in his hand, which was still covered with the seal of the emperor, and was staring at the seal of the king of Liang on the table. , Cui Qianyou suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately shouted angrily: "General Meng Huaiyu!"

After leaving the big tent, Chen Tang really closed his eyes and meditated, while the scouts at the side came to Chen Tang's side and said, "General! Cui Qianyou secretly summoned the generals of the first Liang to go to the big tent!"

"En!" Chen Tang nodded, and then asked, "Is there any movement in Wang Jian's military tent?"


"Very good!" Chen Tang swallowed, and then said: "Always keep an eye on Cui Qianyou's big tent. If anyone comes in or out, report it in time. This is a matter of wealth and life. As long as we get out of the city alive, we will share the glory and wealth." !"

"This subordinate understands!" The scout saluted respectfully, his voice trembling and agitated, but he suppressed the uneasiness in his heart.

Chen Tang spent a long time with his lips and tongue, feeling a little dry, and wanted to drink water, but when he opened the water bag, he could only get a few drops of water. Only then did Chen Tang remember that his water was given to him by that old soldier Yu Yu When it was over, Chen Tang cursed secretly: "This old thing!"

In desperation, Chen Tang could only lie in the corner with his arms around him. This night was destined to be unsafe.

That night, Han Yi was sleepless all night, with his hands behind his back, looking up at the sky, with nostalgia in his eyes and a sad face. With many bones, Han Yi was a little tired and sleepy, but he had no choice but to keep going forward.

Han Yi looked at the sky, his hands behind his back, and his eyes were somewhat melancholy. The stars in the sky were very bright, but Han Yi's heart felt like he had eaten bitter melon.

three days later

According to the time agreed by Chen Tang, the hundreds of thousands of troops in the Han army began to stand in line and lined up in an orderly manner. As long as the city gate was opened, Wang Jian's 25 troops would be the turtle in the jar. Frying, cooking, boiling, frying, copying, and roasting Han Yi sits in charge.

The sky was getting dark quickly, and the lights flickered outside Yangzhai City. Wang Jian's 20 troops were exhausted in the city. For today, Han Yi deliberately attacked in three days. After midnight, everyone knew that the Han army had no intention of attacking, and began to rely on the corner of the city to rest. Who knows whether the Han army will continue to attack tomorrow.

At Baihumen, Cui Qianyou's [-] confidantes of the Liang Kingdom began to gather in the city. All the soldiers under his command wore white cloths on their heads, and one or two of them had murderous intent in their eyes. It seemed that the anger that had been pent up in their hearts for a long time finally broke out at this moment.

The general guarding the White Tiger Gate is Wang Jian's clan's son, named Wang Ling. Wang Ling, dressed in military armor, looked at Cui Qianyou's soldiers and horses that were constantly advancing. He said solemnly: "Who is coming! Stop quickly, or you will be killed without mercy!"

"Fire the arrow!" Meng Huaiyu yelled angrily, and tens of thousands of troops shot arrows in an instant, like eagles hitting the sky. Wang Ling was shocked, and he drew his sword as early as Meng Huaiyu shouted. Hit by three arrows, hitting the vital point, he said hysterically: "Cui Ganyou conspired to rebel, quickly... shout!"

(End of this chapter)

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